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Five passes by the starter


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What you are saying is the five plays we have now don't work, and we don't have enough protection to get the ball to a tight end in the middle, or any other player to try to loosen the linebackers up?

This is a line of crap. Stop drinking Ramon's punch out of whatever container your getting it out of and be a real journalist. If we can't block then who did a poor job recruiting offensive lineman. Tell me who the running back is we signed this year to replace J-Mo.

Tell me who hard working Ramon Flanigan has brought to the table, and why did Meager get playing time instead of Phillips. We were only down 21-3 and we came in with a new quarterback and ran the ball, instead of trying to throw it?

The first half was exciting, even inspiring. The second half made me want to puke.

It was like we were giving up.

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What you are saying is the five plays we have now don't work, and we don't have enough protection to get the ball to a tight end in the middle, or any other player to try to loosen the linebackers up?

This is a line of crap.  Stop drinking Ramon's punch out of whatever container your getting it out of and be a real journalist.  If we can't block then who did a poor job recruiting offensive lineman.  Tell me who the running back is we signed this year to replace J-Mo.

Tell me who hard working Ramon Flanigan has brought to the table, and why did Meager get playing time instead of Phillips.  We were only down 21-3 and we came in with a new quarterback and ran the ball, instead of trying to throw it?

The first half was exciting, even inspiring.  The second half made me want to puke.

It was like we were giving up.

Hey buddy, I think you need to cool it a little bit. You can feel free to disagree with me, but don't attack me for having a different opinion. I respect your right to your opinion, and you should respect mine, even if it isn't what you want to hear. Believe me, I'm not feeding you a company line, because there really is nothing for me to gain here. I'm not getting paid by anyone, and I have no real interest in what the Athletic Department thinks of me, short of doing something crazy that gets me banned from practices or games. Everything I do is done in my own time, on my own nickel; just as everything I write is done from my own perspective, based on what I see at practices and hear from players and coaches. Whether or not you believe me is your deal, but please make an attempt to be civil, ok?

Now, about your questions. Yes, I do believe the O-Line is what caused a lot of the problems on Saturday. I have already come out and said that the play balance was questionable at best, that fact is pretty clear to anyone. I also think that shaky O-Line play will make the best Offensive Coordinator look really really bad, just as a great O-Line will make an average OC a genius.

Did RF and DD get outcoached? Probably, especially as DD said it directly himself. But how good could they have looked when there were no holes for J-Mo and no protection for WW?

As for recruiting, I think we've pulled in some good O-Line prospects (Kelvin Drake, Ajani Banks, possibly Nick Foster before all is said and done), but there is certainly work to be done. I know you hate RF but in all fairness he isn't the only one recruiting. No one has been able to pull in the bookend tackle that we've sorely missed for the past few years. When you look at sheer numbers, I would agree that Ramon hasn't been pulling his weight... no one could reasonably argue otherwise. But that's not the complaint most often voiced about him: his playcalling is.

As for the running back, it will be a hard sell for a good RB to come in behind a young incumbent franchise type running back. Coming in this year, he would certainly have been sitting for a year or two before he even got a shot at the job. I think the transfer kid from Oklahoma State has got something, and I think we'll have a much better chance at landing someone this year, going into J-Mo's senior year, than we would have with him as a junior.

I have no idea why Meager got playing time instead of Phillips. It boggled my mind, really. I've already said that it looked like running up the white flag, and I thought the offense really looked like they took it as such. Even more so after the pick and the fumble. But to be honest, I think that was more a DD decision than Ramon's.

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Guest JohnDenver

... and be a real journalist.

Yo. He isn't a journalist. He is a fan that goes to a lot of practices. He doesn't need to show the "fact finding" ethics of a real journalist... he reports it the way he sees it. No problem with that.

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Guest JohnDenver

Another question that should be asked, and I am likely wrong, but didn't we hire the ARMY OL coach after they finished dead last in rushing for 4 straight years? During these years they went 0-12 at some point?

Why would DD bring that type of person onto staff for a running oriented offense?

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I have not really been able to watch the games as of yet but this makes since. If I am right though hasnt WW had alot of succes with bootleg passes? (the two or three maybe broken plays that he has bootleged on) isnt that what the Texas score was on?

As JD said earlier, I totally agree with the rollout pass, especially when couple with an option pitch, because that plays to Woody's strength. I would LOVE to see more of that.

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Yo. He isn't a journalist. He is a fan that goes to a lot of practices. He doesn't need to show the "fact finding" ethics of a real journalist... he reports it the way he sees it. No problem with that.

Yeah... I've had this conversation with Vito quite a few times. I know I'm not a "journalist," because, at the end of the day, I am not really beholden to anyone or anything but Harry and the dictates of what I have seen in my time around the team and around practices.

If someone is looking for the traditional stats and quotes based sports reporting, then Vito's your guy. No need to look around here for something that he does a real bang-up job of. Like I tell him, I write for a fan site, from a fan's perspective, with only as much professional polish as is required. Nothing more.

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Another question that should be asked, and I am likely wrong, but didn't we hire the ARMY OL coach after they finished dead last in rushing for 4 straight years? During these years they went 0-12 at some point?

Why would DD bring that type of person onto staff for a running oriented offense?

Why does DD do anything he does? Just as with so many other issues, logic seems to not be a factor in any decision that is made. Like I've said before, there is nothing in UNT football that can surprise me anymore. Except for consistency and sensible coaching.

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Another question that should be asked, and I am likely wrong, but didn't we hire the ARMY OL coach after they finished dead last in rushing for 4 straight years? During these years they went 0-12 at some point?

Why would DD bring that type of person onto staff for a running oriented offense?

The answer to that question is a RESOUNDING "YES!" From the day that hire was announced, I've been shaking my head. Army was a run-first offense when he was there as well...and it seems like they had an attrocious sack count to go along with it....really, a complete package of putridity.

That said, it's hard to gauge how much of our oline drop-off is due to graduation or coaching....he came in last year....the year after Brewster as I like to call it.....

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I do not hate Ramon Flanigan. In the world I live in my job relies on results. Results in my world are measured in profitability. It would seem that results in the college football world are also measurable.

#1 Recruiting class 108th

#2 Offensive Stats 118th

#3 Wins and losses (use the one you want, last year, OOC, lifetime)

It seems that 1 leads to 2 which results in 3.

In the real world people like me report to investors or "owners"

Who are the investors in this program? The board of regents? Alumni? People who donate a majority of the money?

I just want the results to speak, not excuses about lack of a new stadium. The stadium that I drove 4 hours for to watch a game in on Saturday night was a much bigger dump than ours. The Athletic director and presidents box was a little concrete area stuck in the middle of the student section. At our place they are air conditioned and out of the weather. They had new field turf just like us, but everything else, including the restrooms were run down. No Jumbotron for replays.

However, can you argue with Kragthorpes success? I say no. He recruits these kids to Tulsa and wins the dang Liberty Bowl last year. I dare say that they do not complain about facilities. They had an athletic center under construction in the endzone that was a fraction of the size of ours.

I quit, I am giving myself tired head. Back to the real world for 15 minutes untill I can't resist and click on again.

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Guest JohnDenver

They had new field turf just like us...

Negative. They had the old dumpy turf like the Fouts of old. wink.gif

On the whole, I liked their stadium. They put the opp fans on the fifty yard line behind our team. It was worth the $16. The restrooms where as bad as fouts. I didn't eat or drink anything there, but I assume the vendors were on par with Fouts.

The sight-lines were WAY better at TU.

I did notice that everyone smokes in OK.

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Guest JohnDenver

I stood on the field, it is brand new field turf.  I aked RV and he said that they installed it last year.  It is not exactly the same as ours, because the yarns in the carpet are a little finer.  But it is new.

I'd ask for my money back if I were TU. blink.gif Looked terrible.

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The pass we've GOT to start hitting is the 10-15 yard seam/skinny post to the Tight End.  Andy Blount made a career out of this route, and it really REALLY losened up the defense.

Andy Blount made his career out of run blocking from the wing/TE position. The .0788 passes that were thrown to him per game were either seem routes straight up the side or a short flag. See the first play of NT's posession in the '04 Colorado game for an example of that. I can't even recall but maybe one post thrown to him of course I could be wrong on that. Regardless of that factoid!, Just like Johnny's talent, his was also totally wasted as one of the sweetest set of pass catching hands we have ever had.

Blount was an incredible pass catcher and ran very well with the ball. He led the state in catches his senior year and I believe still ranks second overall in that cetegory. Given that, does anyone realize that Blount's freshman year he had something like 8 catches all year including a TD in the Bowl game? But for a while there he was something like 5 for 5 and hauled in every pass thrown to him yet we hardly ever threw to him regardless of how good he was. That's equivelent to giving Jamario the ball 12 times a game or something to that fact?(a complete guess).

I have yet to see us throw to a crossing reciever behind the LB's. I don't mean a post route, I mean the one that Tulsa kicked our asses on all night long last year. A crossing route in which one or two recievers cross either in front of or behind the LB's. We do not have that play in our book. Not one that I can ever recall. Mostly if anything is thrown behind the LB's it's on a skinny post like the one JQ caught from WW against SMU that he tucked down and caught in front of him while falling backwards for about 12 yards. The throw was low as I recall.

As I said before. People can dress this thing up all they want but the history, which I have witnessed in person, speaks for itself.

1999: North Texas: Rank 112th out of 114 teams.

2000: North Texas: Rank 113th out of 114 teams.

2001: North Texas: Rank 108th out of 115 teams

2002: North Texas: Rank 115th our of 117 teams

2003: North Texas: Rank 95th out of 117 teams

2004: North Texas: Rank 82nd our of 117 teams.

2005: North Texas: Rank 116th out of 119 teams.

2006: North Texas: Rank 118th out of 119 teams.


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Just checking to see if my memory serves me right.

I went back to our second most productive offensive year(Top 18 nationally ranked defense) in the past 8 3/12ths seasons, 2003.

Even though Blount had a yard-per-catch average of over 18 yards he only averaged 1.6 catches per game, and that was a good season for him.


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And if memory serves be right, DD took us to 4 straight bowls games with the same style of offense.

College football is about bowl games and rivalaries. So far this year we've won our rivalary game, now its time to take a shot LA Tech and then get ready for conference play. So quit your bitching and enjoy the season. And if your really so attached to what you see has coaching issues and can't enjoy the game; get help.

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And if memory serves be right, DD took us to 4 straight bowls games with the same style of offense. 

College football is about bowl games and rivalaries.  So far this year we've won our rivalary game, now its time to take a shot LA Tech and then get ready for conference play.  So quit your bitching and enjoy the season.  And if your really so attached to what you see has coaching issues and can't enjoy the game; get help.

The bowls were great, but where have they taken us? We are still on the outside looking in at the CUSA. Yeah, it was fun beating SMU, but you know who would make another great rivarly? Tulsa. But 80-5 doesn't really shout regional rivarly, does it? Another strike against us getting into CUSA. Another possible rivarly? La Tech. But you can stratch that, unless something drastic happens. So yeah, the bowls were fun, but they only meant anything to us. No one else in the college football world gave a crap. And guess what, UNT will still be irrelevant as long as we keep getting blown out in OOC games and can't get into a better conference. So if you really don't care about the celebration of mediocrity that is UNT football, then thanks a lot, people like you are why we are at best and afterthought in college football. Pardon us for wanting better.

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And if memory serves be right, DD took us to 4 straight bowls games with the same style of offense. 

College football is about bowl games and rivalaries.  So far this year we've won our rivalary game, now its time to take a shot LA Tech and then get ready for conference play.  So quit your bitching and enjoy the season.  And if your really so attached to what you see has coaching issues and can't enjoy the game; get help.

Pardon my impulse response on that one. I know better than to FEED THE TROLLS. Shame on me.


Edited by FirefightnRick
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And if memory serves be right, DD took us to 4 straight bowls games with the same style of offense. 

College football is about bowl games and rivalaries.  So far this year we've won our rivalary game, now its time to take a shot LA Tech and then get ready for conference play.  So quit your bitching and enjoy the season.  And if your really so attached to what you see has coaching issues and can't enjoy the game; get help.

Jerry Moore coached here in 79 and 80. His total record here was 11-11. He didn't take us to any bowl games and his biggest win in those two years was 29-10 over Memphis. Texas Tech hired him away from us to be their head coach.

DD has a 25 conference win streak and four bowl appearances. Who has tried to hire DD away from us? dry.gif

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And guess what, UNT will still be irrelevant as long as we keep getting blown out in OOC games and can't get into a better conference. So if you really don't care about the celebration of mediocrity that is UNT football, then thanks a lot, people like you are why we are at best and afterthought in college football. Pardon us for wanting better.

Heck, I'm to the point now that moving to a better conference is on the backburner. As is a new stadium. We need to fix what we have. That is, start winning the OOC games, being competitive against top BCS competition, and winning the SBC. I'm talking NT becoming top dog every year with an exciting brand of football. Right now and for the past eight years, it's just not getting done.

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Heck, I'm to the point now that moving to a better conference is on the backburner.  As is a new stadium.  We need to fix what we have.  That is, start winning the OOC games, being competitive against top BCS competition, and winning the SBC.  I'm talking NT becoming top dog every year with an exciting brand of football.  Right now and for the past eight years, it's just not getting done.

Amen, The horse goes before the cart.

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