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38-17 may be pushing it.  Their defense will struggle against our rushing attack and our defense will struggle against their passing.

I say 32-31 NT late FG puts us over the top.

Do we really expect to struggle with their passing? I know they have an experienced QB but there sure has been a lot of talk about this being the best group of DB's we've had in some time and having seen the DB's we had playing Cincy I think that says mucho. (Of course we had Booger apllying pressure to Gino when he was throwing too but none the less...)

Why do you think our secondary will struggle so?

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38-17 may be pushing it.  Their defense will struggle against our rushing attack and our defense will struggle against their passing.

I say 32-31 NT late FG puts us over the top.

Do we really think we are so much better than last year? I know we are all excited coming off the SMU win, but lets face it. Tulsa kicked our butts last year. I think we will have a hard time pulling out the win. Tulsa is a much better team than SMU. I hope for the best and know our boys will be working their tails off, but I can't forget about the beat'n they put on us in our house last year.

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And thus begins the "Woody Wilson" era of NT football. I think we have found something special in this kid. Of course he will make some mistakes, but we've already seen the upside.

NT - 27

Tulsa - 24

Game is won with 10 seconds left on the clock... a 37 yard kick from Nick Bazaldua!!!!! (Okay, I know he's gone... but some habits are hard to break)

GMG!!! smile.gif

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Tulsa 34

NT 14

We beat a very bad SMU last week. We can't all of the sudden think that we will run the table and go bowling now. We are 1-1 and have a long season in front of us. El Presidente looked good last week but he will have some growing pains as the season progresses. Tulsa clobbered us by 52 points AT HOME last year. We still have O-Line issues and although the db's are athletic, they are very young. I hope we beat Tulsa but I just don't see it.


Beat Tulsa!!!

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We could and should have kept the Tulsa game closer last year. Go back and watch it. Some stupid stuff happened just before halftime and the game snowballed from there. They maybe should have put 35 points on us. We collapsed and they took advantage of that. This years team is much better, with a much improved defense (including DBs though I dont think they are as good as when we had knowlton and buckles) but I still don't think our CBs are up to par. If you watch the SMU game there were a couple times Green got burned hard and SMU failed to take advantage of that. Tulsa is a much better passing team and I expect they will take advantage of Green.

Tulsa on the other hand gave up a ton of yards against BYUs RBs and I know it may be a stretch (insert sarcasm) to say J-Mo is better than BYUs RBs but I think he is not to mention what WW can do with his feet. This will give us the ability to chew up the clock and make them have to score fast meaning we will be able to sit back a little more and keep more in pass coverage hopefully keeping it somewhat in check.

I really think the key matchups in this game will be our rushing vs their D and their passing vs our D. We seemed pretty solid against SMUs rushing attack though it was a bit questionable in the first quarter.

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With El Presidente and an improved defense, I expect the game to be a lot closer than last year. However, Tulsa won CUSA last year and returns most of their players (except for their All-World TE). If, and that's a big IF, the running game can get off the ground early NT has a damn good shot at winning. I'm just not quite sure how Tulsa's D will react to WW after preparing for him all week.

This will be a true test for NT & El presidente. I'm confident our D will be lights out again. The season's still young and SMU just flat out stinks.

My prediciton:

Tulsa - 27

NT - 20


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One thing that sticks out in my mind about the game last year was how big both of Tulsa's lines looked compared to ours. As it is with most football games, this game will come down to who wins the battle on the line. Woody will help to stretch the defense some and maybe prevent Tulsa from stacking the line as much as they might, but if our O-line can't open some holes for Jamario then it will be very hard for our offense to get on track. Likewise, if our D-line can stuff the run and get pressure on the QB, then they will set themselves up to suceed. This isn't groundbreaking by any means, but the lines is where most football games are won and lost. With DD's style of coaching, line play is even more important.

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