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Game Thoughts

Mad Hatter

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I'm back from the game. Kind of disappointed we didn't have a sell out, but the Student side was packed and they didn't sit the entire game.

I REALLY expected more SMU fans to show. I've seen Arkansas State bring more people.

Why does their band dress like Mr. Peppermint?

Huge fan of Woody! (Can I say that?.......sounds wrong.)

Quinn was money tonight....guess the broken hand isn't bothering him. It was also good to see J-Mo get some yards late in the game. Finally a team was thinking we might pass, and when they weren't worried about that, they were worried about our QB making a play. I Like Woody! (Nope - Can't say it without giggling.)

Why aren't there fans in the rest rooms? Why aren't there trash cans in the Jr. Mean Green Zone?

I had both my girls there in their Mean Green cheer leading outfits, and they were really excited about being there. Then they got to high-5 some of the players in the tunnel and they thought they were really special. All in all it was a good family experience.

Why don't the Budweiser folks ever bring enough free beer for those listening to Beerman? There were a couple SMU guys getting beer, and I overheard a NT student say "What are you doing getting our free beer? Don't you have enough money to buy your own?" It was pretty funny.

I'm still worried about next week against Tulsa, but I feel better about it than I did this morning.

Any other experiences?

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Why does their band dress like Mr. Peppermint?

I dont know what the Hell that was, but I laughed.

And after watching SMU's dancers and watching ours ( you know you watch them too ), I've decided that our dancers dance for seduction points and SMU's dance for stylistic points. Of course I liked ours more.

Edited by SeanMG
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I dont know what the Hell that was, but I laughed.

There were a few where's waldo comments when they first came out that almost made me fall off the bleacher I was standing on...

This was by far the most fun I have had at a game. It made me so happy and proud that the students never sat. I can honestly say that this is the first game that I have ever seen that happen. The Baylor wooping was fun, but the fans were never more into it in the last 4 years than at this game.

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At the risk of showing my age, Mr. Peppermint was a locally-produced kids show on Channel 8 from the 1960s. I don't know when it ended. He wore a straw hat and a pink and white striped coat. And yes, the SMU band did look like him.

Its ok it doesn't show your age I watched him growing up in the late 80s and early 90s. I think he retired some time around 96 or 97.

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There were a few where's waldo comments when they first came out that almost made me fall off the bleacher I was standing on...

This was by far the most fun I have had at a game.  It made me so happy and proud that the students never sat.  I can honestly say that this is the first game that I have ever seen that happen.  The Baylor wooping was fun, but the fans were never more into it in the last 4 years than at this game.

Completely agree. Not the numbers of the Baylor game, but the spirit was way higher. Our section of seats actually couldnt sit down because it was too packed.

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Their band looked wierd in the barbershop attire.

Student section stood the entire game!!

All I know is when Woody scampered for a 33 yd TD, he cut across the field and turned on the JETS!!! Man, I was pumped!!. The student section busted out in a "WOODY!WOODY!WOODY!" Cheer!!


Edited by Got5onIt
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Its ok it doesn't show your age I watched him growing up in the late 80s and early 90s.  I think he retired some time around 96 or 97.

It was on WFAA. Mr. Peppermint is Gibby Haynes father. Gibby is in the band the Butthole Surfers. Back in the day when Pearl Jam played the Super Pit, 94-95, The Butthole Surfers opened for them.

In actuallity I think Mr. Peppermint retired around 2000-2002. Either way SMU's band dresses just like him.

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Why does their band dress like Mr. Peppermint?

My wife, who worked in Hong Kong for thirteen years, said the SMU band looked like Hong Kong McDonalds employees. Apparently, they dress in similar attire. That was too funny to me considering we were talking about S-M-U, where most students/alumni wouldn't be caught dead in a McDonalds uniform.

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I dont know what the Hell that was, but I laughed.

And after watching SMU's dancers and watching ours ( you know you watch them too ), I've decided that our dancers dance for seduction points and SMU's dance for stylistic points.  Of course I liked ours more.

We all said the same damn thing in our section. Funny as hell. I then said "That must be their sidekick "Muffin" twirling the baton biggrin.gif


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Absolutely wonderful game experience. I sat the first half on the student side and had a great time, then I sat on the alum side and had a great time. I am thankful to be a Mean Green fan.

I was a little disappointed with the attendance of Mean Green fans, was thinking more Baylor-sized.

I was very disappointed with SMU attendance. Why so low?

I was embarrassed for SMU when the band came out.

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FFRick, great work on the carrige, I hope to learn more about it next time.

Great crowd at the tower after the game. In my day, a turn out like that was a dream. I'm impressed the Talons continue the Boom-a-laka tradition. Fun.

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Beat Tulsa.

Edited by AustinTalon
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Great game. I'm glad that Woody got into the game before it was too late. He really showed he has what it takes to play at this level if he just gets a chance. He has the potential to be a special player.

The officials had no clue when it came to personal foul penalties. Our guys need to be less demonstrative when they do something good, but geez, let them have emotion out there. What pissed me off the most was they would call one of those and then called nothing when the SMU player body slammed our guy after that SMU reception and seeming fumble play was supposedly over. No whistle was blown that I heard, so our guy did what he has been told to do since pee-wee; keep playing. So the ball was either ours or there should have been a personal foul on SMU. Anyways.

Defense played great. It was very encouraging to see that. There were some really big hits, which was great to see. Brought back memories of when the defense was great and just punishing people. Last season there was not much of that, and the tackling was not that great. Same goes for last week. Last night gives me hope. SMU's getting 5-7 yards on seemingly every run on 1st and 2nd down in the first half was worrisome though. But overall, I think this unit has a chance to become very good as the season goes on if they can keep progressing.

If Jamario gets room to make a move he will do great things. But when he's hit either before or when he gets to the line of scrimmage, there isn't a lot that he, or anyone else, can do. It was good to see him get a little room in the 4th.

There was some great things and some very bad things on special teams. The blocked punt, the big hit on the ball that the SMU should have fair caught, and the deep kickoffs were excellent. The poor kickoff coverage was not excellent.

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Guest JohnDenver

You know what I realize this morning? I realize that when we were a good team, I followed the SBC and read up on the other teams. Last year I didn't do any of that, since we had so many problems with our team, I couldn't get the energy to read up on the rest of the league.

Lastnight I recaptured that feeling ... It reminded me of a time when we didn't have to worry as much and could enjoy the game. Thanks Woody!

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The SMU band unis do look strange in today's environment, but I believe they are following TRADITION. Way back, before they were "the best-dressed band in the land" they were known as "49 guys and a doll".

I don't find their appearance particularly appealing, but I'm not an SMU fan. I would like to give them credit for upholding a longtime tradition...we could take note of that and try to hang onto and continue to build our own.

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Well said, EagleMBA, and we could begin by deciding on a color of green. Did you look around? It was "pick your favorite shade." I hate toothpaste green...they've even painted the bathroom doors with it. That said, I'll quit griping. It was a terrific game day experience, and all in all I couldn't be prouder to be MEAN green.

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Why does their band dress like Mr. Peppermint?

A quick history on that - they dont' wear that every game, they have a schtick where they wear two different uniform combos per game, and dont' repeat them all season. I believe they have coats in red, blue, and the candystripe you saw, those same colors in vests, blue pants, white pants, several bowties and regular long ties, and they may have a couple different color shirts, not sure. I think the candystripe is a tradition thing - a nod to the past when it wasn't quite so bizarre. They usually only wear that once per season.

On a more important note - great game, UNT, despite the fact I want to kill myself.

You have actually done us a great service - our new AD now has a good excuse to fire our coach and bring in a big name coach as he has done in basketball with Doherty.

It was refreshing to go to a game with some classy fans, unlike the filth at Texas Tech. I hope we can continue the series in the future starting whenever we are good enough to win.

Oh, and don't take the "UNT grads mow our lawns" stuff too seriously - for most of is it is just playing along with the "SMU is full of snobby rich people!!!!" attacks we receive from everyone else. When you have 20 years of pathetic football you need something to keep you from just walking away and giving up.

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