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Dissapointed in the Talons


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I've been pretty disappointed in the Talons for awhile. From what I hear...the former Talons do more to promote Mean Green athletics then the current ones do.

When I was there, it was more about the intra-group social events than their commitment to NT spirit. I don't think it's changed much.

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When I was there, it was more about the intra-group social events than their commitment to NT spirit. I don't think it's changed much.

When I was there (1997-2000), Talons was a little frigthening due to their rabid, devoted promoting of UNT athletics. Emmitt did a helluva job, as that's what a spirit organization should be like.

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When I was there (1997-2000), Talons was a little frigthening due to their rabid, devoted promoting of UNT athletics.

Ha! Those were my years of providing "a continuous atmosphere of sprit and service." Folks who may have a less than favorable opinion of said organization should remember that with every new semester is an opportunity for new blood.

Can anyone fill us on how involved Talons has been in freshman orientation? Those were fun times in my day! I'm curious if the SMU game was heavily promoted over the summer to the droves of untainted minds.

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The organization went to hell after you left, Emmitt.

Little know fact: the organization was knows as "Emmitt and the Talons" during the late 90's and early '00. It was was made up of Emmitt, the old guy, a blonde skinny white guy with a tape worm, a philippino guy, a tiny girl with big balls, a yankee cowboy, a weird kid from Waco, and many others equally "unique".

I think time has made our effors more glorified than they really were, but I won't complain.

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Little know fact: the organization was knows as "Emmitt and the Talons" during the late 90's and early '00. It was was made up of Emmitt, the old guy, a blonde skinny white guy with a tape worm, a philippino guy, a tiny girl with big balls, a yankee cowboy, a weird kid from Waco, and many others equally "unique".

I think time has made our effors more glorified than they really were, but I won't complain.


I really do think history has been overly kind to us.

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To be honest, I'm surprised we weren't given game posters to put up in the dorms and other buildings like we were last year. For all I know, RHA has signs in the dorms and table tents in the cafeterias promoting the games. If anyone lives in the dorms, I'd love to hear if there are. I also figured we would be throwing out shirts and whatnot at FN@CP, but after asking if we were, I was told we're more likely to be used for setup and teardown.

Chris, Talons is heavily involved in Freshman Orientation. The "toys," as Emmitt calls them, are right outside the doors behind our table at the Activities Mart. At the Get Connected! sessions, it's us, the StuCo president and vice president, and a handful of JV cheerleaders. Between each segment, we're running out and throwing t-shirts and foam Talons-promoting footballs into the crowd of crazed incoming freshmen. We're the last segment, when they show the Dave Barnett-narrated Traditions video and we lead them in learning the Fight Song and Glory to the Green. Then we judge their yelling contests. We're highly visible, and we probably get more interest during GC! than we do during the Activities Mart. We do need a new video with the current logos, though.

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Yeah I was in school at that time doing my bachelors and now with my MBA, and I dont even know if Talons exists anymore....

They kind of keep to themselves, I remember when Emmitt was a part of it and it was filled with traditions and student support when our football prgram was floundering....

I walked through campus earlier this week and saw all the sidewalks painted with

RIP Albino Squirrel- A true friend....

So yeah....

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Yeah I was in school at that time doing my bachelors and now with my MBA, and I dont even know if Talons exists anymore....

They kind of keep to themselves, I remember when Emmitt was a part of it and it was filled with traditions and student support when our football prgram was floundering....

I walked through campus earlier this week and saw all the sidewalks painted with

RIP Albino Squirrel- A true friend....

So yeah....


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To be honest, I'm surprised we weren't given game posters to put up in the dorms and other buildings like we were last year. For all I know, RHA has signs in the dorms and table tents in the cafeterias promoting the games. If anyone lives in the dorms, I'd love to hear if there are. I also figured we would be throwing out shirts and whatnot at FN@CP, but after asking if we were, I was told we're more likely to be used for setup and teardown.

Ok, I lied. Tongue biting never was my forte anyway...right Courtland? tongue.gif

If you had to be "surprised we weren't given game posters" or have to begin a sentence about spirit promotion with "for all I know" then you are FAILING. It's called pro-activity. You should know exactly what is being done to promote this game because you should have been on the ball weeks ago. If you're just now trying to gather some intel so that you can sheepishly defend yourself on the board then it is already too late. And since when was the Talons organization "given" posters to promote a game? Make them! Hell, we had table tents and door hangers made back BEFORE we were spoon fed $10,000 in student service fees. Think about that...no having to raise the money just having to raise your ass up off the couch.

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Ok, I lied.  Tongue biting never was my forte anyway...right Courtland?  :P

If you had to be "surprised we weren't given game posters" or have to begin a sentence about spirit promotion with "for all I know" then you are FAILING.  It's called pro-activity.  You should know exactly what is being done to promote this game because you should have been on the ball weeks ago.  If you're just now trying to gather some intel so that you can sheepishly defend yourself on the board then it is already too late.  And since when was the Talons organization "given" posters to promote a game?  Make them!  Hell, we had table tents and door hangers made back BEFORE we were spoon fed $10,000 in student service fees.  Think about that...no having to raise the money just having to raise your ass up off the couch.

*Takes Crest and shirt off, regardless of being on the job all the time*

Hey, Emmitt, I have a question. Do you just berate whoever you come across, or do you actually try to help? I mean, you sit there and tell anyone who will listen or read that Talons is a pale imitation of what you had years ago, yet not once have you actually come up with a solution other than a coup. Come on. No one can tell which leadership you're up in arms over, but it seems to be what came right after you. That leadership is gone, and has been for at least a year and a half. If you want to be all pissed off at the current leadership, how about you know who they are first? You might want to introduce yourself first, because NO ONE knows who you are. Ok, I lie. Maybe 3 or 4 know of you. To everyone else, you're just some random guy that used to do your little "settle down" jive at men's basketball games. They don't even know you're a Talon alum. There's no mention of you in the pledge book. People know who Rick is, because he's a tremendous help to us, and people would listen to him. I'd tell people to listen to Jody because of his help last bonfire and his wanting to liase with us. You, not so much. Like we said the last time things spiralled out of hand, how about you try to help? If things were so great during your time, why not share your secrets of success with the rest of us? The current leadership is taking on the alumni communications instead of one committee, so I'm sure they'd be at least willing to listen. The meetings have been Wednesday evening for how long now? The leadership's email addresses have been on the website for how long? Seriously, man. As the saying goes, either put up or shut up. Either offer help to an organization that you think is floundering on the shore because the tide rolled out or just keep it to yourself. Whoever you think needs to hear what you say doesn't come here, and it really doesn't belong here either.

*Puts Crest and shirt back on.*

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There's no mention of you in the pledge book.

There's the whole problem. There needs to be a whole damn chapter about Emmitt. You all would learn a lot. Really. There should also be a picture of Emmitt on a white stallion, pointing his troops into battle with Lera on a chariot in the background filing her nails or some girly crap like that. And lighthing. Have lightning in the background.

Is anyone else glad that the Talons are getting mad? One, it makes great reading on the board. I got pumped when I saw Emmitt take off the gloves. Second, there will now be about a three week stretch where Talons do the things they should do all the time anyway to stick it to the naysayers. Whatever works.

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Hey, Emmitt, I have a question. Do you just berate whoever you come across, or do you actually try to help? I mean, you sit there and tell anyone who will listen or read that Talons is a pale imitation of what you had years ago, yet not once have you actually come up with a solution other than a coup.

He has. Last year, or maybe the year before, Emmit said enough is enough; and he went and gathered posters (season schedules) and walked the city of Denton putting them up in local shops. This was after he had graduated, and he got other GMG.com posters to help.

So yeah, he does help.

(in one week I have to defend FFR and Emmitt's loyalty as fans. What in the hell is going on?)

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Yeah, can't say I was happy to hear about the alumni voting rights taken away. dry.gif Emmitt being my best friend we usually agreed in principle on what Talons should do, just not always in the way it was handled.

This he said/she said, are they doing enough/quit bitching at us - current discourse seems to demonstrate this. Emmitt's a leader. Seriously, he's the kind of guy who walks into a room and people gravitate towards. I saw him take over a meeting as a PLEDGE for crying out loud. He'd make a great general if he were in the military.

What Emmitt has never been as good at is diplomacy. It's his way or the highway. And he'll give you a not so gentle *push* towards the highway in hopes that you'll get run over by an 18 wheeler. wink.gif

That is not always the best way to motivate people. It sounds like maybe Talons needs a kick in the pants right now, but it appears Bryan wants to be worked with as a fellow Talon instead of preached to by a holier than thou alumni. Lest we forget early in our day all we heard was old timers tell US how Talons wasn't as good as it used to be- because it did happen circa 97-98ish.

Just my 2 cents.

(Once again showing how EJ and I worked well as a team. He'd piss people off and I'd soothe the ruffled feathers and make sure they did what he wanted them to, LOL)

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*Takes Crest and shirt off, regardless of being on the job all the time*

Hey, Emmitt, I have a question.  Do you just berate whoever you come across, or do you actually try to help?  I mean, you sit there and tell anyone who will listen or read that Talons is a pale imitation of what you had years ago, yet not once have you actually come up with a solution other than a coup.  Come on.  No one can tell which leadership you're up in arms over, but it seems to be what came right after you.  That leadership is gone, and has been for at least a year and a half.  If you want to be all pissed off at the current leadership, how about you know who they are first?  You might want to introduce yourself first, because NO ONE knows who you are.  Ok, I lie.  Maybe 3 or 4 know of you.  To everyone else, you're just some random guy that used to do your little "settle down" jive at men's basketball games.  They don't even know you're a Talon alum.  There's no mention of you in the pledge book.  People know who Rick is, because he's a tremendous help to us, and people would listen to him.  I'd tell people to listen to Jody because of his help last bonfire and his wanting to liase with us.  You, not so much.  Like we said the last time things spiralled out of hand, how about you try to help?  If things were so great during your time, why not share your secrets of success with the rest of us?  The current leadership is taking on the alumni communications instead of one committee, so I'm sure they'd be at least willing to listen.  The meetings have been Wednesday evening for how long now?  The leadership's email addresses have been on the website for how long?  Seriously, man.  As the saying goes, either put up or shut up.  Either offer help to an organization that you think is floundering on the shore because the tide rolled out or just keep it to yourself.  Whoever you think needs to hear what you say doesn't come here, and it really doesn't belong here either.

*Puts Crest and shirt back on.*

Let me make this real simple for you then. My email address is mindhunter2@hotmail.com My phone number is (214)862-3486, or you can just send me a PM. You and the rest of your exec pick a Wednesday when you would like for me to be there. You may want to be sure you're all in the mood to hear some criticism that week in person, as well as a myriad of ideas on how you could actually improve. I dish out the good AND the bad. I'll be waiting with much anticipation for you.

Oh, and another thing, have you noticed that every time Talons is taken to task it's somebody else...usually someone far removed from the organization...who does it? You accuse me of trying to " tell anyone who will listen or read that Talons is a pale imitation of what you had years ago" yet I don't even need to say it. EVERY person who has responded to this thread has said it for me! So, before you try to act like I'm the grizzled retiree far removed from my glory days and just trying to grasp onto what sliver of light there is left remember something. My generation has nothing to prove to you, our actions have spoken for themselves long before you came along and rode the coat tails of our efforts.

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What Emmitt has never been as good at is diplomacy.  It's his way or the highway.

More flies with honey than vinegar...

Seriously, lighten up. Sounds like ya'll hate Talons more than SMU.

I also remember Emmitt mentioning that he just needed to be asked to make it to the Talons meeting and he would.

Didn't think god's gift to North Texas had to be asked...

So, I guess it would be good to update the Pledge/new member book to label events either BEE (before Emmitt era) or AEE (after Emmitt era).

Just kidding folks, I've known Emmitt since he was a pledge/new member to Talons. I've also known many other folks in Talons that have busted their beind to make things happen that never get recognition or thanks. Folks who made sure cannon crew was there, folks who rebuild the Model-A, folks who found opportunity at freshman-o, folks who kept bonfire going, folks who genuinely loved North Texas and put their hearts into what tasks they could.

I'm sure there have been some bad apples too. Remember, it's a volunteer effort, and not everyone who volunteers is there for the right reason.

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