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The Band looked like crap


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Did anyone who went to Austin notice the following about our band?

"The pride of North Texas"

1. Were in t-shirts

2. The t-shirt had a bull on the back (we were playing the longhorns)

3. All wore black socks and shoes

4. All wore a diffrent color and style of shorts.

5. Played music that is unknown to the common football fan.

6. Did not sound all that great.

I am by no means a band expert or fan for that matter so it may have just been the heat that had me in a foul mood by halftime. But overall apperance of the band was crappy and the sounded horrible.

Next time if they are going look and sound like that I wish they would not travel. I am not saying that in 100+ heat that they should not be in shorts but at least get the same shorts for the band, it is called a uniform.

By the way UT was wearing the same shorts and a polo styled shirt with their white socks pulled all the way up so they looked silly as well but at least they matched.

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The Sunday Morning Austin American Statesman had a list of things that were good and things that were bad about the game Saturday. Listed in the bad column was the fact that the NT Band wore black socks. The article chided the band by reminding them that one should wear white until after Labor Day.

I have no problem with the Band wearing shorts on such a hot day, but I agree with "54" as to the shorts matching. The Longhorn Band wore shorts as well, but they wore the requisite "burnt orange" t-shirt. The NT band chose white. Most schools use white as an alternate color, but only a select few get to use Green. Our Band should have been in Green Ts.

I was sorry to see 3 members of the Green Brigade cheering when Texas scored and giving it the "hook 'em" hand gesture. I wish those students could have gone to school where their heart wanted to go.

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The Sunday Morning Austin American Statesman had a list of things that were good and things that were bad about the game Saturday.  Listed in the bad column was the fact that the NT Band wore black socks.  The article chided the band by reminding them that one should wear white until after Labor Day.

I have no problem with the Band wearing shorts on such a hot day, but I agree with "54" as to the shorts matching.  The Longhorn Band wore shorts as well, but they wore the requisite "burnt orange" t-shirt.  The NT band chose white.  Most schools use white as an alternate color, but only a select few get to use Green.  Our Band should have been in Green Ts.

I was sorry to see 3 members of the Green Brigade cheering when Texas scored and giving it the "hook 'em" hand gesture. I wish those students could have gone to school where their heart wanted to go.

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I was sitting right next to the band. In fact I was sitting so close that I couldn't see what all of the band was doing. Had I seen the above described behavior, I would have gone over and said something to them, as well as the director of the band. That is unacceptable behavior. mad.gif

I was pleased to see that the Band was wearing shorts, but I was somewhat dismayed to see that they obviously had to fend for themselves and provide their own. Naturally that resulted in a less than consistent look amongst the band members. I too would have preferred that they had worn green t-shirts.

Also, if I had known that they were going to wear shorts and t-shirts, I would have proposed a gomeangreen fund raising event to buy them baseball caps to wear.

This is just another sad example of the funding differences between UT and UNT. Our band deserves much better than this.

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Just for fun to play devil's advocate and only devil's advocate!

What if they had a brother, cousin, boy-friend playing for UT?

And I still wouldn't be happy otherwise burn them down.

They are there representing North Texas. I'm not in the band, and I wouldn't cheer for UT if my mother was playing for them. Again, those members should be identified and removed from the band.

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If someone wants to foot the bill to fit the band with matching shorts and hats, then fork over the money. Until then, the shorts won't match and the hats won't be uniformed. UT's band budget is quite a bit higher than ours. So we cannot be compared to them.

I thought maybe this year people won't have anything to bitch about with the Green Brigade, but what was I even thinking that this year was going to be any different? Ok, the three members that were cheering for UT should be reprimanded. Bad choice on their part. But it is infuriating that instead of giving the band director any sort of piece of advice or input, people come here to complain. NEWS FLASH: If you want better music or the band wearing white socks (not that this should EVEN be an issue), then give constructive criticism to the band director. That is the ONLY way to get things changed.

I am going to get off now before I say things that I shouldn't.

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Will the band be in full uniform and look SHARP for our biggest game in the last few years?

I was not in Austin and did not see any shots of them on TV; however, I have seen bands in general that do not match and look sloppy.

A sharp dressed band with spirit can truly add to the gameday atmosphere. I can state this having been a band member in a former life.


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If someone wants to foot the bill to fit the band with matching shorts and hats, then fork over the money.  Until then, the shorts won't match and the hats won't be uniformed.  UT's band budget is quite a bit higher than ours.  So we cannot be compared to them. 

I thought maybe this year people won't have anything to bitch about with the Green Brigade, but what was I even thinking that this year was going to be any different?  Ok, the three members that were cheering for UT should be reprimanded.  Bad choice on their part.  But it is infuriating that instead of giving the band director any sort of piece of advice or input, people come here to complain.  NEWS FLASH: If you want better music or the band wearing white socks (not that this should EVEN be an issue), then give constructive criticism to the band director.  That is the ONLY way to get things changed.

I am going to get off now before I say things that I shouldn't.

Hehehe... GET EM, DEB!!!!!!!!

GMG!!! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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Not one of the fashion police, but if this is an issue start a campaign to secure better alternate uniform atire. I do however think that being the band travel is paid for out of the athletic budget, it would be perfectly ok; in fact it should be mandated that any band member openingly supporting the other team should be shown the door. Would it be any different if NT had cheerleaders yelling for the other team?

Edited by GrandGreen
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Will the band be in full uniform and look SHARP for our biggest game in the last few years? 

I was not in Austin and did not see any shots of them on TV; however, I have seen bands in general that do not match and look sloppy. 

A sharp dressed band with spirit can truly add to the gameday atmosphere.  I can state this having been a band member in a former life.


I assume that if this nice weather continues into Saturday, then I'm sure the band will be in their "sharp" mostly black uni's.

As I said above, I was pleased that the band made the decision to go casual at the UT game. If they had even tried to wear those (mostly) black uni's they would have all died of a heat stroke.

I think that the band made a great effort to promote spirit. I'm just very sorry that they had to cobble together their own casual uni's for the game. If they need to go casual in future games, I hope they can advise us in a timely manner so that we can look at some sort of fund raising to help them look more consistent.

Again, the (alleged) behavior of the three band members is unacceptable. If I had seen it myself, I might have gone over and given them my best "Seth Bullock" look.

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If they don't get kicked out of school first, I say kick those three morons off the squad. mad.gif I don't care if their husband or brother just scored a touchdown, there is no excuse for flashing a hook em horns sign. Based on the fact that they could not get into the school of their choice, they are obviously admitting to being less than intelligent. They probably just slipped in at North Texas on probationary status.

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Guest JohnDenver

I think it is fair game to complain about the "Green Brigade" not wearing an inch of green -- just like it was valid to complain when the flag core used purple flags when we played TCU.

It is also valid to note that the dance team wore all black.

It just looked strange.. the UT people with me commented on all that business as well. My friend's brother (who we met up with later) commented on how terrible the band looked as well. Two seperate conversations on the same day about the same topic.

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Were the band members wearing all different types and colors of shorts? If so, wouldn't it have been pretty easy and logical to have them all wear khaki colored shorts? I mean, I was in band in middle school and we all seemed to be able to do that without too much trouble.

As for the band members cheering for UT and showing the hook'em sign... kick them out of the band.

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If someone wants to foot the bill to fit the band with matching shorts and hats, then fork over the money.  Until then, the shorts won't match and the hats won't be uniformed.  UT's band budget is quite a bit higher than ours.  So we cannot be compared to them. 

I thought maybe this year people won't have anything to bitch about with the Green Brigade, but what was I even thinking that this year was going to be any different?  Ok, the three members that were cheering for UT should be reprimanded.  Bad choice on their part.  But it is infuriating that instead of giving the band director any sort of piece of advice or input, people come here to complain.  NEWS FLASH: If you want better music or the band wearing white socks (not that this should EVEN be an issue), then give constructive criticism to the band director.  That is the ONLY way to get things changed.

I am going to get off now before I say things that I shouldn't.


I got to say that over the years that I have read your posts, this has to be one of the most assertives statements from you. All I can say is "you tell them girl"

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I just want to say that I thought the band did amazing - in the stands. The drumline was astounding. The UT band had nothing on our band in the stands.

On the field - the Green Brigade is average to below average. Make an N - Make a T.......something. Entertain me. Much like their football couterparts, on the field they got destroyed by UT.

Any band members cheering for the other school should be out of the band. Need marching band for a credit? Maybe next year, or maybe just transfer to the school you love.

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Were the band members wearing all different types and colors of shorts? If so, wouldn't it have been pretty easy and logical to have them all wear khaki colored shorts? I mean, I was in band in middle school and we all seemed to be able to do that without too much trouble.

As for the band members cheering for UT and showing the hook'em sign... kick them out of the band.

Kind of what I was thinking. Doesn't everyone own some khaki shorts? To me it is a matter of pride. If I was in the band, I wouldn't want to look messy. I am pretty sure that I could figure out a way to either wear my khaki shorts or buy some if I didn't own any. This is not a question of MONEY, this is about our music program forcing our music majors to be in marching band. They are young and screaming "Individualism" - because they are "artists".. so what should we do? Tell the band director to grow a set of balls and TELL the members to wear the same damn shorts and to SHOW SOME PRIDE. The director did not either A) Think of this crazy concept or B ) - Thought of it but did not enforce it... either way, it sounds like we looked very unmatched and cluttered.

Any kid in America that is attending college can afford to go to Old Navy or Target and buy some $10 khaki shorts. We don't need a "fundraising" drive on GMG.com to clothe our band - we need a band director that does his job.

Sorry Debbie, but this is something that a lot of us feel passionately about. Do you think the AD dresses the cheerleader from head to toe? What about the football players? Who pays for their mandatory shirt and tie that they have to wear on the busses/planes to away games? A lot of those players come from much more torn budgets then our band members. Again, this is about pride.

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Maybe the athletic dept should run the marching band like they do at UT. IF that happens, the band might look like SMUs or smaller. Its very cheap to flach the hook-em horns sign but after a whooping like that it might just have been some humor to cut the reality.

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They are there representing North Texas.  I'm not in the band, and I wouldn't cheer for UT if my mother was playing for them.  Again, those members should be identified and removed from the band.

Lifer, I am pretty sure if your Mother was playing for them even I would be rooting for her. And she would probably whip us with DD coaching.

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If someone wants to foot the bill to fit the band with matching shorts and hats, then fork over the money.  Until then, the shorts won't match and the hats won't be uniformed.  UT's band budget is quite a bit higher than ours.  So we cannot be compared to them. 

I thought maybe this year people won't have anything to bitch about with the Green Brigade, but what was I even thinking that this year was going to be any different?  Ok, the three members that were cheering for UT should be reprimanded.  Bad choice on their part.  But it is infuriating that instead of giving the band director any sort of piece of advice or input, people come here to complain.  NEWS FLASH: If you want better music or the band wearing white socks (not that this should EVEN be an issue), then give constructive criticism to the band director.  That is the ONLY way to get things changed.

I am going to get off now before I say things that I shouldn't.

Don't get so defensive, I think they complain about valid points. And, if you would have bothered to read a previous post someone said they would be happy to put together a fund raiser to make this happen.

UNT's marching band has consistently been underacheiving IMO. It's not out of the ordinary, the football team does it too.

To be fair, I do appreciate their hardwork, and dedication. I know it takes a lot of time and effort to be out there. Which is why the points and complaints aren't necessarily directed at the students.

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To be fair, the only ball caps I saw in the band were those with NT logos on the front.  The caps should have been part of the uniforn, like those worn by the Longhorn Band, and being a uniform cap, all the same.

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Sort of off topic...but where did DD get that NT hat he had on??? Kind of liked it but have not seen it on any website. Anyone know???

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