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The current state of the University of North Texas


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I've been a member of gmg.com for a long time, but I mostly just read others posts. Forgive me for my long-awaited Plumm-type post.

I've been thinking alot lately about the state of our beloved University and what I can do to help out. Last night, I saw on the news that UT is now the #1 ranked party school in the country as well. I thought to myself, damn, they're good at everything! As much as I personally despise the University of Texas (and always will), I think it is a good model for where we want our University to be in the near future.

With that being said, I applaud our new President for making North Texas a national university a top priority. With this, I completely agree. UT is definately a national university and well-respected at that.

I also read the article posted here from espn.com talking about the difference in budgets from UT and North Texas. It's absolutely amazing the disparity with money among Division I-A ( or whatever it's called now) schools.

Why is it that a lot of alumni simply don't care? Why is it that alot of our current students don't care? Why is it that alot of current faculty and even administration don't care? I have no explanation for this.

So, all of us here on this board are here for the betterment (is that a word?) of our University. Whether it's football, basketball, volleyball, soccer, swimming, or any other sport. Whether it's a better business, art, music, english, biology department. We all want North Texas to be the best it can be at everything it does. That's how UT has gotten to be how it is.

OK, so what can we do about it. Well, first of all, we stand behind our school. We defend our school if other's are putting it down. We attend every single sporting event we possibly can, not just football home games, everything. Football, basketball, soccer, volleyball, track and field. Everything. Of couse, not all of us are able to do that because of work/family/travel concerns. However, do everything that you possibly can to help out.

Next, we donate money. Again, not all of us are in a position to do this. I just graduated this May and I'm starting to get my post-college life together. Do I have a bunch of extra money laying around to donate? No. However, I have already begun to plan donations in the future. Donate where you feel it is most needed. Maybe it's toward a new stadium, athletic scholarships, a general scholarship fund, a University Union fund, a campus beautification fund, wherever you feel it can best be used.

Also, buy season tickets. I bought 6 season tickets for myself and some friends. Even though my new job may prohibit me from attending a game or two, I can definately find someone to take my tickets. Maybe even buy a few extras and plan to give them to co-workers. I read alot about people doing this here on the board and I think it's great. Keep up the good work!

Wear your Mean Green gear. Not just on Game Days, not just around Denton, everyday, everywhere.

Shop Denton. I hear alot of people that come to check out North Texas when considering where to go to school that like the school but don't like the city. I think we can all admit that Denton isn't the nicest city in the Metroplex. However, it does have a lot of character that alot of the new suberbs don't have. By spending your hard-earned cash in Denton instead of surrounding cities, your tax dollars go to support Denton and you're likely being taken care of by a worker from our great University. This is even more important on game day, when buying gas, eating out, getting your hair cut, in Denton lets all of the casual Denton visitors for that day know there is a big-time college football game in Denton later that evening.

The most important thing is to remember that we are all in this together. Whether you're a current student, parent, recent alumni, retired alumni, community member, or just a Mean Green fan, it's important to do your part. Just think how far we can get if we all take baby steps. We won't get there overnight, but eventually, we can be a nationally-respected University with great athletic and academic programs in one of the greatest college towns anywhere!

That's all for my rant. Please feel free to agree or rip apart anything and everything that I said and add your own comments.

Go Mean Green!

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The main reason that the university does not progress relative to athletics is that the university is not willing to invest the money it takes to really get the situation off dead center. The university tells its students ( who become alumni ) that it is a first rate institution academically and that the university's degree holders have a good product when they graduate. Then, in the real world of corporate America, they discover how really obscure the university really is. Few people really have heard of UNT and fewer have any idea how big it is. The average graduate is faced with the laughter and general distain by the real world when they enter the work place. The main reason for this? It is the perception that the general public has of UNT due to its feeble athletic programs. Few alumni are interested in athletics given the fact that we play on such a small stage compared to the other large state universities. To conclude, UNT needs to invest as heavily in athletics as it does in music, engineering, business, etc. I am also suspicious of the fact so few North Texas alumni are employed by the university. They need administrators who bleed green, who go home at night dreaming of how to make the university better, etc. Once this is done we can attract our alumni back to the school just like others do. We are, after all, the same people who go to other large state universities. We simply want to gravitate to excellence and be just as proud of our university as the others are. Until we join the fraternity of major universities we will never make it . By the way, having said all this, I am a $1000 donor to the university with half the money designated for intercollegiate athletics.

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The main reason that the university does not progress relative to athletics is that the university is not willing to invest the money it takes to really get the situation off dead center.  The university tells its students ( who become alumni ) that it is a first rate institution academically and that the university's degree holders have a good product when they graduate.  Then, in the real world of corporate America, they discover how really obscure the university really is.  Few people really have heard of UNT and fewer have any idea how big it is.  The average graduate is faced with the laughter and general distain by the real world when they enter the work place.  The main reason for this?  It is the perception that the general public has of UNT due to its feeble athletic programs.  Few alumni are interested in athletics given the fact that we play on such a small stage compared to the other large state universities.  To conclude, UNT needs to invest as heavily in athletics as it does in music, engineering, business, etc. 

So very true. Frustratingly so. Hell, even Texas State garners more respect and recognition than NT (outside of the Dallas area) these days. Texas State has raised their admission standards significantly and has completely redefined who they are with their name change.

Im so tired of explaining that NT is the 4th biggest school (until Texas State passes us) in Texas to people in a city that is only 280 miles away from Denton. there is no reason for people to have never heard of a school that big that is just down the highway.

I hope a lot of this changes.

I hope the new President continues what Pohl started.

Well said, BonfireBrian.

And I also am a donor, season ticket holder, and MGC member.

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So very true. Frustratingly so. Hell, even Texas State garners more respect and recognition than NT (outside of the Dallas area) these days. Texas State has raised their admission standards significantly and has completely redefined who they are with their name change.

Im so tired of explaining that NT is the 4th biggest school (until Texas State passes us) in Texas to people in a city that is only 280 miles away from Denton. there is no reason for people to have never heard of a school that big that is just down the highway.

I hope a lot of this changes.

I hope the new President continues what Pohl started.

Well said, BonfireBrian.

And I also am a donor, season ticket holder, and MGC member.

The new President is not only going to continue what Pohl has started, but she has already made it clear that she is expecting excellence and progress from the Athletic program as well as the Academic programs. She will be a big plus for Athletics as well as our overall reputation.

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The new President is not only going to continue what Pohl has started, but she has already made it clear that she is expecting excellence and progress from the Athletic program as well as the Academic programs. She will be a big plus for Athletics as well as our overall reputation.

That is good to hear. When did she state this?

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The new President is not only going to continue what Pohl has started, but she has already made it clear that she is expecting excellence and progress from the Athletic program as well as the Academic programs. She will be a big plus for Athletics as well as our overall reputation.

and I am very excited about this!

I didnt mean to sound so negative, but that stuff really gets under my skin.

Most of people I knew that transferred to NT from Tech talk about how much harder the business courses were at NT than Tech, about how much more they learned. And yet, the other day I overhear some guy at the airport talking to a kid that was attending Tech saying his accounting firm "only considers public school graduates from Texas, Texas A&M and Texas Tech". First of all, the guy is obviously an idiot. Beyond that, the underlying sentiment remains. The first two schools I can somewhat understand- both have nationally ranked programs. But, Tech? Please. I think it has a lot to do with athletics and familiarity. It's basic marketing. Do you go with the brand of which you have never heard, or do you go with the name you see everywhere?

I expect a lot out of NT because I got a lot out of NT. I dont even know if that makes sense. biggrin.gif

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Well, I guess I know I'll never be as good as PlummMeanGreen.

Awe shucks.........rolleyes.gif It took hours and hours of practice to get to the level of where I am today with BOLD, FONT SIZE AND...


With your kind words I will still remain most humble as always.................After all, BonfireBrian, you have read my latest book, right? You know, HUMILITY & HOW I ATTAINED IT? smile.gifrolleyes.gifblink.gifcool.gif

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PlummMeanGreen is a legend in his own mind. laugh.gif



DG, I think we would all prefer our alma mater's football program be a living legend (a la UTEP?) and such a program of legend-status that would clear and soothe the minds of the many of us who have followed all this for many decades now, yet have truly expected much more (as comparison to what we were doing on the gridiron during most of the decade of the 1970's). FWIW, I'll take a win over Tennessee over Middle Tennessee any day of the year (or decade).



OK, I'll add my .02, too, a la drex...

2 Things Needed @ NORTH TEXAS:

(1) We will have to come up with our own version of T. Boone Pickens because it will have to be such a Big Donor with a very BIG DONATION that helps to catapult us out of whatever this is we are right in the middle of now. IMO, I think we have taken another step backward with recent higher up hires starting with our "non-pro-active" for varsity athletics Chancellor, one Mr. Lee Jackson. FWIW, Norval Pohl had a passion for athletics and UNT varsity athletics benefitted from that. NOTE: Hasn't our own history shown us that UNT presidents who really only "lip-serviced" suppport for Mean Green athletics proved to hurt our program rather than help it? unsure.gif

DON'T NEW UNT HIRES ALWAYS COVER THE ATHLETIC QUESTION PRETTY GOOD? rolleyes.gif In order for UNT officials to ward off numerous (early) strong "anti" opinions with their recent UNT presidential hire of a woman (and non-Texan), couldn't new presidential hire advisors train a monkey to say: "We must have a strong athletic program." (Well, since its officially been said.........please show us the money and prove it, madam UNT president). Doesn't UNT's LogoGate and the attitude shown from campus from one of Lee Jackson's boys with the email that was mistakenly sent to one of our own board's posters sorta' tell us the kind of attitudes that may exist in other areas from our decision-maker's committees? Could it be a more of the "tell em' out there what they want to hear but still stick with pre-determined agendas? sad.gif

(2) SOMEHOW/SOMEWAY..............WE MUST GET OUT OF THE BOTTOM QUADRANT OF NCAA D1-A as in, uh, TOP 50 or just forget it all and go back to NCAA D1-AA of which present attendance averages at Fouts Field more resembles that level as it is. 1-AA is last resort, though.

For a program like UNT, we will have to have the Big Name Coach (again) to get in the living rooms of the kind of Texas blue chip recruits who can get us out of our annual #90 thru # 117 co-existance in NCAA D1-A that too many on this board seem to be just hunky-dory with. ph34r.gif BIG NAME COACH? How did UTEP leave its multi-decade's "basketball school" only reputation to gain Top 25 in NCAA D1-A football in only their 2'nd or 3'rd year after their hiring of the Big Name Coach? When was the last time UNT was ranked as high?

Sorry to say this, but we now find ourselves toward the end of a 10 year plan with DD that is hardly getting anyone's attention even in our own state of Texas and that after 4 bowl games as an SBC champion; albeit we did lose 3 out of 4 of those against CUSA competition. In fact, there is doubt in the Realistic Department of a hardy handful from this board and beyond of how we will fare against SMU who has had (what?) one winning football season in how many years now? Why would a UNT football program after 4 bowls and what would be expected decent recruiting classes following such have to even worry about our SMU game in a few weeks in the first place? Did big losses to Tulsa and La Tech make some pretty big statements about what we've really been doing the last 3 in recruiting and even after SBC champion hosted bowl games? blink.gif

Many of us have just seen much better at a higher profile and there is no one on the UNT staff today who can convince us that beating the SBC/Bottom 10 for our "success" is where its at for the 4'th largest university in the state of Texas. Have some from campus also been suggesting to us how NT Exes should be content with SBC championships but don't let those very low end of season finishes among the other 117 school be of any concern? huh.gif

SBC championships and a bowl win with (at least) such a season-ending finish in the Top 60 would be more like it, now wouldn't it? Shouldn't any NCAA D1-A football conference champion be (at least) inside the Top 60 football schools of NCAA D1-A or is that asking a bit much in Denton? How high have WAC champions of late finished at the end of their recent seasons?

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Awe shucks.........rolleyes.gif  It took hours and hours of practice to get to the level of where I am today with BOLD, FONT SIZE AND...


With your kind words I will still remain most humble as always.................After all, BonfireBrian, you have read my latest book, right?  You know, HUMILITY & HOW I ATTAINED IT? smile.gifrolleyes.gif  blink.gif  cool.gif 

Seriously...do you have a LOT of time on your hands??? smile.gif

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Seriously...do you have a LOT of time on your hands???  smile.gif

Happily single, happily divorced, happily no kids (which equals no child $upport) although I do have many nephews/nieces I dearly love.........

So seriously..............I do have some time on my hands and even when I don't but want to express an HSO on why we of UNT should not accept a co-existance in the subterranean part of NCAA D1-A...........I will most definitely make the time to do so! smile.gif

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Wear your Mean Green gear.  Not just on Game Days, not just around Denton, everyday, everywhere.

I'm doing my best to promote UNT outside of the USA.

I travel to Hong Kong about twice a year, sometimes more, and I always wear one of my North Texas shirts. I fly United, so I always have a US layover from Dallas, usually in San Francisco, LA, Seattle or Chicago. The layover greatly dilutes the number of Dallas residents traveling on the same international flight as me. On one such trip, another American noticed my dark green shirt as we were going through Hong Kong customs. He yelled to me, "Hey, you in the North Texas shirt, are you from Dallas?" I looked up, acknowledged his question and replied that I was indeed from Dallas. He told me that he was from Plano and another couple, overhearing our conversation, chimed in to say that they were from Ft. Worth.

My last trip this past April, a similar incident occurred when I was in the Hong Kong airport waiting in the security line to enter the airport gates. An elderly woman noticed the block NORTH TEXAS (from Steve and Barry's) printed on my green shirt and asked if I was flying to Narita (Japan). A little confused by her question, I just shook my head and said, "No." Then she asked, "Oh, you're NOT from the North Texas area?" as she motioned at my shirt with her head. After a short conversation, I learned that she was from Richardson but I don't think she had a clue that my shirt was promoting the University of North Texas and not the geographical location of the DFW metroplex.

I've also proudly displayed North Texas apparel in Brazil, the Bahamas, Canada, Japan, China and the Philippines.

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I'm doing my best to promote UNT outside of the USA.

I travel to Hong Kong about twice a year, sometimes more, and I always wear one of my North Texas shirts.  I fly United, so I always have a US layover from Dallas, usually in San Francisco, LA, Seattle or Chicago.   The layover greatly dilutes the number of Dallas residents traveling on the same international flight as me.  On one such trip, another American noticed my dark green shirt as we were going through Hong Kong customs.  He yelled to me, "Hey, you in the North Texas shirt, are you from Dallas?"  I looked up, acknowledged his question and replied that I was indeed from Dallas.  He told me that he was from Plano and another couple, overhearing our conversation, chimed in to say that they were from Ft. Worth.

My last trip this past April, a similar incident occurred when I was in the Hong Kong airport waiting in the security line to enter the airport gates.  An elderly woman noticed the block NORTH TEXAS (from Steve and Barry's) printed on my green shirt and asked if I was flying to Narita (Japan).  A little confused by her question, I just shook my head and said, "No."  Then she asked, "Oh, you're NOT from the North Texas area?" as she motioned at my shirt with her head.  After a short conversation, I learned that she was from Richardson but I don't think she had a clue that my shirt was promoting the University of North Texas and not the geographical location of the DFW metroplex.

I've also proudly displayed North Texas apparel in Brazil, the Bahamas, Canada, Japan, China and the Philippines.

Before your next Hong Kong trip check out American from DFW to LAX and Cathay Pacific (midnight flight) to Hong Kong. American is conveniently adjacent to the International terminal, a short walk. Cathay is a top-notch airline with great service making the 15 hour flight less tedious & more enjoyable.

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Not only should you wear your NT gear, but when you see others wearing their green and white, give them a shout out. There have been a couple of times I've seen UNT alum wearing NT paraphernalia, so I'll shout out "go mean green" and their faces light up with excitement and surprise. In this state of giant colleges and their followers, it's good to let your fellow North Texans and others that aren't know that there are a lot of us out there and we're proud to be part of the Mean Green.


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With some of the pessimistic posts around here, maybe we should change our name to something like the University of Denton, DFW State University, or American Central University? Seriously, it does seem like the regional "North" designation is still affecting ours and others perceptions in many ways. Although I'm still a bit bitter about losing the Texas State name which I believe was ours for the taking, I really don't think that our image is that bad nationally. I'm a CPA who has worked for a multinational corporation for several years and I've never been laughed at or treated with disdain because of my alma mater. I've generally found quite a bit of respect for the business program etc. at North Texas. That being said, I do think that inferiority complexes still run rampant in Denton. There are a variety of reasons for that phenomena, but I think that it can eventually be overcome with both academic and athletic success. Getting that law school pushed through the legislature next year in addition to a near-term stadium groundbreaking wouldn't hurt us a bit.

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The main reason that the university does not progress relative to athletics is that the university is not willing to invest the money it takes to really get the situation off dead center.  The university tells its students ( who become alumni ) that it is a first rate institution academically and that the university's degree holders have a good product when they graduate.  Then, in the real world of corporate America, they discover how really obscure the university really is.  Few people really have heard of UNT and fewer have any idea how big it is.  The average graduate is faced with the laughter and general distain by the real world when they enter the work place.  The main reason for this?  It is the perception that the general public has of UNT due to its feeble athletic programs.  Few alumni are interested in athletics given the fact that we play on such a small stage compared to the other large state universities.  To conclude, UNT needs to invest as heavily in athletics as it does in music, engineering, business, etc.  I am also suspicious of the fact so few North Texas alumni are employed by the university.  They need administrators who bleed green, who go home at night dreaming of how to make the university better, etc.  Once this is done we can attract our alumni back to the school just like others do.  We are, after all, the same people who go to other large state universities.  We simply want to gravitate to excellence and be just as proud of our university as the others are.  Until we join the fraternity of major universities we will never make it . By the way, having said all this, I am a $1000 donor to the university with half the money designated for intercollegiate athletics.

Jim, you and I are very much on the same page regarding the long term issues that have effected our University.

Since the University cannot spend any of it's money on a stadium, I am curious to know where you would recommend that the University make it's biggest investment (s) in the athletic department. Promotions? more fundraisers?

I also agree with you regarding the University having more "green blooded" staff and administrators who not only have a professional stake, but an emotional stake as well in the University succeeding.

To me a North Texas graduate would have a clearer picture about what their challenge(s) would be, and would waste less time being shocked and puzzled about what appears to be our "culture of apathy".

Most of the time, North Texas graduates are not apathetic per se, they're just afraid to be laughed at by UT & A$M graduates and/or big school bandwagon wanabee's (who are usually the ones with the biggest mouths), for admitting that they are North Texas graduates/fans.

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With some of the pessimistic posts around here, maybe we should change our name to something like the University of Denton, DFW State University, or American Central University? Seriously, it does seem like the regional "North" designation is still affecting ours and others perceptions in many ways. Although I'm still a bit bitter about losing the Texas State name which I believe was ours for the taking, I really don't think that our image is that bad nationally. I'm a CPA who has worked for a multinational corporation for several years and I've never been laughed at or treated with disdain because of my alma mater. I've generally found quite a bit of respect for the business program etc. at North Texas. That being said, I do think that inferiority complexes still run rampant in Denton. There are a variety of reasons for that phenomena, but I think that it can eventually be overcome with both academic and athletic success. Getting that law school pushed through the legislature next year in addition to a near-term stadium groundbreaking wouldn't hurt us a bit.

I'm a CPA as well with a public accounting firm and in my 3 years in public accounting, I've also never heard any negative mentions of my alma mater. Then again, I've never heard huge praise, but where you went to school is not really a big deal at my firm. As for any company that has a policy of only hiring from the "name" universities "UT, aTm, and TT", that's one of the most idiotic hiring policies any company could have. They are just limiting themselves and their ability to truely find all the best employees they can. Just in our Dallas office in the past couple of years, our firm has hired interns and graduates from North Texas (of course), UTA, UTD, Angelo State, Prairie View A&M, UTEP, Tarleton State, UL-Monroe, and ACU.

I think the best thing we can do to change perspectives (and our own inferiority complex for some) is to believe and act like we can do anything a graduate from the "name" schools with a similar degree can do. After a couple of years in the business world, where you graduated from does not matter near as much as how you perform.

Just my 2 cents.

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To answer SilverEagle's question, I would invest a lot more money in coaching and athletic administration salaries. Don't forget....when this university wants to do something they find a way to do it....they always find the money. Apparently upgrading of athletics is still on the back burner. Our next hire fb and bb coaches and ad should be current successful people from established programs. To hire these people we must pay much more than we currently do. We cannot keep hiring assistants and pray that they work out. We need proven established coaches and administrators in the future. Big time coaches and ad's bring money and allow the fans to dream again. Dreamers donate and dreamers attend games. Status quo, poor attitude coaches cannot fill any seats in the stadium. We also need to understand that athletics is entertainment. We should be in the entertainment business. We are competing with a lot of Saturday activities.

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To answer SilverEagle's question, I would invest a lot more money in coaching and athletic administration salaries.  Don't forget....when this university wants to do something they find a way to do it....they always find the money.  Apparently upgrading of athletics is still on the back burner.  Our next hire fb and bb coaches and ad should be current successful people from established programs.  To hire these people we must pay much more than we currently do.  We cannot keep hiring assistants and pray that they work out.  We need proven established coaches and administrators in the future. 1. Big time coaches and ad's bring money and allow the fans to dream again. Dreamers donate and dreamers attend games. Status quo, poor attitude coaches cannot fill any seats in the stadium.  2. We also need to understand that athletics is entertainment.  We should be in the entertainment business.  We are competing with a lot of Saturday activities.

1. This sounds like what happened when we hired Hayden Fry.

2. This sounds like a vote for more and/or better promotions people.


I've thought about this a little while and I'll have to disagree with you a little about hiring an "established vs up-and-coming" coach. My feeling is that we need to hire someone who is "up-and-coming" much like Rice did. The problem is the person doing the hiring.

Our most recent experience (the last 30 years) has been that we are terrible at hiring coaches, with two exceptions, Hayden Fry and Corky Nelson. Who was responsible for making those hires?

I don't mind "up-and-coming" coaches passing through North Texas on their way to the big time, as long as they have moved us up a peg or so (or 10) in the pecking order before they move on. Eventually we will be the ultimate destination, rather than the "way station".

How do we do this? I suggest that we get an expert to develop a "profile" of the type of coach that North Texas needs, and use this profile in every hiring situation that takes place in the future. The profile can be adjusted as the "culture" at North Texas starts changing. We need to ask specific questions about how a coach will work to help North Texas change it's apathetic "culture".

To me, the profile of the perfect coach for North Texas "at this time" would be pretty much a "Hayden Fry" or the new coach at Rice. Any coach hired here would need to fully understand the "culture of apathy/inferority" at North Texas and have a viable plan for working in this environment, as well as a viable plan for recruiting players to come here.

IMHO you cannot scrape together a bunch of money and hire a High Profile coach to come here and change things. Most established high profile coaches had their successes in established programs, and they didn't have to deal with helping to change the "culture" of the University. I think that that is one of the most difficult things for most coaches to deal with and/or realize when they come here.

IMHO Hayden was able to deal with it, because he lived next door to us for so many years, and he had a pretty good understanding of how North Texas was perceived.... and how we perceived ourselves. He was able to hit the ground running from day one to start making "cultural changes".

Corky Nelson worked well at North Texas because he used to be a DL coach under Rod Rust and had a very good understanding of the "culture" here. I remember when we hired Corky, my first comment was "well, at least he knows what he's getting himself into".

fire away folks

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I'm a CPA as well with a public accounting firm and in my 3 years in public accounting, I've also never heard any negative mentions of my alma mater.  Then again, I've never heard huge praise, but where you went to school is not really a big deal at my firm.  As for any company that has a policy of only hiring from the "name" universities "UT, aTm, and TT", that's one of the most idiotic hiring policies any company could have.  They are just limiting themselves and their ability to truely find all the best employees they can.  Just in our Dallas office in the past couple of years, our firm has hired interns and graduates from North Texas (of course), UTA, UTD, Angelo State, Prairie View A&M, UTEP, Tarleton State, UL-Monroe, and ACU.

I think the best thing we can do to change perspectives (and our own inferiority complex for some) is to believe and act like we can do anything a graduate from the "name" schools with a similar degree can do.  After a couple of years in the business world, where you graduated from does not matter near as much as how you perform.

Just my 2 cents.

I find it interesting that any accounting firm would be reluctant to hire North Texas grads when we have one of the top accounting departments in the country. Maybe they couldn't afford the salary... blink.gif

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Just spitballing here, but I think two things would help. First, strengthen academic and entrance standards, and expand research (they're doing the last part). By doing these things, you make UNT attractive to students outside the Metroplex (many of whom just view it as a convenient place to get a diploma). This would bring in more students who would develop an attachment to the school and as alumns would be more likely to contribute.

Second, promote, promote, and promote the hell out of Denton as the perfect college town. Make it socially attractive to potential long distance and out-of-state students. Create a sense of fraternity or school spirit among the students. They would then be more likely to take an active part in campus life -- including sports. I mean, if they can do it in College Station (in the absolute middle of nowhere), why can't they do it in Denton?????

Instead, the way I see it, the administration there is going about it all wrong. For instance, they're trying to establish a UNT-Dallas, without first developing a "fan base," if you will, at the Denton campus. They're developing good research programs, but at the same time they're making UNT seem even more like a commuter-driven community college than a college that students have buy-in and care about.

Fortunately for me, I spent most my time in Denton as a student and developed that attachment I talked about. But until these things change, I don't think we will have a lot of alumns who care about the university and its programs (including athletics). And they won't give money or get involved.

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      Did we dump the 3-3-5 for good?

    3. 0

      What's at stake as Pac-12, Mountain West and American Athletic Conference plan their futures

    4. 14

      Great Week 4 Uniform Video

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