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Love for RV. Thanks for taking time out! I believe in the Mean Greenl.



Wouldn't the positions basically pay for themselves? 

Yes!! Theoretically, the revenue generated from corporate advertising sales should be more than enough to fund a marketing department and promotional items while providing additional funding to the athletic programs. However, as with any business venture, it could turn into a money pit if managed incorrectly.

There are a few blatant issues I see with developing corporate partnerships:

1. Mean Green Radio Network - includes what, 3 stations right now? We need to develop a true state-wide radio network with at least 10 stations strategically located throughout the state. This broadens the appeal to advertisers from local (Denton businesses) to regional (Texas, Southern OK, Western AR, etc) to national (you name it - Budweiser, Gatorade, Coca Cola, Cingular, Ford, etc). Broadcasting Mean Green football to more markets would also generate more fans and assist in recruiting efforts.

2. Fouts Field isn't the friendliest venue for advertising...but it is possible to build or improve what we currently have. Personally, I don't feel the plastic signs in the endzone are very desirable, but corporate logos can be tactfully worked into the stadium in other areas. More permanent stadium signage can be built into railings within the seating areas without detracting from the appearance of the stadium or obstructing fans' views. I know we already do some of this, but the Jumbotron video screen and PA announcements are easy to include for short, non-intrusive messages such as "This instant replay presented by XYZ..." Advertisers could also distribute literature to fans upon entry/exit or place them within the reserved seating areas. Again, this can be done very tactfully so as not to appear intrusive to fans and detract from the overall experience. Displays for automotive, boat or other advertisers desiring product placement, can be positioned at one or more gates just outside the stadium.

I can't recall if we have closed circuit televisions in the concession areas or not (sorry, last season is ancient history to me and I frequent many athletic venues), but that's an easy, relatively inexpensive addition that needs to be done too. It allows advertisers to show their regular TV spots during time-outs/half-time while allowing fans to purchase concession items without missing a key play.

And so much more can be done with our cheesy half-time contests. The last one I remember was a free month's rent at a local apartment complex for kicking a 35-yard field goal.

3. Hospitality - unfortunately there's not a whole lot we can do here until we put a winning product on the field that busy professionals (non-UNT grads) will want to interrupt their weekend to see. But this is something that needs to be considered NOW, before any plans for a new stadium are finalized. I'm sure this comes as no surprise to anyone but, corporate sponsors love to be boozed and schmoozed. We need at least a few corporate suites and/or meeting places in the new stadium. I know we have corporate tents now and those would actually suffice if we could attract quality opponents (again, those that merit interest from non-UNT grads) to Fouts Field. UT's DKR does a fine job with their hospitality and corporate tents, which are very similar to ours.

I know it's probably hard to believe but, ironically, I have not been a huge proponent of corporate sponsorships because I believe they place unnecessary hardship on the average fan. For an extreme example let's take the Super Bowl. "Ordinary" fans are virtually shut out when it comes to buying tickets unless they pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars to a scalper. One major reason is because the number of available tickets is dramatically decreased due to the commitments made to corporate sponsors. Another example is last season's Dallas Mavericks playoffs - tickets were in short supply. But these would be nice problems have at UNT and I can't argue with the success that sports franchises have enjoyed due to corporate sponsorships.

Are we planning to sell the naming rights to the new stadium?? unsure.gif

Sorry for the extra long post but this is something I feel merits strong consideration.


Well, the Greenbackers (and the Athletic Dept) have given students/fans/alumni a much better game day atmosphere...and it keeps getting better every year.

Let's see, what else do we need?.......... rolleyes.gif .......... cool.gif

SE, I can't speak for BG64 but I interpretted his comment to be directed more at the football teams success. We can bring in the Ringling Brothers every Saturday but nothing will have a more direct impact on attendance than winning.


Well, the Greenbackers (and the Athletic Dept) have given students/fans/alumni a much better game day atmosphere...and it keeps getting better every year.

Let's see, what else do we need?.......... rolleyes.gif .......... cool.gif

We need more BBQ, more people eating BBQ, more people cooking, serving, donating BBQ. We need a BIGGER PARTY. People love to PARTY!

The Greenbackers are the best thing to ever happen to North Texas tailgating.

I've only had the opportunity to slice brisket and help serve food, but it is amazing the comments fans make about the free BBQ. Not only does it taste FANTASTIC, but it helps create a HUGE sense of community among the fans.


Posted (edited)

Yes!!  Theoretically, the revenue generated from corporate advertising sales should be more than enough to fund a marketing department and promotional items while providing additional funding to the athletic programs.  However, as with any business venture, it could turn into a money pit if managed incorrectly.

There are a few blatant issues I see with developing corporate partnerships:

1. Mean Green Radio Network - includes what, 3 stations right now?  We need to develop a true state-wide radio network with at least 10 stations strategically located throughout the state.  This broadens the appeal to advertisers from local (Denton businesses) to regional (Texas, Southern OK, Western AR, etc) to national (you name it - Budweiser, Gatorade, Coca Cola, Cingular, Ford, etc).  Broadcasting Mean Green football to more markets would also generate more fans and assist in recruiting efforts.

2. Fouts Field isn't the friendliest venue for advertising...but it is possible to build or improve what we currently have.  Personally, I don't feel the plastic signs in the endzone are very desirable, but corporate logos can be tactfully worked into the stadium in other areas.  More permanent stadium signage can be built into railings within the seating areas without detracting from the appearance of the stadium or obstructing fans' views.  I know we already do some of this, but the Jumbotron video screen and PA announcements are easy to include for short, non-intrusive messages such as "This instant replay presented by XYZ..."  Advertisers could also distribute literature to fans upon entry/exit or place them within the reserved seating areas.  Again, this can be done very tactfully so as not to appear intrusive to fans and detract from the overall experience.  Displays for automotive, boat or other advertisers desiring product placement, can be positioned at one or more gates just outside the stadium.

I can't recall if we have closed circuit televisions in the concession areas or not (sorry, last season is ancient history to me and I frequent many athletic venues), but that's an easy, relatively inexpensive addition that needs to be done too.  It allows advertisers to show their regular TV spots during time-outs/half-time while allowing fans to purchase concession items without missing a key play.

And so much more can be done with our cheesy half-time contests.  The last one I remember was a free month's rent at a local apartment complex for kicking a 35-yard field goal. 

3. Hospitality - unfortunately there's not a whole lot we can do here until we put a winning product on the field that busy professionals (non-UNT grads) will want to interrupt their weekend to see.  But this is something that needs to be considered NOW, before any plans for a new stadium are finalized.  I'm sure this comes as no surprise to anyone but, corporate sponsors love to be boozed and schmoozed.  We need at least a few corporate suites and/or meeting places in the new stadium.  I know we have corporate tents now and those would actually suffice if we could attract quality opponents (again, those that merit interest from non-UNT grads) to Fouts Field.  UT's DKR does a fine job with their hospitality and corporate tents, which are very similar to ours.

I know it's probably hard to believe but, ironically, I have not been a huge proponent of corporate sponsorships because I believe they place unnecessary hardship on the average fan.  For an extreme example let's take the Super Bowl.  "Ordinary" fans are virtually shut out when it comes to buying tickets unless they pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars to a scalper.  One major reason is because the number of available tickets is dramatically decreased due to the commitments made to corporate sponsors.  Another example is last season's Dallas Mavericks playoffs - tickets were in short supply.  But these would be nice problems have at UNT and I can't argue with the success that sports franchises have enjoyed due to corporate sponsorships. 

Are we planning to sell the naming rights to the new stadium??   unsure.gif 

Sorry for the extra long post but this is something I feel merits strong consideration.

All excellent ideas. Until recently we've never really taken huge advantage of the stadium's location for signage either. More can be done with it.

Edited by NT80

You are right on target gangrene. This has long been an area where fans are all over the bandwagon win you WIN WIN WIN. This has been the case with the Cowboys, Rangers, Maverics, and Stars (FC Dallas is a different case) and drops on down to the colleges and even high schools. How often were Ennis, Denton Ryan, and Southlake Carroll filling there stadiums before they started their win streaks. Losing does grow old.


You are right on target gangrene.  This has long been an area where fans are all over the bandwagon win you WIN WIN WIN.    This has been the case with the Cowboys, Rangers, Maverics, and Stars (FC Dallas is a different case) and drops on down to the colleges and even high schools.  How often were Ennis, Denton Ryan, and Southlake Carroll filling there stadiums before they started their win streaks.  Losing does grow old.

As far back as I can remember Southlake Carroll was always filling their stadium. Of course, they've been winning since they were a tiny 2-A school.


Thanks for posting and also for being truthful about our current projects. Wish we could hear more from ya, feel free to post or reply to any comments on the board.  i truly believe you are the best AD this university has ever had. As well as Dr. Pohl being a great leader and friend of the athletics program, he will be missed

Dont worry we will have Fouts filled with green in September.

Many of you may not know that RV sells a mean Coke and Popcorn out of the Soccer concession stand on a regular basis too..... AD in a cramped concession stand.... that is a rare sighting at most D-I universities. Leadership by example, do what it takes. Gonna be back in the c'stand this year RV?


I just found an old post from RV that addresses a few of the suggestions I've made in this thread. While I'd guess most of the post was likely relating to basketball, I think it's relative to football as well and I'd like to discuss a few of his comments.

3. Promotion suggestions- I have always had an open ear about promotions and we have implemented suggestions from fans. But to continually say that we don't promote the product is just not true. From season posters to table tents, game week posters, newspaper ads, A-frame signs, game day campus and yard signs, message boards, elementary school programs, $1 hot dog night, video tents and pre-game band promos for students, t-shirts, kid's funland on the concourse, kids' halftime events, televising games on public access television, game day spirit truck on campus, coaches' live radio shows in public venues, tailgate parties, e-mail blasts, family packages, enhanced Mean Green room, etc. we are constantly putting information out and promoting the product. We're not sure items like spotlights are the answer as they are expensive and in our confines don't make the impact that generates sales. If they worked others would be doing it. Free tickets are not the answer. It was the method before we got here and that didn't work. If sometimes seems that if we're not feeding fans, providing T-shirts and giving them free tickets to the game, then we're not promoting. I may be wrong but we believe that most of the people complaining or suggesting don't live in Denton and therefore don't see much of this. And whether we like it or not it is economically impossible to put enough radio and newspaper spots to penetrate the Dallas market. The sad part for fans not coming is that the real marketing tool these days is the game itself. With good tickets as low as $5, affordable family packages and a product that is outstanding our fans should come without further inducement. We play in a league that is in the top half of the country and those who are coming know it. Once you come to a game here you will come back.

That said, I want you all to know that I am willing to listen to any additional ideas anyone might have and welcome your input. Sometimes I am not sure what you consider a promotion so it would help. E-mail anything you would like to see us try. Keep in mind that until we have sufficient paying customers in the stands on a regular basis, some things will not be economically feasible.

I do fall into the category of those not residing in Denton so, no, I don't see any of those promotional items mentioned here. However, I do live in Carrollton (Denton County) and my drive from Fouts Field is a whopping 27 minutes with no traffic (just timed it the other day). If I continue down I-35 to downtown Dallas, I can reach just about any suburb within an hour.

No ifs, ands or buts about it, we HAVE to expand our marketing universe outside of the Denton city limits!!! I have no idea what your advertising budget is but I'm quite certain an affordable and efficient media plan could be developed to measurably increase awareness in the DFW metroplex. You are right on target that the best marketing tool is the gameday experience and the entertainment value fans receive for their dollar. The family packages are indeed a great deal. But if people don't know what a great value it is, how can we expect them to attend? We need to get the message out and there are plenty of affordable ways to do just that. We have great advertising and RTVF programs that could offer free suggestions/ideas/campaigns as class projects and I'd gladly volunteer my services.

There's no reason why the athletic department or the university should be paying a penny for the promotional items quoted above. I'll reiterate that those costs should come directly from the corporate sponsors in exchange for a logo on the product. Some of those items/events are good and some are not (I'm being kind). I'm sure everyone will agree that UNT is easy enough to find without the benefit of directional assistance. Spotlights are definitely NOT the answer...we're not a nightclub.

Keep in mind that until we have sufficient paying customers in the stands on a regular basis, some things will not be economically feasible.

Pardon me for being redundant but, again, it doesn't sound like we have a firm grasp on how to generate revenue from corporate sponsorships. This is also a case of which comes first...if we spend our money to get more paying customers then we'll essentially recoup our expenditures. But if we wait until we have that steady stream of paying customers, it could be an awfully long wait.


I apologize for not responding earlier to some topics but my password was not working and Harry was on vacation. I want to at least give you accurate info on a few subjects that have been topics on the board lately.

Before I start however I want to apologize for not keeping the lines of communication more open. I did so early on but with the amount of activity we have had to handle ovr the last 18 months I have been remiss in this area. I will resume my communication on a regular basis. Moving on:

1.) Texas Bowl - the new Texas Bowl applied for approval in June of this year and were approved listing four conferences for tie-ins: the Big XII, CUSA, the MWC and the Big East. (See article on the Big XII site.) From e-mails and coversations the conferences were chosen for these reasons. The Big XII and CUSA created the financial solvency required to keep the bowl alive. The Big East and the MWC were chosen as alternatives in the event the other two conferences did not have enough qualifying teams to fill the spots and the national prominence of those two conerences. The major reason that the Sun Belt and therefore North Texas were not considered is that in only two years of the last five have we had enough qualiying teams to fill more than one bowl. In 2001 if the New Orleans Bowl had not made it possible for North Texas to go with a losing record than it would have been only one year. In addition we have not traveled as well as other bowl conferences have. I have been aware of this bowl and the make-up since June as I was at the meeting and think it's important to note that even today the whole situation with tha bowl is not settled or confirmed. The one thing everyone has missed here is that we do have access (though admittedly limited) in the event that the conferences that do end up being connected to the bowl cannot fill their spots. All we have to do is be bowl eligible with a 7-4 or better record and not be the champion of the Sun Belt. How do we insure that would be an attractive choice?

2.) Conference affiliation - continuing to beat down the Sun Belt does nothing but beat down North Texas. No one understands more than I do what an affiliation with a conference like CUSA would do for this university because of our location. The rivalries, the ability to travel, etc. all make sense. Commissioner Waters and I have talked about this before. However entrance into another conference is possible one way and one way only. That is when there is an opening. Memphis didn't get into the Big East when Louisville did because there were a limited number of spots. So until the time comes that a good option comes along we must continue to enhance the Sun Belt make ourselves a player in future realignment by enhancing budgets, facilities and competitiveness in our current conference and in OCC. How else do we become more attractive?

3.) Facilitiy growth-A new football stadium and a baseball stadium and program have always been integral parts of my vision for the future of this institution. Eleven new facilities later they are even more important. We have continued to cultivate these areas and made good progress. The fact that we have not been public with those dealings does not mean that these projects are not moving forward. However to expect that any program or anyone could in five years could complete all the changes that were needed at North Texas and bring it to the level of schools who have been committed to athletics for decades comes is just unrealistic. How do we get these last two essential pieces?

Well you want leadership and I'm going to give to you. I apologize for nothing we've done over the last five years as we have made great strides in every area of the program. Our student-athletes and coaches are much better off today and our fans and alums now enjoy many of the aspects of the program not available just a few years ago (tailgating, video boards, available merchandise, a recognizable brand and national recognition, etc.) But that is in the past and I must look to the future. I understand your frustration in some areas because I share some of those same concerns. We must now be at the top in the Sun Belt across the board and be competitive and beat out of conference and regional opponents in every sport. We must now recruit the very best athletes especially in this area even though we may not get some in the end. Our coaches must exude a positive outlook as we now have a good situation and we must sell it. Nothing less can or will be accepted. I know that tennis and swimming are not important to most of you but those last two hires should speak volumes of what we now expect in all of our coaches. People who expect to win, people who recruit outstanding athletes and people who expect to be a nationally competitive and ranked program. Although they come from a Big 10 and Pac 10 program, they feel they are now in a better situation and have facilities and support systems that will allow them to field nationally competitive athletes and programs. And they go out and sell it every day. Be assured that every coach must now approach it that way as most of the deficiencies that once hindered their efforts no longer exist. If they choose not to approach it that way then they can't fit into the future of this program

So how do I answer the questions I left above. Like it or not most of it is up to our fans and alums. The Mean Green nation must quit complaining and whining about everything from conference affiliation to coaching preferences. Until everyone of you buys season tickets and fills the stands, contributes to the program and creates the same positive attitude we want from our coaches and administrators we will continue to give others reason to tear us down. We must travel in larger numbers to the next bowl game to show our strength and entice other bowls to consider us when openings occur. We have to galvanize our efforts and not allow the excuse that I'll get involved or attend when everything is fixed. If we do then the mission becomes much tougher. No program is successful in every area, every year and not every coach is going to be popular with every fan. The successful programs that don't have hundred year traditions (see Va Tech, Fla. State, Kansas St.) began to succeed when fans alums were challenged to support and responded. Well our hole was much deeper as those schools were never 1-AA and never allowed to flounder as we have. The challenge is much greater but achieveable. Do not lose sight of the progress that has been made over the last five years and know from those successes that the rest is possible. I have fought for five years to change things for the better and will continue to do so. Those fights have not and may not in the future be seen on a public level. We will fight those fights that need to be fought publicly, but also use good judgement in matters that affect our future opportunities.

Now I know this message will spur detractors but it will not detour me in any way. I am committed more than ever and will hold all entities of the athletic department accountable to stepping up to the level we must attain. I don't ask each of you to always agree with me but I challenge each of you to agree to support the progress of this program. As always for those of you already doing so, we appreciate your support and keep the faith.



Posted (edited)

I just found an old post from RV that addresses a few of the suggestions I've made in this thread.  While I'd guess most of the post was likely relating to basketball, I think it's relative to football as well and I'd like to discuss a few of his comments.

I do fall into the category of those not residing in Denton so, no, I don't see any of those promotional items mentioned here.  However, I do live in Carrollton (Denton County) and my drive from Fouts Field is a whopping 27 minutes with no traffic (just timed it the other day).  If I continue down I-35 to downtown Dallas, I can reach just about any suburb within an hour.

No ifs, ands or buts about it, we HAVE to expand our marketing universe outside of the Denton city limits!!!  I have no idea what your advertising budget is but I'm quite certain an affordable and efficient media plan could be developed to measurably increase awareness in the DFW metroplex.  You are right on target that the best marketing tool is the gameday experience and the entertainment value fans receive for their dollar.  The family packages are indeed a great deal.  But if people don't know what a great value it is, how can we expect them to attend?  We need to get the message out and there are plenty of affordable ways to do just that.  We have great advertising and RTVF programs that could offer free suggestions/ideas/campaigns as class projects and I'd gladly volunteer my services. 

There's no reason why the athletic department or the university should be paying a penny for the promotional items quoted above.  I'll reiterate that those costs should come directly from the corporate sponsors in exchange for a logo on the product.  Some of those items/events are good and some are not (I'm being kind).  I'm sure everyone will agree that UNT is easy enough to find without the benefit of directional assistance.  Spotlights are definitely NOT the answer...we're not a nightclub. 

Pardon me for being redundant but, again, it doesn't sound like we have a firm grasp on how to generate revenue from corporate sponsorships.  This is also a case of which comes first...if we spend our money to get more paying customers then we'll essentially recoup our expenditures.  But if we wait until we have that steady stream of paying customers, it could be an awfully long wait.

Along those lines, the Denton Chronicle is owned by the DMN and maybe part of the sports coverage and ad-sale negotiation with the Chronicle needs to include more than just the one mini-paragraph update in the DMN, including promo advertising for the same dollar spent with the Chronicle extended to the DMN. If we are helping to sell their Chronicle papers, and they are not already giving away the advertising, I think we should expect more from the parent company in the DFW markets.

Edited by nortx9

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