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Tim Patton out -

Stan R

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Maybe 18 was all they could offer ?

No, DD said that he wanted to keep a few spots open in case something came up. Well, several somethings happened and DD didn't bring anyone else in. Even if DD wanted to keep a few ships available it still doesn't make sense to me. We were under the scholarship limit last year, so why wouldn't DD sign a full class? This might explain some of our depth problems on the O and D lines. Can one someone, anyone explain why DD would do this?

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I am not exaclty sure why we didn't sign a full class, but it did work out for us to sign a really good kicker.

After hearing what DD said about Patton (wanting to attend somewhere else); I am sickened. Not becuase DD or his staff failed, but because an 18 year old kid was offered a free education, and turned it down. I really hope that UNT does not release him, hopefully 2 years is long enough to learn a leson about keeping your word.

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I am not exaclty sure why we didn't sign a full class, but it did work out for us to sign a really good kicker.

After hearing what DD said about Patton (wanting to attend somewhere else); I am sickened.  Not becuase DD or his staff failed, but because an 18 year old kid was offered a free education, and turned it down.  I really hope that UNT does not release him, hopefully 2 years is long enough to learn a leson about keeping your word.

Also used one of the scholarships on Victor Gill the big tight end from Argyle last week,

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  I really hope that UNT does not release him, hopefully 2 years is long enough to learn a leson about keeping your word.

No thats just wrong. He is an 18 yr. old kid. At church this past Sunday we learned about forgiveness. Letting things go. To not release this kid from his ship would just be wrong. I remember there was a player who transferred to us from somewhere and he had to sit out 2 yrs because he wasn't. That is just petty. Although we got screwed in this deal, such is life. I wish him the best


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No thats just wrong. He is an 18 yr. old kid. At church this past Sunday we learned about forgiveness. Letting things go. To not release this kid from his ship would just be wrong. I remember there was a player who transferred to us from somewhere and he had to sit out 2 yrs because he wasn't. That is just petty. Although we got screwed in this deal, such is life. I wish him the best

From eveything I understand, he was an academic liability that only qualified after signing with us. Now he wants to take his clearinghouse letter and "upgrade" schools? He should have to play by the NCAA rules, you pull this stunt and you have to go JUCO or sit out 2 years.

I am pretty sure DD has forgiven him, as DD wished him the best of luck; however the kid should not be allowed to suit of for OU or OK St in the fall either.

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I love it when people think that stuff like this happens only to UNT and blame it on the coaching staff. Yep, I'm sure DD recruited those guys because he knew they were going to quit, lose 85lbs or fail. I guess the coaching staff is responsibe for all the players that pass their classes? And for all those who show up and work hard?

I love it when people take the word of others and turn it into a completely different meaning for arguements sake.

No where in Lifer's original post does he ask "Why does this only happen at North Texas?", nor does he state " I'm tired of our coaches allowing this to continue at North Texas, it's time for it to finally happen somewhere else".


Edited by FirefightnRick
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Guest e-bone

I love it when people take the word of another and attempt to turn it into a completely different meaning just to start a petty arguement. 

No where in Lifer's original post does he ask "Why does this only happen at North Texas?", or does he state  " I'm tired of this only happening at North Texas, it's time for it to happen somewhere else".


Not trying to start an argument at all. Just pointing out that the whole criticizing of the coaching staff and sky is falling mentality when a kid becomes ineligible or quits the team is ridiculous. It's as if people sincerely do believe that this kind of thing only happens at UNT. Or even if they don't believe that, then it sure is a great opportunity to take a shot at the coaching staff!

But to the whole "changing the words of another" bit. How do you interpret the "Great job by our staff" comment at the end of Lifer's post? Do you take that to mean he is actually congratulating the coaching staff? I mean he says "great job", so he must mean it, right? There can be no implied meaning at all, of course. Like as a sarcastic comment putting down the coaching staff for recruiting kids who failed or left the team, as if they know that was going to happen. That wasn't implied at all I take it?

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How do you interpret the "Great job by our staff" comment at the end of Lifer's post?

I took it as sarcasm because he's pissed about the situation and rightfully so. Everyone know's the coaching staff cannot be on top of every kid. They're kids, crap like this is gonna happen but no one has to like it when it happens to their team, especially their top two guys in one class. I too don't understand the "not filling up all the scholarships" thing?


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Not trying to start an argument at all. Just pointing out that the whole criticizing of the coaching staff and sky is falling mentality when a kid becomes ineligible or quits the team is ridiculous. It's as if people sincerely do believe that this kind of thing only happens at UNT. Or even if they don't believe that, then it sure is a great opportunity to take a shot at the coaching staff!

But to the whole "changing the words of another" bit. How do you interpret the "Great job by our staff" comment at the end of Lifer's post? Do you take that to mean he is actually congratulating the coaching staff? I mean he says "great job", so he must mean it, right? There can be no implied meaning at all, of course. Like as a sarcastic comment putting down the coaching staff for recruiting kids who failed or left the team, as if they know that was going to happen. That wasn't implied at all I take it?

Well, at least FFR got my point.

The "great job by our staff" comment is relating to not filling all available scholarships, and then not spending the time on one of our top recruits to really gauge his committment. If they only want to sign 18 kids, fine, but they better make sure they are going to stick. My number one problem is signing a small class and losing the top two rated recruits even before two-a-days begin.

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Guest e-bone

Well, at least FFR got my point.

The "great job by our staff" comment is relating to not filling all available scholarships, and then not spending the time on one of our top recruits to really gauge his committment.  If they only want to sign 18 kids, fine, but they better make sure they are going to stick.  My number one problem is signing a small class and losing the top two rated recruits even before two-a-days begin.

If that had been stated originally, then it would have been a valid critism of the coaching staff. But it was not brought up until later, and I obviously only had what you had first said to judge your meaning by. I can't be blasted for "changing your words" or whatever because I did not know what you were thinking, as I only had to go by what you actually said.

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Get off this kid and the coaches on this one.

I'm from Tulsa and this kid has had a rough time. He lost his mom, sent to live with uncle, uncle got killed, he went to live in foster care. After all is said and done, his school neglected to get classes approved by ncaa making him ineligible. I'm sure the coaching staff did all they could to help him but eventually he was declared ineligible and must attend JUCO.

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Get off this kid and the coaches on this one.

I'm from Tulsa and this kid has had a rough time.  He lost his mom, sent to live with uncle, uncle got killed, he went to live in foster care.  After all is said and done, his school neglected to get classes approved by ncaa making him ineligible.  I'm sure the coaching staff did all they could to help him but eventually he was declared ineligible and must attend JUCO.

Well that explanation is very different from the one given by the staff - I thought. I thought DD said it was for personal reasons...

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