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Do you use capitalization (other than apparently UNT), punctuation, or a dictionary?

Do you have better things to do than to go trolling on other schools' boards?

If you're gonna fling insults, at least do it on a thread that is about the NT vs. SMU game.

Edited by BeanCounterGrad'03
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Guest JohnDenver

Do you use capitalization (other than apparently UNT), punctuation, or a dictionary?

That is an awesomely fragmented sentence you assembled.

You have shown your ability to capitalize "GO PONIES' ... bravo. bravo.

A more technically sound sentence would be; "Other than the ‘UNT’ acronym, do you use capitalization, punctuation or a dictionary?" However, that still doesn’t quite convey the insult you are trying to fling.

Spelling and grammar trolls are the worst kind.

It is so easy to try to dismiss someone by attempting to show the poster as a mental midget by brow beating their use of grammar. It doesn't matter in such an informal format. Perhaps it would matter if this were a peer reviewed magazine's forum, but it isn't.

Edited by JohnDenver
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Act like a guest or you will be banned.

It is my fault. I made it look so fun he had to try. I have to come to grips with something -- I'm not a role model. People will imitate what I do. I accept this now. Damn you Charles Barkley, you mislead me all along.

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Do you use capitalization (other than apparently UNT), punctuation, or a dictionary?

What point are you trying to make to me? Are you implying that I am inferior to you because I don’t care about grammar in a sports related board? I just don’t understand your reasoning in the post. I do want to thank you for giving me another reason to hate smu, and I will always capitalize UNT and never capitalize smut I mean smu!

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I could also get them made for not to much all it is is a laser cut piece of steel with a handle welded on

what kind of interest? atleast 15 or so orders?

What would you use? The son of the worm logo? The Mean Green or the North Texas?

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the piece on the Food Network stated they submit all their artwork to the CLC. So doesn't bode well for us

If you're going to sell them retail at a store, or even at a road-side stand, or on a web-site, then you definitely have to deal with (God help us) CLC. But making something for someone (or having it made) for just the cost of the materials is somewhat different.

If licensing was an issue for everything, then DallasGreen would have had to run his NT/SMU t-shirts by CLC.

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