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Guest JohnDenver


This is why Cuban was so pissed after that game.

If you aren't SET in the backcourt before you catch the ball on and inbound, it is a backcourt violation. Plain and simple. They didn't call it. Dwaye Wayne drove in and had minimal contact in an off-balance shot and got the call ... Game over.

I wish Josh made one of those two free throws. Those shots would have made it harder to lose this game.

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I am equally as sick to my stomach about last nights game as many of you are. I don't care what team you root for last night was obvious that the officials were bound and determined to keep the heat in this series. Yea, Howard missed a couple free throws. Yea, we got a few chances to win the game late. But, I have never seen a player favored that much in one game. There were about 3 calls that Wade got that I just couldn't understand them getting. This is what caused Avery to draw a technical because we weren't getting the same calls on our end, it is unbelievable.

Furthermore, everyone who says the mavs fans are whiners obviously don't have a clue. You mean to tell me that you think everything is OK with the NBA officiating? You mean to tell me that fans can't be upset with such a FTA discrepancy? You mean to tell me Stackhouse getting suspended and Shaq not for the same foul, in the same game is OK? There is a reason Terry apologized for what he did to Finley, it was wrong. I never expect nor hope to hear an apology from Stack. Even when Shaq said 'it felt good'.

On Cuban- He's a dork, he even knows it. And, he doesn't care. That is what makes me like the man. He is passionate, that makes me like him. He likes and looks out for his fans, the fans like him. Shaq is more of a circus act than he is, and they are friends. Shaq would love to play for Cuban. Cuban would love to have him, it's just not going to happen though, because other teams are afraid of what that would mean. They are already terrified of the Mavs, and Shaq. Combining the 2 would be suicide. I like Shaq but some of the crap that comes out of his mouth is him being soo stuck on himself it is comical.

My hope is that when the series moves back to Dallas that the officiating gives us the kinda of Home Court Advantage that Miami has given the Heat. I am amazed that Dwayne Wade was able to contain his laughter as he stepped to the line every single time.

Posted (edited)

Points 1, 2, 3: You act as though no owners or company exec's do these types of things. The Astros have a Reading Fund where they take $ and give it back to the community. Bobby Cox and the Braves do all sorts of philanthrophy thoughout the south and did enormous Katrina relief projects. All sports teams, and their owners, take part in philanthropy. Philanthropy and charity and Pro Bono Legal work is a part of business. It's nothing unique to any particular business or sports team.

Point 4: Admirable he continued a previous tradition, but are there really teams running around or doing jumping jacks during the national anthem? Even I though I'm not an avid NBA follower, I think something like that would Sports Center. And I am extremely patriotic, and hate it when people mess up the Star Spangled Banner with their own stupid additions to the song.

Point 5: There was some talk, I would hardly call it serious discussions. Cuban and baseball aren't exactly a good "mix." You can't get people to come to baseball games because of dancers and flashing lights until the team starts being good again.

Point 6: Seriously? I'm supposed to feel sorry for a kid that is getting paid to ride the bench, that is still making league minimum? What is a suit at Dillards for a 6'8 person? $1000? $2000? I think he can afford that. People have to wear suits to jobs that pay less than $35,000 and they somehow make it happen. I do not feel sorry for any athlete that says they can't afford things. It's not the NBA or the public's fault if they can't manage their money. If you get paid like a professional, learn to dress and act like one.

Point 7: Admirable, I will give you that.

Look, he's done nice things. But I have the right to not like him because there are valid things that he's done that I think are annoying. I don't think "taking up for the players" is taking up for the good guys. His actions towards the fans are great, though. I think his antics about the ref are not always valid, and that constantly makes him look like a sour loser. People that are constantly blaming the refs are whiners, I do not like whiners.

Okay -- Cubs are the wrong team to use. How about the Astros? They were averaging 30,000+ when they were 15-30. Why has Dallas supported the Mavericks for 5 years? Because they are WINNING. What did Dallas do when the Mavericks were terrible? They didn't go. That is the epitome of a bandwagon city. A city that follows the winners, and stops caring when they stop playing. Why does Dallas follow the Stars? Because they are WINNING.

Cowboys fan support had seriously dwindled pre-Parcels. I went to plenty of games during my 4 years at SMU where the crowd was nowhere near sold-out, maybe 3/4 full and that's being generous. It may have been "sold out," but they were using SMU attendance counters if they were measuring "butts in seats."

I'm not rooting against the Mavs because I hate South Florida and Miami. I'm actually pulling for the Mavs, I just can't stand Mark Cuban and I think when the Mavs do lose -- it's hilarious to see him whine and cry about everything but the play of his own team.

I have no problem with you liking Mark Cuban, I just think it's ridiculous for you to accuse me of not liking someone because I'm an "SMUer" and come from a "completely different type of people."

Edited by SouthernMustang
Guest JohnDenver
Posted (edited)

Points 1, 2, 3: You act as though no owners or company exec's do these types of things. The Astros have a Reading Fund where they take $ and give it back to the community. Bobby Cox and the Braves do all sorts of philanthrophy thoughout the south and did enormous Katrina relief projects. All sports teams, and their owners, take part in philanthropy. Philanthropy and charity and Pro Bono Legal work is a part of business. It's nothing unique to any particular business or sports team.

I didn't "act" like anything. I was stating a fact. He does tons of charity ...

Point 4: Admirable he continued a previous tradition, but are there really teams running around or doing jumping jacks during the national anthem? Even I though I'm not an avid NBA follower, I think something like that would Sports Center. And I am extremely patriotic, and hate it when people mess up the Star Spangled Banner with their own stupid additions to the song.


Watch the video.

Do you see the two Miami superstars with their hands over their hearts? Jumping jacks? No. Not respecting the anthem? Yes. Watch all pro games, it is rare that the majority of players are showing the base level of respect to the anthem (with the heart cover).

Point 5: There was some talk, I would hardly call it serious discussions. Cuban and baseball aren't exactly a good "mix." You can't get people to come to baseball games because of dancers and flashing lights until the team starts being good again.

I guess you are in the know about purchase plans for Cuban? I mentioned NOTHING about it almost happening. I mentioned reading opinion pieces in their respective cities and them being excited by the prospect.

Point 6: Seriously? I'm supposed to feel sorry for a kid that is getting paid to ride the bench, that is still making league minimum? What is a suit at Dillards for a 6'8 person? $1000? $2000? I think he can afford that. People have to wear suits to jobs that pay less than $35,000 and they somehow make it happen. I do not feel sorry for any athlete that says they can't afford things. It's not the NBA or the public's fault if they can't manage their money. If you get paid like a professional, learn to dress and act like one.

I didn't ask or tell you to feel sorry. It is completely obvious you will never feel sorry for someone ... your comments are really stuck up. If the NBA wants to cash in on the HIP-HOP style, it shouldn't be so stuck up to them dress like "professionals."

I am not defending a person making $200k and not wanting to buy a suit. I really don't care. I was just giving you the reasoning by Cuban -- take it or leave it. I am not arguing the validity of it. You can't use it as him "being unclassy" though...

Point 7: Admirable, I will give you that.

Look, he's done nice things. But I have the right to not like him because there are valid things that he's done that I think are annoying. I don't think "taking up for the players" is taking up for the good guys. His actions towards the fans are great, though. I think his antics about the ref are not always valid, and that constantly makes him look like a sour loser. People that are constantly blaming the refs are whiners, I do not like whiners.

Man ... EVERYONE whines. You are whining about Cuban. It is ok to whine. You want Cuban to sit in the press box with all the other rich owners and just shut up. The "common man" likes that he runs the team like they would. He spends money. He high fives the players. He gets emotional in victory and defeat. He *is* the Mavs #1 fan... and that is awesome. A true fan of a team would run their team in the same way.

Nine out of ten of us that post here on gmg would conduct ourselves EXACTLY THE SAME WAY that Mark Cuban act if we became owners of our own professional sports franchises. Because they didn't inherit their teams like the Mara family (NY Giants) or Mike Brown (Bengals) and they didn't buy their teams as a purely speculative interest like some of the investment consortiums out there that currently own teams (like MSG and the Knicks.) Mark Cuban is a fan that cared enough to go out and purchase a team once they had the means to do it. And once they got into the Owner's Chair, they dug in and go involved in the operations of their teams rather than just choosing to sit back and watch the profits roll in. Frankly, I'm jealous. Cuban is living my dream. Whatever he does, good or bad, obnoxious or not, he adds passion to the game - and that's nothing but positive. Good for him to be being lucky enough to do what most of us can only accomplish via PS2.

Okay -- Cubs are the wrong team to use. How about the Astros? They were averaging 30,000+ when they were 15-30. Why has Dallas supported the Mavericks for 5 years? Because they are WINNING. What did Dallas do when the Mavericks were terrible? They didn't go. That is the epitome of a bandwagon city. A city that follows the winners, and stops caring when they stop playing. Why does Dallas follow the Stars? Because they are WINNING.

The 'stros have a Cy Young winner out there. The 'Stros went deep in the playoffs... that is EXACTLY why they have good attendance. They started off slow last year too, then they did well. The fans expect it.. Their owners have paid the big money to get the big player.. not to mention they have NEW park. Attendance is always good within five years of a new park opening. Your Astro example sucks too.

The Rangers had AWESOME attendance when we had the newest park in the country, had the third highest payroll and were contenders for the ALCS.

In the off years of the Astros, their attendance sucks.

And WTF!? You are using HOUSTON as an example? Look at the Rockets! They don't sell out games. Texans? Oh my. Houston is not a good sports city ... you are ignoring the fact the Astros have tasted recent success and have a new park.

The same thing happens in every city. I don't know why you can't admit that. I think you want to bag on Dallas and the "Dallas-citizen."

Cowboys fan support had seriously dwindled pre-Parcels. I went to plenty of games during my 4 years at SMU where the crowd was nowhere near sold-out, maybe 3/4 full and that's being generous. It may have been "sold out," but they were using SMU attendance counters if they were measuring "butts in seats."

They were still selling tickets and selling merchandise. They still were popular enough to get their own station on cable. They still are top 3 in merchandise sales.

I'm not rooting against the Mavs because I hate South Florida and Miami. I'm actually pulling for the Mavs, I just can't stand Mark Cuban and I think when the Mavs do lose -- it's hilarious to see him whine and cry about everything but the play of his own team.

Mark my words, the Southern Stang is full of hate

I have no problem with you liking Mark Cuban, I just think it's ridiculous for you to accuse me of not liking someone because I'm an "SMUer" and come from a "completely different type of people."

I didn't say either of those.

I contend that you are throwing Dallas-ites under the bus unfairly and your outright hate for Cuban is pretty silly. You should stop whining about him whining. In this case, two negatives don't make a positive..

I boil it down to this: You don't think Cuban acts like rich people act (don't speak about your money, let your money speak for you). He whines too much. You hate Dallas.

Edited by JohnDenver

Nine out of ten of us that post here on gmg would conduct ourselves EXACTLY THE SAME WAY that Mark Cuban act if we became owners of our own professional sports franchises.

I tend to agree with this. I don't particularly like Basketball, but I like the energy and zeal that Mark Cuban brings to the Mavs. You can call him a whiner all you want (you'd have to call me one too, because at Football games, I yell at the refs even more than I do at the coaches rolleyes.gif ), but the Mav's are playing somewhere (the NBA finals) that no one in Dallas ever dreamed they'd play. wink.gif

And his decision to make Avery Johnson his head coach is turning into pure genius.

Posted (edited)

haha.. I am not full of hate. And I don't hate Dallas. There are things about Dallas that crack me up -- like the whole Uptown/Trendy scene, but I didn't mind the place for four years. I just prefer the more laidback atmospheres of cities like Birmingham, Nashville, Charleston, or Savannah. I did prefer Houston and Fort Worth to Dallas, but I'm not anti-Dallas like some non-residents are.

Look -- sorry if I came across as stuck up or rude. The ladyfriend and I were at each other all this morning (and not in the good way), so I probably whined and exaggerated points a lot more than I should've. I think most on here would vouch I'm not a stuck up prick.

I guess I've associated Cuban with the Trendy/Uptown part of Dallas. The part where all these young professionals are driving around in leased BMWs and living art-deco apartments trying to prove to everyone that they're big shots. That kind of attitude just really irks me. That whole scene just goes against how I was raised and what I really value in life. That's why SMU never bothered me, but Dallas did, because SMU was relaxed and no one ever brought stuff up like that (as opposed to the first words out of people's mouths when you meet them at uptown bars). What you say proves Mark Cuban isn't really apart of that, so I've probably mis-associated (making up words IS fun) him with the wrong type of Dallas crowd. But his whining still bothers me- even though I'm being a hypocrite and doing it too. And maybe I also don't like him because he doesn't act how I think a manager/owner of a team should and I don't like his shennanigans. I just think the owner/manager is the person in charge, and that should be the person with tact, dignity, and a sense of self-control -- even when things with the team aren't going completely well. Losing your cool and blowing steam to the press about the refs just comes across as poor taste coming from a manager. But again, that's just my opinion.

Edited by SouthernMustang

All I have to say is that down the road Mark Cuban will be looked at as one of the great owners of all time. Like him or not. Not just for what he has done to the Mavs, but for how he has/is helping to renergize/reinvent the NBA.


I am a fan of Cuban. I met him years ago and he came and sat with our group for a quarter. Its always impressive to turn a team that is a laughing stock of a league into a contender year in and year out. In fact, he is the reason the mavs are the only Dallas team I actually rooted for while spending 6 years up there. Like others have said, he brings a positive energy that is really cool to see. You almost can't help but be excited about the team. I think he will go down as one of the great owners.

And as the case in almost every Dallas team conversation, inevitably the Houston bashing begins. So I have to do my part (since this is a North Texas board, not a "Dallas fans or else" board) and throw in a line or two in defense. I would contend that Houston is not in fact an awful sports town. Of course, most people on this board will not listen as the feel it is their duty to spew the same garbage that they have been force-fed since they learned to walk and talk. tongue.gif

Come down to a game sometime. Any of them. Downtown is something to see, something Dallas would love to have anything resembling (and thats not just me, thats coming from friends who live in uptown and downtown Dallas who have visited recently). All of our stadiums are actually in the city limits. Novel.

Oh and both the Rockets and the Astros have enjoyed more success than their DFW counterparts. The Cowboys superbowls are nothing short of impressive. I think its great, and I hope to someday see one for the Texans. I thought Id see one for the Oilers, but we all know what happened there dry.gif Also the Dynamo games are a blast and have been packed every game.

I guess this is where I say, "fire away". Or you could just try to see it from someone elses point of view ... biggrin.gif

Guest e-bone

Okay -- Cubs are the wrong team to use. How about the Astros? They were averaging 30,000+ when they were 15-30. Why has Dallas supported the Mavericks for 5 years? Because they are WINNING. What did Dallas do when the Mavericks were terrible? They didn't go. That is the epitome of a bandwagon city. A city that follows the winners, and stops caring when they stop playing. Why does Dallas follow the Stars? Because they are WINNING.

Coach already debunked this argument with actual attendance numbers, instead of pulling completely false numbers and generalizations out of his ass.


Here is a nice shot of Terry being fouled by Wade at the end of regulation.  So how is it that Wade gets a call but the Mavs don't?

Wade fouls Terry at end of regulation

Because as previously stated, fouls get called less often if you pull up the jumper vs driving to the net. Want more fouls called for you, stop setting for the outside shot. Life isn't fair. Instead of complaining about the officiating situation try adapting during the game to make it benefit you. You have to have flexibility and adaptability to change your game to compensate for the zone, pick and rolls, screens, etc. Why not the refs that night at well?

Guest JohnDenver

Because as previously stated, fouls get called less often if you pull up the jumper vs driving to the net.  Want more fouls called for you, stop setting for the outside shot.  Life isn't fair.  Instead of complaining about the officiating situation try adapting during the game to make it benefit you.  You have to have flexibility and adaptability to change your game to compensate for the zone, pick and rolls, screens, etc.  Why not the refs that night at well?

To be fair, this wasn't an 'outside' shot. Terry was pretty close to the basket on this jumper... IMHO, I trust his jumper more than an off balance, fall toward the basket, layup attempt. Even with that contact on the arm during the shot, I didn't yell at the TV, I knew that is just how the game goes. The refs don't decide games on last second shots. That is what I WAS yelling at the TV win they called Dwayne Waynes layup.

user posted image


Because as previously stated, fouls get called less often if you pull up the jumper vs driving to the net.  Want more fouls called for you, stop setting for the outside shot.  Life isn't fair.  Instead of complaining about the officiating situation try adapting during the game to make it benefit you.  You have to have flexibility and adaptability to change your game to compensate for the zone, pick and rolls, screens, etc.  Why not the refs that night at well?

That's why, beyond the Dallas Mavericks, I could care less about the NBA. A foul is a foul whether you are driving the lane, pulling up to shoot a jumper, dribbling the ball, etc..., a travel is a travel, carrying the ball is carrying the ball. It should matter who you are, who you play for or what part of the game this occurs during. What other league gives the star treatment to the extint the NBA does? None, and that is why I dislike the league.

Posted (edited)

My thoughts exactly, UNTLifer! The rules should be the same for the worst player on the court and the best player on the court. I don't get why the refs constantly call for the so-called superstars and let their personal biases affect their calls. I call that CHEATING. What happened to playing by the rules? Fairness? Sportsmanship? I agree, the Heat are laughing all the way to the basket. All the money involved taints the pro game. (BTW, I've been a Mavs fan since the franchise began in 1980, through good and bad. I've still got the old gear I bought when it was new!)



Edited by NTEdgex2
Guest e-bone

Because as previously stated, fouls get called less often if you pull up the jumper vs driving to the net.  Want more fouls called for you, stop setting for the outside shot.  Life isn't fair.  Instead of complaining about the officiating situation try adapting during the game to make it benefit you.  You have to have flexibility and adaptability to change your game to compensate for the zone, pick and rolls, screens, etc.  Why not the refs that night at well?

If instead that was Wade shooting and Terry fouling him, would that foul be called? You better believe it. If with 2 seconds left had that been Terry instead of Wade going back court, shoving Wade, then having Shaq barely brush him. Would Terry had gone to the line with a chance to win the game? Not a chance.

There was definitely bias in that game, but it wasn't for whomever was driving the ball more. If that was the case Devin Harris would have shot about 10 FTs. But since it was him driving and Shaq knocking him down it wasn't going to get called. But Wade didn't even have to have someone touch him in order to go to the line. If Wade flopped on defense the way he does on offense, he would rival Ginobli in that category. I used to really like Wade, but it is becoming very hard to like him now. Just as how I used to like Duncan, but he whines so much I just can't like him.


If Wade flopped on defense the way he does on offense, he would rival Ginobli in that category. I used to really like Wade, but it is becoming very hard to like him now. Just as how I used to like Duncan, but he whines so much I just can't like him.

Agreed. The man wears freaking football style pads under his basketball shorts for goodness sakes!...almost trying to 'sell' some idea that he goes harder to the basket than anyone else. I stopped liking Wade in the Detroit series (ok, I admit I hadn't seen much of him before then either)....think it was game 5 or 6?...anyways, the guy got "hurt" in virtually every game of the series, only to come back minutes later to dominate....fishy?...well, I distinctly remember one drive that was blocked by Ben Wallace only to see Wade flail to the ground....no foul was called, but Wade just kept laying on the ground while the Pistons pushed the ball back upcourt. ONE floor level camera catches him grimacing, only you see him take a quick look around to see if anyone is still watching him. He realizes noone is watching so he gets back up and runs down the court. The look on his face is what turned me off of him...in that instant, you could tell he was faking.


John Denver, this blog that was sent to me is a reason I don't like Cuban. It's this type of behavior and attitude that is offensive, and probably to more people than just us WASPY SMUers tongue.gif

From Mark Cuban...

When I was a kid, one of my favorite comedy routines was George Carlin’s Seven Dirty Words.

Words, words, words. My friends and I couldnt get away with cursing so we made up our own language. From the basic, like, Sugar Honey Ice Tea. to, HE double hockey sticks (for those old enough to remember when using the word Hell was considered cursing) to more advanced words for more advanced cursing. This way we could curse in front of parents, teachers, whoever. The intent was the same, but no one knew we were cursing !

I remember thinking back then, that our culture was evolving quickly enough that some day we all would realize the ridiculousness of everyone deciding together to be offended by those seven words. Typical thinking for an 11 year old, right ?

The good news is we didnt.

Now anyone in America can get a rise out of people by using most of Carlin’s 7 Dirty Words. I know I get a rise out of my wife. I cant think of anything funnier than a 3 year old cursing. I mean come on, does it really matter if we say Poo Poo or **** ? Of course not. Unless of course your married and your wife tells you it matters. She doesnt want to be the one who gets phone calls from teachers and other parents getting blamed for all the 3 year olds in the little gym class screaming “Kiss My Ass you Mo Fo”... Me, i couldnt think of anything i would rather see and hear. but thats me.

Back to the point here. I like to curse. I like to curse because I enjoy how it gets everyone in an uproar. I wont curse in an environment where I have accepted an invitation or am a guest of someone else. I will play by their rules.

But if you come on my home turf and want something from me. Its my rules.

Last night in the locker room after we lost in overtime to the heat. I was asked by reporters to answer some questions. I told them i would if they asked good questions and didnt ask the same cliche’d questions they had asked after other games. It was interesting how quiet everyone got.

then someone asked “Is this your worst loss ever” . What the **** kind of question is that ? Is this for a VH1 special ? “Worst Losses Ever ?” If it was, then maybe it was a decent question. Otherwise, how do you answer that question…

Let me think. Well we have never been to the finals before, and this is our most recent finals lost. The 3rd in a row. So that could make it the Mavs worst ever. There was a baseball game I played in where I hit the ball into the gap and some guy made a diving catch to end the game instead of me driving in the winning runs and winning the tournament. I cried in the dugout after that one. There have been some tough rugby losses. Am I supposed to get this reporter a thought out answer and catalog my past, or a catalog answer like “this was a tough one… yadda yadda, that sounds like every other answer ever given to this type of question after a lost game.

The reality is that it would be a waste of both of our time if i gave him the “this was a tough one” answer, and a waste of my time to really think about it. Particularly given there were 10 other reporters wanting to ask questions and we had a bus to catch

So I told the reporter to “Ask me a real ****ing question”

Apparently some folks have taken exception to me cursing in my response. Well in this case, the reporter was using my time, we were in a locker room and I was trying to provide a response that had no value to me, but could only help him. If he doesnt think enough of either of our time to invest the brainpower and minutes it takes to come up with something different than has been asked a thousand times.

**** em.

Guest JohnDenver

John Denver, this blog that was sent to me is a reason I don't like Cuban. It's this type of behavior and attitude that is offensive, and probably to more people than just us WASPY SMUers  tongue.gif

I had no doubts about what you were talking about. We all agree he takes it to the limits.

However, the one thing that can be said is that it is on *his* *personal* blog where he says these things. It isn't on www.dallasmavericks.com. So I don't have a problem with them. It is a way for people to talk with him about his actions. If you post in his comments area, he will respond.

Man, after that loss, if my mother called me on the phone, I probably would have dropped the F-bomb too! Luckily I didn't answer the phone.

He is over the top on some things. No doubt. I like his passion though.


I had no doubts about what you were talking about. We all agree he takes it to the limits.

However, the one thing that can be said is that it is on *his* *personal* blog where he says these things. It isn't on www.dallasmavericks.com. So I don't have a problem with them. It is a way for people to talk with him about his actions. If you post in his comments area, he will respond. 

Man, after that loss, if my mother called me on the phone, I probably would have dropped the F-bomb too! Luckily I didn't answer the phone.

He is over the top on some things. No doubt. I like his passion though.

I just think if he was tamed down a bit, he could still be professional and passionate.

I understand the aggrivation with losing... hell, I suffered through SMU football for 4 years. And unlike most, I was real fan and always went. I've also been an Ole Miss fan all of my life -- that had it's share of heart ache for sure.

But I just think when you take over as an owner or a manager -- you become a public figure. With being a public figure, you know that you have to learn to deal with the press and how to handle yourself in public. You don't call things about the city of San Antonio crappy (River Walk comments) when you are facing a team, not having a Mayoral Battle for "Best City of 2006" Award.

I don't think him restraining himself from cursing and shouting would make him less enthusiastic. I'm not saying he has to sit in a suit in a box and sip scotch with my dad (just kidding), I just think when you take on the responsibility with the high public profile of his job -- you have to learn to handle a lot of things that upset you internally and privately, and face the press and public a little differently. If you don't want to hear reporters ask pressing and annoying questions, don't become an owner and put yourself constantly in the public eye.

Hearing him complain about these questions is like listening to celebrities blame their mishaps on the paparazzi. If you don't want to get caught doing bad things, just don't become famous.

Guest JohnDenver

> Muddy River Walk

He admits readily that he made those comments to CREATE a rivalry between the cities.

The western conference needs BIG rivalries .. He was trying to jump start it. It worked. It created some hate from SA.


I just think if he was tamed down a bit, he could still be professional and passionate.

I understand the aggrivation with losing... hell, I suffered through SMU football for 4 years. And unlike most, I was real fan and always went. I've also been an Ole Miss fan all of my life -- that had it's share of heart ache for sure.

But I just think when you take over as an owner or a manager -- you become a public figure. With being a public figure, you know that you have to learn to deal with the press and how to handle yourself in public. You don't call things about the city of San Antonio crappy (River Walk comments) when you are facing a team, not having a Mayoral Battle for "Best City of 2006" Award.

I don't think him restraining himself from cursing and shouting would make him less enthusiastic. I'm not saying he has to sit in a suit in a box and sip scotch with my dad (just kidding), I just think when you take on the responsibility with the high public profile of his job -- you have to learn to handle a lot of things that upset you internally and privately, and face the press and public a little differently. If you don't want to hear reporters ask pressing and annoying questions, don't become an owner and put yourself constantly in the public eye.

Hearing him complain about these questions is like listening to celebrities blame their mishaps on the paparazzi. If you don't want to get caught doing bad things, just don't become famous.

Can I get an Amen!!!! I would throw out more cliches like, "You hit the nail on the head," but I didn't want to waste everyone's time.


When I was in college, I had an internship at Reunion Arena working with the tv broadcast. I actually got to meet several of the announcers for the Mavericks, and other teams throughout the league. I liked basketball ok, but I have always been a football guy. I remember having a conversation with Jim Durham, who was a Mavericks broadcaster at the time and is now working ESPN radio. We got into a conversation about the star system in the league.

He basically told me that the stars are the ones who got calls, spares did not, and teams that some teams had more "respect" from the officials than others. We all know this. But I led the conversation into the point that this is the exact reason that so many people stay away from the game. I am not saying that football is officiated any better, but I hear less talk after a big game about how the NFL is rigged than I do with the NBA. I know many people who won't watch because of this.

You would think that the league would make more of an effort to do something about it. Basketball is truly a great game, but they do everything that they can to keep it behind football in terms of popularity, IMHO.


But I just think when you take over as an owner or a manager -- you become a public figure. With being a public figure, you know that you have to learn to deal with the press and how to handle yourself in public. You don't call things about the city of San Antonio crappy (River Walk comments) when you are facing a team, not having a Mayoral Battle for "Best City of 2006" Award.

I don't think him restraining himself from cursing and shouting would make him less enthusiastic. I'm not saying he has to sit in a suit in a box and sip scotch with my dad (just kidding), I just think when you take on the responsibility with the high public profile of his job -- you have to learn to handle a lot of things that upset you internally and privately, and face the press and public a little differently. If you don't want to hear reporters ask pressing and annoying questions, don't become an owner and put yourself constantly in the public eye.

Hearing him complain about these questions is like listening to celebrities blame their mishaps on the paparazzi. If you don't want to get caught doing bad things, just don't become famous.

1) I don't think that his owning a professional sports team makes him responsible to anyone but himself. He's the OWNER. I also believe that he has no obligation to the public other than to attempt to provide them with the best Mavericks basketball product he can. And he does this.

2) I,too, think it's ridiculous for the person who's being asked dumb questions by reporters to be the one to complain about it. It should only be people with no interest or involvement or context with these questions to complain about them. That makes much more sense.

3) Yeah, I can't stand those celebrities who want to do those bad things like EAT and WALK down the street without having a camera shoved in their face. Why would anyone complain about that?

4) If the public didn't want a person with Mark Cuban's personality to be a public figure, they shouldn't have made him a public figure.

5) The sheer irony of a person willing to spend pages and paragraphs complaining about an owner of a sports team (of which he's not a fan) complaining about things that actually pertain to him is mind-boggling.

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