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Guest GrayEagleOne

I'm staying out of the Saddam hadn't done anything to anyone else but I did note one glaring error in Screaming Eagle 66's statement that "and even declared war on us BEFORE we took an action or declared war on him." That is not so. In a joint meeting of Congress we declared war on Japan, Germany and Italy on December 8, 1941. Hitler/Nazi Germany declared war on the U.S. on December 11, 1941.

I lived through World War II and I have never seen the resolve of the country any greater. They were indeed the greatest generation.

Now back to football.


I'm staying out of the Saddam hadn't done anything to anyone else but I did note one glaring error in Screaming Eagle 66's statement that "and even declared war on us BEFORE we took an action or declared war on him."  That is not so.  In a joint meeting of Congress we declared war on Japan, Germany and Italy on December 8, 1941.  Hitler/Nazi Germany declared war on the U.S. on December 11, 1941. 

I lived through World War II and I have never seen the resolve of the country any greater.  They were indeed the greatest generation.

Now back to football.

I know many of us will not disagree with you, Jack, with what I have high-lighted from your post. I have wished many times that I would have been living during that era to have seen all of it first-hand, too.


I'm staying out of the Saddam hadn't done anything to anyone else but I did note one glaring error in Screaming Eagle 66's statement that "and even declared war on us BEFORE we took an action or declared war on him."  That is not so.  In a joint meeting of Congress we declared war on Japan, Germany and Italy on December 8, 1941.  Hitler/Nazi Germany declared war on the U.S. on December 11, 1941. 

I lived through World War II and I have never seen the resolve of the country any greater.  They were indeed the greatest generation.

Now back to football.

I saw the movie "Three Days of the Condor" for the first time a month or so back. The main premise of it was that there was a secret CIA/Shadow government going around pulling strings, causing revolutions, and just generally manipulating world events. Cliff Robertson was one of the agents for this "shadow" organization and John Houseman was one of the "decision makers" within the organization.

During one of his conversations with Cliff Robertson, Houseman started reviewing his career as a spy, which went all the way back to WWI and WWII. Cliff Roberston asked him if he missed those times. Houseman responded "No!, but I do miss the clarity of those times."

I certainly didn't live during those times, but like the John Houseman character, I too miss the clarity of them.

Now back to Football......which (for North Texas alumni/fans) isn't any more "clear" than our political situation.


To totally and completely humiliate a team is a great feeling. I love 30-65 point victories. but not over 70. It is ridiculous to go over 70, but kids have got to work hard and not come into the game thinking they are going to lose, guys win and lose games even before they start on pure intimidation. Celina is the only school I know of that has complete utter dominance, and still plays respectfully, and doesn't "talk trash".

Bottom line, if you dont like 50 point whippings, do something about it, don't whine to state representatives. but am I the only one that's not suprised this comes from one of the northern states?


Bottom line, if you dont like 50 point whippings, do something about it, don't whine to state representatives. but am I the only one that's not suprised this comes from one of the northern states?

I am an idiot.



I saw the movie "Three Days of the Condor" for the first time a month or so back. The main premise of it was that there was a secret CIA/Shadow government going around pulling strings, causing revolutions, and just generally manipulating world events.  Cliff Robertson was one of the agents for this "shadow" organization and John Houseman was one of the "decision makers" within the organization. 

During one of his conversations with Cliff Robertson, Houseman started reviewing his career as a spy, which went all the way back to WWI and WWII. Cliff Roberston asked him if he missed those times. Houseman responded "No!, but I do miss the clarity of those times."

I certainly didn't live during those times, but like the John Houseman character, I too miss the clarity of them.

Now back to Football......which (for North Texas alumni/fans) isn't any more "clear" than our political situation.

Very interesting, Bill...

And very, very funny are the closing remarks to your post of which I've high-lighted! laugh.gif

Posted (edited)

I'm staying out of the Saddam hadn't done anything to anyone else but I did note one glaring error in Screaming Eagle 66's statement that "and even declared war on us BEFORE we took an action or declared war on him."  That is not so.  In a joint meeting of Congress we declared war on Japan, Germany and Italy on December 8, 1941.  Hitler/Nazi Germany declared war on the U.S. on December 11, 1941. 

I lived through World War II and I have never seen the resolve of the country any greater.  They were indeed the greatest generation.

Now back to football.

---Sorry, you correction of my post seems to be wrong according to Britanica and Wikipedia and other sites. My original statement was correct, we declared war on Germany on Dec. 11 several hours after they declared war on us earlier that day (Europe is also about 6 hours ahead of us due to time zones). We had officially declared war on Japan on Dec. 8 which was as soon as Congress could meet.




---I will not contest the greatest generation comment but also took a lot of courage by my great grand-parent's generation to go into the western wilderness, get out of a wagon with their family and decide that they were home with no house, no reliable water supply, no legal protection, no utilities, little food, and a store perhaps days away...plus there were people wondering around that wanted to kill you (Indians) and others that would take everything you had (outlaws) if they could. Each generation has courageous people and this is great country.

---My family appeared on the Texas frontier in 1870's and was near where John Wesley Hartin killed the local Sheriff and in the case of the other one near where Sam Bass got in a fatal shoot-out during a bank-robbery. The Chisholm Trail ran through part of their land. Another family member was scalped while hunting horses. Even my grandfather at age 12 with older brothers( he was born in 1870's) caught mustangs in Central Texas and drove them and sold them to the army at Fort Smith, Ark. They crossed the Indian territory (Oklahoma) to get there. Those were tough courageous people that chose to be in the situation they were in. Another generation back, part of the family had been 49ers and crossed the uncivilized plains to California.

Howdy Plum, we are decendants of very tough determined people.

Posted (edited)

A very interesting read.

9 out of the 11 separate times that the U.S. has OFFICIALLY declared war on other countries, and including 10 other military engagements that were authorized by congress, all without U.S. soil actually being under attack?

Imagine that?


Edited by FirefightnRick

we are decendants of very tough determined people

The American Way, the American Way we should fight to preserve. I fear we are losing this sense in our youth. I fear they are growing up without it. I see a ton of kids come through as a teacher so this is not a statement without merrit

Guest GrayEagleOne

I stand corrected on who declared war first. I mistakenly thought that we declared war on all three in the same day. Truth is, we didn't declare war on Germany until the same day that they declasred war on us. However, we had been sinking German U-boats for three months before the official declaration.

There have been great individuals in every generation that have brought the country forward. There are plenty of them now but they have more detractors than I have seen in all of my years.

The pioneers who populated the West were great without a doubt. My family, however, wasn't very affected. We migrated from England to Pennsylvania to North Carolina to Georgia. We faced adversity during the Civil War, being in the path of Sherman's march, but that was not a time of greatness for the North or the South.

The World War II generation is still the greatest in my opinion. The U.S. lost more than 400,000 of our finest men in the short time span of slightly less than four years. Every U.S. citizen was adversely affected. Oh, there were still a few dissenters and black marketeers but the populace, as a whole, participated in scrap drives, rationing, buying war bonds, and working hard to replace our fittest who were in the military. Those that were 4-F were ashamed that they were not able to serve. Kids as young as 14 lied about their age and tried to get in some branch of the service. This was truly the UNITED States.

Right now, we are more divisive than we were during the Viet Nam War era. You couldn't get an unanimous opinion on free love or nickel beer. It's natural that we are not going to agree on everything but at times we need to subordinate our desires for the good of the country.

At least our disagreements on North Texas issues are not about power struggles.




What would you do?

If you were asked to

give up your dreams

for freedom? What

would you do? If

asked to make the

ultimate sacrifice?

Would you think about

all them people, who

gave up everything

THEY had? Would you

think about all them

war vets, and would

you start to feel



Freedom isn't free.

It costs folks like

you and me and if we

don't all chip in,

we'll never pay that

bill. Freedom isn't

free. No, there's a

hefty f@#king fee.

And if you don't

throw in your buck o'

five, who will?

What would you do if

someone told you to

fight for freedom?

Would you answer the

call or run away like

a little p@#$y? Cause

the only reason that

you're here is folks

died for you in the

past. So may now it's

your turn to die

kickin' some a$$.


If you don't throw in

your buck o five...

Who will? Ho, buck

o' five.


The American Way, the American Way we should fight to preserve.  I fear we are losing this sense in our youth.  I fear they are growing up without it.  I see a ton of kids come through as a teacher so this is not a statement without merrit

---I know this has been an argument for generations but I do agree with part of it. I first walked into a public classroom in 1966 and college classrooms a little later. The best students are as good or better than they ever were but the the middle half has really go downhill in determination and achievement. What was about average when I started was close to the top quarter when I left... I teach college classes now. That is what has changed, public school students have no fear of failing anymore and all this idiotic testing in public schools has hurt education since often the content covered is so limited. When students see the goof-offs passing and they they did little better grade-wise by working ... guess what... they will soon be goofing off as well. Fortunately this doesn't work at college level very much.

---Sports-wise I oppose so many teams making playoff in HS, two per district make sense but it has gotten to the point that teams with very and poor losing records make it.. "Let's give everyone a trophey" may make sense for little kids but not as they get older, it de-emphacizes doing well.

---Attention-deficet does exist but near as much as claimed. It is profitable for doctors. It is another way for many to claim "it is not my fault" which is getting worse.

--I really don't see the scoring issue related to wussificastion because sports is a game and some "class" should be shown. If one team just quits then they deserve it, otherwise show some mercy if they are just out-matched.

Rick: You will also notice that 9 of 11 of our declared wars were joined while already in progress including the one in 1812 (Britain/France). Other than the Mexican War which was more about our common boundry, we did not invade another country without being unprovoked or in response to their declaration of war.. Almost all the "minor" ones was in response to action taken by them against us, and none were against a large established country except Iraq. (Russia was already in choas and we did very little anyway except support one side of the revolution). Nam occured as the French-Indo China war ended and was more like a bad poker game as both groups kept adding more and more troops until it got rediculious..


--I really don't see the scoring issue related to wussificastion because sports is a game and some "class" should be shown.  If one team just quits then they deserve it, otherwise show some mercy if they are just out-matched.

I have no problem with showing mercy to an overmatched foe. In fact, I expect it, but the limitations should be that the team that is scoring is playing it's reserves and not trying to stop clock unnecessarily, or throwing downfield. I don't believe it shows class for a team that is pummeling another to just take a knee whenever they have the ball in order to be 'merciful', or to quit trying to play.

That's it. Otherwise, the team getting beat should play football, shut your mouth, and take your whippin' without whining. If you're getting beaten fair and square, remember, work harder, get better, and shut your mouth! wink.gif And while your doing it, show some class and congratulate the other team for whipping your ass! laugh.gifTHANK YOU SIR! MAY I HAVE ANOTHER!?

Coaches that pile it on should be penalized on the field as far as I'm concerned. Their behavior should be examples to the opposing young men of what classless looks like. I will also say that these coaches are typically in the minority, and coaches are pretty self-policing as a rule.

But again, this illustrates to the young man that things aren't always "fair", and is a lesson in life. This illustration doesn't need to be legislated out in order to save our children "embarrassment", IMO.



Do you have so little confidence in the education that most of us here recieved from North Texas to actually think we are so damn stupid to have to get every inch of what is posted here or linked elswhere explained by you?


user posted image



Do you have so little confidence in the education that most of us here recieved from North Texas to actually think we are so damn stupid to have to get every inch of what is posted here or linked elswhere explained by you?


---Sorry You feel offended, Rick I was not attacking you and never have.. I have spent 40 years in a classroom and feel that entitles me to an opinion on education. I know nothing about fighting fires and don't claim to. On the flipside everyone thinks they are education experts because they once attended school. So many who haven't spent any time there on the other side of the desk really don't get it.... including a lot of the folks in Austin. If they really did they would not keep passing bills to require more testing and claiming it helps education. The average student showing up in my college math classes have gotten worse since we have gone "State Testing" mad. I supported the TABS which was about basic skills but about none of those tests since. The latest dumb idea passed requires 4 years of math for graduation. It makes sense for those going to college (maybe) but not the masses that graduate and enter the job market out of HS. You don't need trig or calculus to work at Walmart and business math classes make sense but the students don't really see how it applies to them so it is a waste as well. A lot of educated people really don't get it. I am a math major and schools can't even find enough decent math teachers now and now they will need more. It is crazy, but the public buys it and votes for those who pass those things...

---I may be wrong but I personally see absolutely no justification for sending our military to Iraq. I am tired of those who think we are unpatriotic and don't support the military if we disagree with the decision to invade. Nothing could be further from the truth. I want them to enjoy life and live to be a senior citizen. Most wars especially WWII was unavoidable and necessary, but not this one. (my opinion)

Posted (edited)

---I may be wrong but I personally see absolutely no justification for sending our military to Iraq.  I am tired of those who think we are unpatriotic and don't support the military if we disagree with the decision to invade.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  I want them to enjoy life and live to be a senior citizen. Most wars especially WWII was unavoidable and necessary, but not this one. (my opinion)

........my opinion as well.

I also love this quote.

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism - Thomas Jefferson

.....so according to Thomas Jefferson, one of the most patriotic generations in American History would be the 60's-early 70's generation. cool.gif

Edited by SilverEagle
Posted (edited)

I have spent 40 years in a classroom and feel that entitles me to an opinion on education. ...So many who haven't spent any time there on the other side of the desk really don't get it.... including a lot of the folks in Austin.

So your basically calling the rest of us stupid because we didn't teach for a living for a longer period of time that you? By "us" I mean, those individuals including myself who recieved our education at what initially began as and for the most part still is a "TEACHERS' SCHOOL"?

You don't need trig or calculus to work at Walmart

And you don't need to teach for 40 years to read about history. It's written, for the rest of us to read about it and understand it as it happened.

---I may be wrong but I personally see absolutely no justification for sending our military to Iraq.

Ah, the core of your rant comes out as it usually does. Need I say more?

Where's Black Sholes when we need him most?


Edited by FirefightnRick
Guest JohnDenver
Posted (edited)

Can't have a thread without throwing DD and/or the coaching staff under the bus...not even ONE

Well, this thread is/was about BLOW OUT games and we have been on both sides. We were a-holes with our celebrations when we did the blowing out and we were completely pathetic with play calling when we were blown out -- UT and Tulsa for example.

It isn't throwing anyone under the bus, it is fact.

Edited by JohnDenver

Im all for blowouts on the NCAA level. I find it funny OU romped A&M 77-0 in 3 qtrs, and I find it amusing UH hung 100 on Tulsa back in the day. Who cares? Yeah, its classless, but it doesnt need to be sanctioned. These are grown men, not children who need to be coddled.

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