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I thought this might be fun... ph34r.gif

Put yourself in the HC position for UNT's first series of the year in Austin on both offense and defense.

Here's the hypothetical on offense:

You have scouted the Longhorns, and have discovered that although they have graduated some defensive players, their LB's are actually faster and more athletic than last year. A couple of their defensive backs are learning new positions. Their defensive line is mostly intact.

You are countering that with the knowledge that both your OL and backfield have more experience and athleticism, and have been spending more time in the weight room. You return your healthy power running game, and have a mobile QB who has the ability to make plays with his feet.

UNT has received the kickoff in the end zone and begins play at the 20 after the touchback.

1. Who are your starters at the skill positions? (QB/RB, etc.)

2. What are your first 3 plays, what part of the defense are you attacking, and why?

3. What offensive player is shouldering most of the load?


Here's the hypothetical on defense:

Scouting tells you that Texas returns their RB "committee", but is starting 2 QB's. Their TE is new, but an upperclassman. The OL has a couple new faces. You realize that both QB's will probably play, and have prepared to face both.

UT puts the ball in play at their 20.

1. What offensive weakness have you identified, and how will you try to take advantage of it?

2. What player(s) do you think has the best chance of hurting you?

3. How will you minimize his effect on your defense?

4. Will you play to create havoc and turnovers, but risk big plays, or play conservative defense to start, and try to identify what UT is trying to do, and then adjust?

What do you see as the outcome of your decisions at game end?


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on offense:

1.) I start Wilson and Thomas (assuming he is healthy).

2.) a. first play from LOS, I run a play action with quinn on a go route... just chunk it deep. worst case, its a turnover in their territory, best case, completion, and at the very least it backs up the defense. try to take advantage of a less experienced, albeit highly athletic, secondary. Maybe catch them by surprise.

b. if that doesnt work, I run another pass play and try to play a little pitch and catch with a short route.

c. Id run another pass play and give wilson the option to take off running if he doesnt see anyone open

what I would NOT do is try to beat Texas in the trenches with that killer D-line by attempting to run it several times up the gut. Thats the quickest route to a three and out. With an over aggressive D like Texas, Id run screens and play action pass plays. we need mobility in a QB because our O-line will be over-powered all day long. read: he will be running for his life at times.

on defense:

1.) QB indecision. I think Texas will be in a similar postion as OU was last year. No matter how good you are, its your first game in D1A football. There will be mistakes. Can we be TCU? Can we capitalize? I dont think Texas will throw the ball a lot starting the game.

2.)Ramonce Taylor. He is incredibly fast and versatile (poor mans Reggie Bush?). Assuming he makes his grades, he'll hurt us. Jamaal Charles could give us problems as well if he can hang on to the football. Texas is loaded at RB. And Henry Melton is a freak of nature.

3.) Id use one of our faster LB's or safety's as a spy on Taylor. Guy is so fast he can hurt you so many ways.

4.)I blitz. heavily. if they are going to beat us, let them do it in the air. we have some athletic DBs. Conservative gets you nowhere when you are overmatched physically, IMO. Id have guys flying in from all over the place to start off the game. try to force a turnover or screw up timing. Anything to knock them out of sync

In the end, we still lose. But at least make the game exciting for a little while and maybe keep it closer til the 3rd or 4th, where depth inevitably takes over.

Edited by Eagle1855
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On offense I would hit a quick slant to Quinn right off to get the chains moving, then hit Jackson for the bomb next play. Anything would be an improvement over the last "FIRST" three plays we tried in Austin. Hell, a fumblerooskie would be an improvement over that disaster.

On defense I would blitz every down, show 8 man fronts all day and make them pass on us. The two new QB's should be picking themselves up off the ground after each play.


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on offense you have to think their scouting reports will say draw play, so I run a play action pass. even though we dont run them I would run lots of screen plays to hold up the d-line of UT.

on D the only way we can stop them is to put every player on the feild in the middle and make them throw on us... can we put 10 in the box and then just put our fastest man at free saftey and hope for some wild throws? that is my plan.

on the sidelines when no one is looking I think we should send our dance team to steal the UT girls chaps. we could dye them green and have them wear those around. the end...

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QB: Matt Phillips (sorry Emmitt)

RB: Jamario Thomas

FB: Korona Henderson

WR: Johhny Quinn

FL: Brandon Jackson

Slot: Joel Nwigwe

First play: play action pass to the out route (Jackson or Quinn) Korona Henderson will stay back to block and buys an extra second. Would have to be a quick read..If those routes closed, Nwigwe is streaking downfield. (no Michael Huff back there now) We could catch them napping early.

Defense: BLITZ...BLITZ....BLITZ. New QB and two new OL starters.. Got to get pressure. Besides, in the 3-4 we have more speed on the field.

Hello Jevan Sneed..meet Phillip Graves!!!


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Seriously - why would this game plan work?

Blitz every down, good idea. Texas will never see this coming. They run a zone read option offense, where the quarterback reads the defensive ends and linebackers during the play and THEN makes a decision. I would imagine with eight in the box, that would make the decision pretty easy.

No one in football hits the tight end slant better than Mack Brown's offense. Ask Will Matthews, he's about to be a second round draft pick because of it. Have you seen any other teams run anything close to this against Texas? No, you can't.

Has anyone thought this out?

It likes when you watch sports with a chick and she messes herself over a reverse for 4 yards or a hail mary throw... what do I know though - you guys are the geniuses, I'm just a troll begging for street cred from the all mighty gods of the board.

Last night I sprinkled the blood off the slaughtered goat on my door frame in hopes that my first born would be "passed over" by the powerful dietys that dwell on GMG.com. I would have used a lamb, but they're just too cute.

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Please realize Quoner, as I'm sure you do.. That we all know that we will probably lose 65-3 or some such. We all know that aboslutely nothing we try will work. But it is still fun to come up with some wacky and wild schemes that will "work". Just in the same way that people love to discuss get rich quick schemes. We all know we can't get rich quick but damn is it fun to think about it. laugh.gif

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David Thomas. Will Matthews was a FB that came out a year ago

but great post, otherwise!  laugh.gif

Geez, I bought the wrong jersey to wear to class tomorrow - sorry rick.

Ithink if we were going to break down what works - maybe look to the game plans that slowed them down - Ohio St perhaps?

Longjim - i'm sure you have the season highlight DVD - any thoughts?

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Please realize Quoner, as I'm sure you do.. That we all know that we will probably lose 65-3 or some such.  We all know that aboslutely nothing we try will work.  But it is still fun to come up with some wacky and wild schemes that will "work".  Just in the same way that people love to discuss get rich quick schemes.  We all know we can't get rich quick but damn is it fun to think about it.  laugh.gif

Jokes on you - i'm about to get like $50 M from that guy from Africa who PMed me the other day. I've never been so thankful for the civil unrest in Uganda!

Any other rich people want my bank information?

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Ithink if we were going to break down what works - maybe look to the game plans that slowed them down - Ohio St perhaps?

Not a bad idea. OK St. is a good game to watch, as well.

Longjim - i'm sure you have the season highlight DVD - any thoughts?

Believe it or not, I don't have that DVD. laugh.gif

Man, I dunno. It's really tough. I think that UT is going to be very vanilla, and they are going to try to physically overpower UNT. I think they are going to do a couple of things.

On UT's end: I think that they are going to give the MG a heavy dose of Jamaal Charles. I think you will see a lot of the wheel route to the new TE, and dumps out of the backfield to either Taylor or Charles on 2nd and 3rd down.

Basically I believe that their passing game is going to be more of a 'run after catch'-type thing that will get the QB's some experience throwing at this level of competition without exposing them to too many mistakes.

I think they will try to win the game on the ground, and keep UNT off the field, believe it or not. I think the zone-option is still going to be in the playbook, as well, but I don't think you'll see much of it. I believe Charles and probably Young will get the bulk of the carries. I would pay particular attention to UT's new tight end, because I think he has the potential to have a big game here.

On UNT's side...I would try to get the TE and maybe RB/Flanker involved in the passing game in the LB's area. Create confusion in there with those guys. They are very good, very fast, and I believe will be overagressive. I think UNT will have difficulty stretching the field, and will need to concentrate on a shorter passing game. Shovel pass? I would also try rolling the QB as much as possible, and giving him leeway to run some. Did you see the rolling screenish plays that USC used? Don't know how they'd work, but might try 'em.

I think UNT (probably crazy here) should work the running game to the middle. Possibly off-guard, and even off-center. Trap plays, counters. Those are the best running plays for the MG, IMO. Turn UT's DL speed and strength against them. Lots of play action. How about a naked boot with Wilson? I would definitely attack the LB's and the deep route two or three times.

The line play for UNT is what will make or break this game, obviously. This will be a good barometer to see how the strength/experience things have helped the OL and DL.

Heck, I'm still trying to come up with answers to my own questions. laugh.gif

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Ok, so I'm going to take a stab at this....


1. QB = Matt Philips - because of pass accuracy and command on the field. This could change depending on fall practices.

2. RB = Jamario

3. FB = Kerona Henderson

4. WR = Johnny Quinn, Joel Nwigwe

5. TE = Charlie Brown

My first play would be a quick-drop short route (sorry, still learning some terminology) for about 5-6 yards. Since we hardly EVER pass on first down, that'll get them a little off-beat. And since I'm sure you're nervous before your first pass, this will help settle down our QB. Assuming we execute - even with no YAC, my second play would be a double-option handoff to Kerona Henderson or a dump off to the TE. Texas will be keying on JMo, since he's our stud, so they probably won't expect us to have any other dimensions. 3rd down I'm assuming will only be 2-3 yards (since I'm still assuming we execute) so I'd give it to Kerona to start wearing them down. In the second set of downs, I would start to use Jamario. But for the love of everything holy, PLEASE don't do those stupid swing passes in the backfield. We never gained yards on them, and poor PC got the crap hit out of him on those plays.

For defense, I would definitely use some blitzes, but I wouldn't rush them every time. Maybe fake the blitz (you can do that - right?) and sit back in coverage when it looks like they'll open it up. Also, I'd have our corners play a tighter coverage. I still don't understand why last year our corners were always playing 10 yds off the receiver, even when our CBs had the speed. I know this isn't a well-thought out gameplan, and I'm sure you guys can poke a ton of holes in it, but there's my 2 cents.

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Tell my players not to get hurt, flip off the 12 Mean Green fans that actually make the trip for this piece of s##t game, and go stick my head in the sand.


Seriously though....

I'd hit them with every offensive stupid ass trick play I could dream up. What do you have to lose?

For the first play:

QB - Phillips

RB - Jamario

HB - Woody

WR - Quinn and Nwigwe

Send Quinn in motion to one side, Jamario, Woody, and Phillips follow. This should get single coverage for Nwigwe, who just hauls ass flat out down the other sideline. Phillips turns around and hits him in stride.


Hell, who knows. Run fast and hit hard.

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I'd hit them with every offensive stupid ass trick play I could dream up.  What do you have to lose? 

Send Quinn in motion to one side, Jamario, Woody, and Phillips follow.  This should get single coverage for Nwigwe, who just hauls ass flat out down the other sideline.  Phillips turns around and hits him in stride.

LOL!! laugh.gif

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I think they will try to win the game on the ground, and keep UNT off the field, believe it or not.  I think the zone-option is still going to be in the playbook, as well, but I don't think you'll see much of it.  I believe Charles and probably Young will get the bulk of the carries.  I would pay particular attention to UT's new tight end, because I think he has the potential to have a big game here.

I do too. They have had their way with us on the ground in the past. No reason to stop now, which is why I say line up heavy against the run and make them pass. Their two new QB's are nothing speed wise compared to Young, and didn't look that impressive trying to run the ball in their spring game. I say we take the run out of the equation as much as possible and make them pass. If they hit the TE, so be it. That is a riskier task than the handoff up the middle for 6 every other play like last time, and I could stomach that much easier. If we are going to give up yards, make them do it through the air. And regardless if their new QB's get the hand off away on the read, or get the throw off, hit them in the mouth and put them on the ground as much as possible. You know NT will get at least 2 personal fouls, or more as well as our usual 7 to 12 penalties. I say make them count.

As an example on defense we should look at the way A&M played them last year. A&M stacked the line and played aggressive, holding Young to 19 yards rushing and a little over 160 passing.

On offense LongJim may have it right, as again I looked at how A&M played them last season and seemed to have done the same thing:

  I think UNT (probably crazy here) should work the running game to the middle. Possibly off-guard, and even off-center. Trap plays, counters. Those are the best running plays for the MG, IMO. Turn UT's DL speed and strength against them. ...

A&M used a punishing, inside ground attack and controlled much of the game. Their freshman QB ran for over 100 yards and it kept tU busy all night. But do we have the O line play this time around? We didn't last time, which for me, if we don't, I would rather see us take our chances down field trying to put it in JQ's hands than continue to run it inside? For the most part A&M shot itself in the foot early in that game and they never could recover from it but that game plan was effective. While watching that game I couldn't help from thinking the whole game, "this can't be the same A&M team that nearly lost to TxSt earlier in the season?".


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A&M used a punishing, inside ground attack and controlled much of the game.  Their freshman QB ran for over 100 yards and it kept tU busy all night.  But do we have the O line play this time around?  We didn't last time, which for me, if we don't,  I would rather see us take our chances down field trying to put it in JQ's hands than continue to run it inside? 

The only problem with that is, if they're not able to block the run against UT, then I doubt they'll give any of our QBs enough time to throw the ball, especially downfield. It takes time to get the ball down there, so unless you're setting it up with the run and play-action, I don't see that happening. It's possible that we catch them napping, but that's maybe one play, not really a gameplan.

Too many times they just stack the box and stop our run or run over our O-line. The WRs have 1-on-1 coverage, but it doesnt matter because the QB is running for his life or already on the turf.

But, there's a chance that a relentless short passing game early on with screens and slants could soften them up and get them on their heels a little bit. Then you go back to your draws and counters. Then you hit them with play-action.

Either way, I think you will have to be aggressive against teams like UT. I'm not saying to abandon the run or just keep airing it out, but you don't want to give them time.

In fact, maybe I'd go no-huddle to open the game.

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I think Woody starts at QB.

First play of the game, singleback shotgun QB rollout wide side, Flood wide side. Give WW the option to tuck it and run or throw it deep. Second play, singleback shotgun Zone option. It's worked so well for Texas, right????

NT needs to take some of the pressure of the running game off Jamario. The easiest way to do that is with a QB like Woody, IMO. Hey at one point, Nutt was considering him a replacement for Matt Jones. That speaks volumes, IMO.

We have him now, LET's USE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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NT needs to take some of the pressure of the running game off Jamario. The easiest way to do that is with a QB like Woody, IMO. Hey at one point, Nutt was considering him a replacement for Matt Jones. That speaks volumes, IMO.

We have him now, LET's USE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In as much as a person recruited as a DB is considered a replacement for your QB.

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Least we get too excited, this will be Woody's first D1A game too.

That's why we should start Phillips. Loosen them up with all types of passing plays-short routes, slants, long balls, etc. And do nothing but play tough the damn game. North Texas needs to somehow redeem themselves from the embarrassment of last years game with UT.

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Woody was recruited to Arkansas as a DB.  Doesn't mean he can't play QB, but they weren't really considering him as a replacement to Matt Jones.

I read he was recruited as a QB, thus Arkansas "putting" him at the CC. Things changed this season when Mustain put Arkansas on his radar. When word came Mustain was going to verbal, Nutt backed down and started pushing the DB card on Woody.

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