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Did DD Really Slam The Fans In His...


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His words were something on the order being wary of people who kiss your behind and then turn on you and rip you. Of course, it was spiced up in the traditional Dickey fashion, but that was the gist.

And I'd bet money that he wasn't talking about the kind of guys who show up on a Saturday to cook brisket for players, or guys who wait out in the parking lot for hours to get an autograph, or people who donate their hard earnedf money to the program.

He was cautioning his players against taking what amateurs (us) say about them seriously. However much he spiced that up with language doesn't change what he was saying. He wasn't bashing anyone. I'm just as certain, however, the people will find a way to take offense at what Coach Dickey said, forgetting how just a week ago he went out of his way to thank everyone involved in the cookout profusely.

So I'll cross my fingers and hope that good sense prevails here.

Edited by illuvius32
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He was cautioning his players against taking what amateurs (us) say about them seriously.  However much he spiced that up with language doesn't change what he was saying.  He wasn't bashing anyone. I'm just as certain, however, the people will find a way to take offense at what Coach Dickey said, forgetting how just a week ago he went out of his way to thank everyone involved in the cookout profusely.

So I'll cross my fingers and hope that good sense prevails here.

Well, I agree that he did go out of his way to thank the participants of the "cook-out", as did many of the players.

However, I didn't hear any disclaimers/exceptions (ie guys! I'm not talking about all those dedicated fans who went through a lot to cook for you last week....and who drive all night and day to attend games in the far reaches of the conference) in his speech to the players about capricious fans.

I just heard the same'ol "us-against-the-world" bunker mentality.

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I do not see your point if he is calling fans names to his players it opnly instills the us v. the world mentality that has been prevalent.

Does not matter how fair weather some fans are they are still fans and if these were the words used then it only further shows that DD could care less about gaining community support. IMO so you can rip me all you want.

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I do not see your point if he is calling fans names to his players it opnly instills the us v. the world mentality that has been prevalent.

Does not matter how fair weather some fans are they are still fans and if these were the words used then it only further shows that DD could care less about gaining community support. IMO so you can rip me all you want.

No ripping coming, but understand the message. Coach Dickey did NOT rip the people who support this team? He ripped the people who are telling players how great they are, then are never seen or heard from again...or worse, arent there for them (time or money) then write negative things about them on the internet or newpapers. It's one thing to be a passive fan and that's okay. It's another to be a dissenting influence and not be a part of this program anywhere? Dont be fooled here.. DD believes WE (fans, Alums, player families. etc..) are a part of this team, and that is why he does so much for us. Coach Dickey is very appreciative of the fan support, and has been a part of every fund rasier and event we've asked. He not only committs his time to us, but also his players and coaches. I requested "celebrity" coaches for this flag football game (current players), and DD told Coach Evans to "gives us whatever we want". Coach Evans would probably have done that anyway..we have an amazing group of assistants, but it was a very positive sign that Coach Dickey appreciates what we do.

There are very few Division-1A coaches who are this accessible and this easy to work with. I wouldnt over-react to a post-game speech. Coach Dickey is only trying to protect his players from the bad guys. He does not include the MeanGreen faithful in any of that...


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Guest JohnDenver

I think it means you should use Dickey's logic:

Be wary of those (coaches) m_f'ers that thank you for your patronage and BBQ skillz to your face and then those same (coaches) m_f'ers are the ones that rip you behind your back (or in the public arena after a scrimmage).

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I think it means you should use Dickey's logic:

Be wary of those (coaches) m_f'ers that thank you for your patronage and BBQ skillz to your face and then those same (coaches) m_f'ers are the ones that rip you behind your back (or in the public arena after a scrimmage).

Sorry, but this is a tempest in a teacup. Some posters really need to get a life.

From what I have been able to hear through the grapevine, Dickey was warning his players about taking what fans say too seriously. A very reasonable request, especially considering the level of ignorance SOME (though not all...others are very knowledgeable)_posters display about even the basics of football. Again, as far as I have been able to ascertain, it was not a blast at your ordinary fans or even his critics, but a statement that players should take what some posters and fans say with a grain of salt. If the players listened and believed everything some fans say, they'd need a shrink to get their heads back on straight.

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I do not see your point if he is calling fans names to his players it opnly instills the us v. the world mentality that has been prevalent.

Does not matter how fair weather some fans are they are still fans and if these were the words used then it only further shows that DD could care less about gaining community support. IMO so you can rip me all you want.

If you watched half of the 15k or so who decide to come watch you play on a good day rip you and debate your job performance for years, you might slip in and f bomb in a speech to your colleagues/subordinates too.

If it motivates them, so be it. If they win games, they'll thank the fans again for support. Its just part of the downward spiral the entire ship is in - team doesn't perform - fans rip team - team takes it personal, makes comments, fans get indignant and rip team more.

Of all the problems we have, this one seems to be making the most out of nothing, but what do I know? I just have a pop in my pants for Johnny.

Nate Dogg is key - talk to him before it is too late!

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If you watched half of the 15k or so who decide to come watch you play on a good day rip you and debate your job performance for years, you might slip in and f bomb in a speech to your colleagues/subordinates too.

If it motivates them, so be it. If they win games, they'll thank the fans again for support. Its just part of the downward spiral the entire ship is in - team doesn't perform - fans rip team - team takes it personal, makes comments, fans get indignant and rip team more.

Of all the problems we have, this one seems to be making the most out of nothing, but what do I know? I just have a pop in my pants for Johnny.

Nate Dogg is key - talk to him before it is too late!

Then DD better hope he never makes it to a big school if he worries about only 15K b/c then he will have 60K chewing on him and if so he might seek a more friendly job placement.

I am glad to hear he helps out and appreciates a small select group of fans but when will we hear about DD and his Coaches going out into the Community and pushing UNT Athletics? Most of the time we only see the paper and the somewhat backhanded compliments. unsure.gif

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Guest JohnDenver

Sorry, but this is a tempest in a teacup. Some posters really need to get a life.

Personally, I don't care. I have stopped caring really ... I have a lot to worry about in real life and UNT FB isn't 'real life' to me. It is to him and his players. I want a clean, growing, winning program.. If it takes an F-bomb, so be it.

It is all academic ... and worthy of conversation though. That is what gmg.com is all about.

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Some of you just look for stuff to whine about. From the quotes I have heard in this thread, I see no attack on regular fans. He was not calling us mf, just the fans that are. Those players take a lot from fans, much of it negative.

Second, when DD is talking to his players, it should be between him and the players. You do not know if a player was upset or something happened that was causing problems within the team. DD did not say that just to say it, I can assure you that something must have happened. Trust me, I played for Simon and DD and the "fans" caused us a lot of problems.(at 19 you take everything personal) I am not saying the "fans" do not have the right, it is just tough being a player and hearing all the S&*t. The fans also did many great things for us. We were greatful. Just to give a former players insight, I played from 1995-1999 and my over thoughts on the fans were negative. Not sure if that is a correct assesment, but that is the feeling we had as players, we felt like we had very little support. Most seemed to be against us. (I will add, we did not give the fans much to cheer about, but true fans cheer regardless. I am very supportive of the program, win or lose.) Being supportive of the program does not make me content on where it is either, the program still has a lot of things it needs to do to get where I expect it to be.

Also, what DD and the players call fans may be different from what you call fans. As a player, I considered anyone that went to the school or had comments to be a fan. A guess someone who does not care about and always has something bad to say is really not a fan. Really, to us, anyone not on the team was a fan if they new or related to UNT football. That is why when DD calls the "fan" a MF, he may be talking about the S*#& heads out there that you do not consider a fan.

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Guest JohnDenver

That is why when DD calls the "fan" a MF, he may be talking about the S*#& heads out there that you do not consider a fan.

That is a valid point from a former player .. No one can deny that.

But Dickey does add fuel to the fire that already burns in the fickle UNT fan. Why does he do that?

I have ZERO doubt that Dickey knows which fans he likes, which ones he hates and which ones he doesn't care about. I also have ZERO doubt that he is a good guy ...

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  He was not calling us mf, just the fans that are.

UNT needs all the fans it can get. For a coach to call any of the UNT's fans "f@#&ers," is idiotic. Of course, so is having our OC physically restrained to prevent an assault on a fan in the stands. Nothing surprises me anymore.

As far as the "us versus them" mentality, it sure would be nice if the "us" included UNT players, alumni, fans, and coaches, and the "them" included the opposition... As it is, it appears DD is fostering an atmosphere of resentment.

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After some of the things I have yelled at him, I don't expect him to talk nicely about me. I certainly don't talk nicely about him.

If you knew a bunch of people wanted to see you lose your job, how would you talk about them.

Personally, I don't want Dickey to kiss my ass. I want him to win football games.

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IMHO, I hope this is DD and RF's last year, regardless of this years record.

UNT deserves a coach that is committed not only to (1) fans (2) football (3) fans(4) recruiting (5) fans (6) fans........

If the BOR/RV are not committed to "our" program and they allow continued overt public verbal abuse of fans in the press (writen/radio/personal) and allow assistant coaches to verbally abuse fans during the game (half time) then the "final" responsibility rests on the shoulders of the BOR/RV for allowing these unallowable acts to happen. #1: RV needs to go and #2: the BOR needs to do some soul searching with the help of the Texas Legislature to "immediately" correct these premeditated acts against the fans that financially support UNT.

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I am amazed so many still defend DD, who continues to do just about anything he can do alienate the small fan base that we have. I don’t care what his intensions were or who his audience was, his comments were incredibly stupid. I can understand players’ reaction to negative comments, but most of them are mature enough to understand that it is just part of the game. If any coach or player does not understand that a dismal 2-9 record is going to cause criticism; then they are unbelievably naïve or worse.

DD’s “us against the world” ploy is used by poor coaches at all levels and often appears to work. The problem is that it’s long term effects are almost all negative especially for the institution that they are representing.

Does NT have an athletic director? RV either does not have the will to put a muzzle on DD or the power. I wonder if DD ever considers those, with the authority to give him his dream job, may look at more then the record when making those decisions. A coach that incessantly denigrates his employer and fan base is not likely to end up on the short list.

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I am amazed so many still defend DD, who continues to do just about anything he can do alienate the small fan base that we have.  I don’t care what his intensions were or who his audience was, his comments were incredibly stupid.  I can understand players’ reaction to negative comments, but most of them are mature enough to understand that it is just part of the game.  If any coach or player does not understand that a dismal 2-9 record is going to cause criticism; then they are unbelievably naïve or worse.

DD’s “us against the world” ploy is used by poor coaches at all levels and often appears to work.  The problem is that it’s long term effects are almost all negative especially for the institution that they are representing. 

Does NT have an athletic director?  RV either does not have the will to put a muzzle on DD or the power.  I wonder if DD ever considers those, with the authority to give him his dream job, may look at more then the record when making those decisions.  A coach that incessantly denigrates his employer and fan base is not likely to end up on the short list.

AMEN! Great post!!! The comment about RV at first I didn't want to believe because I think RV is doing so many things the right way. But this is just too much and if RV is unwilling to do what it takes to discipline certain coaches then it lies on his head. Regardless of whether or not he has the "power" to do so or not...

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Guest JohnDenver

laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  unsure.gif  mad.gif

Couldn't have been more accurate if he tried. Adler that is ... Not Cheney or Dickey.

Dickey Cheney? blink.gif

user posted image

user posted image

Ever seen them in the same room? I think not ...

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" Division from within! Division from within! Does anyone know what division from within means?" Coach Dickey asked his players. The players all stared while the coach repetitively made a globe shape by touching his fingers together and then pulling his hands apart. "It's when internal forces destroy something by pulling it apart."

"In my 46 years of being around college football, North Texas is the worst, the worst, THE WORST, place that I have ever witnessed this type of division. It's probably the worst in the country."

"The fans at Gomeangreen will feed you, and they'll give you cupcakes, but, as soon as anything goes wrong and you lose a game, those same f***ers will be calling you losers, they'll be calling you woosies, and they'll be calling you worthless."

"I'm not telling you to be mean to anyone, I'm not telling you to be rude to anyone, I'm just telling it like it is, and to not forget it."

He then finished his post-scrimmage talk by telling the players that "the team needed leaders and that leaders do not have to be seniors or even star players, and this past year we were missing leadership" and then gave a "work hard in the classroom, work hard in the weight room, stay in shape, stay out of jail, and have a great time but be careful during Spring Break" speech.


I know the point DD was trying to make with the players; but I was very disappointed when he talked about the fans like that. It made me want to not come back in the Fall. dry.gif

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