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Are Many Teams Scheduling 1AA Games ?


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it is also my belief that this is the time to "TAKE ONE STEP BACK TO TAKE TWO STEPS FORWARD"  in the scheduling of more D-1AA teams.

we take that step back every year by playing in the sunbelt. Not sure if you are aware of this, but we play in the worst conference in the nation. We dont need to add more bad teams to our schedule. We are not KState. We are not in a BCS conference. your logic does not apply here and if we lose these 1AA games (which we have all seen is certainly possible) we take several steps back. i dont understand how you think this can benefit us?

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We are all aware that the SBC is the WORST D-1A conference in America and behind a couple of D-1AA conferences....you are absolutely correct but that is "old" and "public" knowlege.

If you are of the expressed opinion that we should play "only" D-1A schools I can respect that but UNT's OOC record under DD is something like 7-39 (or something close to that).

My concern is not getting beat by a D-1A or D-1AA school....it still goes down as a loss, agree?? Our chances of beating a D-1AA team would be better than getting 40-54 hung on us by a D-1A OOC opponent.

I would much rather have a D-1AA school come to Fouts Field so we can use them for Cannon Fodder than us going to Texas, Arkansas, LSU, K-State and UNT being used for Cannon Fodder.

If UNT gets beat consistantly by D-1AA schools then don't you think it is time for a change in the football administration to find a coach/administration that can take us out of this abysmal state of affairs that we are currently in??

Eagle1855 does it PIS_ YOU OFF that UNT is ranked #107 out of 117 D-1A programs??

UNT would not even be ranked in the TOP 20 of D-1AA programs with the team that we have......does that pis_ you off??

UNT would probably be ranked #140 out of all D-1A and D-1AA programs.....does that pis_ you off??

And you are worried about a D-1AA program beating us???

H-TownGreen, PlummeanGreen, GreyEagle and others have specifically laid down the gauntlet as to how to rectify this program......

Others like yourself only want UNT to keep "staus quo".......that status quo has put us chest high in feces and we are sinking rapidly in the cauldron of being recognized as a perinnial Bottom 10 ESPN powderpuff.

Eagle1855, you and other like thinkers want "status quo"....THIS IS NOT THE ANSWER!!!

You only regurgitate by stating, "keep on doing what we are doing and that will take us to the promise land......that is NOT the answer....can't you see it is not working????

UNT barely won 2 games last year......I do not expect much better this year.

If you want to fix a problem then you have to be a little more creative than just to suggest, "keep on keeping on."

There is a LEGITIMATE opinion floating around to, TAKE ONE STEP BACK TO MOVE 2 STEPS FORWARD to get us out of "your" "staus quo" mentality. There is nothing wrong in playing one or two D-1AA games a year, for a while, until UNT gets back on the winning track.

If you disagree with me then I can respect your opinion but I totally disagree.

Until UNT starts to win on a regular basis the current football administration must take some drastic steps to place our program in a position to move forward by winning against any program no matter what the cost....and if that means losing a game or two against a D-1AA program, this year or maybe next year, then I can respect that. I only suggest this as a short term solution to a long term goal.

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Until UNT starts to win on a regular basis the current football administration must take some drastic steps to place our program in a position to move forward by winning against any program no matter what the cost....and if that means losing a game or two against a D-1AA program, this year or maybe next year,  then I can respect that.  I only suggest this as a short term solution to a long term goal.

This, IMO, is a band-aid. As UNT is a D1-A school, they need to play as many D1-A schools as possible. Beating up on 1AA schools is not 'moving forward', in any shape or form.

The coaching staff/athletic department/team does not need the "out" that victories against D1AA schools provides. They need to produce results at the level of competition that UNT plays.

If they are not delivering at the level expected, then changes must be made to achieve that result. Gimme victories against lower-tier schools delays that process, IMO.

I'm not against UNT scheduling a 1AA school, but keep it to no more than 1 per year. There need to be no more excuses. wink.gif

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Eagle1855, you and other like thinkers want "status quo"....THIS IS NOT THE ANSWER!!!

You only regurgitate by stating, "keep on doing what we are doing and that will take us to the promise land......that is NOT the answer....can't you see it is not working????

I stopped reading after this part, because it is obvious you have never read any of my posts over the last year. I hate the status quo and I actually believe NT will do big things in the future. I do not enjoy UNT's relative mediocrity in the least. I just dont agree with your one step/two step theory because I think it is wrong. Its that simple. Its not because I dont understand it, I just think it is a flawed method for getting NT where we would like it.

The fact that you say we wouldnt even be ranked in the top 20 among Div 1AA teams invalidates your call to schedule these teams, in my opinion. If that is true, why would you want to expose that by losing to one of them? A loss is not a loss. Losing to Texas State or some other Texas 1AA team hurts FAR worse for recruiting and national image than losing to OU, Texas, or even Tulsa for that matter... at least our players get to play on a big stage in some of those games. This will blow your mind, so hang on to your seat--- I actually expect us to be competitive in all of those games in the future. I know, its absurd.

If you still think playing 1AA teams will take us to this mythical promised land where the rivers flow with chocolate and unicorns play in candy fields under the rainbow sky, more power to you. I just dont agree with that sentiment at all.

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I'm not against UNT scheduling a 1AA school, but keep it to no more than 1 per year.  There need to be no more excuses.  wink.gif

Correct! I am for NT playing one 1-AA this year. Not two, not one every year from here on out. A one time thing. Most 1-A schools have already found a team to play their 12th game against. Someone stated that the only teams left with dates matching ours were BYU and Akron. I doubt that a 1and1 would get done with Akron, so that leaves BYU which we passed up as not being in our best financial benefit. Wait till next year and try and schedule a Rice, UH, Tulane.

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If you still think playing 1AA teams will take us to this mythical promised land where the rivers flow with chocolate and unicorns play in candy fields under the rainbow sky, more power to you. I just dont agree with that sentiment at all.

Could the SunBelt winner just get an automatic berth in the I-AA playoffs? Whoever the SunBelt rep loses to gets our spot in the conference - and if we win - well then we earned that 100-119 ranking!!!!

Up yours I-AA!!!

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You are correct.....i only advocate playing D-1AA programs as a short term approach or as you called it a band aide approach. Any WIN is better than any LOSS!!.....even if it is against a D-1AA program. We all know that while UNT is in the SBC we have a slim to none chance of going to a BCS game with the team we have today, next year or the year after that with the current players and coaching staff.

Utah had to go undefeated two years ago and fought its way into the BCS system. Last year TCU was 10-1 and did not go because of SMU.

Is there a possibility we could go to a BCS playoff game?? I say yes with the right coaching staff and players and UNT going undefeated.....sure there is a chance.

I did not mean to do a PMG essay, even though I like reading what he has to say.

"now is the time to look at taking one step back to take two steps forward"

"my expectations next year are: win 2 OOC games, run the belt and beat the #4 CUSA team in the NO Bowl....anything less we need a changing of the guard.

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if UNT has to schedule a 1-AA game just to get a W or a break from its tough SBC schedule then the coach is doing a poor job and needs fired. if you play in the big12 then a 1-AA game is OK for a break, not in the SBC. Act like 1-A fans and demand a 1-A program! tongue.gif

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I really do not understand your point. You are actually elevating the standards of the SBC over the BCS schools on who can play the D-1AA schools??? blink.gif

We are all D-1A fans and what difference does it make if Texas A&M (who played Texas State last year), Baylor(who played Samford last year), LSU (who played Appalatian State last year, Kentucky(who played Idaho State last year)...etc.....play D-1AA schools??

My point is that when someone glances at those forementioned W-L records they just see how many games won and lost......

LoveMG, the SBC is lower than a couple of other D-1AA conferences!!! UNT's ranking, if you put it with D-1AA schools, does not even put it in the Top 20 of D-1AA!! How does that make you feel???

Why not take a temporary break from playing teams that hang 40-54 points on us and play one or two D-1AA schools for a couple of three years to improve our overall W-L record???

Guess what??? UNT aint goin' to a BCS bowl game anytime soon....you do realize that don't you???

UNT is just a Mid-Major is the worst conference in D-1A ranked #107 out of 117 D-1A programs, fact!! We don't even play competitively with any OOC programs!!

If your train of thought is just keep on doing what we have been doing with the current level of player we are recruiting then you can expect UNT to be #107 again next year.

If you want to be pro-active in getting us out of this mess then sometimes you just have to "take a step back" or you can have the philosophy of, "onward through the fog."....kinda like a ship without a rudder.....


1. what do you think are chances are next year???

2. what will your feeling be if we win 2 or 3 games next year???

3. how can we get better players to commit to UNT to get us out of this mess???

4. what are your W-L expectations to keep DD next year???

Any Mid-Major or BCS program that plays D-1AA schools is a legitimate D-1A program and is worth going to watch.

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If you are a BCS team or (depending) a Mid-Major that maintains a competitive program, then you're probably not going to be hurt by adding a Div 1-AA team.

However, we are NOT in the BCS, and I think you'd be hard-pressed to call the Sun Belt (as mentioned below some Div 1-AA) a Mid-Major. We don't have the money or the facilities or the fan support to justify wasting a game right now. If you feel our chances are as bad as they are, then I don't believe there's anything to gain from one more win, especially against a Div 1-AA team. It's not like it will make us go from 2 or 3 wins to 7 or 8.

We won for 3 years against terrible teams, and it didn't really gain us favor. People DO look at who you beat to get there, and even if they did'nt, we'd get exposed in the NO Bowl.

The only way for our team to actually take a step forward is by playing teams in Div 1-A and beating them. If we want better athletes and a more competitive team, than we need to Step Up. Your proposal is stepping back in order to maintain where we already are.

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Eagle 1855---

This is what we are currently doing and we are #107 of 117 D-1A teams....


tell me something specific, come on man, work with me.

I dont know what to tell you. we already play 7+ games that many would consider that equivalency of div1aa programs. I dont know why we need more.

We need to be in C-USA so we play more relevant teams that have more appeal to fans and players. We need a new stadium to bring more relevant OOC games to Denton which will in turn increase attendance which makes Denton a more exciting place for recruits. And we need a coach that doesnt lay down and die when game planning OOC games.

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One thing that seem to be lost in this discussion is the fan. Yes most of the loyal fans are going to be there no matter who we are playing. But many may feel as I do, I don't want to watch NT play a 1aa opponent. The game just holds very little interest in my view. Unless NT loses it means absolutely nothing. Some may have got a thrill out the basketball team clobbering UTPB, Angelo State and Hardin Simmons, but other than padding a record; what purpose did it serve? If you think getting playing time against these teams is an advantage, I hate to see JJ conference record if he had not had those benefits.

There is nothing wrong with playing an occasional 1aa, but imo that should be the last option for a home game. If NT can't compete with non-power conference team then changes have to be made to upgrade the program not downgrade the competition.

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I can agree with that.

1. You are right in that the SBC is the "glorified" Southland Conference.

2. When you have D-1AA conferences that are higher rated than the SBC then the teams we play in our conference are glorified D-1AA schools.

3. CUSA....well I hope there will be some more conference shake ups. That will be the only way.

4. New Stadium.....still waiting on an donor.

5. New Coach.....you are PMG's new Hero. laugh.gif A lot of us believe that is the #1 problem. Ya got to be able to sell the program with the stuff you have. Fry and Nelson did it and were successful.....but don't want to get into those topics.

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work with me.  tell me "your" solution to get us out of this mess we are currently in?

1) Fire a terrible football coach.

2) Hire a good one.

3) Regularly beat the terrible teams already on our schedule. (Sun Belt)

4) Keep even and competitive against the true mid-majors on our schedule (Tulsa, La Tech).

5) Take 1 or 2 yearly body-bag games for the payout, because we need the cash. Regardless of the final score, look like you belong.

IF the Sun Belt were respectable and we had money and nice facilities and fans, I would see your point of the Div 1-AA game. But it isn't and we don't. And we won't get any more respect for one more win if it's over Div 1-AA.

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It was said in a previous post that the only teams left with openings that fit ours are BYU and Akron. That's not a lot of options. Hence the possibility of adding a 1-AA game for this year and this year only is a viable option.

I would prefer playing Akron or BYU. If the money doesn't make sense (costs us) to play any of the remaining Div 1-A teams, then I undestand the position of dropping down to Div 1-AA.

BUT that is not the position that euless is taking.

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I would prefer playing Akron or BYU.  If the money doesn't make sense (costs us) to play any of the remaining Div 1-A teams, then I undestand the position of dropping down to Div 1-AA.

BUT that is not the position that euless is taking.

It has been stated on here that the reasoning behind not taking up BYU on the offer was because it didn't work for us financially.

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It has been stated on here that the reasoning behind not taking up BYU on the offer was because it didn't work for us financially.

Lots of things are stated on here. Forgive me if I don't take it as gospel truth. And, as I said, I understand the reasoning if it's financial. I DO NOT understand the reasoning in terms of padding our W-L record, and that's what's people are using for their argument.

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1) Fire a terrible football coach.

2) Hire a good one.

3) Regularly beat the terrible teams already on our schedule. (Sun Belt)

4) Keep even and competitive against the true mid-majors on our schedule (Tulsa, La Tech).

5) Take 1 or 2 yearly body-bag games for the payout, because we need the cash.  Regardless of the final score, look like you belong.

IF the Sun Belt were respectable and we had money and nice facilities and fans, I would see your point of the Div 1-AA game.  But it isn't and we don't.  And we won't get any more respect for one more win if it's over Div 1-AA.

exactly. a 1-AA win means nothing to UNT but beating someone we should beat like SBC teams. a loss would kill the fan base and recruiting more than it has been by 2-9.

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