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Posted (edited)

  MeanGreen61 said:
Some more of your useless dribble cool.gif

A brief description of the majority of your posts and the recognition they deserve rolleyes.gif

user posted image

OK, MG61, I will tell cousin Guido from Sicily to back off and that you are no longer required to read any of my post any longer (as you had been forced to do previously); and especially if they are going to get your blood pressure way up and drive you further into the complete support of stark inter-collegiate athletic mediocrity at our very own alma mater. smile.gif GUIDO, IF YOU ARE READING THIS..............GO BACK HOME! ENJOY SOME FETTUCINE ON ME OL' PAL!

Edited by PlummMeanGreen

  PlummMeanGreen said:

Very good, Mr. Curtis and we are all proud of that 3'rd grade achievement, too.smile.gif

I just wanted the "Q" man to admit that he/she is probably an NT Athletic Dept. employee and that is the vantage point from which he/she made his/her remarks toward me.  'Tis a free country, anyone can say what they want to say and FWIW, I can take handle what some have allege I have maliciously dished out that they are not in complete agreement. 

First, Plumm, I love you. If you can post the same tired shtick, why can't I? I have nothing to hide, but I don't want to give you anymore than you need to know. I'm Texas born, love me some sweet Johnny Quinn, and I fight for freedom and truth.

Second, its hard to work in the AD when you live 300 miles away. You figure it out. Not supporting your craziness does not equal supporting everything in the administration and athletic program.

Oddly enough my name is Rick DickinsonAdamsHowardCapperBarnhartAshbaughAdamsMcKinleyJohnsonBarellaDickey Ray, the 3rd. The whole AD hooked up and I came out. I heard it was awesome. I play on the basketball team and used to date Tina Slinker. I donate 50 billion dollars towards the Dallas Campus and I have a dad who lives in Kansas who uses a slush fund between NT and KSU to fund controversial political cartoons and propaganda. You were right about everything.

Off to go fishing with DD and Bobby - toodles.


Just for fun, I copy and pasted PlummMeanGreen's first two posts into a text editor, here are the stats on them:

Words: 2,726

Characters: 15,083

Compared to:

Gettysburg Address

Words: 278

Characters: 1,474

Bill of Rights

Words: 609

Characters: 2,981

Declaration of Independence (Including Signatures)

Words: 1,500

Characters: 9,297


  PlummMeanGreen said:
I have to ask this question to you, H=towngreen and I'm not being facetious here at all:  Just what is the hook that has you supporting Darrell Dickey as the man to lead us at UNT in our football program in light of where his leadership after 8 years presently has our football program in context with all the other 117 schools in NCAA D1-A?  Just curious.....

And I have to ask you this question:

What is the point of all this ranting and raving? I dont have a scientific survey to support what I am about to say, but if I had to guess I would say that about 99% of people affiliated with NT in one way or another are unhappy with last years 2-9 abortion. There are probably a significant group of people that are not pleased with DD as well. So if this year is a bust, we will show him the door. You dont fire a coach that is winning the conference over and over again. OOC record or not. Im not a huge DD fan either, but you cant get rid of the guy who is taking you to a bowl game every year. Toilet Bowl or not.

He isnt going anywhere this year so all of these pedantic rants are accomplishing nothing.

Pulling finanical support is a great way to help bury this program. Voice your opinions to the people that matter.

You obviously have a great passion for all things green, that is evident and that is a good thing for our program. Just direct it in a useful manner instead of throwing out wild conspiracy theories and cut and pasting the same complaints over and over again.

The horse is dead, and the continuous beating of said horse is unnecessary.


  Quoner said:
First, Plumm, I love you. If you can post the same tired shtick, why can't I? I have nothing to hide, but I don't want to give you anymore than you need to know. I'm Texas born, love me some sweet Johnny Quinn, and I fight for freedom and truth.

Second, its hard to work in the AD when you live 300 miles away. You figure it out. Not supporting your craziness does not equal supporting everything in the administration and athletic program.

Oddly enough my name is Rick DickinsonAdamsHowardCapperBarnhartAshbaughAdamsMcKinleyJohnsonBarellaDickey Ray, the 3rd. The whole AD hooked up and I came out. I heard it was awesome. I play on the basketball team and used to date Tina Slinker. I donate 50 billion dollars towards the Dallas Campus and I have a dad who lives in Kansas who uses a slush fund between NT and KSU to fund controversial political cartoons and propaganda. You were right about everything.

Off to go fishing with DD and Bobby - toodles.

Simple GREATNESSuser posted image

Posted (edited)

  H-towngreen said:
Thanks I'm very proud of it too. biggrin.gif

Why is it that anyone who supports DD on this board you then assume that they work for the Ath. Dept? My guess is that Quoner is just someone who gets a hard on over J. Quinn.

Why am I supportive of DD and staff and the football team.

1) He is our coach and he is leading our team into battle every weekend in the upcoming fall.

2) Where were we before he got here 8 yrs. ago.

3) Conference Champs, Bowl Appearences. Cover of USA Today, ESPN spotlight.

4) Back2back rushing champs.

No I was not happy with last years performence. But I do believe that DD should be given this year to right the ship. If it turns into another season like last, then we move on and go after a high profile coach. But until then I support DD and staff, and the players.

Fair enough, H-towngreen, but I will not go there with the comments concerning the "Q" man on the great Johnny Quinn! LOL! I do 100% support our Mean Green football players, I just think they could be better coached and disciplined which would give them all a chance to be successful as a team (but enough of all that).

I did like the some of what you said in the last paragraph of your post, though. In fact, I liked it very much! smile.gif

I just think some of what you said in your last paragraph is the future in Mean Green Country and what will be the very thing that will catapult us to Top 25. Hellsbells! Even Mean Joe Greene once told a bunch of us that NORTH TEXAS should strive to be national champion (and he mean't at the NCAA D1-A level, too).

BTW, I came in 2'nd in my 3'rd grade spelling bee contest. And for my reward from the home front, I got a .19 cent hamburger (cut the onions) and chocolate milk shake over in Angleton, Texas, at the local "Short Stop" burger place. Back in that day, it didn't take much to please me. smile.gif

Edited by PlummMeanGreen

  Quoner said:
First, Plumm, I love you. If you can post the same tired shtick, why can't I? I have nothing to hide, but I don't want to give you anymore than you need to know. I'm Texas born, love me some sweet Johnny Quinn, and I fight for freedom and truth.

Second, its hard to work in the AD when you live 300 miles away. You figure it out. Not supporting your craziness does not equal supporting everything in the administration and athletic program.

Oddly enough my name is Rick DickinsonAdamsHowardCapperBarnhartAshbaughAdamsMcKinleyJohnsonBarellaDickey Ray, the 3rd. The whole AD hooked up and I came out. I heard it was awesome. I play on the basketball team and used to date Tina Slinker. I donate 50 billion dollars towards the Dallas Campus and I have a dad who lives in Kansas who uses a slush fund between NT and KSU to fund controversial political cartoons and propaganda. You were right about everything.

Off to go fishing with DD and Bobby - toodles.

Well, I guess its always good to be loved (as long as its done within the Biblical sort of way and perspective if you know what I mean)?

But as far as your fishing trips go, Quoner, you could pick better company to do that with, right? smile.gif



That's all and I'm out of here..................... (for now). }:>)


  H-towngreen said:
Thanks I'm very proud of it too. biggrin.gif

Why is it that anyone who supports DD on this board you then assume that they work for the Ath. Dept? My guess is that Quoner is just someone who gets a hard on over J. Quinn.

Why am I supportive of DD and staff and the football team.

1) He is our coach and he is leading our team into battle every weekend in the upcoming fall.

2) Where were we before he got here 8 yrs. ago.

3) Conference Champs, Bowl Appearences. Cover of USA Today, ESPN spotlight.

4) Back2back rushing champs.

Why am I supportive of DD and staff and the football team.

1) He is our coach and he is leading our team into battle every weekend in the upcoming fall.

I guess his record in OOC games doesn’t matter a bit. Then again his comments and jabs at the fans are the fan’s fault.

2) Where were we before he got here 8 yrs. ago?

This is a legitimate question. We were more competitive in OOC games. Let me add this – Where was the Sun Belt 8 years ago?

3) Conference Champs, Bowl Appearances. Cover of USA Today, ESPN spotlight.

Again please reference Sun Belt. Without this conference I’m guessing there would not have been any Bowl Games

4) Back2back rushing champs.

It’s great that we had this success, now let’s hope PC gets drafted.

DD has managed to be competitive in the Sun Belt but outside our conference mates we have not even been competitive. Let me ask one last question. If DD and his coaching abilities have brought such great success why has he never been hired away? huh.gif


  PlummMeanGreen said:

UNT ATHLETIC STAFFERS PLEASE DO HONOR THIS REQUEST:  I am saying this one time and to those in the UNT Athletic Dept. many of whom we know read this forum so.............. do read this and please do act on this today:  Take my name off any of your mailing lists ASAP because you are wasting your postage with this NT alum as long as UNT continues to have one of the worst athletic programs in NCAA D1-A.  A program that has even buffalo'd' way too many of our alums thinking we have really pulled it off on the rest of the college football world with SBC/Bottom 10 disguised and veiled success.  THIS FOR ANY UNT ATHLETIC STAFFER (and please pass this on if you will):  I believe all that I have given the MG Club this academic year more than covers any gift (a funky lookin' NT flag that I wouldn't hang at a dog fight)  I've received and if you even want those few items back,  then let me know and I'll gladly mail those back ASAP.  NOTE:  FWIW, most of us who have given to the MG Club in the past have always really prefered to have had all those monies go to scholarships, not gifts since you cannot write off gifts with the IRS.  Comprende?


Jim, I keep telling you, if you leave then you're letting them (the athletic dept) off the hook. Keep participating and make their lives miserable.

Right now the only thing that your declaration is possibly doing is causing some of the employees of the North Texas athletic dept to do their version of the Snoopy "Happy Dance". ........as well as some of the regular posters on this board.


I thought this thread was about a former assistant coach, Freddie Kitchens, being named the TE coach for the Cowboys?


  PlummMeanGreen said:
Over most of the last 30 plus years, few NT assistant coaches have moved up beyond the level of UNT.  Some actually followed this close enough to know. 

In fact, many ex NT football coaches (head coach or assistants) even went back to the high school level.  I believe Corky Nelson even did that when he became head football coach at Seguin High School if memory serves me well. Corky Nelson was a better coach than DD and was probably in a tougher conference back (SLC) then that we are now.  Perhaps Corky's wins over SWC schools during his career at UNT sorta' proves that concerning Corky over Dickey Ball? 

And for heaven's sake, MG61, are you and DD related?  LOL!  Never seen this kind of (apparent) loyalty to such blatant mediocrity and even toward a coach who has taken most every radio broadcasted opportunity he can muster to kick NT Exes around and his even having done the same with his very employer.  (Still wonder if he would have said all those things he said on the radio in a room full of North Texas Exes--as in, uh, face to face)?    Oh I forgot, we don't have quarerly meetings for such to take place.

Yet this is the kind of thing you get from one who spent 10 prior to his receiving the NT job at 5 (I repeat, "FIVE") other assistant football coach jobs.  Even a novice would be able to identify that as a journeyman assistant football coach with that many stopovers.  Jeez! 5 jobs over the space of 10 years, folks?sad.gif




So as UNT was getting over 3 years of yet another head football coaching job gone amuck with that job coming from the wrong "Dennis" (since Dennis Francione had wanted the NT job the same time Dennis Parker got the NT job);  anyway, all this going on in MG Country before DD's daddy and Craig Helwig put their heads together and pulled off their little Jayhawk Jumble (you all know that dance, right............the, uh, "JJ"?  Well,  it's a celebration dance for those who know they've put a big one over a helluva' bunch of people.

POST MATT SIMON:  While a  whole bunch of us on GMG.com and many in the NT community  wondered when a head football coaches seach committee was going to be formed we then turn on the TV and watch the 6:00 o'clock sports to find to our total amazement that a new NT head football coach had already been signed to a contract (and with unbelievable with warp speed to boot).  You know the kind of speed that would prevent any NT Exes from asking:  WHO THE HELL IS DARRELL DICKEY (and shouldn't we have more than "one" man on our list of candidates for the Mean Green job)?

AS GOOD OL' AGGIE CLAYTIE' WILLIAMS ONCE SAID: JUST LAY BACK AND ENJOY IT IF ITS INEVITABLE!  So any of you still feel a bit violated over this  Jayhawk-produced rape of our school, our alums, our fans and our football program?  And this new group on the NT payroll that would have many NT Exes believing how being in the SBC/Bottom 10 wasn't so bad a thing since you still got to go to a bowl, right?  And this same group showing by their actions (and recruiting) that you really didn't have to have those Top 25 rankings, either).   

Any of you feel violated when the Kansas Konnection pulled off the hiring of a head football coach who would have not have had a snowball's chance in hell of getting our job w/o that special "Kansas Konnection" and DD's hiring because of their most timely assistance in pulling this coup over a bunch of Texans?

BIG QUESTION:  IN YOUR LIFETIME...............any of you recall any journeyman assistant football coach like DD who had had 5 coaching stops in 10 years to get an NCAA D1-A head football coaches job?  In my 40 plus years of following college football, I've never seen a job qute like the one we are getting in Denton. 

But with our pathetic track record of hiring at UNT, the sky is the limit on what NT leadership will deliver to us next in the area of whoever eventually replaces DD.  So with that in mind, can we hope that even UNT's decision-makers may feel a special calling to dedicate all their time at their places of business and to just get out of the college athletics business?. 

So at UNT, its the time tested and old thing of garbage in--garbage out.  You hire a journeyman assistant coach, you get SBC/Bottom 10...... "un"- success and wonder why no one in the local, regional or national media takes Mean Green football seriously? 

And (even sadder) don't we know by now that even the better Metroplex HS football players hardly know we exist (with or w/o an Athletic Center that we were even a few years behind some Southland Conference schools in building our's)? 

So...............If you like life as an NCAA D1-A bottom-feeder, then a few of you got your boy.  But look for some to stop enabling all this by the personal funding of it.  And speaking of money,  don't the rest of you really want more bang for your buck with what all you are putting on the table for Dickey Ball?

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