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Vito: Jury still out on UNT recruiting


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Brett Vito: Jury still out on UNT recruiting

09:04 AM CST on Sunday, February 5, 2006

To North Texas football coach Darrell Dickey, only one number really mattered when the dust settled after National Signing Day earlier this week, and that was 18 — the number of players in the Mean Green’s new recruiting class.

The No. 110-ranking that Rivals.com assigned to the group didn’t amount to much. Neither did the fact that UNT’s recruits didn’t include a player ranked in most area or state top 100 lists.

“It doesn’t matter to me,” Dickey said of missing out on the area’s top-ranked players. “We pay attention to the lists. We have signed as many as seven and as few as zero. Some of our better players have been from that list and some of them haven’t been on that list.”

UNT must hope there are several overlooked gems in its recruiting haul, because if there is one reminder the Mean Green’s 2005 fall from grace provided, it’s how costly one or two off years in recruiting can prove to be.

UNT signed several solid classes that helped the Mean Green win four straight conference titles from 2001-04.

The players who contributed to those titles were part of recruiting classes that included a few highly rated players who turned out to be stars like running back Jamario Thomas and a few hidden gems like all-conference center Andy Brewster, who didn’t sign with the Mean Green until just before his redshirt freshman season.

Several players from UNT’s 2005 recruiting class made an impact last season. Others from the 2004 year also proved valuable. A true evaluation of those classes can’t be made for at least a couple more seasons.

A more complete analysis can be made of the previous two year’s classes that should have been the team’s backbone during its drive for a fifth straight Sun Belt Conference title. Those classes were not nearly as productive as a whole.

Kicker Nick Bazaldua and wide receiver Johnny Quinn signed in 2002 and will go down as two of the best players at their positions in school history. Linebacker Maurice Holman and wide receiver Zach Muzzy contributed last year after joining the team on signing day in 2003.

There just were not enough players like them in their signing classes.

Dickey acknowledged that fact at the end of UNT’s 2-9 season when he pointed out that the Mean Green only honored 10 seniors before their last game of the year.

Far too many players UNT assumed would be key juniors and seniors last season were long gone by the time the Mean Green were losing a series of gut-wrenching close games in conference play.

UNT won’t get back to the top of the Sun Belt overnight, but a solid recruiting class that sticks around for four years would be a good place to start. UNT’s coaches believe the Mean Green landed a class that will do just that and be productive in the process.

Defensive linemen Tim Patton of Tulsa (Okla.) East Central and Esteban Santiago of El Paso Coronado were both all-state selections. Offensive lineman Trent Stanley was a second-team NJCAA All-American.

The question is what those accolades really mean for UNT’s future.

Is this the Mean Green’s next great recruiting class, one that will rival the 2000 group that ranks among the best in the Dickey era? Probably not.

UNT signed the core of its conference championship teams in 2000 when quarterback Scott Hall, defensive lineman Brandon Kennedy and linebacker Cody Spencer were among a host of highly rated players to join the Mean Green. All fulfilled their potential.

The immediate reaction — and justifiably so — is to try and rate UNT’s latest group. The easiest way is to take a look at the experts’ recruiting rankings.

By those measures alone, UNT appeared to come up short this season.

UNT’s coaches — and just about all other college coaches for that matter — don’t believe those rakings are an accurate evaluation of the players they signed. With five scholarships left, UNT could also dramatically improve its standing over the next few months.

“We feel good about what we have now and the players who are still out there who we are still talking to,” Dickey said.

Only time will show if the national experts are accurate in their evaluation of the Mean Green’s class or if UNT’s coaches really did find the right set of players to help turn the program around.

The answer will tell the tale when it comes to the Mean Green’s future.

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Neither did the fact that UNT’s recruits didn’t include a player ranked in most area or state top 100 lists.

Gee, there's a shocker. Nothing against the recruits, and I do hope they contribute, but why is this a recurring theme? We seem to never go after the recruits on the top 100. This gets really frustrating.

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With five scholarships left, UNT could also dramatically improve its standing over the next few months.

“We feel good about what we have now and the players who are still out there who we are still talking to,” Dickey said.

I hope and expect that these last 5 ships are going to be used on JUCOs. Another OL,DL, and DB.

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Guest GrayEagleOne

Brett Vito: Jury still out on UNT recruiting

09:04 AM CST on Sunday, February 5, 2006

The No. 110-ranking that Rivals.com assigned to the group didn’t amount to much. Neither did the fact that UNT’s recruits didn’t include a player ranked in most area or state top 100 lists.

“It doesn’t matter to me,” Dickey said of missing out on the area’s top-ranked players. “We pay attention to the lists. We have signed as many as seven and as few as zero. Some of our better players have been from that list and some of them haven’t been on that list.”

I hope that that's not a direct quote.  It should be a concern of the coaching staff that we lost out on virtually all of the top players.  It appears that only JC players can save this class as almost all of the better players have signed and the few that haven't are probably SAT casualties. 

One positive of not being in the New Orleans Bowl was supposed to have been extra recruiting time.  That was just hype.  They didn't get the job done.  Oh, these projects have potential but experience tells us that only a small percentage really become great contributors (and we need some great contributors at this juncture).

The immediate reaction — and justifiably so — is to try and rate UNT’s latest group. The easiest way is to take a look at the experts’ recruiting rankings.

By those measures alone, UNT appeared to come up short this season.

UNT’s coaches — and just about all other college coaches for that matter — don’t believe those rakings are an accurate evaluation of the players they signed. With five scholarships left, UNT could also dramatically improve its standing over the next few months.

“We feel good about what we have now and the players who are still out there who we are still talking to,” Dickey said.

Only time will show if the national experts are accurate in their evaluation of the Mean Green’s class or if UNT’s coaches really did find the right set of players to help turn the program around.

The answer will tell the tale when it comes to the Mean Green’s future.

By the time we can prove the experts wrong (and how often does that happen?) it will be too late. We'll just be deeper in the hole.

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Gee, there's a shocker.  Nothing against the recruits, and I do hope they contribute, but why is this a recurring theme?  We seem to never go after the recruits on the top 100.  This gets really frustrating.

Rudy, do you have a list of the players that UNT went after ? What constitutes going after ?

In the last 4 years I don't recall any JC recruits that have come close to living up to expectations.

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By the time we can prove the experts wrong (and how often does that happen?) it will be too late.  We'll just be deeper in the hole.

And that statement, fellow NT'ers, coming from one who has been following Mean Green football since the 1940's. One who I feel knows his college football quite well and thru the years has also seemed to have been quite astute with all the goin's on with the NT football program and as to what works and what doesn't work in Mean Green Country as related to the football part of it.

Sadly (and unfortunate for all of us) , I believe you are the the one who will be right on this, Gray Eagle One. I think many of us just want to cut down on how many years we will be in that hole, Gray Eagle One; and FWIW, that has been the main theme, gist and ultimate objectives of my own epistles of late.

What is so wrong with many of our desires to see UNT leadership do what is necessary to eliminate or cut short some possible (& unnecessarily needed) bad years that could be on our football horizon at UNT? ALL THAT BASED ON WHAT ONE MIGHT ASK? How about being based on our recruiting of the last 3 years topped off by this 2006 class which was classified as one of the worst ones at an NCAA D1-A level according to Rivals; also, based on last year's W/L record with our poor performances against poor opponents; and in light of those who are coming back next Fall who were actually part of the problem last Fall.

Those of us who have seen better performances (at a higher profile) we just don't want to accept less anymore (and our getting less seems to be what the doctor is presently ordering in MG Country and that because of the influence of our present NT leadership).

Some of us also feel one of our top NT leaders cannot possbily evalute Darrell Dickey's performance with any semlance of unbiase because DD's family and his own even take vacations together. No federal offense with any of that albeit not a very smart way for an employer to interact with his employee because: Would you want to realease one from a contract or fire one you are that close to?

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Vito knows about as much as anyone else about how good this year's crop will be. Unfortunately, so does my 4 year old son. tongue.gif

But as long as we're gazing into a crystal ball--or for those who are just gazing downward at their sneakers with the ever-present cloud hanging overhead--let's take a look at what Rivals basically had to say in a nutshell:

1. This year's class is ranked higher than the classes for the following 1A programs:

Northern Illinois, NM State, Air Force, Muts, Army, Sac. St. Navy. (bowl team)

2. This year's class is ranked roughly equal to the classes for the following 1A programs:

Utah State, Wyoming, Directional Michigans, SMU, Cincinnati, ULAMON.

And UNT hasn't burned all it's ships yet.

Considering the conference UNT competes in, the length of time in D1, the "needs" of the team going into recruiting season, and facilities UNT recruits to--I'm pretty dadgum impressed with this class.

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I think that Michael Pruitt, Darrell Daniels, Jonah Bense and to a certain extent Brandon Hooks, lived up to expectations. I think that Kevin Galbreath did too.

I think that Aaron Weathers has exceeded expectations.

I thought Chambers did an ok job as well. Not all our JC's have been busts. Just the majority, but as Silver has shown... there are some that really contributed. Those guys like Pruitt, Daniels etc contributed alot during their time.

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Vito knows about as much as anyone else about how good this year's crop will be.  Unfortunately, so does my 4 year old son.  tongue.gif

But as long as we're gazing into a crystal ball--or for those who are just gazing downward at their sneakers with the ever-present cloud hanging overhead--let's take a look at what Rivals basically had to say in a nutshell:

1.  This year's class is ranked higher than the classes for the following 1A programs:

Northern Illinois, NM State, Air Force, Muts, Army, Sac. St. Navy. (bowl team)

2.  This year's class is ranked roughly equal to the classes for the following 1A programs:

Utah State, Wyoming, Directional Michigans, SMU, Cincinnati, ULAMON.

And UNT hasn't burned all it's ships yet.

Considering the conference UNT competes in, the length of time in D1, the "needs" of the team going into recruiting season, and facilities UNT recruits to--I'm pretty dadgum impressed with this class.

Sacramento State is a 1A program? I guess I missed that one. An independent?

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I think that Michael Pruitt, Darrell Daniels, Jonah Bense and to a certain extent Brandon Hooks, lived up to expectations. I think that Kevin Galbreath did too.

I think that Aaron Weathers has exceeded expectations.

I've just been asround here for the past 4 yrs., don't recall Danials, Bense or Hooks.Galbraith was already here and certainly was a outstanding player, didn't realize he was a JC player. Weathers also has contributed to the team. Hopefully some of the new JC kids will contribute.

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Guest GrayEagleOne

Vito knows about as much as anyone else about how good this year's crop will be.  Unfortunately, so does my 4 year old son.  tongue.gif

But as long as we're gazing into a crystal ball--or for those who are just gazing downward at their sneakers with the ever-present cloud hanging overhead--let's take a look at what Rivals basically had to say in a nutshell:

1.  This year's class is ranked higher than the classes for the following 1A programs:

Northern Illinois, NM State, Air Force, Muts, Army, Sac. St. Navy. (bowl team)

2.  This year's class is ranked roughly equal to the classes for the following 1A programs:

Utah State, Wyoming, Directional Michigans, SMU, Cincinnati, ULAMON.

And UNT hasn't burned all it's ships yet.

Considering the conference UNT competes in, the length of time in D1, the "needs" of the team going into recruiting season, and facilities UNT recruits to--I'm pretty dadgum impressed with this class.

Let's talk about the programs that we finished ahead of:

Air Force, Army, Navy - The service academies don't even offer athletic scholarships. They go for scholars who also happen to be athletes. If you're not a whiz in math and science, they send you to a prep school. We should always finish ahead of them.

Northern Illinois - This is a mistake on Rivals part. UNI had one 3 star athlete; we had none. They had five with a rating of 5.4, we had one. They only had a couple of "sleepers", we had about five. Even with one less scholarship, they should have been at least ten places or more ahead of us.

MUTS - With the loss of five scholarships due to low APR and a very recently hired coach, they didn't have the base to compete with the rest of 1-A.

New Mexico State - This is legitimate, and sad. Mumme did go for several offensive linemen which he deemed to be his weakness but his overall effort was poor IMO. He may have a short tenure at NMSU.

I didn't look at our "equals" (except SMU) but most are programs that are on the brink of losing coaches also.

considering the conference UNT competes in...

It is somewhat of a detriment but Troy had a very decent class, including about four in the Top 100 at their position. Again, we had none. If they can recruit to the SBC, so should we.

the length of time in Dvision 1 (sic)....

I'm sure that you mean 1-A because even 1-AA is considered Division 1. It's true that we've only been back ten years but we had thirty years in the highest division before that. We became classified as a major college (Division 1) 53 years ago.

the "needs" of the team going into recruiting season...

There is no doubt that we needed help in the line, especially defensive, this coming season. Did we address it? No. I take that back, we did a good job on the offensive line with Stanley and Drake. We deemed that we didn't "need" any wide receivers or defensive backs. Yet, this is Quinn, Muzzy and Nwigwe's last year. Covington either hasn't worked out or is no longer on the team. A potentially good receiver (Green) is playing defense. We lost our starting corners, virtually played no backups, and only signed one db? (Side thought: did that have anything to do with Malone's leaving?) But if the coaching staff is not worried, then why should we?

and facilities NT recruits to...

Yes, we have a crappy stadium. But, other than that, what else is poor? We have a new multi-million dollar training room, weight room, lockerts, etc. We just spent $800K to have as fine a playing surface as there is in the country. We have a new academic area with the latest equipment. Admittedly, the poor stadium might keep some fans away, but that only indirectly affects the players. Besides, it seems that we play our poorest when we have a large crowd.

While there are some exceptions, I'm pretty dadgum disappointed with this recruiting class. I'm not alone....so are many of our longtime, loyal fans and the "experts."

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Let's talk about the programs that we finished ahead of:

Air Force, Army, Navy - The service academies don't even offer athletic scholarships.  They go for scholars who also happen to be athletes.  If you're not a whiz in math and science, they send you to a prep school.  We should always finish ahead of them.

Northern Illinois - This is a mistake on Rivals part.  UNI had one 3 star athlete; we had none.  They had five with a rating of 5.4, we had one.  They only had a couple of "sleepers", we had about five.  Even with one less scholarship, they should have been at least ten places or more ahead of us.

MUTS - With the loss of five scholarships due to low APR and a very recently hired coach, they didn't have the base to compete with the rest of 1-A.

New Mexico State - This is legitimate, and sad.  Mumme did go for several offensive linemen which he deemed to be his weakness but his overall effort was poor IMO.  He may have a short tenure at NMSU.

I didn't look at our "equals" (except SMU) but most are programs that are on the brink of losing coaches also. 

considering the conference UNT competes in...

It is somewhat of a detriment but Troy had a very decent class, including about four in the Top 100 at their position.  Again, we had none.  If they can recruit to the SBC, so should we.

the length of time in Dvision 1 (sic)....

I'm sure that you mean 1-A because even 1-AA is considered Division 1.  It's true that we've only been back ten years but we had thirty years in the highest division before that.  We became classified as a major college (Division 1) 53 years ago.

the "needs" of the team going into recruiting season...

There is no doubt that we needed help in the line, especially defensive, this coming season.  Did we address it?  No.  I take that back, we did a good job on the offensive line with Stanley and Drake.  We deemed that we didn't "need" any wide receivers or defensive backs.  Yet, this is Quinn, Muzzy and Nwigwe's last year.  Covington either hasn't worked out or is no longer on the team.  A potentially good receiver (Green) is playing defense.  We lost our starting corners, virtually played no backups, and only signed one db?  (Side thought:  did that have anything to do with Malone's leaving?)  But if the coaching staff is not worried, then why should we?

and facilities NT recruits to...

Yes, we have a crappy stadium.  But, other than that, what else is poor?  We have a new multi-million dollar training room, weight room, lockerts, etc.  We just spent $800K to have as fine a playing surface as there is in the country.  We have a new academic area with the latest equipment.  Admittedly, the poor stadium might keep some fans away, but that only indirectly affects the players.  Besides, it seems that we play our poorest when we have a large crowd.

While there are some exceptions, I'm pretty dadgum disappointed with this recruiting class.  I'm not alone....so are many of our longtime, loyal fans and the "experts."

I understand your concern, but until we see these recruits perform on the field, it is all speculation.

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Rudy, do you have a list of the players that UNT went after ? What constitutes going after ?

Gee, I seem to have misplaced my list of recruits. dry.gif When I said "IT SEEMS" it meant exactly that. To me, and many of us, it SEEMS that we don't go after those recruits. We don't get a list of those sought by the staff. Do you have a list of the players NT went after? I'd like to see it. And by went after, I meant attepmted to recruit.

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A few clues for Vito

Your recruiting class may not be so great if:

1. You do not sign any player from the DFW or FWST area best lists

2. You do not sign any player from any Texas state 100 lists

3. You do not sign your target QB even though he does not get another 1a offer

4. You lose both running back commits, one to a 1aa program and one to a rare Belt program that NT actually beat last year

5. You rank near the bottom in all recruiting reviews

6. You promote your 1 Texas all state player and not mention it was only honorable mention

7. Your class is full of recruits labeled “steals”

8. Your head coach has to explain how good this class even though there were no name players signed

9. You still have five ships to give

10. Your most loyal fans are not concerned because you can only evaluate a class once they have completed their playing careers. Lets get on with that discussion of how good that class of 2001 was.

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I understand your concern, but until we see these recruits perform on the field, it is all speculation.


But didn't last Fall's results (and very poor performance by both coaches and players) sorta' show each and every one of us all the fruits of our recruiting labor from the last 2-3 years when (in fact) those recruiting classes at NT were not classified as one of the worst by Rivals as this 2006 class has become?

CASEPOINT: What if right now, you know, like, uh, today...........there were a Rick Neuheisel-type coach out there waiting in the wings wanting to revive his career (just like Mike Price of UTEP did) and somehow got word to the NT community that he would be interested in the NT job (just as Fry made his own similar intentions known back in the day when he was trying to revive his own career)................then would there be any objection from this forum (and beyond) for having such a high profile name come to UNT (just like Price did and not under the best of circumstances for him) and a high profile type hire who would be able to emulate what the Miner's head football coach did in 2 years at UTEP and such a coach at UNT getting our Mean Green football team in the Top 25 and back to the high road of mainstream competition among the rest of NCAA D1-A?

And as you who are reading this highly possible scenario that one should never say could never happen (again) at UNT; anyway, might this type of thing cause some of you to quickly react with a "BRING IT ON--WHAT THE HECK WE WAITING FOR" type of response? AND IF THAT WERE TO BE THE CASE FROM SOME OF YOU...............THEN.........why such a clamor to hold on to what we presently have at the level we have it that has not in one year (of the last 8) gotten us within even smelling distance of the Top 25? Why always this talk of Top 25 from some of us? Well, if we are not shooting for that, then just what are we shooting for for our Mean Green football program?smile.gif


THINK LONG, HARD & DOWN THE ROAD ON THIS ONE: So........if those prior recruited classes at UNT which produced last Fall's results are an indicator of things to come based on Rivals.com's very low ranking of the 2006 recruiting class at UNT, then might more then assume that we could really in for some very deep crapola in Denton, Texas, America in the next few upcoming football seasons starting in the not so distant future (like, uh, this September, for instance)?sad.gif


Still, this goes much further than some of our elect seem to want to accept or realize; such as this possible scenario for the 2006 football season:

What if the 7'th calvary does comes riding in for some of you who love Dickey "style" Ball and leadership, aren't we still pretty well going to get the same old stuff, that is, of being the best of the worst? Don't recent trends point to that? 7'th calvary on no 7'th calvary we can all still forget about Top 25 rankings as that would continue to be a pipe dream even as it was during our 4 bowl seasons.

Hellsbells, you can forget about even getting Top 25 votes as SBC football champion with this continuously (accepted) level of football that too many of the NT powers that be seem to be quite content and have fully embraced as to where this is really all we deserve or need to be at UNT?

WILL WE BE REDUNDANT ALL OVER AGAIN IN MEAN GREEN COUNTRY? Many of us just simply want more than being an "un-ranked in the Top 25" SBC football champion that gets beat by the 4'th place CUSA football team in a bowl game because FWIW.............haven't we sung that song already as well as been there & done that, too?

So isn't it quite normal for fans at any NCAA D1-A outpost to want to rise above where they've already been?

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Naturally, I hate to keep beating my head against the wall on this topic but:

1. Four SBC bowl appearances has not yielded us better talent. No players that made the Area 51 roster (area's best 50 in the DFW area)....heck, NMSU, who won ZERO games last year picked up 2 HS recruits from that list. Now that is sales!!

2. It still takes a "salesman" to sell this program and that, IMHO, is not being done. DD may be the greatest guy to hang with fishing and having a brewski but his salesmanship is lacking. Other Mid-Major programs that win 4 championships, in their respective conferences, get better talent. Have you ever thought, "hummmmm.....why can not UNT do that or why did they not take advantage of those specific circumstances??" IMHO, again, why can NMSU out recruit UNT in DD and RF's own back yard?? That personally disturbs me. The NMSU coach, Hal Mumme, may have won ZERO games last year, in his first year, but evidently

the man knows how to "sell" a program.

3. Anyone else discouraged that UNT is ranked #110 of 117 D-1A programs (even after winning the SBC 4 out of the last 5 years)?? Our ranking is obviously lower if you place all the D-1AA programs that are better than us!! How does that make you feel??? That would put us about #125-140 in the country.

4. If DD reverts to "DD Ball" again this year we may endeavor to another 2005 season. If DD reinvents himself into an "Alpha Male" and goes to a "wide open" offense then we should have an interesting year. Hopefully, all the redshirt talent that Coach Dickey has been stockpiling will come through.

5. If 2006 ends up like 2005 are the ardent DD supporters willing to wait "one more year" for him to pull us out of an inverted tail spin before we truely "crash-burn & die?" Can you imagine how many years it will take to recover from what is currently happening to OUR program??

6. We know what the National Champions will do to us, we know that Tulsa and La Tech hung over 50 on us last year and we play them again this year.

7. UNT is capable of having a similar program to TCU....why can't we?? What does Coach Patterson do that Coach Dickey does not?? Coach Bennett is putting together a much improved program at SMU, IMHO. Where does that leave us?? Anyone else disturbed what is going on and how long it will take to recover or is everyone else complacently content to waller as #110 of 117 and that will put us in ESPN's Bottom 10.

8. Win 2/4 OOC games, win the SBC and beat the #4 CUSA team to keep Coach Dickey....anything less.........then the administration should give the alum the personal repect to find a head coach that is capable to restore the pride we once knew.

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I'll venture some of your questions:

5.) I'm betting that if DD blows this next season, everyone will be calling for his head. 2-9 would've gotten other coaches fired, I think that if DD throws another season away, then he has to go. This fall is his "benefit of the doubt" season, and I think he knows it.

7.) TCU's had more prestige than UNT for a good while now. It also helps that they've been in 'better' conferences than the SBC. Oh, and donor money...that helps too. However, none of this is an excuse for not pulling out all of the stops when it comes to recruiting. And as for beating the slump:

8.) DD needs to go 2/4 in OOC, and not only sweep the 'Belt but absolutely dominate the conference by posting 21+ leads, win the Bowl, and try not to get absolutely obliterated at UT. And every year, he needs to keep getting better.

Heck, that's not a goal to beat the slump for DD, that should be the conditions of his continued employment at UNT. I thank DD for the 4SBC rings, I don't thank him for last fall, and I don't thank him for the OOC record.

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I see we of the "dark side" are on the same page.

Coach Patterson (TCU) has had some up and down seasons at TCU but has always recovered........







If a schools money was a contributing factor to its success then Rice, Stanford, Tulsa, Texas A&M would have just over powering programs year after year.

Correct me if I am wrong, which I am from time to time, why is it easier for some coaches like Mike Price(UTEP) or Dennis Francionne(A&M) to rebuild a program than Coach Dickey??? I think it is salesmanship and having the staff that knows how to sell a program. Again, look at Coach Mumme from NMSU...ZERO wins last year in his first year and recruits 2 DFW players from Area 51 (DFW's top 50)....I just use Area 51 because it is a mystery for UNT staff to land this talent. Does this send off any warning signals???? It does for me and it should for everyone else too.

Glad to see that you are looking at this program objectively meangreendork.

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A few clues for Vito

Your recruiting class may not be so great if:

1.  You do not sign any player from the DFW or FWST area best lists

2.  You do not sign any player from any Texas state 100 lists

3.  You do not sign your target QB even though he does not get another 1a offer

4.  You lose both running back commits, one to a 1aa program and one to a rare Belt program that NT actually beat last year

5.  You rank near the bottom in all recruiting reviews

6.  You promote your 1 Texas all state player and not mention it was only honorable mention

7.  Your class is full of recruits labeled “steals”

8.  Your head coach has to explain how good this class even though there were no name players signed

9. You still have five ships to give

10.  Your most loyal fans are not concerned because you can only evaluate a class once they have completed their playing careers.  Lets get on with that discussion of how good that class of 2001 was.

ouch... I think this pretty much sums it up, doesn't it? blink.gif

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It's not hard to see it this way. I like that we've gotten some guys on the OL/DL, but I'm really concerned about the quality of the QBs. If the OL is strong, that's awesome, but it doesn't do us any good if the QB gets a 1/2hour in the pocket if he still can't hit a target.

The recruiting class has a lot to prove and a lot of responsibility. Frankly, I think that this class had better be part of Dickey's grand miracle to save his job and his coaching career. Other coaches would love to be at a school that is lenient enough to allow the performance Dickey had and allow the same level of control Dickey has now.

But about UTEP's coach and those like him: It's salesmanship, to the recruits and to the fans, and in terms of getting budgets and hiring the right assistant coaches, it's salesmanship to the Admin.

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There is no doubt that we needed help in the line, especially defensive, this coming season.  Did we address it?  No.  I take that back, we did a good job on the offensive line with Stanley and Drake.  We deemed that we didn't "need" any wide receivers or defensive backs.  Yet, this is Quinn, Muzzy and Nwigwe's last year.  Covington either hasn't worked out or is no longer on the team.  A potentially good receiver (Green) is playing defense.  We lost our starting corners, virtually played no backups, and only signed one db?  (Side thought:  did that have anything to do with Malone's leaving?)  But if the coaching staff is not worried, then why should we?

UNT signed 4 DB's last year and two players that have been moved to DB. One of the DB's, Oubre, probably won't pan out, but that still leaves 5 DB's not counting Weathers.

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Guest GrayEagleOne

UNT signed 4 DB's last year and two players that have been moved to DB.  One of the DB's, Oubre, probably won't pan out, but that still leaves 5 DB's not counting Weathers.

Acturally, I believe that we only signed one DB last year, Kartey Agbottah. We did sign some athletes, which because of their speed and athleticism we intend to make defensive backs.

We have no experience at corner. Even Loren has never played corner. He said that he has always played safety but is willing to try corner. To our chagrin, Covington and Branch played almost the entire time at the corners without relief. Finally, they put Dominique Green in for a little experience. We've been guilty of doing the same thing with offensive linemen....playing the same five and having a ton of inexperience when the starter graduates. The same has been true with quarterbacks.

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