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"It's illegal to annoy...

A new federal law states that when you annoy someone on the Internet, you must disclose your identity. Here's the relevant language.

' Whoever...utilizes any device or software that can be used to originate telecommunications or other types of communications that are transmitted, in whole or in part, by the Internet... without disclosing his identity and with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass any person...who receives the communications...shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.' "

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  dogsplayinpoker said:
"It's illegal to annoy...

A new federal law states that when you annoy someone on the Internet, you must disclose your identity. Here's the relevant language.

' Whoever...utilizes any device or software that can be used to originate telecommunications or other types of communications that are transmitted, in whole or in part, by the Internet... without disclosing his identity and with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass any person...who receives the communications...shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.' "

Read More Here



Posted (edited)

  dogsplayinpoker said:
"It's illegal to annoy...

A new federal law states that when you annoy someone on the Internet, you must disclose your identity. Here's the relevant language.

' Whoever...utilizes any device or software that can be used to originate telecommunications or other types of communications that are transmitted, in whole or in part, by the Internet... without disclosing his identity and with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass any person...who receives the communications...shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.' "

Read More Here

Ha! Ha! Ha! (Will this become a "I know you are, but who am I" thread)?!?!? wink.gif

BUT............to you who are enjoying their SBC/Bottom 10 NCAA D1-A co-existence, I have some beach property out here in Parker County that I'm sure I'd be able to sell to some of you, (since, after all, you are buying into what you are presently buying into) Or at lea$t, to $ome of your diminishing group who have this most unusual and strange "Dickey love" working or who actually might even be giving a few nickels toward it).

Have some of my (and others who feel even stronger about all this than me); anyway, have all our HSO's on all this touched a few nerves with whoever you are, thread-starter? In fact, just who are you? Or............are you going to hide behind that moniker like some NT Athletic or campus officials are now doing on this forum?smile.gif

Don't know about federal charges, but I (along with a growing army) all plead guilty to the following charges of:

(1) Wanting to see our alma mater having leadership that will draw the Mean Green Nation back together (rather than splitting us smack dab down the middle).

**Sorry, but 15K per home game for most of DD's 8 years after 4 big bowl games is not something to hang your hats on, fellers. Nor is that a hardly a statement of progress for a few in the NT Athletic Dept. who for some reason think they are God's gift to Bottom Quadrant-level NCAA athletics.

A MEAN GREEN FAN'S PRAYER: O Lord, let others outside Denton see some of this self-serving "special" talent in the same light that they see themselves and let some higher profile (or any) program just "down right" steal them away from us before we are stuck in the muck and mire of their low goals setting and (sometimes) low goal reaching style of an athletic program. wink.gif

..continuing the prayer: "O Great #1 Eagle Above, we will give some of that group some great job recommendations (although please do forgive us for breaking one of the Ten as we would be lying thru our teeth with some of that group). And please do forgive some of that group for having a great propensity of telling our MG Nation (of which some fall for it) some very Tall Texas Tales about just how great things are with all our under .500 NT coaches who get rewarded with extended contracts so they can continue persevering all this mediocrity. (Coach Fry, can you believe it's all come down to this in MG Country)? AMEN...

(2) Wanting to see us actually beat somebody in football that can make the Mean Green Nation (who were once proud of who we used to beat that actually gave us national attention)..........anyway, we just want to be a proud MG Nation once again. Many of us when our school is talked about in the market place can only hang our heads down in shame because of the level they know we co-exists now in Denton. (Can you really believe people are excited about all this low expectation)/

(3) Wanting the kind of NT athletics personnel back on the payroll who are "Texas" friendly. (FWIW, some of us are going to answer "Yankee Rude" with, uh..............."Texas Rude" (and I bet ours can be much more effective in the long run and after all, there are more of us than that group and it is our group who will have the final say when all the dust settles with all this tommyrot in Denton.smile.gif

(4) Wanting to see our school emulate another Sun Belt Conference school such as Troy U (who didn't piddle around with stadium talk but just went out and built one.

(5) Wanting to see fellow alums shuck their almost "Stepford Eagle's" catatonic condition of accepting Bottom Barrell NCAA athletics while believing those hucksters on campus who actually have them believing that beating schools like the MUTS, ULM and others similar (just out of 1-AA) is really something special. Who have some on this board convinced that beating that most "un-elite" group of SBC/Bottom 10 schools for 4 years in a row to back into a bowl is just really where its at . (Funny how no one else outside this message board or Denton seems to see it that way, especially Area Top 100 Texas HS seniors, Denton and Denton County citizens who still have an "half full/half empty" (your pick) at Fouts Field during and after those 4 big bowl appearnces.wink.gif

(6) Wanting to see less confrontation and confrontational attitudes from UNT employees (and they know who they are) toward many of our NT Exes and UNT constituency that they are supposed to be sorta' "Texas friendly" with (and I am talking about more than those 2 "unforgivable for any NT employee" incidents in the stands of Fouts Field last Fall, too).

Who the hell do they think this athletic program is for anyway? uh..................them?smile.gif We are only a career step on the ladder of iintercollegiate athletics for some of them (albeit on the lower rung of that ladder of which they have helped to become our place in NCAA D-!). And the ones who just "love that Denton" and even with sub par performance have plans of retiring there (although some of you retired years ago); yet many of us want to ask them this question: Is this the best you can do with all that talent some of you have told us for years that you possess?sad.gif

FWIW, many of the aforementioned group who have us sucking wind toward the bottom now will forget about anything Mean Green their first 5 minutes off the NT payroll. They will do that while we will be left with the fallout of continued small attendances( in supposed good times) at our main on campus sports venues of which such attendance are unusually low for a school located where we are located and a school the size of UNT.

Are you listening, Bobby "Just Love That Low Expectation of Dickey Ball" Ray)? If not, you might want to start listening. Your eventual legacy may be at stake here.

****** And. Mr. Ray, is your being loyal to mediocrity (and your "one man show" of force-feeding Darrell Dickey to the many of us who see thru the green-tinted fog and those of us who don't want him on the payroll because we know we can do better); yet is your personal acceptance of veiled success really in the best interest of those of us who have hung around this for 3, 4 or more decades (as well as in the best interest of our young gun alums who know nothing but this SBC/Bottom 10 existence)? I


So (yes, in deedy) I do plead guilty to all "federal" charges.

SENTENCING: So just what is my (and others who feel even stronger than I do on this but gave up on posting their concerns long ago)

Anyway, what is you sentence for half of the Mean Green Nation (which is who you are really accusing more than merely just one alum, namely, me?

YOU SAY WHAT IS MY SENTENCE?!?!?!? I have to watch another year or 2 or 3 of under .500 performance from a coach whose big cheap thrill is calling "3'rd and 25" draw plays? ;( Some of you call that sorta' thing..........uh, Dickey Ball, right? WHAT DO MANY OF US CALL IT? We.. we call it one big facade of a journeyman assistant football coach impersonating a head football coach at an NCAA D1-A school (even one at our present level of operation of which he is even a major player with having produced that, too).


Folks, we don't owe 8 years of under .500 performance and 5 years worth of radio bashing absolutley nothing! WE ARE NOT A REFUGEE OR RETIREMENT CENTER FOR THE LESS GIFTED, RIGHT?

FWIW, there are some high profile "A" list head football coaches out there now (insert sublimenal Mike Price-types) who are wanting to resurrect their careers (insert sublimenal "such as ex SMU coach Hayden Fry did at UNT" and again, what Mike Price is presently doing at a "sometimes" Top 25 UTEP?)? UNT needs only "ONE" from that elite group who could probably "out-coach any of our coaches" even on their worst day. (Sorry, Bill, to use your now infamous phrase that almost gave you a taste of what it would be like to be a member of the World Federation of Wrestling"; and that Fouts Field experience with our (still on the NT payroll, you all) "offensive" coordinator).



Edited by PlummMeanGreen
Posted (edited)

Well, one would hope that the post would have been accepted in the same spirit it was posted biggrin.gif

But after reading that novel of a reply I can see that ship has sailed.

BTW Plumm, finding your posts and thread hijacking annoying doesn't mean we enjoy SBC/Bottom 10 NCAA D1-A existance. Im sure you are familar with the phrase Preaching to the Choir? All it means is we've seen it and read it ALL before and your schtick and thread hijacks have grown tiresome to some on the board.

and before you go there, I know you say that you are targeting the first timers and lurkers but I got some news for you. The rantings on internet message boards are viewed to be as credible as the Weekly World News.... Check that... the tabloids have more credibility. This board is not the bully pulpit you think it is.

Look, I don't want to turn this into a flame or a war. It was just a little jab at GMG.com's most prolific poster. Well maybe not prolific, but surely the most long-winded biggrin.gif

Edited by dogsplayinpoker
Posted (edited)

  dogsplayinpoker said:
Well,  one would hope that the post would have been accepted in the same spirit it was posted biggrin.gif

But after reading that novel of a reply I can see that ship has sailed. 

BTW Plumm,  finding your posts and thread hijacking annoying doesn't mean we enjoy SBC/Bottom 10 NCAA D1-A existance.    Im sure you are familar with the phrase Preaching to the Choir?   All it means is we've seen it and read it ALL before and your schtick and thread hijacks have grown tiresome.

and before you go there,   I know you say that you are targeting the first timers and lurkers but I got some news for you.   The rantings on internet message boards are views to be as credible as the Weekly World News.... Check that... the tabloids have more credibility.     This board is not the bully pulpit you think it is.

And once again, who are you, your moniker hardly gives anyone a clue to that. I think "PlummMeanGreen" sorta' suggest that I am James Plummer, NT Class of 1976, prouder than hell 6'th generation Texans and also suggests that I would be the one who is posting while not really caring who reads my post; but at least they do know who those posts are coming from.

And....... (once again) I am trying to read the rules that says regulars of GMG.com have to read anything I post? Don't you sorta' think that I know yall already know how I think or stand on all this? You're right, though, it is all about 1'st time lurkers (and hopefully those coming from campus or NT Exes who also will not support this style of NT football no matter how the spin-masters on campus try to spin how great it is). And you know who those NT Exes are, right? They are the ones who have about 15,000 empty seats waiting for their derriers to fill that this NT football progarm under DD has not excited them enough to want to fill.

And where did you get your vital info on those internet trends? Can you link your source? Yet, still, if what you say about comparing this to tabloids is true (and I really have no reasons to doubt you); yet why has what I (and others) have been posting of of late with our true concerns of having an NT athletic program operating back in a higher profle mode seemed to have created a slight fire-storm with some who I guess enjoy tabloid0 type postings.wink.gif

Also, if what you are saying is true, then why have you dedicated an entire subject thread title invoking my name, ie, "PlummMeanGreen?" Shouldn't you rather be talking about that Top 119 (NCAA D1-A has 119 members, folks) recruiting haul DD is bringing in. Last recruit I bothered to read about we were actually fighting Tarleton State and (was it Midwestern State?) for his services. Hellsbells! It would be a recruiting upgrade for DD if we were even having to recruit against more Southland Conference schools (1-AA) than what we used to call the old NAIA-type schools like Tarleton and Midwestern. sad.gif

AND........ if that is true with the rantings part you mention, FWIW, it seems to have been effective with the many who have emailed or PM'ed me saying things such as this: "Keep on preachin', bro, with what are also "OUR" thoughts on all this, because just maybe if the right "ONE" reads it and it finally registers with that "ONE" with the general discontent we have; that is our discontent of having to be supposedly be proud of folllowing this present low expectation/low-standing in NCAA D1-A................. then maybe that "ONE" strategic and influential lurker will finally begin to see that all (in deed) is not quiet on the northern front" at UNT and that "ONE" might want to talk to someone about doing something about it."

We don't have to feel like going to NT football games is like a trip to the dentist; you know, when at some point of the experience you know there is going to be some pain, but you can never predict at what part that pain (being out-coached, penalties produced by undisciplined players for 8 years running, unimaginative offense and play-calling that keeps us at 15,000 per home game and other things that I just won't take the time to list); anyway, we just don't know at which point all that pain will come and rear its ugly head, now do we?smile.gif

Edited by PlummMeanGreen

Plumm... I'm just curious what happens to the guest who comes to the board, reads a big negative post, thinks "Oh, well... I guess we suck," and never comes to a game the rest of his college career?

Do you realize how much we are battling our own negative perceptions? You realize that it only took one person saying how awful we are my freshman year to make an impression on me? And, in turn, to change my impression of the school, which lasted until the conference win streak started?

I'm not saying you're to blame for the problems we face, but, as much more recent student of campus, I felt you should know how powerful a big negative statement, even on an internet message board, can be with someone who doesn't know about our program at all.

Posted (edited)

  illuvius32 said:
Plumm... I'm just curious what happens to the guest who comes to the board, reads a big negative post, thinks "Oh, well... I guess we suck," and never comes to a game the rest of his college career?

Do you realize how much we are battling our own negative perceptions?  You realize that it only took one person saying how awful we are my freshman year to make an impression on me?  And, in turn, to change my impression of the school, which lasted until the conference win streak started?

I'm not saying you're to blame for the problems we face, but, as much more recent student of campus, I felt you should know how powerful a big negative statement, even on an internet message board, can be with someone who doesn't know about our program at all.

Your points well taken, illuvius32, but its apathy with UNT personel that has kept us from becoming what we can really be. We've had glimpses of that in the past and before you and others reading this were merely a gleam in your father's eyes.

Yet, I don't think I would be a very good NT alum if I just sat idle. As I slumber and watch UNT's most constant and worst enemy thru the ages, ie, apathy, create with many of our best and most sincere alums (like you) an attitude that they just have to lay back and enjoy the inevitable, that is, accept everything a handful on our campus is making us accept (and only because they are happy with the way things are while they even reward low level production with contract extensions at the stupidest "not very well thought out as to what such extension's longterm ramifications could be for the rest of us" times; and for those of us who will be stuck with employees who have had plenty of time to prove themselves as average and nominal employees you can find anywhere.

We just seem now to not want the best at UNT anymore and many are just not going to invest into that low set goals and low expectation anymore; that is, until some much-needed changes are made.

Edited by PlummMeanGreen

but its apathy with UNT personel that has kept us from becoming what we can really be

With the advent of the internet, each of us now possesses as much of a public forum as any UNT administator; you included. It is very each to slough blame to UNT personnel. It is much harder to look introspectivley (which is the question illuvius32 posed).


Apathy of the admin.....apathy of the students....apathy of the alumni.....apathy of the community...apathy of the admin....apathy of the students....apathy of the alumni....apathy of the community....etc, etc, etc...

See a pattern? Think one feeds off of another? It has to stop somewhere.

Posted (edited)

  good_ken said:
With the advent of the internet, each of us now possesses as much of a public forum as any UNT administator; you included.  It is very each to slough blame to UNT personnel.  It is much harder to look introspectivley (which is the question illuvius32 posed).

I've been looking introspectively for 4 decades, good_ken, and even as a novice I tend to have a knack as to know what is working and what is not working as far as University of North Texas athletics is concerned. I don't know why all the support for all this Bottom of the Barrell level of athletics we presently are operating under, though. That part has me just about as baffled on all of this as does one of the strangest coaching careers I've ever observed in the NCAA happening in Denton, Texas, America as we all post.

Back in the early 1980's I was offerd a job in the UNT athletic deparment but had to turn that down because the ex-wife would not move back to Denton which was a stipulation for that (fundraising) job. I used to be pretty involved with NT Exes in both Dallas and Fort Worth and the very one who wanted to hire me was most aware of that.

Yet on all the other things we are discussing here, all I know is what I observe on the football field that fans will (or will not) support by showing up for the games (even after bowl appearances) and then the actual turnstile count in the Sunday AM boxscores. 2 pretty good barometers to go by most might agree.

Introspectively, I know how I feel about what I am observing and I am not alone with that observation.

Edited by PlummMeanGreen

  PlummMeanGreen said:

And once again, who are you, your moniker hardly gives anyone a clue to that. I think "PlummMeanGreen" sorta' suggest that I am James Plummer, NT Class of 1976, prouder than hell 6'th generation Texans and also suggests that I would be the one who is posting while not really caring who reads my post; but at least they do know who those posts are coming from.

Plumm-----I agree with some of things contained in your posts and some things I do not. However, that is not the point. You have every right IMHO to post what ever you want. I think you are quite adequately articulating some of the feelings that many have with this "most difficult situation." If others think your posts are rants--they can simply turn the proverbial TV off.

Bill Kelly

Class of 81'

Posted (edited)

  PlummMeanGreen said:
Your points well taken, illuvius32, but its apathy with UNT personel that has kept us from becoming what we can really be.  We've had glimpses of that in the past and before you and others reading this were merely a gleam in your father's eyes. 

Yet, I don't think I would be a very good NT alum if I just sat idle.  As I slumber and watch UNT's most constant and worst enemy thru the ages, ie, apathy, create with many of our best and most sincere alums (like you)  an attitude that they just have to lay back and enjoy the inevitable, that is, accept everything a handful on our campus is making us accept (and only because they are happy with the way things are while they even reward low level production with  contract extensions at the stupidest "not very well thought out as to what such extension's longterm ramifications could be for the rest of us" times; and for those of us who will be stuck with employees who have had plenty of time to prove themselves as average and nominal employees you can find anywhere. 

We just seem now to not want the best at UNT anymore and many are just not going to invest into that low set goals and low expectation anymore; that is, until some much-needed changes are made.

The thing is that this current time of North Texas athletics is one of the most successful times in getting people involved in North Texas once again. Alums that we would have never seen around the campus just 5 years ago are showing up again and getting involved. The students on campus have a reinvigorized sense of pride that once again, 5 years ago did not exist. Football has had record breaking attendances for several games over the last few years (TCU, Baylor, Tulsa, NMSU). We are building a solid fanbase through a great gameday experience (that did not exist several years ago) and we have continued to see a steady improvement in our attendance and season tix sales.

I agree with several of your points that there are definatley things that could be improved upon...but it's not "doom and gloom" around NT. We are in the beginning stages of a rebirth of NT athletics on the national scene and although it may not be happening at the rapid pace that some of us would like, it is happening. People that can not see the progress with our athletics programs and University in general are blind.

Edited by Green Lantern

Points well taken by all....

Are we satisfied with having a mediocure program, under DD, that has yet to achieve .500 ball?? Ok you say, along with RV, we have won 4 SBC championships and won one N.O. Bowl out of 4 (for UNT and 1/5 for the SBC against the #4 team of CUSA). Not too long ago we, as the SBC, were all in same conference when we were all D-1AA, the Southland Conference. The current SBC in the "Phoenix" of the SLC of the 1980's and 1990s!!!

ALL of the current SBC school are in the "Bottom 100" of D-1A rankings. Are you satisfied with being ranked 107 out of 117 of D-1A FB??? I hope you do not say yes I am satisfied knowing that I am better than 10 of 117 programs in the country. If you say yes then go to the head of the "Mediocure Class."

Many of us have seen what a dynamic coach can do to a program.

Coach Fry.....need I say more!! Went into Tennessee and beat them. Tennessee told Coach Fry that they were not going to play the next year. Tennessee cancelled the contract. Coach Fry resurrected our program and never complained about the financial resources!!

Coach Nelson....always had a game plan to win......never got blown out.......almost beat UT two times.....if it were not for a blantently bad out of the endzone by 5 yard last desperation pass that was in favor of UT...then WE WON, yes, as a D-1AA school beating Texas. I was there......Longhorn fans were booing that call and shaking the hands of those who had N.T shirts on.

My major concern is we do not have that same type of DYNAMIC individual who can RECRUIT and SELL our PROGRAM to high schoolers and JC athletes. This will be DD's 9th Year at UNT and we are ranked in the Bottom 100 even after winning 4 SBC championships against the old D-1AA Southland Conference alignment.

What is the matter with this picture?????????

We do not even come close to competing with other Mid-Major Programs such as LaTech or Tulsa.

Even during the Fry and Nelson years when we played "MAJOR" talent, if we lost it was only by a handfull of points, not 63, not 51, not 52. They never went into a game telling everyone, "we do not have a chance."

If you are satisfied with being in the Bottom 100 then post it now so everyone can read....."Yes, I am satisfied with being #107 out of 117."

If you want to effect change then do what some of us are doing and post your expectations for this year......mine are: Win 2 OOC games, win the SBC and beat the #4 CUSA team in the N.O. Bowl. If these realistic goals are not achieved by the head coach then the BOR should give DD his severance package and tell the man thank you for trying for 9 years but we are still below .500 under your "watch."

If you refuse to post your expectations and results then you have to take what the AD and BOR gives you and be satisfied.

There are some who are not affraid to post what our expectations are and defining what the end result is. There are others who will take whatever is given them and only follow. Ted Turner once said, "Lead, follow or get out of the way." Which one are you, UNT alums??

Posted (edited)

Yeah... I didn't mean to come off as sounding like I'm saying Plumm's not a good fan. I disagree with the way he has gone about voicing displeasure, but I've met him, and I know he's a great (albeit very frustrated) fan of the program. Displeasure aside, he could probably sell you on the program as good as anyone if he so chose.

Part of the reason Harry created this forum was to give us all a forum to amplify our voices, positive OR negative. And, really, even if I disagree with what you say, I'd still refrain from censoring you. That's just not the intent of the board.

However, I think the same power that comes from such a powerful communication tool is inevitably linked to the responsibility to use it wisely. All I am saying is that I was influenced very early in my career by the apathy of a few, and it directly affected my involvement. People being excited, upbeat, and positive about the program is what opened my mind and got me to the game. Once I got to the game, the winning kept me there. After seeing a full four year cycle, I'm hooked by the stories and intrigue. But never mistake that it was the apathy and negativity of a few older, more veteran students and alumni that turned me off more than anything happening within the program.

Edited by illuvius32

Plumm it would just be nice to see you post somthing positive every now and then. We've all read your past novels about NT athletics and its state. But what good things do you see in the program? What are your expectations for this upcoming season?


Poker dog: Well, one would hope that the post would have been accepted in the same spirit it was posted

But after reading that novel of a reply I can see that ship has sailed.

Einstein's Fear of Relatives has an addendum that you need to incorporate. Einstein's Fear of Plummer theory reads that if one of his posts is more than 10 words, it goes unread.

Mr Plummer goes through one of these phases every year or so. This is a guy who does not understand that the effectiveness of one's argument is not enhanced by filibuster.

Please move his posts to C-SPAN...no, C-SPAN 2.

Posted (edited)

  untcampbell said:
Mr Plummer goes through one of these phases every year or so. This is a guy who does not understand that the effectiveness of one's argument is not enhanced by filibuster.

Not true- I talked to Bobby Ray yesterday and he decided that, after the 4 billionth, well worded, easy to read, concise, and (his words not mine) PLAIN AWESOME post he has read (he is an avid reader of this board and gets RSS feeds), he'd been wrong about everyting. Pretty confident there will be sweeping changes this week - look out for a prominent Florida coach to make his move this way this week - also Ramon Flanagan will soon be replaced by Chuck Norris.

ph34r.gif look I put a ninja face - INSIDE INFORMATION!!!! Call me Brett Vito!!!

Thanks Plumm, for all that you do!

Off to take a bath!!!

Edited by Quoner

3 winning seasons in 8 years.

39-55 overall record (41%).

107 out of 117 D-1A FB.

Name another coach in D-1A that has survived in his current position with this record??

Are you satisfied with this??

Can you see our frustration???

How many more years are you willing to give DD/RV/BoR to turn around the program????

Can you see our frustration????


We have won 3 out of our last 4 years. Before that we couldn't win an inter-squad scrimmage. DD and RV have been turning this thing around. We suffered a setback year, but appear to be recruiting in such a way to correct this problem.

If this is such a piss poor program; what was it under the Helwig era? Or has everyone forgetten that black era?

Remember, we are not that far removed mirroring "Necessary Roughness."


  eulesseagle said:

Are you satisfied with this??

Can you see our frustration???

How many more years are you willing to give DD/RV/BoR to turn around the program????

Can you see our frustration????

Right... Trust me, we all know the negatives. They've been spouted ad infinitum for months and years.

3 winning seasons in 8 years.

And 2 winning seasons in 8 before that (both of them coming in I-AA play)

39-55 overall record (41%).

Sure is... but if you account four years to cycle out all the Division I-AA players, we're left with a .531 percentage, higher than anyone else in the modern era except Hayden Fry.

107 out of 117 D-1A FB

Actually, 111 if you go by the Congrove Rankings. But then, you're also looking at where we are rated at this point, after one of the most disappointing seasons in recent memory. Our rankings from 2001-2004 were, respectively, 81, 52, 42, and 57.

Name another coach in D-1A that has survived in his current position with this record?

I'll look. In the meantime, why don't you find me a coach who has been fired after a down year following four consecutive conference championships?

Look, you can spin the facts whichever way you want to. I'm not out to prove that you're wrong and I'm right, because that is both futile and pointless. What I am saying is that we all know why you don't like things the way they are. Here are the reasons why I think the panic button should be left alone for now. Let's see what happens next season. I'll be a lot more receptive to complaints if we lay another season like last one.

Coach Dickeys success, to me, buys him a down year. That's all there is to it.


  Quoner said:
Not true- I talked to Bobby Ray yesterday and he decided that, after the 4 billionth, well worded, easy to read, concise, and (his words not mine) PLAIN AWESOME post he has read (he is an avid reader of this board and gets RSS feeds), he'd been wrong about everyting. Pretty confident there will be sweeping changes this week - look out for a prominent Florida coach to make his move this way this week - also Ramon Flanagan will soon be replaced by Chuck Norris.



  eulesseagle said:

1.  Name another coach in D-1A that has survived in his current position with this record??

2.  Can you see our frustration????

#1 If you mean 4 bowl trips in 5 years....lots ...there are several, don't want to do the research to give names.

#2 The problem is how far we fell in one year and the expectations at the beginning of the year.. It was a lot worse than I expected and I was not as unrealistic and posters were. That big of a drop is very disappointing and many games were very frustrating. Acouple of years ago a lot of posters one was trashing the addition of the two Florida teams and now we have a 1-2 record against them..... One no criticises the decision to admit them anymore.

---Not meant as a defense for DD but one year may not mean much.... They wanted to fire Holmgren last year and he barely survived but this year he is in the Super Bowl. Cowher has had some bad ones too but he has made it back as well.



Posted (edited)

#1 If you mean 4 bowl trips in 5 years....lots ...there are several, don't want to do the research to give names.

#2  The problem is how far we fell in one year and the expectations at the beginning of the year..   It was a lot worse than I expected and I was not as unrealistic and posters were.  That big of a drop is very disappointing and many games were very frustrating.  Acouple of years ago a lot of posters one was trashing the addition of the two Florida teams and now we have a 1-2 record against them..... One no criticises the decision to admit them anymore.

---Not meant as a defense for DD but one year may not mean much.... They wanted to fire Holmgren last year and he barely survived but this year he is in the Super Bowl.  Cowher has had some bad ones too but he has made it back as well.



#1 Keep in mind The NO bowl did not exist 6 years ago, so an appearance in most fans minds outside UNT is a very dubious honor.

#2 we just had not just an off year, but one of the worst years in our entire history.

#3 Anybody that payed attention to the games since 2002 would know we have been slipping fast and DD has not been able to correct it.

Edited by KingDL1

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