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No comparison between ASU and UNT


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I was REALLY disappointed with how USM couldn't get the ball rolling early on. I know they're the better team, but for most of the game, USM didn't really show it. I mean, our UNT team came out and went blow-for-blow with ASU, losing to a last-second Antonio Warren run.

Our Offense wasnt anything fantastic this year, but they still put points on the board earlier than the USM offense did.

Frankly, coming here to talk trash was warranted after last year's NO Bowl. This year, it's just uncalled for.


If ASU is that good, they can prove it by beating us 3 times consecutively.

Stumbled on this while trying to find something in the archive. Couldn't resist quoting.

I apologize and will move on now.

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in our two N.O. Bowl games. UNT was pushed all over the field by USM, but ASU actually put up a good fight. ASU earned some real respect from USM fans. All the talk by those on this board last year about how great UNT was and you sucked.

Meanwhile ASU fans showed some real class and played us a great game.

By the way, nice season in Denton this year. Impressive.

Hows the weather in Tulsa these days?

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Is your life really that pathetic that you have to come over here and taunt us? Wait, we already know the answer to that question. We already know our season sucked. If you could actually read, you would have seen that fact posted all over the board. The next time you pay your sister/wife/cousin to type up a post slamming someone, you might want to throw in a few extra beer bottle caps so she can actually tell you what is already posted. By the way, that team you were lucky to beat, was beaten by NT 4 straight years. Oh, and you know that whole, sheltering for refugees from the hurricane thing? You're welcome. And don't try to tell me that noone from your state made their way to Texas.

Go back to sleeping with your wife/sister/cousin.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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