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My weekend with AGF's Tony Milano


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I spent the last two 1/2 days with http://americasgreatestfan.com/ Tony Milano and we had a great time. I eventually found out that Tony recieved around 50 videos last Spring for his search of "America's Greatest Fan" and he chose 3 individuals to meet up with during his time on the road so I feel very fortunate that I was one of the three.

Last Wednesday Tony went down to Austin to meet up with tU's SID regardless of being put off by him earlier in the week, and did speak with him and actually got a promise for a future sit down interview with Coach Brown. He came back to Ft Worth Friday afternoon to do his ride out with us. Unfortunately he missed the chance to video us at a working house fire by an hour or so, but did get to see a few ass-saults and other ems calls throughout the remainder of his night with us at 14's. While checking some email late friday night we got to talking about NT football and all. But before I could say another word he turned to me after reading an email and asked, "Do you know a coach Ramone Flanagan?". The email he had just read was from ESPN's Bruce Feldman? who told Tony that if he got a chance when he got to Texas that he should interview his friend, Ramone Flanagan at North Texas. I paused and said, "uh, well yes I do and I'm sure he would have a few choice words to say if you ever got the chance to meet him some day".

The next morning on Saturday we went over to Southlake Carrol High School to video the parents/fans send off for the team prior to their State Championship game with Katy at Texas Stadium. We toured their lockerroom and weight rooms and coaches offices and I have to say it was schocking to see the lavish expense that program has gone through to remind themselves everyday that they are the best. The walls are covered with blown up, glass-framed photos of all their top players from games in the past. Every 5 feet is a large framed qoute or story about positive attitudes and sayings about why you should fight to the end, and beyond. Their weight room is unparrelelled to any other HS facility I have ever seen and has massive glass-framed team photos and state and national championship banners all across the walls. Inside, the place looks and feels like an NFL type setting. Just amazing. After the team left the high school we went straight to Texas Stadium, picked up our press passes and went up to the press row suites for goodies and hot chocolate. We also ran into Tim Mcmahon in the elevator. Afterwards we went down onto the field for the first half and filmed all of it, then went back up to press row for more snacks.

While there for halftime I had the pleasure of meeting Jake Shaw, Managing Editor of Dave Campbell's Texas Football. We spoke about the Mean Green for a bit and I was amazed at how much he knows about NT. He's from Baylor and attended the games in '03 and '04. Jake said that he got a lot of emails from Mean Green fans this summer about Patrick and Jamario not getting on the front cover this year but I thanked him regardless for getting Patrick on their last year. I invited him to come to GMG.com, log in and share with us his thoughts about the state of Football here in the great state of Texas and he said he would. It was great to meet one of the most knowledgable individuals of Texas football and I look even more forward to next years issue.

Back to the field for the second half and Tony and I had a good time meeting and talking with the fans. I met Mike Renfro's boy, Clint who told me he's still undecided where he will go. SLC's QB is going to Tech and I was standing next to him at one point after the game and I felt like asking him why he wants to go to Tech and sit for three years but I didn't? I would take any of Carrol's players especially their Nose Tackle Blake West and Defensive End Micheal Boydston. I also loved the play of Katy's Safety/Wide Reciever/ Punt returner Will Thompson too. I saw recruiters from all over Texas and beyond at the game so I'm sure these guys will be busy for recruiting season. Tony was amazed to see nearly 30,000 fans show up for a HS football game but I told him I had actually seen more than that, and actually have seen nearly that many for district championships too. Afterwards we were heading out to the truck and Hutto's fans were assembling in the parking lot. I met several of them and talked to a few Evan Cardwell and Phillip Graves fans and invited them to come up for a game next year to see Phillip play. As alway's, good people.

After the game I took Tony to the nationally rated Euless' Main Street Barbecue for supper then we went home. Tony had to get going early Sunday morning because he had a meeting with Texas Tech's Mike Leach at 3p.m. Coach Leach invited Tony to practice so I'm sure he had a blast.

Here's a couple of photos of Tony's Cherokee which he calls Hidalgo before he left out this morning.

Mean Green represented

Be safe my friend!.

A word about Tony.

I wished all of you could have had a chance to meet Tony. He is one of the nicest, kindest individuals I have ever met. He's got that California way about him, smiling constantly and always happy. He never speaks a negative word about anything even though I could tell he is extremely exhausted by now towards the end of his journey. He see's the beauty in everything and has that special niche for seeing the positives in everyone. I can't wait to see his documentary when it is done. My kids were at my parents this weekend and Tony didn't get to meet them but he stayed in the F5's room last night. This evening we brought the kids home and I was not surprised later when Connor came running out of his bedroom to tell us that he found two quarters under his pillow. I told him Tony must have left it for him for letting him use his room the night before. Thank you Tony from Connor. After he leaves Tech, Tony will be headed for the Las Vegas Bowl. He called ESPN to find out about getting down on the field but all the passes were given out. So ESPN hired Tony for one night to work on the field to get him access down there. That is the kind of pull he has gained throughout his travels. Last night he showed Darla and I 1,000's of photos that he has taken since leaving L.A. back in August. He's been on the field and inside some of the biggest programs in the country including Wisconsin, Purdue, Alabama, Auburn, Army/Navy, Florida, Florida St, North Carolina, North Carolina State, South Carolina, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest, Louisville, Clemson, West Virgina and Tennessee. He truly will have an amazing story to tell. I only wished he had a chance to spend a weekend in Denton during one of our better years.

In closing, Tony is hoping to finish editing in 16 months or sooner and his documentary will first run at the national film festivals, although I know ESPN has shown interest so who knows where it will end up. He will finish his travel at the Holiday Bowl and be done. I wish him all the best and hope someday to get to see him again. Who knows, maybe there will be a premier down the road that we will meet up again at?


Edited by FirefightnRick
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As always your PASSION and DEDICATION to the Mean Green astounds me. I wish I had the enthusiasm and drive that you do for the UNIVERSITY. Thank you for representing North Texas in everything you do.

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