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Girls Lose 69-49


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It was a much tighter game than the score indicates. The Woman's team is for real. They were beat by bad turnovers and some serious HOME COOKING. There were several calls that should have been no calls. Our team pulled within 5 pts in the 2nd half and the refs had seen enough. Our girls were fired up and played ferocious D all game long. The funniest part is when a UT fan shot me the finger after I was cheering when we hit a 3 to get close.

Another time is when they chant TEXAS FIGHT. Our section yelled NORTH over their "fight". It truly sounded like the football game.

our side


other side


The Mean Green has nothing to feel bad about this game. The ladies beat themselves against a team loaded with talent including an Olympic player from Poland and an All-American power forward. UT is very good. UNT is getting on the level. If you have not seen them play. GO! They will challenge for the Sunbelt and hopeful for the NCAA Tourney Bid..

Great Game Ladies....

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It's very hard to blame a 20 point loss on home cooking. I'm sure there were a few questionable calls that went UT's way, but not enough to make up 20 points. After listening to most of the game and looking at the box score, it seemed obvious that we lost not just because we turned the ball over, but because UT capitalized on our turnovers and we could not do the same. Both teams played pretty badly with poor shooting and lots of turnovers, but they made us pay when we turned it over and we couldn't do the same for them.

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A few observations:

I went with my brother and his 3 year old daughter. Me in my NT garb and he and his all in burnt orange. Before the game we went to "Conradt's Court". It's a place where kids can go play and burn off some energy, meanwhile I shot baskets. Do we do anything like this, or do we draw enough fans with kids to make this a viable option? It's not that big of a set up.

We sat directly across from the NT group. In the first half the lady behind me said, "Their fans are louder than ours." She was right. You guys made a nice racket. I do wish we could decide on one shade of green. The women's uni's look good in hunter green, but many of our fans wear these lime green shirts. Either way you guys made a hell of a racket and sounded good. I didn't even notice that the court announcer twice called us North Texas State. When my brother told me that later he said, "You usually go berserk when people say that. It surprised me when you didn't."

The game. We did not handle the ball well. On the plus side, neither did Texas. Both teams played with a lot of heart, but not a lot of skill. Quite simply, we did not have an answer for Tiffany Jackson. They fed her the ball as much as possible, and just wore us down. Tiffany Jackson is as good as women's college bball gets. I really wanted to see more picks to set up a three, b/c while we were cold from midrange, we hit some key three's that changed momentum. I don't know the stats, but we seemed to rebound well. Poor shooting % was costly. I think this could be a good team, but still needs some work.

I had a good time and left feeling that we have a good team. I have reason to be hopeful for a solid season and hopefully a tourney slot.


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seems like every time we lose to a big team everyone cries it was due to "home cooking". You cant turn the ball over that many times, then have the other team capitlize on those mistakes, and expect to win. We didnt bring our A game, and you cant afford to do that against teams like Texas.

And I am tired of losing to Texas.

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When your best player Bobo goes 1-13 shooting, your other guard Williams has 7 turnovers mostly in first half; you are not going to have much of a chance. I also wonder about a coach that thinks that a 20 point loss is making progress even against a top 20 team. Yes it was closer till the last 5 minutes and NT did not get completely blown out, but with almost 30 turnovers and a shooting % in the teens the second half, the game certainly was not that close.

This team has a lot of talent but without any outside threat at all, it could be a tough year against the top of the Belt. I hope that Slinker plays the 3 freshmen guards more in hopes that one or more have an outside game.

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