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I have to ask the question as to what have I said that is not true? wink.gif

I don't give a rat's a$$ whether you like this poster or not because (honestly) I don't waste 2 seconds of my life thinking about most of you any more than you would me--hellsbells, I don't even know most of you except by this message board. I will say that many on GMG.com have emailed saying they are 100% on board with all that I (and others) have said in recent weeks. Be nice if some of that group could put those on threads like this one every once in a while. Yet to you all who do agree, if we don't stand up for what we all think we deserve with UNT football, then who the hell will?

Only a visually handicapped person would not be able to see what Dickey hath wrought with all those big wins over the Bottom Feeders of NCAA D1-A. Can yall really get exicted about next Fall with DD in charge? We all know what we will see. What surprises could there be that we haven't seen in 8 years?

I still defer to a 1975 NT FB schedule to some of you who want to know why some of us older alums could hardly be excited about what we are now getting in Denton and mostly with who our present competition is that we have to beat to go, uh, bowling. dry.gif(Come on now, I dare you to get those NT FB media guides out and just see how far this freakin' football program has fallen).

But still, the main thing that seems to have not gotten through to a few of you were those bowl years when we were beaten by future SBC schools who were (only) in their D1-AA transitional years. What more proof of what we've been getting do some of you (seemedly a bit slow of wit and learning capabalities) need than that? What zip codes are yall in? Is it part of this galaxy?

To you who took me up on looking at that 1975 NT football schedule (as well as other schedules very similar in the 1970's) you might then see that some of us actually saw much better times (against better known opponents() than some of you young gun alums are seeing now.

And recruiting? Come on now, how many times are we even showing up on "Local" lists? Do any of you really see that much difference this year than what we've been getting the last 3-4 years which produced some talent but not near enough? And our limited talent base that would lose to such schools as La Tech, Tulsa U (only our biggest home loss in history) and............... freakin' Florida Atlantic U for the 2'nd year in a row? BTW, for you who are having a most difficult time getting your heads out of the sand, our first loss to FAU was also during a bowl year for DD's footbal team. CALLING EARTH! ANYONE HOME?!?!

So yall go ahead and make fun of this poster since some of you seem to have problems adding to a discussion whether you agree with it or not. In fact, some of you with the quick hitter posts continue to show your small stature and complete immaturity (and you know who you are) with your responses; but you can mark all this in 3 inch headlines that what this 1976 NT graduate is (and has been) saying on this subject is about as close to the truth as some of you are ever going to be capable of handling.

So if a hardy handful of you really think being the Best of the Worst is just where its at in Denton, then some of you whose posts I do actually read are most correct in saying we are (in deed) in different zip codes.

Since we are now talking, uh, zip codes unsure.gif you want to know what my zip code really is? Well, just check out some of those 1970's era NT Mean Green football schedules (again) in your NT football media guide because that is the zip code I started with as a UNT student resident. That is my zip code.

Those of us who were NT students 30 plus years ago should not have to watch as Mean Green football goes back to the womb. In a perfect world, a college football program over the course of a few decades should be going forward and be advancing--not going backwards as is our present mode.

Mediocrity is a disease that has run rampant at UNT, and one glaringly sad fact is how some of its employees need that (and apathy) as their main ally to even be able stay on the UNT payroll; but even a bigger shame is how some on this very board are accomodating that need for a few UNT employees who are getting paid a whole bunch of money to have such multi-year W/L records.

Any bets on which NT athletic employee is the next one to attack a NT Ex and/or Mean Green fan? Of course, I jest with that, but that is also another red flag as to where this program has been allowed to degenerate. wink.gif It's called leadership folks, or in our case, a lack thereof.


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Right or wrong, UNTLifer, just stating what I 've been told.  Actually, some of the names planning on doing this would probably surprise some NT officials.  My meager MG Club $500 is for sure not among the group I am referring to. 

We have a problem that needs to get fixed at UNT and I think that is what those ones I refer to are trying to say with the best way they feel catches most people's attention:  $


You and your alumni buddies will certainly have more pull with the athletic department when you contribute nothing. laugh.gif

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You know Plumber, reading your posts is a lot like listening to "Coast to Coast AM". Everything is a conspiracy.

Cerebus is obviously part of this grand plot to silence folks like Plumber. Cerebus= The Men in Black.

You're paranoid. And yes, in case you're wondering, the athletic department paid me to say this.

Gotta go, I think a black helicopter just flew over my house.

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Well, back to the topic of the thread...

user posted image

Anyone jealous?

It doesn't look too bad in that drawing, but I saw another that made the outside of it look like MUT'S stadium, a lot of aluminum and exterior supports. Why don't they design stadiums more like Memphis' Liberty Bowl? It has taller single-level sideline seat sections then curving down to fewer endzone seats, instead of the same level all the way around.

Liberty Bowl stadium

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You know Plumber, reading your posts is a lot like listening to "Coast to Coast AM". Everything is a conspiracy.

Cerebus is obviously part of this grand plot to silence folks like Plumber. Cerebus= The Men in Black.

You're paranoid. And yes, in case you're wondering, the athletic department paid me to say this.

Gotta go, I think a black helicopter just flew over my house.


Let's see now, Jake the Snake "Plummer" (NFL player), Christopher "Plummer" (actor/'Sound of Music), Amanda Plummer (actress) and Glenn Plummer (actor). I am trying to remember in the past 5 decades when I've ever seen it spelled any other way. smile.gif And you also mention Cerebus? He's a company man. Doesn't he really have to respond as such as to maintain his ties with NT athletics so they want black him out on "much vital" info? I often wonder how Brett Vito of the DRC puts up with such poppycock coming from our present NT athletic department.

BUT......no conspiracty factor at all, just mostly personal disappointment with how I feel a bunch of dead head Freds are letting Darrell Dickey lead them to the un-Promised Land (while he verbally kicks their asses on radio broadcasts the last 5 years)? Jeez! Some of you enjoy that kind of crap? blink.gif Yet some of the MG Nation remind me of the ones who made fun of Noah even as they began making that gurgling sound.

Still some around here who know nothing about OOC wins (since such OOC D1-A wins you can count on 1 hand in DD's last 7 years). And others who just cannot seem to fathom (or just don't want to fathom) which NCAA D1-A scavengers we have beaten the last 4 years (prior to this one) which has given some a false semblance of success with DDickey. Again, I defer to the NT media guide and which 1-AA schools OR schools in business for less than 5 years we lost to in our bowl years). Whats it really going to take with all this? Do we need to hire a sky-writer to spell all that out in big letters over the NT Administration Building? sad.gif

Yet............where is the conspiracy factor of anything I've posted on this subject at hand? Sorry to make this revelation to some who are comfortable with DD mediocrity, but there just happens to be many more than just myself who feel as strongly about all this. Yet for now, DD has the chairman of the NT BOR's in his back pocket (but those scenarios don't last forever). But such NT employees depend on the usual "non reponse" of the UNT community and know there will be no organized efforts, a mobilization of the masses and that to tell present powers that be that we just really think we can do better because many of us witnessed such days of success at a higher level. We are (simply) getting schooled at UNT by those who know that the last 5 years of low level competition and the kind of apathy that even some on this board are showing will help them perservere their jobs for about as long as they want in Denton, Texas, and on the UNT-Denton campus.

More conspiracy stuff with such blasphemy as that---------hell "freakin' no. wink.gif Why? Just check out your NT Lady Eagles basketball coach and how may years ( try 17) she now has under her belt and still having an under .500 (just like yalls boy Dickey who will never hit .500 in wins/losses as long as he is in Denton IMHO). But hellsbells, give anyone 17 years at any job and eventually they will probably stumble into some kind of success at one time no matter its brevity.

Sorry (and again) no conspiracy with the above thoughts, either; but rather more blatant reality that our alma mater just really doesn't know how to successfully hire and then administrate this thing called intercollegiate athletics at the NCAA D1-A level; but it is all us of the NT community who are the ones who will (once again) stand to lose the most (as we are asked to $upport all of this low expectation and goals).


Some of you young gun alums in your 30's or younger please do hear me out on this. This time no tongue in cheek or manifesto type lagniape for what I am going to say but.............many of you remind me of me when I was in my 30's and you couldn't keep me away from anything relating to NT Athletics or other campus functions. Some on this board would verify that.

But then you wake up one morning and suddenly discover that you are no longer in your 30's, but rather in your mid-50's. Then you begin to see your alma mater hasn't made one damn ounce of progres as to what you would have expected based on where NT athletics was in the 1970's when we were playing (and beating) schools like Tennessee, SMU, Houston, a Top 20 ranked San Diege St, etc, etc, etc.

So in a nutshell, all of that pretty well capsules my own frustation as an NT Ex and as an annual NT investor of Mean Green athetics. You beat your head against the wall with all this for a few decades and you all but get to the point that you feel you are doing nothing but thowin' good money after bad. Not a very happy destination point to come to after 30 plus years of following Mean Green football with those (forever) high hopes that someone would lead us to way more "high profile" wins and successes than we ever witnessed under Hayden Fry.

So in closing, to all of you young gun NT alums in your 20's and 30's (who I really do admire from a distance), I only hope that when all of you wake up some Sunday morning to find yourself at the same point with this program that many of us have found ourselves decades after our graduations; yet where do you think (in light of what you are presently observing and recent trends) this football program will be in context to most of the other 119 schools in NCAA D1-A? I only hope that each of you are part of the very NT generation that sees a dramatic shift of good fortune (specifically in football) for a school that just flat out deserves much better than its getting now and at a higher profile.


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Well, back to the topic of the thread...

user posted image

Anyone jealous?

Well, they were already light years ahead of us. They had a FUNCTIONAL stadium design to sell to their fans and boosters. Sure it has end zone seating, but look at all those other seats that people will actually be willing to spend money to sit in.

user posted image

We, on the other hand, have that POC that was displyed in the virtual tour video which would guarantee that we will always be on the bottom rung of division 1 football, if not further down. It's amazing, for decades, centuries, and possibly millenia stretching back to Roman Collesseum days we have known what would be desirable seating for a stadium, and then we get stuck with that design.

user posted image

It is clearly the worst stadium design conceived since 1952. sad.gif

And for JB, yes Memphis'Liberty Bowl does have an even more fan friendly stadium design than UCF's new stadium.

user posted image

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We, on the other hand, have that POC that was displyed in the virtual tour video which would guarantee that we will always be on the bottom rung of division 1 football, if not further down. It's amazing, for decades, centuries, and possibly millenia stretching back to Roman Collesseum days we have known what would be desirable seating for a stadium, and then we get stuck with that design.

user posted image

It is clearly the worst stadium design conceived since 1952. sad.gif

I completely agree with ADLER on this.  The current stadium design needs re-designed.  No one will want to sit in that many upper deck seats.  Hell, TCU can't even hardly get anyone in theirs which proves this.  It's must be redone to accomodate the most fans possible.


I agree,

I think our current design is honestly craptacular.

If I had the money to donate I would want to see a much better design than that one before UNT received my cash.

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Well, I'm no structural engineer, but I did stay at a holiday inn express last night so I'll go ahead and say this. Doesn't it look a bit like a strong hurricane would use the top part of the exposed metal bleachers like a big wing and rip it off the top? But since this is in Florida, I guess it wouldn't be a issue... with hurricanes and all, right? rolleyes.gif

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Well, I'm no structural engineer, but I did stay at a holiday inn express last night so I'll go ahead and say this.  Doesn't it look a bit like a strong hurricane would use the top part of the exposed metal bleachers like a big wing and rip it off the top?    rolleyes.gif

Que the Playmaker Panic. ...5...4...3...2...


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