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NT Daily Editorial...Why do they


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NT Daily Editorial

Law school is too much


October 29, 2002

Acquiring the Texas Wesleyan Law School is not in the best interests of NT.

Although the discussions haven't lead to monetary bids, NT should not be rushing into such a financial venture.

One reason that NT is looking at the law school was to bring the Metroplex a public university law school.

Another reason that NT is in discussion with TWU is to bring prestige to our university by offering a more rounded academic program (e.g. the engineering school), according to Chancellor Lee Jackson.

NT students should look at flip-side of buying the TWU law school. Something that doesn't often come to mind is realistic cost of buying or building a law school.

The cost to acquire the school could be in the millions and the cost to manage the school would be high as well, thus hindering the progress of NT programs because of the enormous amount of money that would be needed to maintain the law school in Fort Worth.

NT would have to juggle the costs of an engineering program and the law school.

With the growing number of students it would seem like a feasible task, but there is no guarantee that NT will continue to grow at the current rate and many programs may be left in the cold.

Some of the stipulations about acquiring the law school is that NT would first survey students to find out the best place for the law school.

If and when this survey appears, the students should just write a resounding "no" to buying or building a law school until we can improve existing programs, parking and even our drainage system first.

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How do they know acquiring the law school is too much for the university? For heavens sake, they're just talking!!! We also don't know if the state will help us out and pitch in for part of the purchase.

If and when this survey appears, the students should just write a resounding "no" to buying or building a law school until we can improve existing programs, parking and even our drainage system first.

It's comments like this that make me believe that this small portion of the student body wants to control the destiny of UNT.

If certain groups could have their way, we wouldn't be getting an Engineering department, let alone the law school still in early negotiations. <_<

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It's pretty simple to see why they printed the editorial. People that think like that only want progress at UNT if it means that the resources for their department or major are not used to further the goal of the university as a whole. They fail to realize that each department must work in concert to advance the vision of the entire universtiy.

"With the growing number of students it would seem like a feasible task, but there is no guarantee that NT will continue to grow at the current rate and many programs may be left in the cold".

I beleive that the university's growth projections are based on population trend studies. Where does the Daily get their information to contradict this study. Did they pull it out of their a$$es.

It's almost as if they're saying "Wow an engineering and law school would be great as long as you don't take MY funding". The editorial staff is acting like a bunch of 5 year olds that want to take their toys home because they are not getting their way. sad.gif

If the Daily had it their way, we would still be North Texas Normal.


Yes to UNT LAW!!!!

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Holy Crap. Do we have to start all this again?

The editorials are voted on by the editorial board of the NT Daily. It is their opinion and if you don't like it, they apply for a position that will get you on the board. They are meant to make students think about what the university is doing. Noone there thinks they are running the student body opinion.

Before I start, let me say that I think the law school would be a great asset to the university. I would bet that many on the Daily staff think so too.

That being said it is a strong, if not strongly stated, argument. The University IS going to have to sink a huge amount of money into the engineering school to get it up and running and it will be many years before it pulls its own weight.

The law school would be much the same even if not to the same degree (it is already running).

Eagle-96 - nowhere in the editorial does the board say that they want new computers nor do they say that they want more funding for the Daily or the journalism department. They do say that they want money for existing programs and infrastructure (which does need funding and is severly behind the current enrollment).

LoveMG - This just makes no sense at all. The University is VERY proud of the Daily and the Journalism dept. With its accomplishments you would have to be ignorant not to be. Second of all, the Daily budget wouldn't even buy staples for a law school.

GreenMachine -- Have you ever taken an art class? They do buy their own supplies and those that are provided (chemistry and plates for lithos etc) are more than paid for by the HUGE lab fees. The School of Art at UNT has brought a large amout of acclaim and recognition to the University on a local, regional and national level. I am sure that you realize this. And if you think that a law school in FW is going to generate better alumni then I have a bridge for sale I'd like to tell you about.



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if the editors feel it's thier right to make editorial statements, which of course it is, then these guys have just as much right to state thier opinion. You shouldn't feel offended if some here doesnt like the Daily, thats thier right as well. Those who post thier opinions owe it to themselves to make sure thier points are researched and sensical, of course.

Even more importantly, I have the right to drink Hurricanes until they cut me off at Pat O's.... Go Mean Green!


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will the students actually get a chance to vote on the law school?! Didn't they already fail that right?!

Shane is correct in that the paper can do that...do I think it's an ignorant editorial? yes...

what is the problem with students trying to keep UNT in the dark ages? Does the music department fan club not understand that outside of the top musicians in a certain genre we are not known for the music program?

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The point I'm making is that if the discussion was about XX million dollars for improvements to the journalism department at the expense of improvments to "existing programs, parking and even our drainage system" then the Daily would not have printed the editorial.

And I 2nd Cerebus in that if the Daily prints their eidtorial as "opinion" then why don't we have the right to air our opinion about the editorial? (As well as the drinking part).

Please don't ask me to feel sorry for art students that have to buy there supplies. Last time I checked most students in most majors have to buy their own supplies books, paper, pens, etc...

That being said, Shane I am not attacking you. I just think that the Daily is too quick to jump on things that bring about progress.


Beat LaMo!!!!

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To be totally fair, the Daily should have presented an editorial that was in favor of the Law School. Good newspapers present two sides to every story. So once again, the average student will read the Daily and say " Holy shit, the administration is hitting us again for money for a law school and we didn't get to vote on it. Waaaahhhhhh." I am not a fan of the Daily for this reason. The law school is no where near us buying it and the Daily made it sound like we already own the damn thing. Thank goodness the sports writers are becoming a little more Pro-UNT athletics because if that was still a major problem, my heart wouldn't be able to withstand it.

Does anyone know if the Daily has a Pro-Law School Editorial ready to print? If not, does anyone want to write one?

This is my 2 cents!!!

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MGF --- The Daily does not have an obligation to present both sides on the editorial page. Remember that this page is where the editorial board of the Daily presents THEIR opinion. Please also remember that this is a standard practice in ALL North American papers. And if you think the Daily has some strong opinions, try reading the Dallas/Washington/NYtimes ed page sometime. The news story is where the facts are to be presented fairly and without bias. I think that the news story earlier in the week did just that.

Not all the NT students are the sheep of the NT Daily, they all have their own opinions and they all have the ability to submit them in the letter to the editor or a guest column. The Daily (I am sure) would gladly print it as long as they have the room and it meets the requirements. As far as the EdBoard writing a Pro-Law editorial, that would defeat the purpose of their first one now wouldn't it.

Eagle-96, don't sweat an unreal possibility, The J-department will never be given XX millions of dollars by the admin. And if they were, you would be right, their OPINION would be different I am sure. Just as yours would be.

Greenmachine -- I am not asking you to feel sorry about anything. Just don't post something that flat isn't true. Thats all. Art students pay for their supplies just like everybody else. If you want to say you dislike art students then say it. But don't make something up to justify it.

LoveMG --- The Daily's editor's are in the privledged position to not have to push papers. And if they did, it wouldn't work to have it on page two where you can't see it. The students are interested in protecting the University. They BELIEVE that the University is stretching itself too thin by trying to open two shools within years of each other. I happen to think it is a possibility that the University could find itself in trouble if it doesn't watch its growth. The best schools in American weren't built overnite. UNT included.

Finally, Cerebus -- I have never said that someone wasn't entitled to their opinion. Its just frustrating when people don't accept the opinions of the Daily as the opinions of the Daily and try to create some conspiracy theory out of them. I also hate it when people post nonfactual information (there is ALOT of it in this thread). I have refrained from commenting on Daily Bashing sessions in the recent past, BUT anytime the Daily is expected to be a PR rag for the University, I will step in and post MY opinions.

P.S. Cerebus are you interested in borrowing some gear for the homecoming game? Maybe I can work something out.

Seeya Saturday!


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Plural???  Cerebus, you strike me as a one-hurricane guy.  Maybe you can prove me wrong this December!   cool.gif

Before the actual game, I was a no hurricane guy: biggrin.gif

After the game <_ ... well i made up for lost time: src="http://www.gomeangreen.com/forums/uploads/emoticons/New_wacko.gif" alt=":wacko:">-->wacko.gif

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I have refrained from commenting on Daily Bashing sessions in the recent past, BUT anytime the Daily is expected to be a PR rag for the University, I will step in and post MY opinions.

No they shouldn't be a PR rag for UNT, but they should post both sides to the story. This is misleading, and most of us feel, aimed to get the students to oppose the POSSIBLE purchase of the law school. These reactions are just the culmination of many years of frustration over this type of article.

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Lifer, they do cover both sides of the topic, in a NEWS STORY. But not in this editorial, if they did it wouldn't be a very good editorial.

However, you bring up an interesting point. If you have been frustrated with the Daily for many years, then maybe you should look at your frustrations. I promise that the opinions of the editors over the past 5 years have changed GREATLY from semester to semester. But they do tend to reflect the average student body at NT over the years.

Maybe what you are frustrated with is a student body that doesn't feel the way you think they should.

Editorials are supposed to prompt people to action, but they have a tendancy to make people oppose them as well as support them. (You are writing about this, right?) Most importantly they make people think and they make them question what is going on around them. Asking questions helps people livewithout floating through life in an ignorant bliss waiting for the next command from on high.

The University does not serve the Alumni, the BOR, Pohl, VR or even the State of Texas. It is here for the students and it serves the students.

And before someone starts the "they don't know what is best for them" arguement, let me point out that it is that mentality that is responsible for the French peasant uprisings, the American Revolution, the eventual downfall of the British Empire (among others) and the clusterf%* that we like to the call the electoral college system. (No Nazis in there Cerebus)


Shane Bevel

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If the Daily wants people to think, then why is this comment in there?

If and when this survey appears, the students should just write a resounding "no" to buying or building a law school until we can improve existing programs, parking and even our drainage system first.

I'd say out of the whole article, ^^^this^^^ is the one thing that bothered me the most.

To improve parking, the university must raise funds. However, students aren't very willing to pay the extra money to purchase and develop these lands. You can't build onto your home just by paying the current amount you pay on your mortgage.

And the comment on the drainage system is for what? I know there was a big puddle in front of the GAB, but it's been raining off and on for something like 2 weeks now. The ground is so saturated right now, if it does rain, there's no place for the water to go. Besides, the money for campus maintenance comes from a totally different pot, not tuition or money from the state labeled for education.

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And before someone starts the "they don't know what is best for them" arguement, let me point out that it is that mentality that is responsible for the French peasant uprisings, the American Revolution, the eventual downfall of the British Empire (among others) and the clusterf%* that we like to the call the electoral college system.

Wee bit over the top? French Revolution? American Revolution? LAW SCHOOL? Which of these does not fit? As to the electoral college, it's an incredible system, which has worked as the Framers intended: It keeps factionalism from being a factor in gaining control of the PResidency.

You remember the Blue and Red map from Election 2K, no? I suggest you read the Federalist Papers that explain the Electoral College. #59, I think.

In any case....the American revolution and the fall of the British Empire....


Way over the top.

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