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7691 is actually pretty good considering everything, imagine if there was no rain that was forcasted but never came, could have topped 10K maybe, at least we made the 15K mark, unlike some of our bretheren.


  ipEAGLE said:
I bet DD doesn't think we can beat SMU.  I agree its a must win...everything will have to fall into place.

SMU 40 UTEP 27

SMU closes season with 3 straight wins.

UNT strength and conditioning better begin tomorrow morning and continue thru June.


I would hate to play SMU next Saturday with this coaching staff.

I see the Ponies getting better and us getting worse.

And by the way, I'm tired of hearing how we are getting better each week. We need to be better from week 1. Waiting until November to get better is too late.

Good luck to Coach Dickey and the Kansas State job.


I plan on trying to score some Valium prior to the NT vs. SMU game next September. That'll be the only way I'll be able to make it through the game because SMU will beat us by 4 to 5 touchdowns in OUR house. I have NO doubt in my mind.


  UNTX said:
I plan on trying to score some Valium prior to the NT vs. SMU game next September.  That'll be the only way I'll be able to make it through the game because SMU will beat us by 4 to 5 touchdowns in OUR house.  I have NO doubt in my mind.

Come on...we will win!!!

Posted (edited)

New Idea: Lets let our NT Board of Regents who got us into this longterm contract mess with DD by extending those out an extra year after winning a conference of what most the sports media in the USA joke about as the worst NCAA D1-A conference in the history of college football. Anway, if the NT Board of Regents are going to allow this SBC/Bottom 10" mediocrity to continue under DD, lets let them go ahead and market the 2006 UNT football season. I don't think they would like what they would see.

No smack board empty promise here and I'll say this only once, but our present NT Board of Regents should know that this Ulys Knight Spirit Award recipient (1996) has never been so embarrassed with the handling of this football program. They should also know this NT Ex will play no part of their obvious acceptance Darrell Dickey's mediocrity that has happened under the veil and disguise of Sun Belt Conference/Bottom 10 wins.

I will fulfill my present MG Club obligation, but once paid, I will ask that group to remove my name from that mail list until UNT decides it wants to (once again) be a football program that wants to play (and be competitive) with the Big Boys again. My annual purchase of 4 football season tickets will become a thing of the past as well. Granted, just one person here, but I know others who will be doing the same thing in an attempt to try to get this NT Board of Regent's undivided attention and to try to get them to research all this veiled success of Darrell Dickey out a bit more than they seem to have done.

A Question To Our UNT Board of Regents: Do each of you know which "low profile" schools beat DD's football teams even during those 4 bowl years (and I'm not talking about the UT's or OU's, either)? Maybe some of our BOR's should get an NT football media guide so they can also discover for themselves all this charade that even Metroplex (and beyond) sports writer joke about when we have gone to the NO's Bowl; that is, their pointing out as to who we had to beat to get to the Big Easy.

If this campus group (appointed by the Governor of Texas) have no more understanding of how a NCAA D1-A college football program actually advance to the next level and the kind of coach who can take a school to that next level, then maybe they should just fess' up and say they don't and then hire a totally unbiased consultant (not from Kansas State, please) who would probably shock them into the full reality with what he would tell them of what UNT has really been getting the last few years (including the 4 bowl years) under the false successes accomplished by beating SBC/Bottom 10 schools in NCAA D1-A.

If our NT Board of Regents are trying to kill Mean Green football and take it further downward to the dark ages by backing (most obvious to the kind of fans they need to fill Fouts Field) one Darrell Dickey; anyway, by backing his total ineptness to the bitter end, then those campus leaders who we all depend on to make smart business decisions have certainly made a very good start in (at least) accomplishing that goal.

If there have been darker moments in my 30 plus years of following NT football because of extremely poor hiring practices in Denton and in light of the conference surroundings we presently reside, I wish someone would point out to me what those darker moments would have been.


Edited by PlummMeanGreen

  PlummMeanGreen said:

So now do some of you understand why a growing army of NT Exes think UNT should just go ahead, cut its losses ASAP, move onto a new head football coach and a chance to salvage this recruiting season and give our 2006 Mean Green footbal team a whole new lease on their football life in Mean Green Country? 

Seems to be a very, very small army. As I said, I'm talking to NT Exes who don't post nor read internet chat rooms. All are very disappointed in our season. When I say there is a very vocal group campain, who can't believe it as they are willing to live with a single down season as the price of 4 consecutive championships and more to come. One of pointed out to me Hayden Fry had personally told him how much likes the overall direction of the program at NT.

Get a grip folks. You are starting to sound like the "Fire Mack Brown" bunch from a couple of year ago. Building a team in not linear. There are steps backwards. Players are only hear for a max of five years. You build a team around a good recruiting class and wait for them to become juniors and seniors. Then you have an off year - sometimes two - while you build the next class. Occasionally you get lucky like we did in 2001 and a group gells early. There is a reason freshman quarterbacks who play well make headlines. It's because it do not happen very often.


  PlummMeanGreen said:

I will fulfill my present MG Club obligation, but once paid,  I will ask that group to remove my name from that mail list until UNT decides it wants to (once again) be a football program that wants to play (and be competitive) with the Big Boys again.  My annual purchase of  4 football season tickets will become a thing of the past as well.  Granted, just one person here, but I know others who will be doing the same thing in an attempt to try to get this NT Board of Regent's undivided attention and to try to get them to research all this veiled success of Darrell Dickey out a bit more than they seem to have done. 

Does this mean the historic, long post by PMG will become a part of gomeangreen.com past? ph34r.gif

Posted (edited)

  VideoEagle said:
Seems to be a very, very small army. As I said, I'm talking to NT Exes who don't post nor read internet chat rooms. All are very disappointed in our season. When I say there is a very vocal group campain, who can't believe it as they are willing to live with a single down season as the price of 4 consecutive championships and more to come. One of pointed out to me Hayden Fry had personally told him how much likes the overall direction of the program at NT.

Get a grip folks. You are starting to sound like the "Fire Mack Brown" bunch from a couple of year ago. Building a team in not linear. There are steps backwards. Players are only hear for a max of five years. You build a team around a good recruiting class and wait for them to become juniors and seniors. Then you have an off year - sometimes two - while you build the next class. Occasionally you get lucky like we did in 2001 and a group gells early. There is a reason freshman quarterbacks who play well make headlines. It's because it do not happen very often.

Actually, a (what I will forecast to be) a growing army will be those who will show our NT Board of Regents just what they think of Dickey Ball in the Fall of 2006 when some of that Board starts looking out at Fouts empty seats asking the question: "Where the hell did some old familiar faces go?" That day will come sooner than most of you will want.

I have 4 season tickets in Lower Section E that will not be renewed, so all you who want first dibbs call Gabe at the NT Ticket Office. They will especially be prime seats for you who still show up to continue to see where Darrell Dickey has taken NT football AND.... when Southern Methodist University shows up in Denton next Fall and kicks our butts into the next decade, you will have even more proof. (Do you think after the SMU loss our NT BOR's will want to extend to their Darrell Boy yet another year on his contract)?

This thing has not yet bottomed out to all of you who think some kind of miracle is going to turn an NT defensive line into the Steel Curtain next Fall. smile.gif

Edited by PlummMeanGreen

  ipEAGLE said:
You think we can beat SMU next yr.... they are a pretty good team.  blink.gif

SMU beat 5 teams better than us this season so beating them, even at Fouts, won't be easy and if Dickey and his staff are still coaching here next year we have no chance.


I did not renew my season tickets after over 10 years of attending every game -- insuring that two tickets were used each game and am sure glad I did not. If the Green Mean Association needs money they need to do some fund raising -- like a better football team and a coach that has a winning record. Otherwise I will NEVER attend anyother UNT football game. mad.gif


Man, I'm glad I couldn't make the game because I might start throwing away my tickets. I actually plan on buying season tickets for the first time next year. Sure DD and others haven't done what needed to be done, but I'm NOT gonna stop going. If we all stopped going, what would happen? Do you honestly think that the BOR would change things? I don't.....I would think that they would be pleased with the demise of our football program. Of course, one person can't keep it going, but a contagious attitude of people giving up on the team and not renewing tickets or not going to the games can. I will be there next year! Maybe my expectations are lower than yours, but oh well smile.gif See ya at the games next year!


  PlummMeanGreen said:
Actually, a (what I will forecast to be) a growing army will be those who will show our NT Board of Regents just what they think of Dickey Ball in the Fall of 2006 when some of that Board starts looking out at Fouts empty seats asking the question:  "Where the hell did some old familiar faces go?"  That day will come sooner than most of you will want. 

I have 4 season tickets in Lower Section E that will not be renewed, so all you who want first dibbs call Gabe at the NT Ticket Office.  They will especially be prime seats for you who still show up to continue to see where Darrell Dickey has taken NT football AND.... when Southern Methodist University shows up in Denton next Fall and kicks our butts into the next decade, you will have even more proof.  (Do you think after the SMU loss our NT BOR's will want to extend to their Darrell Boy yet another year on his contract)?

This thing has not yet bottomed out to all of you who think some kind of miracle is going to turn an NT defensive line into the Steel Curtain next Fall. smile.gif

user posted image


Dear Jim (Plummeangreen)

You are a friend of mine and I have enjoyed sitting with you there in lower section E for years. I also have a great deal of respect for you as a person and as a fan of North Texas.

But I couldn't disagree you more with the notion of not supporting this program especially now when we need the faithful to gather around. To quit coming to games and to withhold financial support for the program will only leave people that DO like what the current coaching staff is doing. This program can't stand people that will blindly follow this coach over a cliff.

Not attending games and not giving to the program is like people that are not happy with the minister at their church. The clergyman looks around and everyone there seems content with the direction he's going, therefore, no change is perceived and none is made.

I'm not happy, but I'll continue to buy season tickets and support the program at the level I can. This University is like my kids-I don't always like what they do, but they're still my kids.

You and I will be here when this staff is long gone. I look foward to visiting with you next season, and hopefully before that.



  UNT_92_Fan said:
The Great Dub Speaks...where the hell has he been

The Great Dub has been putting in 60 hour work weeks thanks to the good folks who like to fly and/or send mail during the holiday season...


  greenjoe said:
Dear Jim (Plummeangreen)

You are a friend of mine and I have enjoyed sitting with you there in lower section E for years.  I also have a great deal of respect for you as a person and as a fan of North Texas.

But I couldn't disagree you more with the notion of not supporting this program especially now when we need the faithful to gather around.  To quit coming to games and to withhold financial support for the program will only leave people that DO like what the current coaching staff is doing.  This program can't stand people that will blindly follow this coach over a cliff.

Not attending games and not giving to the program is like people that are not happy with the minister at their church.  The clergyman looks around and everyone there seems content with the direction he's going, therefore, no change is perceived and none is made.

I'm not happy, but I'll continue to buy season tickets and support the program at the level I can.  This University is like my kids-I don't always like what they do, but they're still my kids.

You and I will be here when this staff is long gone.  I look foward to visiting with you next season, and hopefully before that.



Kind words from a kind person. Thank you. I've enjoyed all the foolishness we have helped dished out in Lower Section E in recent years. smile.gif

Still sorta' bothers me that you can't remember me when I bought that 10 speed Raleigh bicycle from you while I was still living in Denton, though. laugh.gif

Joe, I just thought in my 32'nd year of following Mean Green football that we would just be way ahead of where we have fallen to. I know you and many others are as disappointed, too.

I am only one butt in the seat and have never thought myself any more special than the next Mean Green football fan (and I say that on my sainted mother's last resting place God rest her soul). I do realize that I may just be a bit more opinionated than your average bear, though.

I just need to cool the jets for awhile and sit back, but that part has never been easy for me to do when I feel as strongly on a matter as I do with our present situation.

Your kind words are duly noted, though.




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