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NT Presidential Survey results

Stan R

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Well, so now Mr Jackson is giving us his "executive summary" of the results of the survey. I've got to say I'm shocked and very disappointed. These heavliy skewed towards the following:

1.) Forget the progress we've made with dropping our commuter image.

2.) Pay our professors more. (hmm.. wonder who voted for this? rolleyes.gif )


3.) Ignore the recent progress in athletics, our president doesn't need concern his/herself with these petty issues. Interesting that it is the LEAST important issue to faculty and it ISN'T EVEN IN THE TOP 5 FOR STUDENTS!?!?!


See for yourself and let me know if you're reading this the same way I am...


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I think it is hard to really see what people want with that type of survey.

From the site:

For example, the survey did not separate goals (“improvements in UNT’s academic quality”) from methods (“better planning”).  Some very important process improvements were undervalued in this survey because they had to compete against these very attractive goals.

Doesnt mean people think it isnt important, rather it could just mean that they might value "academic quality" over "athletics". And I would tend to agree.

I dont think its one or the other, which is why I dont know how effective such a poll can be. Many of these "ideals" or "goals" are interrelated.

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My impression of the survey was that there wasn't really anything listed that anyone would NOT want. I know that I ranked just about everything high because the only things listed were common sense things that everybody would want. So, everyone still could have ranked "athletics" as a very important criteria, but just shaved off a notch and I could see how it might end up in the bottom 5 rankings. I also think this is a ridiculously small sample of the possible population of respondents.

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Well, so now Mr Jackson is giving us his "executive summary" of the results of the survey.  I've got to say I'm shocked and very disappointed.  These heavliy skewed towards the following:

1.) Forget the progress we've made with dropping our commuter image.

2.) Pay our professors more. (hmm.. wonder who voted for this?  rolleyes.gif )


3.) Ignore the recent progress in athletics, our president doesn't need concern his/herself with these petty issues. Interesting that it is the LEAST important issue to faculty and it ISN'T EVEN IN THE TOP 5 FOR STUDENTS!?!?!

mad.gif  mad.gif  mad.gif

See for yourself and let me know if you're reading this the same way I am...


What did you expect? There was something like one question about Athletics.

Make a survey to reflect your results you want I thought that was obvious to anyone that took the survey. Its true in the media any poll or survey taken. Very few are not bias!

"p. Supports UNT's renewed emphasis on a competitive athletics program" came in third to last in the Alimni and friends section, such a joke!

Edited by KingDL1
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I pulled this direct quote for the last paragraph of Jackson's comments:

The UNT community did not feel that the future president would have to support UNT’s renewed emphasis on competitive athletics programs, or utilize standardized testing to measure student engagement.

wow! mad.gif I truly hope Jackson doesn't believe this himself.

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About a week or week and a half ago there was an article in the Fort Worth Startlegram about Mr. Jackson refusing to give tenure to about 5 or so faculty members.

I do not know Mr. Jackson nor have I ever met him or the other professors in question but his response to the faculty board and what was going on was "flippant" at best. The faculty board was in total disagreement with Mr. Jackson's decision.

What I gathered, at best, about Mr. Jackson is that he is on the fringe with his rulings and opinions and that the university could function better without him.

There have been other articles about Mr. Jackson and none have been too complimentary about himself, decisions or attitute toward UNT staff, students or athletics.

He appears anti-UNT...that is just my opionion......some of you may know the man and can give more insight but I get some bad vibes from this guy.

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About a week or week and a half ago there was an article in the Fort Worth Startlegram about Mr. Jackson refusing to give tenure to about 5 or so faculty members. 

I do not know Mr. Jackson nor have I ever met him or the other professors in question but his response to the faculty board and what was going on was "flippant" at best.  The faculty board was in total disagreement with Mr. Jackson's decision. 

What I gathered, at best, about Mr. Jackson is that he is on the fringe with his rulings and opinions and that the university could function better without him.

There have been other articles about Mr. Jackson and none have been too complimentary about himself, decisions or attitute toward UNT staff, students or athletics.

He appears anti-UNT...that is just my opionion......some of you may know the man and can give more insight but I get some bad vibes from this guy.

Cue FFR rant...........now

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