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more likely they are players seeing how loyal their fans are today!! I'm sure they are not dissapointed in what there seeing either...they have come to expect this kind of loyalty...


more likely they are players seeing how loyal their fans are today!! I'm sure they are not dissapointed in what there seeing either...they have come to expect this kind of loyalty...

Nice DD like slap on the fans.

I doubt loyalty is the issue here especially if you have seen the fan turnout this year so far.


more likely they are players seeing how loyal their fans are today!! I'm sure they are not dissapointed in what there seeing either...they have come to expect this kind of loyalty...

So you're telling me, of course, with this type of comment that you'll be here still coming to NT games 10 years from now well after your son has graduated from NT?


more likely they are players seeing how loyal their fans are today!! I'm sure they are not dissapointed in what there seeing either...they have come to expect this kind of loyalty...

I don't endorse most of the comments on the other thread. But I will say that their (the players) time would be better spent studying, or getting their bumps and bruises attended to.

This doesn't help much, but the comments would be much more cruel on the OU or UT or even the Baylor board.

I don't know what's worse, the personal comments or the "apathy" that we are so well know for.


more likely they are players seeing how loyal their fans are today!! I'm sure they are not dissapointed in what there seeing either...they have come to expect this kind of loyalty...

Great posts today, MeanGreenPop. Could possibly be recruits too!


I'm sure they are not dissapointed in what there seeing either...they have come to expect this kind of loyalty...

Please tell me you aren't serious.

Our fan base is small, but those in it are clearly very loyal.


more likely they are players seeing how loyal their fans are today!! I'm sure they are not dissapointed in what there seeing either...they have come to expect this kind of loyalty...

They reap what they sow....


Please tell me you aren't serious.

Our fan base is small, but those in it are clearly very loyal.

I completely agree. 90% of the people here and here regardless of win/loss.

Hell, I suprised by how many people actually went to the Tech game (that weren't parents).

MeanGreenPOP, you can't be serious. At all other schools you would be seeing much more bashing and less optimism after being blown out in all our OOC games for the past 8 years.

I don't see much PLAYER bashing. It is staying where it belongs -- at the coach level.

I think the most people would agree that Meager isn't really to blame, the play calls just suck. It is a pass behind the line of scrimmage or a jump ball down the sidelines. What QB ever learned to play only getting to attempt those types of passes?

Posted (edited)

hey I'm just pointing out the truth...these kids do read this board and young people don't take things the same way as older adults do...if i've ruffled a couple of feathers with a simple statement like that then so be it..it just proves you guys can dish it out but taking it is another matter..I however digress...this board is for opinions and all of you have the right to express it...and the kids will have to learn to live with other peoples opinions is this world of instant communications we live in today..

Edited by MeanGreenPOP

This has gotten WAY out of hand. I think that the biggest problem here is that everyone is thinking that the entire future of UNT hangs in the balance on any given Saturday....that goes for fans and players alike.

Fans think that if the team doesn't win every game, then come over and listen to the alma mater and wave to the fans before leaving the stadium(and act like some other school that is considered "big time") that we'll never be "big time"...so they get on the board to voice their displeasure and think that somehow their opinion will be heard and will save the day...

Players/parents (and this is purely speculation based on the posts here today) think that if they don't win every game that the fans will not show up and UNT will drop football....so they get on the board to read the reactions and make sure that the sky isn't falling...

Seriously, this is crazy. People need to start believing in the leadership currently in place at UNT. Stop believing the crap about how we're in some desparate situation and have the "worst situation in the Sun Belt". Even if that's true, you're never going to right the ship if you THINK that EVERY wrong move you make will sink the ship.

Posted (edited)

more likely they are players seeing how loyal their fans are today!! I'm sure they are not dissapointed in what there seeing either...they have come to expect this kind of loyalty...

Are you referring to the type of loyalty that travels hundreds, even sometimes thousands of miles to be at the games supporting OUR TEAM ? Or are you referring to the type of loyalty that constantly belittles those same fans ? Just curious.

Edited by ntsumgspe

Somebody please tell me what a fan is entitled to when they go to an away game. When I think of it I expect to see a football game. Thats it. I dont expect the players to come and shake my hand, tell me thanks for coming, anythink especially after a loss. If you want to talk to the players after the game go out of the stadium and wait for them to trickle out onto the buses. Then you can cheer/boo/meet/shake hands with, whatever it is you want to do.

Everyone on this board needs to go back and read MEANGREENPOPS post on Why the team has turned their back


hey I'm just pointing out the truth...these kids do read this board and young people don't take things the same way as older adults do...if i've ruffled a couple of feathers with a simple statement like that then so be it..it just proves you guys can dish it out but taking it is another matter..I however digress...this board is for opinions and all of you have the right to express it...and the kids will have to learn to live with other peoples opinions is this world of instant communications we live in today..

I hope the kid's understand that our concern is for their program. Other than the QB position, which is always going to be a "lightening rod" position, what player has been criticized? The majority of the criticism has been directed at Dickey.

Posted (edited)

I just wanted to share a few of my experiences here with how the players view gomeangreen.com.

I have done about a dozen player interviews, and you can see them close off when I mention gomeangreen.com. Even Johnny “Captain Positivism” Quinn could only manage something to the effect of “it is great that the fans have a place to talk.” Scott Hall and Phillip Graves visibly stiffened when I mentioned that I was reporting for gomeangreen.com. Believe me, a lot of the players read what we say and most of them seem to be very, very turned off. I’m not sure a hundred barbeques could make up for the damage a few people on this board inflict daily.

Look, the point of a forum like this is to allow people to say what they want about football. Although direct ad-hominem “this guy sucks” comments and threads are not allowed, we are given a very wide discretion as to what we express. You can say just about whatever the heck you want, but realize that what you say reflects directly on who you are and who those players, coaches, and parents think of you.

Honestly, if I were a player, I’d probably not like this site very much, either. I’d take one look at a thread asking “Have the players turned their backs on us?” One very short look.

I’m also very surprised to read people slamming Daniel Meager when I have a very strong suspicion that they would probably not say that to him in person. In fact, I usually hear, “you’re doing a great job, Danny. We’re behind you.”

That doesn’t apply to just him, either. The day a poster on this board gets up the nerve to show up at the coaches show and ask Coach Dickey some of these burning questions, during the show or after, is the day when I’ll eat my hat and not say another word about internet courage to him. If you’re planning on being there tonight, tell me and I’ll be there, right next to you, to hear you ask DD why he doesn’t care about winning, or penalties, or beating OOC opponents, or recruiting, or selling the university, or the fans. Any Monday night, I’ll be there. Just give me the word, and I’ll see you at Hooters.

Edited by illuvius32

I just wanted to share a few of my experiences here with how the players view gomeangreen.com.

I have done about a dozen player interviews, and you can see them close off when I mention gomeangreen.com.  Even Johnny “Captain Positivism” Quinn could only manage something to the effect of “it is great that the fans have a place to talk.”  Scott Hall and Phillip Graves visibly stiffened when I mentioned that I was reporting for gomeangreen.com.  Believe me, a lot of the players read what we say and most of them seem to be very, very turned off.  I’m not sure a hundred barbeques could make up for the damage a few people on this board inflict daily.

Look, the point of a forum like this is to allow people to say what they want about football.  Although direct ad-hominem “this guy sucks” comments and threads are not allowed, we are given a very wide discretion as to what we express.  You can say just about whatever the heck you want, but realize that what you say reflects directly on who you are and who those players, coaches, and parents think of you.

Honestly, if I were a player, I’d probably not like this site very much, either.  I’d take one look at a thread asking “Have the players turned their backs on us?”  One very short look.

I’m also very surprised to read people slamming Daniel Meager when I have a very strong suspicion that they would probably not say that to him in person.  In fact, I usually hear, “you’re doing a great job, Danny.  We’re behind you.” 

That doesn’t apply to just him, either.  The day a poster on this board gets up the nerve to show up at the coaches show and ask Coach Dickey some of these burning questions, during the show or after, is the day when I’ll eat my hat and not say another word about internet courage to him.  If you’re planning on being there tonight, tell me and I’ll be there, right next to you, to hear you ask DD why he doesn’t care about winning, or penalties, or beating OOC opponents, or recruiting, or selling the university, or the fans.  Any Monday night, I’ll be there.  Just give me the word, and I’ll see you at Hooters.



MeanGreenPOP, I for one want to state here, loud and clear, that I respect every player for the Mean Green and appreciate the effort they make. There is a TREMENDOUS amount of individual talent on this current team and if anyone researched ALL of my posts no words critical of individual players would be found. This is a TEAM game, and the people who are responsible for getting these talented young men to play effectively as a TEAM are the coaches. If any players are reading this post, thank you. I went to LaTech and cheered for you...and I stayed for the whole game. So you got whipped...mark it down and remember how it felt and pay the bastards back next year.

If any coaches are reading this post, get your $hit together and make the decisions necessary to put these men in a position to win ballgames...they have the talent. They look to you for leadership, direction and motivation. If you don't provide it, you are cheating them.


This thread inspired me to actually become a registered user. I have always looked at the board only as a guest, and yes I am a player's mom. My son is now a Jr. and it has taken me this long to not let comments made on this board not get under my skin as a parent! I know alot of the boys may read this board but I would guess there are several who do not, as I know my son feels that most of the people on the board don't really have a clue as to really what goes on behind the scenes and he knows this is only opinions of alot people who have never played the sport or any sport for that matter. Meangreenpop, take their comments with a grain of salt and give your son some advise. Don't read the board!


This thread inspired me to actually become a registered user.  I have always looked at the board only as a guest, and yes I am a player's mom.  My son is now a Jr. and it has taken me this long to not let comments made on this board not get under my skin as a parent!  I know alot of the boys may read this board but I would guess there are several who do not, as I know my son feels that most of the people on the board don't really have a clue as to really what goes on behind the scenes and he knows this is only opinions of alot people who have never played the sport or any sport for that matter.  Meangreenpop, take their comments with a grain of salt and give your son some advise.  Don't read the board!

Greenmom, most of the people on this board don't have a clue and have never played football. They think you can magically will your way to a win and all this is just because no one is giving any effort. Please ignore. It's just a place for fans to rant. None of us know what is going on even if one of these is seen. ph34r.gif

I would be upset by some of the junk on here too if I had a kid on the team. Most intelligent people know the ship will be righted and the kids are trying as hard as they can. Thank for letting your son be one of us even if we can be dolts sometimes. smile.gif


I played the game and am fully aware of how good coaching can make a big difference. For example, one year the team I played on finished the season 2-5-1. We had the impression that our coach was just there to draw his paycheck. We could talk him out of conditioning work at the end of practice, etc....

The following year, all the players returned running the same system as the year prior, we finish 9-1 losing our only game by the score of 8-6. The difference? We had a coach that we would never even consider trying to talk out of conditioning work and that demanded excellence on the field during practice and games and off the field in the classroom, even before no-pass/no-play.

We have the talent to be very successful.


Greenmom, most of the people on this board don't have a clue and have never played football.  They think you can magically will your way to a win and all this is just because no one is giving any effort.  Please ignore.  It's just a place for fans to rant.  None of us know what is going on even if one of these is seen.  ph34r.gif

I would be upset by some of the junk on here too if I had a kid on the team.  Most intelligent people know the ship will be righted and the kids are trying as hard as they can.  Thank for letting your son be one of us even if we can be dolts sometimes.  smile.gif

The point I wanted to make was exactly what you stated, this is a board for people to rant (not always what parents want to read, I'll be honest) but the fact of the matter is my son is getting his education at a school he thoroughly enjoys and at the end of the day that is all that truly all that matters to me as a parent!! I have truly enjoyed the experiences we have had in tailgating at UNT and we have met alot of nice people, a few people should remember that it is someone's kid they are talking about and if you have ever been a parent you understand the old "you can talk about me but don't you dare talk about my kid" that is why I feel it is best that my son don't read this board. Hey, if they say something good about them tell them, it make's their day and if they say something bad, what they don't know don't hurt them! I believe all of these boys are very competitive or they wouldn't be playing the game and none of them want or like to lose regardless of where the blame lies!

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