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North Texas players turn backs on fans


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Some of yall on this board are out of your mind. Get over yourself. I wouldn't want to wait around either to hear some of yall tell Meager how bad he is, or the d-line how small they are, or how terrible the o-line is. I don't remember seeing to many Texans players thanking the fans aftrer yesterdays loss. The team just got humiliated the last thing they want to do is hang around at the scene of the murder. As put by others they want to shower, get dressed eat, get medical attention, etc, etc. If you really want to see and thank the players wait for them outside the stadium when they load the buses. And dont start questioning how much work these guys put into football/school. Yes unfortunetly a couple of kids could not make the grade, but most of the what 80 kids did. During the off season they have to be up at 5:30 to lift weights. How many other college kids get up at that time. GET OFF THEIR BACK, GET OVER YOURSELF, IF YOU WANT TO TALK TO THEM WAIT FOR THE BUSES

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I am not understanding this post at all.  The players after the game went to the locker room as always and then came at and acknowledged all that were there.  Sat outside and ate their meal and then got on the buses.  What more could they have done?

I believe what Adler was referring to was right after the game ended. The players ran or walked off the field right past the section where the NT fans were and only about 3 made jestures or looked into the stands, probably saying hi to parents. Most non-parent fans don't go visit the locker room area so this is the last time many fans see the players.

If you looked at the La Tech players or players from many other schools, the players stay on the field after the game ends for a few seconds to either stand for the playing of the school song if the band is there or to jesture to friends/fans in the stands, WIN or LOSE. I hadn't really noticed it before at Fouts until the post a few weeks ago, but the players walking off when the school song is played is not respectful. As for the away games after a loss, I know the players feel bad, so do the fans. But to ignore your supporters, win or lose, as a politician would say, is just not good manners.

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I really don't see the point in this thread.  It seems that a lot of people are just speaking out in frustration at this point.  I am sure the players and their parents are frustrated too.  This thread doesn't have anything to do with how the players are performing, how the coaches are performing or what can be done to help this team do better, which is something we know they are capable of.  The thread just comes across as a rant, imho.  We all know this team has talent.  We just want that talent to show, whether it be by the coaches playing to the strengths of the team, the team coming together and playing smart football or the wind blowing a few mph one direction or the other.  In any event, they're still our team. ph34r.gif

Well said and right on Moot!

Edited by MeanGreen61
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To parents, I want them to know that we wouldn't be talking about this if there were no supporters of the team. I think, for the most part, every member of the team does a great job representing the school. Coaches included and especially. This board isn't the only pressure on coaches.

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I didn't read all the post on this subject and I realize for some of the posters my comments are a waist of time but I will address this subject as it was presented by the origintor of of the thread.

I began playing football as many of these young men have around the 3rd grade. From the time we started playing our couches taught us to keep our mouths shut and hang our heads when we lost a game. We were told that if we talked in the locker room or bus there would be hell to pay on the practice field monday. I have never in all my experiances with football, and trust me it is considerable, seen any players acknowlege fans after a loss by 1 point or 50 points. You people out there in the stands that think a loss has hurt you more than those players you are just wrong. You may have driven a long way to get there but they worked there hearts out all week preparing for the game and the let down after a loss feels like a close loved one just died. So for any of you to expect any of these players to look up in the stadium and wave or do anything at all is asking way to much. They have been programmed to ignore everything after a loss but their own humiliation since they were in 3rd grade or so. I can promise you they don't even hear the clapping you are giving them after the game...they can only hear the echo of dissapointment in their ears..

Edited by MeanGreenPOP
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I don't think I said these boys work harder than any other students.  I said they put in a lot of hours.

These kids all have the privilege to play D-1a football. And these boys KNOW and UNDERSTAND it is a privilege to play D-1A football.

As for their workload NCAA Regulations only allow teams to practice 20 hrs a week maximum, if they do more over on their own then so be it. Many of the students at UNT regularly work 20+ hours a week and still take 15+ hours to pay for school. You add in the fact that the athletes have much easier access to tutors and also need only a 1.8 GPA, it would be hard-pressed to find someone to feel sorry for them. I don't remember asking anyone to feel sorry for them.

The alums pay for these kids to get a free education and when they see that many are throwing it away then that is frustrating. As they said earlier nobody is forcing the players/coaches/parents to read the boards. As do the taxpayers of TEXAS.  UNT is a state sponsored school so they do receive tax dollars.  I pay as well by supporting the Mean Green Club and making contributions to UNT. 

I think most on here are frustrated that the players and coaches at home games do not even stop and wait for the alma mater to finish, they just leave which is a slap in the face to the fans and the school who support them. I have to ask;  have any of you picked up the phone and called RV or DD and had a civil conversation about this?  Or have you just blasted the coaches and players on this site.

AND ANOTHER THING!  Before the season started, many of you "adopted" players for the season.  What happened to that program?  I have yet to see one post to an "adopted" player about having a good game.  I will be yelling for you.  I will be at the game and would like to meet you.  NOTHING!!!!!  Oh, but there has been plenty of criticism and name calling.

Yes, the players,parents and coaches are frustrated.  Yes, the fans are frustrated but I thought we were all supposed to be in this together.

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I didn't read all the post on this subject and I realize for some of the posters my comments are a waist of time but I will address this subject as it was presented by the origintor of of the thread.

I began playing football as many of these young men have around the 3rd grade.  From the time we started playing our couches taught us to keep our mouths shut and hang our heads when we lost a game.  We were told that if we talked in the locker room or bus there would be hell to pay on the practice field monday.  I have never in all my experiances with football, and trust me it is considerable, seen any players acknowlege fans after a loss by 1 point or 50 points.  You people out there in the stands that think a loss has hurt you more than those players you are just wrong.  You may have driven a long way to get there but they worked there hearts out all week preparing for the game and the let down after a loss feels like a close loved one just died. So for any of you to expect any of these players to look up in the stadium and wave or do anything at all is asking way to much.  They have been programmed to ignore everything after a loss but their own humiliation since they were in 3rd grade or so. I can promise you they don't even hear the clapping you are giving them after the game...they can only hear the echo of dissapointment in their ears..

Damn good post.

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I didn't read all the post on this subject and I realize for some of the posters my comments are a waist of time but I will address this subject as it was presented by the origintor of of the thread.

I began playing football as many of these young men have around the 3rd grade.  From the time we started playing our couches taught us to keep our mouths shut and hang our heads when we lost a game.  We were told that if we talked in the locker room or bus there would be hell to pay on the practice field monday.  I have never in all my experiances with football, and trust me it is considerable, seen any players acknowlege fans after a loss by 1 point or 50 points.  You people out there in the stands that think a loss has hurt you more than those players you are just wrong.  You may have driven a long way to get there but they worked there hearts out all week preparing for the game and the let down after a loss feels like a close loved one just died. So for any of you to expect any of these players to look up in the stadium and wave or do anything at all is asking way to much.  They have been programmed to ignore everything after a loss but their own humiliation since they were in 3rd grade or so. I can promise you they don't even hear the clapping you are giving them after the game...they can only hear the echo of dissapointment in their ears..

Amen and Amen and Amen!


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That is an issue that starts and ends at the top.  It is in the hands of the coaching staff to instill in these players that they don't play simply for themselves...they play for this school, the alumni AND themselves.  A coach that presses that point leads to players who make it their mission to acknowledge the efforts we make.


Great post!

It’s easy to understand the frustration level at the end of the games, but this “us against you” mentality that DD has built is getting old. Ask yourselves a couple of questions –

Why is it that other Mid-majors are able to achieve better results in markets no where near as fruitful as the Metroplex?

Why is it the 4-time coach of the year in the Sun-Belt never got hired by a larger program (IMO – not that he can’t coach – ATTITUDE)

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i think the whole point of this thread is not an attack on the players, it's an attack on dickey. it's not about an isolated incident of the players disregaurding the fans after a loss because everyone understands that they didn't want to talk to each other much less a bunch of strangers. the issue is that dickey's created a division between team and fans for years now. he says publicly that there is crappy fan support. how much do you think he preaches that to the players? he "forgets" about after practice autograph signings and stuff which translates to the players as "i can be selfish and ignore these people" . yes, most of the players are VERY approachable and are stand up individuals, but the lack of appreciation and integrity from the top magnifies basically meaningless gestures from the players (the refusal to acknowlege the fans).

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the problem is not the players, it is the coach that passes the mentality of us against the school...

I remember last year walking up to a player after a game, extending my hand and saying "Good game", he laughed at me and walked right by...this attitude is funneled down from a coach who doesn't want to be here...

Edited by the green rokemi
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I didn't read all the post on this subject and I realize for some of the posters my comments are a waist of time but I will address this subject as it was presented by the origintor of of the thread.

I began playing football as many of these young men have around the 3rd grade.  From the time we started playing our couches taught us to keep our mouths shut and hang our heads when we lost a game.  We were told that if we talked in the locker room or bus there would be hell to pay on the practice field monday.  I have never in all my experiances with football, and trust me it is considerable, seen any players acknowlege fans after a loss by 1 point or 50 points.  You people out there in the stands that think a loss has hurt you more than those players you are just wrong.  You may have driven a long way to get there but they worked there hearts out all week preparing for the game and the let down after a loss feels like a close loved one just died. So for any of you to expect any of these players to look up in the stadium and wave or do anything at all is asking way to much.  They have been programmed to ignore everything after a loss but their own humiliation since they were in 3rd grade or so. I can promise you they don't even hear the clapping you are giving them after the game...they can only hear the echo of dissapointment in their ears..

This is all that really needs to be said.

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