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GreenTinted:But If NT's Off.& Def. Can Mesh, With


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GGII hit on this theme with a thread on the weekend, but I was looking at the composite SBC football schedule and "gee-willakers" folks, we can win this damn thing and even in a rebuilding year with a young football team! blink.gif (Did I cover all bases with that)? LOL!

Come on, guys in Green, you are not Greenhorns anymore since you are playing in Game 6! Do it guys! You will become heros to most of all of us for the adversity you would have overcome.

Whoops! Sorry, I'm supposed to be negative as hell on this board now, I forgot and just got carried away!

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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Funny Post

What was even funnier was when a Mean Green football team that (basically) all the same fans who are giving up now also gave up on in 2001 after 5 losses turned that season around and went to a bowl game. Pretty damn funny back then and what was funnier was some of the faces of all the Doubting Thomases which this board seems to exposes quite often when our team gets down. Now that is the sad part of all this and is hardly funny at all. ph34r.gif

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Why are all of the die-hards here so afraid of expecting more out of a 4-time Coach of the Year?

DD should be able to out recruit all of the Sun Belt schools and then some.

This may be a down year, but that goes back to the coaches who did not rotate in players over the previous 2-3 years.

The offense has 9 lettermen back who have started games as has been repeated time and time again.

Meager and Rose are the only true freshmen with no game experience.

Looks like Brewster was just an animal and Rose is far from ready to play Center in D1A, Meager is a deer in the headlights, but DD will not try anything new, rather he stays with the same ol gameplan whether it fits to the strength of his players or not.

Defense wise I have nothing but praise for how they have played, you can only hold the flood back for so long.

There should be nothing wrong with expecting more from the Coaches and players.

As for the 3 losses none of those teams are all that exciting and more or less middle of the pack teams. K State just got 59 put on them by TxTech and lost by 20+ to average OU team. Tulsa is better than prior years, but no way are they 52 pts better and Troy loss was a joke b/c they are a lower tier team, who just got blasted by ULM.

Expect more and do not just settle.

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Why are all of the die-hards here so afraid of expecting more out of a 4-time Coach of the Year?

DD should be able to out recruit all of the Sun Belt schools and then some.

This may be a down year, but that goes back to the coaches who did not rotate in players over the previous 2-3 years.

The offense has 9 lettermen back who have started games as has been repeated time and time again.

Meager and Rose are the only true freshmen with no game experience.

Looks like Brewster was just an animal and Rose is far from ready to play Center in D1A, Meager is a deer in the headlights, but DD will not try anything new, rather he stays with the same ol gameplan whether it fits to the strength of his players or not.

Defense wise I have nothing but praise for how they have played, you can only hold the flood back for so long.

There should be nothing wrong with expecting more from the Coaches and players.

As for the 3 losses none of those teams are all that exciting and more or less middle of the pack teams. K State just got 59 put on them by TxTech and lost by 20+ to average OU team. Tulsa is better than prior years, but no way are they 52 pts better and Troy loss was a joke b/c they are a lower tier team, who just got blasted by ULM.

Expect more and do not just settle.

Thank you!

PMG, I'm not giving up on the team, but I am not settling for the apparent lack of effort DD has put forth in preparing this team.

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I think we all have the same concerns about our Mean Green football program, but its just the way this MG bandwagon seems to have such an ebb and flow to it and be full when things are going great guns, yet when things are not going as good, this bandwagon seems to empty very quickly AND then comes all the non-stop criticism.

There is nothing whatsoever wrong with constructive criticism, but when it evolves into "destructive" criticism should be what we all try to avoid best we can. We've all done this at some point since the inception of GMG.com so there is not one who is totally innocent. FWIW, I don't think any of our (obviously) best fans on this board conduct their personal or business lives in the same manner as they seem to treat the business of NT Athletics, specifically Mean Green football.

My prime concern as an alum is that NORTH TEXAS is finally trying to go outside the norm and build a solid fan base who is with the program and this program's football team win or lose, good or bad, bitter or sweet and so forth. Tail-gating emphasis has helped tremendously as some of you posted on another thread a few weeks ago. Tail-gating in MG Country has never been as good as it is now. Many of you on GMG.com are responsible for that success.

What I've been most impressed with the last 5 years running are NT's record-breaking freshmen classes who I think are slowly but significantly helping our fan base grow and this will continue to show when we win more games at home and against schools we all know, such as Baylor in 2003. I think we are getting more of this group back to campus in record numbers because (after all) as NT students they witnessed bowl games and more Mean Green televised football games than in the history of our school. I only wish my group from the 70's had hung in with this program because had that been the case, we would already need our future 35-40,000 seat football stadium.

OUR NT FRESHMEN CLASSES ARE SUPER! I have high hopes that this group of future NT Exes don't take on the same kind of "sports" personna or personality traits as some seem to when the going gets tough (and this even coming from some of our best fans/$upporters who I've admired forever and, quite frankly, still do).

My hope is that Darrell Dickey and staff duplicate the recruiting success they had (even before there was an Eagle Point Campus) when they had more gol' darned Texas state top 100/Oklahoma Fab 55 recruits than you could shake a stick at. With that same group of recruits who took us to 4 bowl games and even winnning one against CUSA's co-champion. I still like where we are now (overall) even with this temporary detour we're on compared to where we were before Dickey and staff recruited those high numbers of blue chip recruits.

WHO YOU TALKIN' ABOUT?!?!?! Another hope is that our most critical fans will start seriously looking what we really are up against on the recruiting trail when most of those schools we recruit against really do have better overall football facilities than NT and still have much larger athletic budgets. Anyone who doesn't think those 2 things don't make a difference (even) during recruiting season could be living in Wonderland.

We win or lose our Fall football season OOC games in February, folks, during national signing day. A question I always have in my own mind is did we as alums give enough to the Mean Green Club as to free up monies that will provide our NT football coaches to travel to that one additional Texas town or state to visit that one additional blue chip athlete who could be the difference in our winning OOC football games. unsure.gif

This is not merely about Darrell Dickey and his coaching staff, fellow Mean Greeners and most of you know on GMG.com know this in your heart of hearts. We all really do have a part in helping to finance our school's athletic program so we can ultimately beat the teams who for darn sure finanace theirs and those very teams being the ones we all want to beat anytime we tee it up.


Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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Nice post Plumm.

I am disappointed in the team thus far, but I am not going to call for DD head, he has brought our program back from the dead. The Sun Belt may not be ideal for most but where would we be if we were in the Big West or worse Independent. DD just needs to step it up one gear, firing him is not the answer by a long-shot and some loyalty is needed. I'll let the loonies in the psycho forum call for DD's head all they want, but they offer no solutions to the problems.

Also we as fans should not settle for just the football team improving but all sports.

Soccer is amazing, V-Ball is very young but not there recent years, B-Ball for the most part has been work in progress if not a joke at times, but JJ should have the ship righted. Golf is middle of the pack, Cross Country the same. Softball is brand spanking new, but I remember RV saying they should be competitive immediately, not yet. Tennis needs to improve consistent 8th place finishes in conference is not good. Track is upper tier for the Belt.

Give sometime, but accountability has to be shown. Unlike what was said in the press conference FIU is not a good team and after 5 games there has been little improvement with the exception of PC making holes for himself anf breaking the century mark a few times.

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Why are all of the die-hards here so afraid of expecting more out of a 4-time Coach of the Year?

DD should be able to out recruit all of the Sun Belt schools and then some.

This may be a down year, but that goes back to the coaches who did not rotate in players over the previous 2-3 years.

The offense has 9 lettermen back who have started games as has been repeated time and time again.

Meager and Rose are the only true freshmen with no game experience.

Looks like Brewster was just an animal and Rose is far from ready to play Center in D1A, Meager is a deer in the headlights, but DD will not try anything new, rather he stays with the same ol gameplan whether it fits to the strength of his players or not.

Defense wise I have nothing but praise for how they have played, you can only hold the flood back for so long.

There should be nothing wrong with expecting more from the Coaches and players.

As for the 3 losses none of those teams are all that exciting and more or less middle of the pack teams. K State just got 59 put on them by TxTech and lost by 20+ to average OU team. Tulsa is better than prior years, but no way are they 52 pts better and Troy loss was a joke b/c they are a lower tier team, who just got blasted by ULM.

Expect more and do not just settle.

I wonder, should OU fans be expecting more out of their coach right now? Should Stoops be grilled for going with the "same ol' gameplan" when he too has a quarterback who's just not quite getting it? They got rolled by UT who is the nation's #2 team...but they also got shut down by TCU and beaten by UCLA, all with the talent and resources at OU's disposal. That's not even mentioning the COMBINED 25 yards that OU and Kansas had between them midway through the second quarter on Saturday.

And another thing...did DD lay the ball on the turf inside the 10 on Saturday or was that Jamario? Did he turn the ball over 5 times against Troy or was that the players?

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I wonder, should OU fans be expecting more out of their coach right now?  Should Stoops be grilled for going with the "same ol' gameplan" when he too has a quarterback who's just not quite getting it?  They got rolled by UT who is the nation's #2 team...but they also got shut down by TCU and beaten by UCLA, all with the talent and resources at OU's disposal.  That's not even mentioning the COMBINED 25 yards that OU and Kansas had between them midway through the second quarter on Saturday. 

And another thing...did DD lay the ball on the turf inside the 10 on Saturday or was that Jamario?  Did he turn the ball over 5 times against Troy or was that the players?

Hence why I said we should expect more from the coaches and PLAYERS

JT fumbling 2x in the last 2 games is not good considering along with PC he is one of the leaders on the offensive side.

Also we should start expecting more from Meager after 5 games.

I am sure the OU fans are all over Stoops right now since they expect to win every game every year (higher budget or not).

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I STILL expect to win out. I don't see a reason why the team can't pull together and win. The defense has grown up this year- and they knew that they had to. It seems that the only piece that needs to fall into place is the passing game, and subsequently, the blocking. Once that settles, we'll have potential for a balanced offense.

I don't know about an SBC championship (unless ULM falters, which it just may), I do expect wins all season from here out. I can't expect more or less of the team and the coaches.

Heck, we can't expect more or less- we fund this team, folks.

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I STILL expect to win out. I don't see a reason why the team can't pull together and win. The defense has grown up this year- and they knew that they had to. It seems that the only piece that needs to fall into place is the passing game, and subsequently, the blocking. Once that settles, we'll have potential for a balanced offense.

I don't know about an SBC championship (unless ULM falters, which it just may), I do expect wins all season from here out. I can't expect more or less of the team and the coaches.

Heck, we can't expect more or less- we fund this team, folks.

AND.......... can't we all hope and dream? If we can't do those 2 things in any area of life, just dig a hole and throw dirt on us all because its those hopes and dreams that give us that inner-fire that keeps some people from taking a walk into that deep, dark forest some call the blues and others call it depression. Ever try the latter? It's no Sunday School picnic I'll assure you.

Yet can't we all act like our 2005 NT freshmen who are just now getting into all this Mean Green business and just enjoy all this without all the constant di-secting of all the reasons that are right or all the reasons that are wrong? It's just a game and something that really shouldn't get any of our blood pressures up. Hellsbells, some out there are falling out with their friends over freakin' MEAN GREEN ATHLETICS! It's just not worth any of that, folks. blink.gif



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What was even funnier was when a Mean Green football team that (basically) all the same fans who are giving up now also gave up on in 2001 after 5 losses turned that season around and went to a bowl game.

I'm curious, how do you define "Giving Up"? But before you answer, remember you typed this:


AND.......... can't we all hope and dream? If we can't do those 2 things in any area of life, just dig a hole and throw dirt on us all because its those hopes and dreams that give us that inner-fire that keeps some people from taking a walk into that deep, dark forest some call the blues and others call it depression.


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I'm curious, how do you define "Giving Up"?  But before you answer, remember you typed this:



I define "giving up", Rick, as too many on this board who constantly want to burn this barn down to kill the mouse (and DD being that mouse much of the time).

DD ain't going nowhere soon. Like President George "W" Bush, he has built up enough capital at NT that one bad season would not significantly affect. Could any of you be part of an NT board of regents that would fire a head football coach who has taken your school to 4 bowl games in a row PLUS............with his football team giving our school annual and numerous "3 hour info-mercials" each time our team has been on TV? No, DD doesn't run the kind of offense that excites this alum and that is the case with many of you on this board, but I still see most of you at all home games at Fouts Field.


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What was even funnier was when a Mean Green football team that (basically) all the same fans who are giving up now also gave up on in 2001 after 5 losses turned that season around and went to a bowl game.

Have you been talking with DD?? Because he basically said the same thing.

So...are we supposed to be satisfied and content with starting every season 1-5 as long as we "turn the season around" by winning the SBC and getting beat in the NO Bowl???

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I define "giving up", Rick, as too many on this board who constantly want to burn this barn down to kill the mouse (and DD being that mouse much of the time). 

DD ain't going nowhere soon.  Like President George "W" Bush, he has built up enough capital at NT that one bad season would not significantly affect.  Could any of you be part of an NT board of regents that would fire a head football coach who has taken your school to 4 bowl games in a row PLUS............with his football team giving our school annual and numerous "3 hour info-mercials" each time our team has been on TV?  No,  DD doesn't run the kind of offense that excites this alum and that is the case with many of you on this board, but I still see most of you at all home games at Fouts Field. 


Just for the record...I'm not in favor of firing DD...especially with no clue as to who we'd possibly get as a replacement. Now if Lou Holtz or Barry Switzer, for example, were expressing interest in coaching the Mean Green, I'd have ten buyers for DD's house lined up in his front yard tomorrow.

We all know that's not going to happen and DD's our man for now. However, that doesn't mean we shouldn't expect improvement from DD and his staff year over year. I certainly don't want to be content with starting every season 1-5 or even 2-4 and I expect 4 trips to a bowl game to result in better recruiting.

Frankly, I'm tired of hearing all the excuses...we're young, they're more experienced, it's easier to recruit in Florida, etc, etc. It seems like DD accepts this mediocrity as much as some of our fans do. I want him to demand more from these players and stop babying them so much. Week after week, I hear DD accept responsibility for the team not being properly prepared....well, why is that the case??? Why can't he get our team prepared???

And the recruiting issue is a MAJOR problem. We're missing out on numerous kids every year because we're afraid a BCS school is going to steal them away. We have to understand that we have to work at least twice as hard as BCS schools to win recruits. We're not going to compete for 4 and 5 star recruits but we should be able to make a better case to some of these 3 star guys...especially when it comes down to starting at UNT vs. riding the pine for 4 years at Texas or OU.

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