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In the past RV has posted a comment or two on this board.

Perhaps in the future we can get DD/RF/JJ to post some post game comments on this board.

Has anyone tried to contact them??

This is something that would be a BIG PLUS for this board.

Naturally, most of us will be respective of their views and comments.....but.....there will always be a few that will use it as a time to be negative. In my humble opionion if the coaches agree to post we should act respective of their time to communicate with us. If this goes well it could be done on a regular basis.

If we can get our coaches to come forward and do a few posts, I for one, will definitely respect their view points and comments!!

How about the rest of you MEAN GREEN FANS??


I am a big fan fan of RV, but I don't like him posting on a fan site. So for that matter, I'm very against coaches doing the same. No matter what they might say here, they open themselves up to critisism by people who may not be quailified to hold their jock strap. Then they just wind up being defensive about whatever it is they said. And that just looks bad. The other thing that bothers me about officials from the univ posting here is how something is percieved when read. For instance, if DD jokingly said Harry doesn't know his butt from a hole in the ground, many people would read that as a direct slam to Harry. Even though no malice was intended, we'd spend days discussing the feud between Harry and DD.

I guess my point is there are proper channels for these people to go through to get their message out, and i just think posting on a fan site causes more problems than it corrects.

For the record, i think Harry can make the disitniction between the two. I'm just speculating here, I don't really know him all that well. For all I know ... see, now I have to apologize to Harry.



In the past RV has posted a comment or two on this board.

Perhaps in the future we can get DD/RF/JJ to post some post game comments on this board.

Has anyone tried to contact them??

This is something that would be a BIG PLUS for this board.

Naturally, most of us will be respective of their views and comments.....but.....there will always be a few that will use it as a time to be negative.  In my humble opionion if the coaches agree to post we should act respective of their time to communicate with us.  If this goes well it could be done on a regular basis.

If we can get our coaches to come forward and do a few posts, I for one, will definitely respect their view points and comments!!

How about the rest of you MEAN GREEN FANS??

Why would a coach ever cosider posting on a fan board? ph34r.gif


We already know dd's thoughts. He states them every time we get a win.

fanny doesnt have any thoughts, he is just thankful to have a job where he doesn't have to do anything. ohmy.gifph34r.gifrolleyes.gif

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