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Recruiting woes


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Overheard yesterday from a potential NT recruit talking to a present Mean Green football player on an unofficial visit to our campus (the day after the Tulsa loss):

Potential Recruit: You know, I have visited Tulsa U and now UNT, and FWIW, they also have a very old stadium, but you guys have one of the best practice facilities and emerging athletic complexes in the Southwest, and I even heard one of your present NFL/North Texas alums told your NT athletic officials it was even better than some in the NFL, so as a Mean Green football player what is your take on all this up here at UNT?" "Has all this been worth 5 years of your life?"

Mean Green football player response: "Well, you know, I have really enjoyed most of my time here at NT, won some games, went to 4 bowl games winning one of them, but when we lost one game against the other school you are also thinking about attending, our (what we thought were true blue fans) jumped off the Mean Green bandwagon like rats jumping off the the Titanic."

Present Mean Green football player continues: "Oh, by the way, many of our players, their parents and even potential NT football recruits read this particular message board called GoMeanGreen.com and after the Tulsa game and reading a few threads from way too many NT Exes who we thought were our fans/friends and will also be our future fellow alums, we all collectively turned off our computers at the computer lab, gatherered in the large meeting room at the Athletic Center with some of our players staring at each other while others just stared into space (& without anyone having to speak one word) we were all wondering: "Why did we lay it all on the field the last 4 years for way too many of these ungrateful NT alums who abandon us after one game?" "Is this what we can look forward to as future North Texas Exes?"

"Our team even won North Texas' first bowl game in over 50 years and after our very young team's loss against what is turning out to be a pretty decent Tulsa U football team, you have all these NT Exes (seemedly) wanting to torch this whole thing we started just 5 years ago; one of our alums calls this whole post-Tulsa U loss experience as many NT Exes seemed desire to "burn the barn down to kill the mouse."

"So what I would tell you about making your choice of schools is this: "What kind of fans do you want to play in front of week in and week out?" "Once you have graduated from the school of your choice, what kind of fans/alums do you want to be proud to be associated with?" "YOU MAKE THE CHOICE, MY FRIEND, BECAUSE RIGHT NOW I DON'T REALLY KNOW WHAT TO TELL YOU. GOOD LUCK!'

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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Overheard yesterday from a potential NT recruit talking to a present Mean Green football player on an unofficial visit to our campus (the day after the Tulsa loss):

Potential Recruit:  You know, I have visited Tulsa U and now UNT, and FWIW, they also have a very old stadium, but you guys have one of the best practice facilities and emerging athletic complexes in the Southwest, and I even heard one of your present NFL/North Texas alums told your NT athletic officials it was even better than some in the NFL, so as a Mean Green football player what is your take on all this up here at UNT?"  "Has all this been worth 5 years of your life?"

Mean Green football player response:  "Well, you know, I have really enjoyed most of my time here at NT, won some games, went to 4 bowl games winning one of them, but when we lost one game against the other school you are also thinking about attending, our (what we thought were true blue fans) jumped off the Mean Green bandwagon like rats jumping off the the Titanic." 

Present Mean Green football player continues: "Oh, by the way, many of our players, their parents and even potential NT football recruits read this particular message board called GoMeanGreen.com and after the Tulsa game and reading a few threads from way too many NT Exes who we thought were our fans/friends and will also be our future fellow alums, we all collectively turned off our computers at the computer lab, gatherered in the large meeting room at the Athletic Center with some of our players staring at each other while others just stared into space  (& without anyone having to speak one word) we were all wondering:  "Why did we lay it all on the field the last 4 years for way too many of these ungrateful NT alums who abandon us after one game?"  "Is this what we can look forward to as future North Texas Exes?"

"Our team even won North Texas' first bowl game in over 50 years and after our very young team's loss against what is turning out to be a pretty decent Tulsa U football team, you have all these NT Exes (seemedly) wanting to torch this whole thing we started just 5 years ago;  one of our alums calls this whole post-Tulsa U loss experience as many NT Exes seemed desire to  "burn the barn down to kill the mouse."

"So what I would tell you about making your choice of schools is this:  "What kind of fans do you want to play in front of week in and week out?"  "Once you have graduated from the school of your choice, what kind of fans/alums do you want to be proud to be associated with?" "YOU MAKE THE CHOICE, MY FRIEND, BECAUSE RIGHT NOW I DON'T REALLY KNOW WHAT TO TELL YOU.  GOOD LUCK!'

Let me be the first to call BS on you...

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Let me be the first to call BS on you...

Let me be the first to tell you that so called fans/alums that will have a similar kind of attitude over this one loss are the kind of attitudes that have kept NT Athletics in the dark ages most of my gol' darned (I'll keep that part clean) adult life.

I think NT fans are the worse NCAA D1-A fans (maybe only rivaled by smu) in the state of Texas and this board has only proved it. NT is merely reaping what our fans have sewn, ie, those who constantly have this Chicken Little "the freakin' sky is always falling" attitude (and this after 4 bowl games in a row). Granted, we were not playing in the Rose Bowl, but what we have done the last 5 years sure beats what we did for most of the previous 25 years; so give me a freakin' break, fella.

Some of you will be more responsible for running more NT fans off and away from this program than what some of you perceive will be the football team doing such. You see, "IF" NT were to beat KSU this Saturday, we will once again be amazed how all those who jumped off the Mean Green bandwagon will most subtlely and strangely enough, be back "ON" the MG bandwagon. You tell me what kind of solid and stable long-term NT athletic program we can have with such a fickle fan base? ph34r.gif

One present NT student has already posted (yesterday) his extreme displeasure with all this Negative Ned reaction he has been reading on GMG.com post-Tulsa loss and has him wondering if he even wants to be a part of this; and its not the football team who has him feeling that way. So do you need a hint as to who it might be, then?

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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I wasn't surprised by Tulsa's loss, anyone who watched the scrimmages and did not have their green colored glasses on knew we had a young team and we were in the midst of a rebuilding year. As far as the caoching staff, they are what they are so don't expect them to change...

the green rokemi, I apologize, my Irish blood is near boiling point over all this. We all hated what happened Saturday night in front of a great crowd, but I bet the NT coaching staff and our Mean Green football team probably feel 5 X's worse about all this than we do. Maybe we should show more empathy for this young football team and the coaches who are having to start over in MG Country? You know, NT is much like OU, we are all living in our past. We were a 4 point favorite over Tulsa U last Saturday night because of last year's team. We all just have to move forward.

I love a collegiate passing game complement by the run, but what Coach Dickey does is his business; after all, he is the head coach. I just say we all support our school, even when its good, bad or even ugly.


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the green rokemi, I apologize, my Irish blood is near boiling point over all this.  We all hated what happened Saturday night in front of a great crowd, but I bet the NT coaching staff and our Mean Green football team probably feel 5 X's worse about all this than we do.  Maybe we should show more empathy for this young football team and the coaches who are having to start over in MG Country?  You know, NT is much like OU, we are all living in our past.  We were a 4 point favorite over Tulsa U last Saturday night because of last year's team.  We all just have to move forward. 

I love a collegiate passing game complement by the run, but what Coach Dickey does is his business; after all, he is the head coach.  I just say we all support our school, even when its good, bad or even ugly.


I think most fans are tired of trumping up winning the Sun Belt as if it is a National Title, we can win the Sun Belt all we want but most are tired of tanking in OOC games and seeing a team play/coached as if it is some middle of Summer scrimmage. As long as we keep winning the Belt Games only, we will always be known as a Big Fish in a 1 Gallon Aquarium and nobody else will really care outside of the NT fans.

We have a young team, but Saturday night looked more like an unprepared team.

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We all know that there are going to be setbacks in our OOC games. But the killer is that this here was a game against a perceived winnable team at home. Our first such game in a long time. And also because they came into our stadium and embarressed us. This game was not even respectable. We now need to turn our focus to a tough road game at K-State and our next winnable game at La-Tech.

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We all know that there are going to be setbacks in our OOC games. But the killer is that this here was a game against a perceived winnable team at home. Our first such game in a long time. And also because they came into our stadium and embarressed us. This game was not even respectable. We now need to turn our focus to a tough road game at K-State and our next winnable game at La-Tech.

Don't you mean our next "winnable" game? rolleyes.gif

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Nobody's jumping off the Mean Green bandwagon---at least not any that post or are regulars here. This board is where the diehards congregate. Plumm, you of all people should know that. Am I tired of the gameplan? Yes, but I've been coming to every single game for the last 9 years and it's not going to keep me from coming again. I'll still be there sitting in old Fouts at the end of the year...just like everyone else here. What we lose with continuous losses like the Tulsa loss are the fence sitters. Screw em....they'll be back when we start winning again. If we've got players talking like you say above then we need to clear them out of here---because they were only fence sitters as well.

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There are some UNT sorehead but I believe in reading the responses on the board that the majority of us SUPPORT UNT: win or loose.

I believe the majority of us SUPPORT DD and what he has done to build up and improve UNT athletics.

This is just one game.....and can you imagine what the OU football board is going through this week??

I appreciate what RV & DD & JJ has done for our athletic program and you have to remember:

1. UNT is still a mid-major!!...and we may always be a mid-major or until the NCAA revises it BCS process to allow ALL D-1 schools the opportunity to play in a LEGITIMATE bowl championship process like all other championships.

2. A NEW stadium is needed.

3. Always give DD the benefit of the doubt in what he has done......he has recruited well enough to take the team to 4 SBC Championships.....I am not that good in math but that is 3 more than any other NTSC/NTSU/UNT coach has EVER done!!!!

4. You either stand with DD in the good and bad or you don't stand with him at all!!!!

5. We can always second guess his decisions but HE is the coach and has to play the games with the players he has and for the most part they are very good and talented and they all need your support.

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Good teams have fans that get upset about losses. What do you expect from us? Oh, you lost, oh well, who cares? Bad teams have apathetic fans. What you are seeing on this board is the normal result when a good team loses a game in the manner in which they did. Fans who care have opinions and are willing to post them. Fans who jump off the bandwagon are not heard from again.

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Good teams have fans that get upset about losses.  What do you expect from us?  Oh, you lost, oh well, who cares?  Bad teams have apathetic fans.  What you are seeing on this board is the normal result when a good team loses a game in the manner in which they did.  Fans who care have opinions and are willing to post them.  Fans who jump off the bandwagon are not heard from again.

Good point.

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Good teams have fans that get upset about losses.  What do you expect from us?  Oh, you lost, oh well, who cares?  Bad teams have apathetic fans.  What you are seeing on this board is the normal result when a good team loses a game in the manner in which they did.  Fans who care have opinions and are willing to post them.  Fans who jump off the bandwagon are not heard from again.

No doubt,

I see nothing wrong with holding coaches accountable.

DD has some trends I would like to see change for what I think could only benefit the program.


Game planning


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Good teams have fans that get upset about losses.  What do you expect from us?  Oh, you lost, oh well, who cares?  Bad teams have apathetic fans.  What you are seeing on this board is the normal result when a good team loses a game in the manner in which they did.  Fans who care have opinions and are willing to post them.  Fans who jump off the bandwagon are not heard from again.

Great, great post.

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exactly! everyone who posts here will complain about the game, get it out of their system, and then show up to the next game expecting improvement. the "fans" to worry about are the ones who showed up for their first game and saw the mean green account for 0 points. i'm too pround of my school and that team to ever "jump off the bandwagon" but unfortunately that's not the norm at this school. people said to me that the loss was embarrassing and i was quick to say that i will never be embarrassed by my university, that game was simply dissapointing. it happens, now let's just learn from it.

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