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I really feel sorry for MUTS fans


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I am overjoyed that we won again.

But, I feel really sorry for MUTS fans right now.

-They get to open against a very inexperienced NT team, with a QB that has never taken a college snap.

-They do a pretty could job of containing Cobbs and Thomas.

-They move the ball well enough to win, and dominate the yardage.

-They implode again when it matters most.

Wow, I can't imagine what MUTS fans must be feeling right now. They have to know, that this might have been their best chance of beating NT for a good while. NT will get better as they get more experienced. Even when Patrick leaves this year, we still have Jamario for 2 more years.


Edited by akriesman
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I feel bad for their injured player. He just saw the end of his last season in college football, and no one should ever have to handle something like that.

As for the fans...yeah, this should've been THAT game. At some point, I thought it was going to be THAT game. In the 1st half, with our running game slowed, Meager still shaken, and the D staying on the field for long stretches...yeah, I thought it could be a MTSU win if they played a smart and error-free game.

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We really must have the right mojo when it comes to MUTS. Their coach looked like he was about to get sick. I did feel a little sorry for the players. They thought for awhile that they were finally gonna' pull off a win over NT.


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I am overjoyed that we won again.

But, I feel really sorry for MUTS fans right now.

-They get to open against a very inexperienced NT team, with a QB that has never taken a college snap.

-They do a pretty could job of containing Cobbs and Thomas.

-They move the ball well enough to win, and dominate the yardage.

-They implode again when it matters most.

Wow, I can't imagine what MUTS fans must be feeling right now.   They have to know, that this might have been their best chance of beating NT.

I think we were all impressed with the MT Blue Raiders tonight. This is one of the most unusual games I've ever seen NT play while still winning the darn thing. blink.gif

But as far as NT vs MT, this is just one of those things you see in college football where one school just seems to have another school's number.

None of us hate to see anyone lose a job, but I think NT may have put the final nail in the coffin for Coach Mac. He is a good coach and will land somewhere if he loses his job at MT; most likely as an Assist. Head Coach, Offensive or Defensive Coordinator for a high profile school who may pay him more salary than he makes at MT.


Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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it is what is it... i don't feel sorry for them in the least.

if they had earned it,,the score would have reflected it. They are the same losers they were the last 4 times we beat them.

Earn my respect first...then and only then will i feel anything for you.

Dude, that was a crappy statement there and I don't mind sayin' that. The score reflected how bad we played in the redzone. The UNT total offensive yardage and UNT total yardage given up reflected how crappy North Texas was/is in every phase of the game with the exception of the punting game and coaching. Just because we can't beat North Texas, it doesn't make us losers, and UNT won't be able to go undefeated in the conference playing as pathetic as they did against us last night. That is a freakin' fact that none of 20,806 in attendance could deny.

Both teams sucked @ss plain and simple!!!! And neither of these teams will beat Florida Atlantic or Troy playing this bad!

Man, I can't stand fans like you. Same losers? I want to know what happened to Cobbs and Thomas? I thought they were supposed to "run us ragged" for 200+ yards each, but 152 yards combined between the two would suggest otherwise.

You need to get a freakin' life, GreenEyed. I don't call your players losers even though they are uncapable of beating Troy or anyone outside of the Sun Belt, but that's because I respect everyone in our conference including the one's we beat, because even as riled up as I can get, I KNOW I have more class than you.

But at least not all UNT fans are as classless as you.

The rest of you guys, I appreciate the kind words. The feeling is one of remorse in Middle Tennessee right now. Hopefully, Massaro will do the right thing and realize that when you can't beat your rival, it doesn't matter if you win the rest.

Props to the wonderful Mean Green fans who were actually AT the game and were very generous even in victory.

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Dude, that was a crappy statement there and I don't mind sayin' that.  The score reflected how bad we played in the redzone.  The UNT total offensive yardage and UNT total yardage given up reflected how crappy North Texas was/is in every phase of the game with the exception of the punting game and coaching.  Just because we can't beat North Texas, it doesn't make us losers, and UNT won't be able to go undefeated in the conference playing as pathetic as they did against us last night.  That is a freakin' fact that none of 20,806 in attendance could deny.

Both teams sucked @ss plain and simple!!!!  And neither of these teams will beat Florida Atlantic or Troy playing this bad!

Man, I can't stand fans like you.  Same losers?  I want to know what happened to Cobbs and Thomas?  I thought they were supposed to "run us ragged" for 200+ yards each, but 152 yards combined between the two would suggest otherwise.

You need to get a freakin' life, GreenEyed.  I don't call your players losers even though they are uncapable of beating Troy or anyone outside of the Sun Belt, but that's because I respect everyone in our conference including the one's we beat, because even as riled up as I can get, I KNOW I have more class than you.

But at least not all UNT fans are as classless as you.

The rest of you guys, I appreciate the kind words.  The feeling is one of remorse in Middle Tennessee right now.  Hopefully, Massaro will do the right thing and realize that when you can't beat your rival, it doesn't matter if you win the rest.

Props to the wonderful Mean Green fans who were actually AT the game and were very generous even in victory.

BlueRaiderPride, I think what happened to Cobbs and Thomas was the same thing that happened to Alabama's offense, ie, your fine MT defense. I don't think this Cobbs in/Thomas out and visa versa is really going to allow either back to get a rhythm going and both are the kind of backs who need to stay in the game. Jamario you can hold for a yard or 2 or more many times during the course of the game, but then he breaks the long run. IMO, he was not in long enough last night to get that chance; same thing for Cobbs.

By the team this young team (3'rd youngest in the NCAA) plays the rest of the SBC I think we will be fine. We get Troy U at home and they lost a tremendous number of players last year to graduation.

blink.gif The 2 Florida SBC schools are a complete mystery to me. I am trying to even figure out how U of South Florida can begin a football program from scratch just a few short years ago, then get in some school's dream conference (not mine), ie, CUSA and then get in the Big East?!?!? sad.gif How are these Florida non BCS schools just simply able to put such competitive football programs together (seemedly) overnight. Now FIU and FAU had the switch from 1-AA to 1-A advantage in (recruiting, and don't think Schellenberger didn't do this) good 1-AA players to come to their schools to become immiediately elgible. Schnelly' is a good tactician coach and has an NC or 2 under his belt at Miami, but he and Strock (FIU) have been able to put some good talent together and fast. wink.gif

BlueRaiderPride, what you saw last night is an NT team under construction. That game last night was one of the wierdest I've seen lately. Yet NT did the same thing with yall we've always done defensively, ie, that is bend but not break. The Red Zone is our zone and has never been that friendly to your team; but since all our games have been decided by less than 10 points, I'd suppose it hasn't been that friendly to us, too.


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But, I feel really sorry for MUTS fans right now.

If I were a Blue Raider fan, I think the sympathetic reaction from Mean Green fans would send me over the top. When the fans of your biggest rival feel pity for you, things are not right with your program.

The biggest reason MTSU lost is the coach kept going for high-risk plays in the red zone. If he had called more conservatively and set the kicker up better on third downs, MTSU could have put enough of a lead on North Texas to make us go to a passing game.

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The UNT total offensive yardage and UNT total yardage given up reflected how crappy North Texas was/is in every phase of the game with the exception of the punting game and coaching.

Turnovers are a phase of the game too. The North Texas defense played incredibly well at forcing mistakes, taking fumbles, pressuring the quarterback, and getting picks. I don't think their performance was crappy at all.

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To Blue Raider Pride---

Cobbs & Thomas averaged 4 yards per carry. To me that is pretty good!!

MTSU had 5 turnovers....................................To me that is pretty bad.

UNT had 0 turnovers......................................To me that is pretty good.

UNT held MTSU to 155 yards the second half....To me that is good coaching.

No matter what the offense and defenses looked like last night the final score will ALWAYS be 14 - 7.

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THIS FOR YOUR 2'ND OR 3'RD CUP OF SUNDAY MORNING COFFEE (maybe by the 4'th cup you will have finished reading this unless you lose complete total interest) laugh.gif

BlueRaiderPride, I think what happened to Cobbs and Thomas was the same thing that happened to Alabama's offense, ie, your fine MT defense. It was not a pretty game, but you have games like that and if you are lucky enough to win them (as we were last night with an inexperienced QB) you take the win and a quick plane out of town.

I don't think this Cobbs in/Thomas out OR Thomas in/Cobbs out will work as for either to get some serious yards this season, but even local, regional and national sportswriters predicted the same thing even if both were to be in the same backfield (which is the preference of most of our fans). If you cut each back's number of carries in half, you cut down the opportunities for those long runs to materialize (some for TD's) which both RB's have been fairly adept in their careers in Mean Green Country.

Yet (as already said) with both Cobbs and Thomas spelling each other in the course of a game will not allow either to get any semblance of rhythm going. Both of these backs are the kind (like most) who need to stay in the game and get all those carries. Of course (God forbid) in case of the injury bugaboo, then you have the other to carry the full load.

Jamario Thomas you can hold for a yard or 2 many times during the course of the game, but then he breaks the long run when least expected. He did that last year even against 2 Big 12 schools (which we didn't win). IMO, Super Jamario (which he still is to us) was not in long enough last night to get that opportunity. dry.gif Same thing for Cobbs although he saw much more playing time last night than Thomas (and I think that was because he is a senior who came back from a Med RS and Coach Dickey honored him for that last night).

By the time this young Mean Green team (3'rd youngest in NCAA D1-A according to George Dunham, Voice of the Mean Green) plays the rest of the SBC I think we will be fine. We get Troy U at home and they lost a tremendous number of players last year to graduation. We can be tough at home, just like yall can.

blink.gif THE FLORIDA SCHOOLS MICROWAVE THEMSELVES FOR INSTANT SUCCESS MYSTERY: The 2 Florida SBC schools are a complete mystery to me. I am trying to figure out how all these non BCS Florida schools do it and do it fast. Even U of South Florida can begin a football program from scratch just a few short years ago, have their coach's offices in a mobile home, then get in some fans panacea of a dream conference, ie, CUSA and then get in the Big East (for heaven's sake) after only 1 or 2 official years in CUSA?!?!? As Ricky Ricardo constantly asked Lucy: Please 'esplain?

Simply, how are these Florida non BCS schools able to put such competitive football programs together (seemedly) overnight? BTW, we play both of them on the road this Fall.

Now FIU and FAU had the recent switch from 1-AA to 1-A advantage in recruiting other good 1-AA collegiate players (and don't think FAU's Howard Schellenberger didn't take advantage of that rule). Of course, the advantage as you would know are that those kind of transfers become elgible immediately. FAU's Coach Schnelly' is a good tactician coach and will beat some teams base on that; but after all, the man has an NC or 2 under his belt at Miami. Coach Howie' and Don Strock (FIU) have been able to put some good talent together and did it darn fast. wink.gif

BlueRaiderPride, what you saw last night is an NT team under construction, some call it re-tooling others call it rebuilding. That game last night was one of the wierdest I've seen lately. Yall dominated in all phases except the one that counts in the W/L column. Yet NT did the same thing with MT that we've always done defensively, ie, bend but not break. The red zone is our zone and has never been that friendly to your team when yall play NORTH TEXAS; but since all our games have been decided by less than 10 points, I'd suppose it hasn't been that friendly to us, either. rolleyes.gif

IT'S THE MT TURNOVERS: Obviously, this has mostly always been the difference in our games as NT has been able to convert points from many of those turnovers just as we did last night.

I think its a safe prediction that your Coach Andy Mac will not be around next year and that may be both a blessing for him and your school. As you would know, because he has good coaching credentials & friendships in the college coach's "good ol' boy" network will help him land at some high profile school (or maybe even the NFL). He will be just fine with his future, though. NT has been his noose around the neck, his albatross or his personal Waterloo with his SBC tenure in the Boro' , though.

Who knows, eventually some other school will give Coach Mac a chance to recycle his head football coaching career one day. NORTH TEXAS did that for the great Hayden Fry (after SMU fired him in 1972 with a 7 & 4 record). Coach Fry would not have gotten his Big 10 job had he not had the success he had in Denton, but he beat a few high profile teams that also allowed that to happen, too.

One of those high profile wins by Fry's Mean Green was down the road from yall over in Knoxville, Tennessee. If Coach Dickey wants to leave Denton (and most would eventually like a Top 10 job), he will eventually have to do the same thing. I don't think he or his players would object to winning some of those OOC games, either. smile.gif We have a tough one vs Tulsa this Saturday night at Fouts Field. They gave OU fits yesterday.

BLP, good luck to yall the rest of the season, yet it is a long season for sure. The Mean Green are a work in progress and it will be interesting for our fans/alums to watch some of these kids develop (and hopefully by the time the rest of the SBC schedule comes around).


PS Sorry about your player's serious injury last night. How is he doing? Do you think, BlueRaiderPride, that a different turf might have prevented such an injury or would it have not really mattered?

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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Guest JohnDenver

You should have listened to their call in show after the game. Here are some quick hit comments:

"I want to know who the next young up and coming SEC coach will be ..."

"I will just say this, I am not going back to a game until something major changes..."



Let me tell you -- It was harsh and angry. I can empathize though. We (collective UNT fan) are this way in some respects when we lose all five OOC games in a season ... year after year and year. Now, add to that equation losing to SBC teams year and year too. blink.gifblink.gif ouch. Reality stings.

I am not too convinced the more talented better team lost tonight. We are less experience, but this was the first game. They were learning on the fly. They were running new plays. I saw JT line up in the wrong formation. I saw PC having to explain a play to Meager -- only to have Meager have to call a timeout before the 24 seconds ran down.

Hopefully we got that out of our systems.

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You should have listened to their call in show after the game. Here are some quick hit comments:

"I want to know who the next young up and coming SEC coach will be ..."

"I will just say this, I am not going back to a game until something major changes..."



Let me tell you -- It was harsh and angry. I can empathize though. We (collective UNT fan) are this way in some respects when we lose all five OOC games in a season ... year after year and year. Now, add to that equation losing to SBC teams year and year too.  blink.gif  blink.gif  ouch. Reality stings.

I am not too convinced the more talented better team lost tonight. We are less experience, but this was the first game. They were learning on the fly. They were running new plays. I saw JT line up in the wrong formation. I saw PC having to explain a play to Meager -- only to have Meager have to call a timeout before the 24 seconds ran down.

Hopefully we got that out of our systems.

LOL! The first three calls came from messageboard posters. In the quotes you are referring to, I can tell you one the first one came about the incoming SEC coach was one of our own.

That one about the 4th & 2 with 8 minutes left in all caps that you have there was me on the call-in show, but I certainly didn't bash our players or the coaches. I just question making that call in such a critical time of the game. We needed the momentum more than we needed the seven points and we were down.

Go for a fieldgoal, and you kill momentum. Miss the fieldgoal which is what we did, and you kill the momentum and probably your chances of restoring hope for a victory, and that also happened.

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Dude, that was a crappy statement there and I don't mind sayin' that.  The score reflected how bad we played in the redzone.  The UNT total offensive yardage and UNT total yardage given up reflected how crappy North Texas was/is in every phase of the game with the exception of the punting game and coaching.  Just because we can't beat North Texas, it doesn't make us losers, and UNT won't be able to go undefeated in the conference playing as pathetic as they did against us last night.  That is a freakin' fact that none of 20,806 in attendance could deny.

Both teams sucked @ss plain and simple!!!!  And neither of these teams will beat Florida Atlantic or Troy playing this bad!

Man, I can't stand fans like you.  Same losers?  I want to know what happened to Cobbs and Thomas?  I thought they were supposed to "run us ragged" for 200+ yards each, but 152 yards combined between the two would suggest otherwise.

You need to get a freakin' life, GreenEyed.  I don't call your players losers even though they are uncapable of beating Troy or anyone outside of the Sun Belt, but that's because I respect everyone in our conference including the one's we beat, because even as riled up as I can get, I KNOW I have more class than you.

But at least not all UNT fans are as classless as you.

The rest of you guys, I appreciate the kind words.  The feeling is one of remorse in Middle Tennessee right now.  Hopefully, Massaro will do the right thing and realize that when you can't beat your rival, it doesn't matter if you win the rest.

Props to the wonderful Mean Green fans who were actually AT the game and were very generous even in victory.

Wow, I guess the truth really hurts. If you lose more than you win, I think you could very well be considered a loser. laugh.giflaugh.gif

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