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Nice post. Most people do look down on UNT fan's. I don't think it would be suprising to anyone else on this board that we get that sentiment from UT, Texas AM or OU that we are not "real" college football. It frustrates us all but there will come a day....


Most babies when they are born are given a purple and gold rattle.

Our local high school does the same thing. Tell me, do the LSU cheerleaders visit the K-3rd grade schools and lead them in the LSU fight song, cheers, tiger bait yells, etc.? Ya gotta start 'em young ya know.



Our local high school does the same thing.  Tell me, do the LSU cheerleaders visit the K-3rd grade schools and lead them in the LSU fight song, cheers, tiger bait yells, etc.?  Ya gotta start 'em young ya know.


Hell they know those things before they make it to school. Some of us Tiger Bait is our first word.


That is the biggest crock of cr@p.  Why is it when teams see LSU on their schedule they sell more tickets to that game than they do any other road game on their schedule except for maybe a rivarly game or a road game close to home.

Umm, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that it might have more to due with the fact that Bourbon Street is less than an hour away than your 'reputation for hospitality'.

I'll bet money right now that the number of NT fans that make the trip will be one of your largest road traveling sections of the year.  I guess they all want to be treated like sh!t.

No, they don't know any better, and that's the problem. As you might notice from my nick, my other alma mater is Florida. Most SEC fans know better than to leave their vehicle in any parking lot in red stick with flags waving because of the stories they have been told. Most UNT fans will not. Perhaps you have never witnessed such activities first-hand, I will be the first to admit that I haven't either. But when there's smoke there's usually fire, and when it comes to LSwho's home crowd's reputation around the SEC, there's plenty of smoke.


And I tell you what, a REAL college football fan drives 12 hours to Las Cruces to watch a 3-8 NT team play a 2-9 NMSU team in front of about 3,000 people in a game that means nothing, and then turn around and drive 12 hours back. Because I didn't do that because it was the cool thing to do. I did that, and other NT fans do that because they love their team, school, and college football.

MeanRob has described what it truly means to be a Mean Green fan best in this thread. And to point out how little the rest of the state of Texas thinks about the Mean Green look no further than today's Fort Worth Star Telegram in which featured their annual 40 some odd page FOOTBALL SPECIAL section, covering every local football team from private highschool's all the way up through the Cowboys, but neglected to mention a single word about NT or the Sunbelt Conference.



As you might notice from my nick, my other alma mater is Florida.  Most SEC fans know better than to leave their vehicle in any parking lot in red stick with flags waving because of the stories they have been told.  Most UNT fans will not.  Perhaps you have never witnessed such activities first-hand, I will be the first to admit that I haven't either.  But when there's smoke there's usually fire, and when it comes to LSwho's home crowd's reputation around the SEC, there's plenty of smoke.

Wait a sec, I have gonna to my share of games in the Swamp. Last one I went to was in 02. Our tickets were in the middle of the band so we were on tv all night. Couldnt hear anything for like 2 days, but thats another story.

Anyway we tailgated in America Plaza, I think it was called and we had flags on our cars and they were broken off. And for some reason they took our windshield wipers dont know why. And we got into a scuffle with some of our people outside the Purple, ok I can not spell tonight, Porpus. (y'all need spell check for this coonass)

The point of this post, if there is one, is the fact that it happens EVERYWHERE!

People just need to get over it or dont go. But stop bitching please. It gets old hearing the same ole crap over and over and over and over and over and over again.


MeanRob has described what it truly means to be a Mean Green fan best in this thread.  And to point out how little the rest of the state of Texas thinks about the Mean Green look no further than today's Fort Worth Star Telegram in which featured their annual 40 some odd page FOOTBALL SPECIAL section, covering every local football team from private highschool's all the way up through the Cowboys, but neglected to mention a single word about NT or the Sunbelt Conference.


I said it before, I find that y'all seem to have a very loyal fan base here and some really good guys, or so it seems. biggrin.gif And then you got a few that dont seem to know there head from a knot in a tree. We have those too.

And having been stationed in Texas for almost 2 years now, I see how in the college ranks if your not an Aggie or have a coach that can not win the big games, you dont get squat.

Y'all are kind of like the Tulane of Texas except y'all dont seem to suck as bad as Tulane.

And that might be a problem with LSU fans also. See no team in the SEC uses the color Green. So when we see that color we naturally go into KILL TULANE MOOD.

Which is just bad for everyone.


That's what you said, which basically says I know nothing about college football, or as you put it, REAL college football. I beg to differ.

NO, what it says is when dealing with big time d-1 programs the best seats will not be available for visitors. You usually are not going to get the best seats. When dealing with 30,000 seat stadiums that are 3/4 full, maybe so, but not at this level.

In the future, maybe you should ask em what I mean instead of assuming. You know what they say about assuming.


Umm, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that it might have more to due with the fact that Bourbon Street is less than an hour away than your 'reputation for hospitality'.

No, they don't know any better, and that's the problem.  As you might notice from my nick, my other alma mater is Florida.  Most SEC fans know better than to leave their vehicle in any parking lot in red stick with flags waving because of the stories they have been told.  Most UNT fans will not.  Perhaps you have never witnessed such activities first-hand, I will be the first to admit that I haven't either.  But when there's smoke there's usually fire, and when it comes to LSwho's home crowd's reputation around the SEC, there's plenty of smoke.

yeah, thats it... it is hourbon street. That is why there is a post on the second page of this noard from a NT fan talking about Baton Rouge Hotels.

Now you are saying Nt Texas fans are making the trip b/c they don't know any better.

Pretty presumptious of you to think they don't know any better, but you do. Ever thought that maybe it was you that had the wrong idea? Call me crazy, BUT when thousands of your NT brotherin want to make the trip, maybe you are the one with the wrong impression and not the THOUSANDS of others.

The point of this post, if there is one, is the fact that it happens EVERYWHERE!

My point exactly. The bigger the program and more meaningful the games (ie rivalry), the more banter (etc) you will have. How much smack do you thin is tossed around at the SMU vs Wisconsin game (ex).

There are some bad apples at LSU who do some stupid sh1t, no doubt. BUT to to think that it happens more at LSU than anywhere else is just crazy. LSu is known for its hospitaltiy in Omaha (even when LSU is not in the cws) and when we travel on road games bringing thousands of pounds of food to feed our hosts. We historically invite our opponants for home games to share in banter and our festivities. Can some indivduals ruin an experience, of course, but it does not represent LSu and those who make th trip will see so.


It's looking like JaMarcus Russell is gonna be our starter but that's not in stone yet. The kid you're referring to from Tyler is Matt Flynn. Currently, he's #2 on the depth chart among three highly talented QBs. Great kid with a great attitude.


I've lived in Texas for the past 10 years but prior to that, I grew up in New Orleans. I have been able to see first hand the difference between fans rooting for UT/A&M vs. LSU and it's quite different. I've gone to plenty of LSU games since 3 of my cousins are LSU grads, the best man in my wedding marched in the Tigerband for 4 years, and frankly because if you are born in LA, you come out with stripes unless your dad was a Tulane grad.

When LSU fans come here to post, they already show that they are different from the majority of fans because they come to talk some football, maybe a little smack, but all in fun. I promise you that plenty of Tiger fans aren't like this. Those fans take pride in the fact that they know that coming to play in "Death Valley" has a reputation and that said rep is pretty much true when LSU is on the losing end.

It's true that when LSU wins or is winning the game, fans just get razzed and such but it's generally a decent environment unless you are personally starting something which would be the same result most places. However, if LSU is losing the game or loses, it's a whole different animal, especially if it is to someone like Georgia and both teams are ranked and 5-0. That's actually when I have seen the most fights break out.

I've gone to games at LSU, UT, OU, and here and although that isn't enough of a sample size to make a true comparison, I've seen way more fights at LSU then anywhere else. Actually, I've only seen a fight at OU once, and never at UT or here. Fighting at football games is not normal, but you would be hard pressed to find an LSU fan who hasn't seen a fight at a game. I think that is why they have the reputation they have.

Posted (edited)

I for one can't wait to go see a game at "Death Valley" this year. I appreciate the LSU guys posting about the experiences during the pre game/game. I know that there are horror stories about LSU, but I can't wait to see a game there (only other SEC school I've seen a game at is Arkansas).

As far as the LSU guys posting...You guys are right in your assesment that NT does have a very loyal (albeit tiny in comparison) fanbase. Thats why you will read many posts from NT fans that are "up in arms" when somebody says that we don't play "real" college football. We are all very dedicated to making our alma mater succede, and most people who are fans of the major BCS conferences can not comprehend what it is like to be a fan of a school that does not have a legitimate shot at even playing in a BCS bowl.

Walking into a place like "Death Valley" while wearing your MEAN GREEN colors proudly is about as "real" a college football fan as you can get. Walking into a hostile/huge crowd and knowing you have very little chance of pulling off an upset and still being there to support is imo what it's all about. I've done it at UT, OU, CU, and AR, and I'm preparing to do it at LSU and KSU this year as well.

I don't expect LSU fans to be able to relate to this post , but just wanted to add some perspective as to why NT fans react the way we do when we are told that we're not "real" college football fans.

Edited by Green Lantern

I for one can't wait to go see a game at "Death Valley" this year.  I appreciate the LSU guys posting about the experiences during the pre game/game.  I know that there are horror stories about LSU, but I can't wait to see a game there (only other SEC school I've seen a game at is Arkansas).

As far as the LSU guys posting...You guys are right in your assesment that NT does have a very loyal (albeit tiny in comparison) fanbase.  Thats why you will read many posts from NT fans that are "up in arms" when somebody says that we don't play "real" college football.  We are all very dedicated to making our alma mater succede, and most people who are fans of the major BCS conferences can not comprehend what it is like to be a fan of a school that does not have a legitimate shot at even playing in a BCS bowl.

Walking into a place like "Death Valley" while wearing your MEAN GREEN colors proudly is about as "real" a college football fan as you can get.  Walking into a hostile/huge crowd and knowing you have very little chance of pulling off and upset and still being there to support is imo what it's all about.  I've done it at UT, OU, CU, and AR, and I'm preparing to do it at LSU and KSU this year as well.

I don't expect LSU fans to be able to relate to this post , but just wanted to add some perspective as to why NT fans react the way we do when we are told that we're not "real" college football fans.

I agree with you 100%. And if you are going I invite you to stop by the Team KATT Tailgate site and have a beer and some BBQ.


Wait a sec, I have gonna to my share of games in the Swamp. Last one I went to was in 02. Our tickets were in the middle of the band so we were on tv all night. Couldnt hear anything for like 2 days, but thats another story.

Anyway we tailgated in America Plaza, I think it was called and we had flags on our cars and they were broken off. And for some reason they took our windshield wipers dont know why. And we got into a scuffle with some of our people outside the Purple, ok I can not spell tonight, Porpus. (y'all need spell check for this coonass)

The point of this post, if there is one, is the fact that it happens EVERYWHERE!

People just need to get over it or dont go. But stop bitching please. It gets old hearing the same ole crap over and over and over and over and over and over again.

You are right, it does happen everywhere. On occasion. If you don't think LSwho has a bigger reputation for this type of occurrance than any other school in the SEC, you are fooling yourself. I'm sure you have never taken part in it, most haven't. It only takes a few bad apples. And I also agree with the earlier post that stated it is much more common after a LSwho home loss (which, let's face it, ain't likely to happen next Saturday). I'm sure you are tired of hearing it, but did you ever stop to think that there might be a reason you hear it "over and over and over and over and over and over again?"

I'm not 'bitching.' I am giving a heads-up to all the NT fans that may have never been to red stick. Leave the flags in the trunk when you head to the stadium. It's good advice for any road trip.


If you don't think LSwho has a bigger reputation for this type of occurrance than any other school in the SEC, you are fooling yourself

I am not sure what type of occurrance you are referring too, BUT if it is cars being vandelized (as you stated earlier) etc.. that is far from LSU's repuation.

Just keep spreading those urban legends, and remember don't ever flash your lights at a car when their lights are off, that is part oif a gang initation. AND don't eat at Wendy's b/c my cousin ate their and bit into a dead chicken egg, AND always lock your doors at the gas station otherwise someone might climb into the back seast and murder you 5 miles down the road etc.

The childhood stories are old and tired.

You have your opinion and whn your NT friends get back, we will have theirs. care to take a wager that there are more good stroies than bad? I bet you don't take that one.


You are right, it does happen everywhere.  On occasion.  If you don't think LSwho has a bigger reputation for this type of occurrance than any other school in the SEC, you are fooling yourself.  I'm sure you have never taken part in it, most haven't.  It only takes a few bad apples.  And I also agree with the earlier post that stated it is much more common after a LSwho home loss (which, let's face it, ain't likely to happen next Saturday).  I'm sure you are tired of hearing it, but did you ever stop to think that there might be a reason you hear it "over and over and over and over and over and over again?"

I'm not 'bitching.'  I am giving a heads-up to all the NT fans that may have never been to red stick.  Leave the flags in the trunk when you head to the stadium.  It's good advice for any road trip.

I have to agree that LSU rep is not a nice one, and there are truths to the stories just like every story. BUT Alot of the stories have turned to legends and most of those were started by Auburn Fans.

Not sure if you have ever been to a FU/AU game but by far they are the WORSE fans that I have ever seen.

Posted (edited)

I am not sure what type of occurrance you are referring too, BUT if it is cars being vandelized (as you stated earlier) etc.. that is far from LSU's repuation. 

Just keep spreading those urban legends, and remember don't ever flash your lights at a car when their lights are off, that is part oif a gang initation.  AND don't eat at Wendy's b/c my cousin ate their and bit into a dead chicken egg, AND always lock your doors at the gas station otherwise someone might climb into the back seast and murder you 5 miles down the road etc.

The childhood stories are old and tired. 

You have your opinion and whn your NT friends get back, we will have theirs.  care to take a wager that there are more good stroies than bad?  I bet you don't take that one.

I give your football team an "A" - your fans a "B" - and your spelling a "D"... make that a "D-"

Edited by stebo

First of all, can we just get past the spelling references? Believe me, I've taught English in Plano for the last nine years, and most of my students there can't spell, either.

Secondly, Tiger fans have also been through some very lean years, so true Tiger fans are far from fair-weather. Bleeding purple and gold is pretty much a mark of pride when someone is from south Louisiana. Regardless, we also know how Mean Green fans feel because we haven't always commanded ultimate respect ourselves.

And finally, I'll be in Baton Rouge (provided Katrina doesn't blow everyone--and the power--away) next Saturday with my North Texas alum husband (we need to find him a UNT shirt for the day). We have pretty decent seats that we bought from North Texas, and since we live in Texas and only make one or two LSU games a year, our single game tickets are usually near the visitors, and we love the seats. When the action is in the north endzone, it's hard to see, but when the team is on our side of the field, the view is quite exciting.

Geaux Tigers--and UNT fans, please come ready to have a good time. My uncle's RV is always parked off of Parker behind the old ag colliseum. If we see people in Mean Green gear, we're going to invite you over.


Stacey O...tell your husband to come to a couple of games this year. At Least to Homecoming. I don't know when he graduated but there are some great things happening at Texas' 4th largest university. He can get a UNT shirt anywhere near campus or at the malls in the Lewisville Area. Tell him we need more alumni to get behind what we are doing here in Denton.


First of all, can we just get past the spelling references?  Believe me, I've taught English in Plano for the last nine years, and most of my students there can't spell, either. 

Does anyone besides me see the humor in this quote?

my North Texas alum husband (we need to find him a UNT shirt for the day).

Maybe your North Texas alum husband needs to find one for more than "the day." If you all are up to making two trips to Baton Rouge each year for LSU games, maybe you could commit to 5 games 30 minutes away in Denton.

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