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Here are a few details I obtained from the company installing the new turf at Fouts. I had the opportunity to talk with the Supervisor of the Fouts Field project.

Center Logo - And we were all wrong. The truth is that there will be NO logo in the center of the field. NT spent extra money on the end zones and opted to leave the center open.

End Zones - The lettering in the end zones (which look GREAT!) are not stitched into the turf. They are currently cutting out the grass and are going to glue the letters in place. It takes a long time to get this just right, but it is the only way if you want the letters to last.

Cushion - The turf still has to have the rubber brushed into the surface. Currently the grass on the field is over two inches tall. Soon, the installers will spread rubber over the entire playing field and will brush it into the grass. This will caus the grass to stand up and also provide that all important "give" in the playing surface. So if the turf looks a little long to you now, just wait, the finshed product is only about 1/2 tall.

Portability - Some have said that will will be able to move the new playing surface to another stadium or practice field. According to the guy's in the know this is never going to happen. They said that after the rubber is installed, the turf can not be moved. The weight of the rubber alone would make this impossible. Many parts of the field are glued and would tear upon removal. Even if you were able to get the glue to release the turf, the weight of the rubber will stretch and tear the turf beyond repair. The new turf was purchased to increase the saftey of the field and give Fouts a better look for a team gaining national attention. There is no intent to move the surface to the new stadium.

Hope this info helps answer some of our nagging questions.


P.S. I am interviewing for a part time job with the Mean Green Report.

Posted (edited)

Portability - Some have said that will will be able to move the new playing surface to another stadium or practice field. According to the guy's in the know this is never going to happen. They said that after the rubber is installed, the turf can not be moved. The weight of the rubber alone would make this impossible. Many parts of the field are glued and would tear upon removal. Even if you were able to get the glue to release the turf, the weight of the rubber will stretch and tear the turf beyond repair. The new turf was purchased to increase the saftey of the field and give Fouts a better look for a team gaining national attention. There is no intent to move the surface to the new stadium.

Hope this info helps answer some of our nagging questions.


P.S. I am interviewing for a part time job with the Mean Green Report.

Edited by PlummMeanGreen

any word on 25 yard line logos?

They can be painted on with a "temporary" paint. Much like they do in the SuperDome in New Orleans. I am pretty safe in saying that the SuperDome does not have the Sun Belt or New Orleans Bowl logo's throughout the Saint's season. No official word on what logo they will be. My guess is that we will have the Sunbelt 30th anniversary logo at the 25 yard lines.


They can be painted on with a "temporary" paint.  Much like they do in the SuperDome in New Orleans. I am pretty safe in saying that the SuperDome does not have the Sun Belt or New Orleans Bowl logo's throughout the Saint's season.  No official word on what logo they will be. My guess is that we will have the Sunbelt 30th anniversary logo at the 25 yard lines.

Maybe they could use temporary paint for a center logo also for just the Troy ESPN-2 game?

Posted (edited)

They can be painted on with a "temporary" paint.  Much like they do in the SuperDome in New Orleans. I am pretty safe in saying that the SuperDome does not have the Sun Belt or New Orleans Bowl logo's throughout the Saint's season.  No official word on what logo they will be. My guess is that we will have the Sunbelt 30th anniversary logo at the 25 yard lines.

I agree with NDT. For name and logo recognition, we need something in the center of the field. Why can't they use a temporary, painted logo?

Edited by DeepGreen

If you ask me there leaving it blank, not becuase they plan on leaving it that way all the time, but rather this way everytime LJ and his little minions change the logo they can repaint the correct one on the 50!

Or maybe there leaving it blank so that they can rotate the 30 or 40 we already have every game, thus ensuring that everbody will be greatly confused every time they walk into FOUTS


If you ask me there leaving it blank, not becuase they plan on leaving it that way all the time, but rather this way everytime LJ and his little minions change the logo they can repaint the correct one on the 50!

Or maybe there leaving it blank so that they can rotate the 30 or 40 we already have every game, thus ensuring that everbody will be greatly confused every time they walk into FOUTS

I can't say that you are wrong. I can only say what I know. I agree that it will look odd not having a logo in the center of the field. I have no knowledge about any plans for a "temporary tatoo" for the various occasions this season such a nationaly televised game.

You LJ theory is the best so far.

If I learn more, I will pass it on.


I am very pleased at this information.. it means that RV has not given in totally to what LJ is trying to IMPOSE on the department. We are the Mean Green - and painting or stitching a big old Eagle in the middle of the field would just confuse people (fans or plain old tv watchers) even more then they already are about what in the hell our team name is. Our team names are the Mean Green and our mascot is Scrappy the Eagle. That is why our OFFICIAL WEBSITE is called www.MEANGREENSPORTS.com and our unofficial website is called www.GOMEANGREEN.com. Fluency and redundancy is the only thing that will get our real name out to the masses over time. It will take awhile; but eventually people will know that we are the MEAN GREEN and nothing else... despite the Eagle. The same way that the Alabama Crimson Tide are just the Crimson Tide and have an elephant for a mascot. Or the same way that the Green Wave of Tulane are just the Green Wave and had/have a Pelican for a mascot (the Pelican has been phased out of most of their promotional stuff because it was confusing to the National "fans" - but is still in place on campus on several signs probably due to cost of removal)... I am very pleased with this news.

I say that if we are putting North Texas in one endzone and Mean Green in the other - and there is no mention of an Eagle (in picture or words) anywhere on the brand new field - that it should pretty much resolve any questions about WHO we are and WHAT we are to be called as long as RV is in charge. One small battle won from logo-gate.

Guest Aquila_Viridis

We are the Mean Green - and painting or stitching a big old Eagle in the middle of the field would just confuse people (fans or plain old tv watchers) even more then they already are about what in the hell our team name is. 

So I ask again, how do you graphically represent a 'mean green'. Something like below? I'm all for using the word reference 'Mean Green', but we need a logo, and by the way they emphatically didn't go with 'NT'.

Posted (edited)

So I ask again, how do you graphically represent a 'mean green'. Something like below? I'm all for using the word reference 'Mean Green', but we need a logo, and by the way they emphatically didn't go with 'NT'.

Agreed... we have to have logo that can be marketed. While I like "Mean Green", 95% of the general public won't instantly associate that phrase to good ole UNT. We need a big honking eagle on midfield, so people wiil have a visual image to hang on to. I don't find the fact that we use Mean Green and the Eagle terribly confusing myself. My God, we are going to have a Giant "Mean Green" in the endzone anyway. IMHO as far as uniforms go, we should have an eagle on the helmet and Mean Green on the Jerseys.

Edited by MeanGreenTeeth

Even though it is redundant, I would say to go ahead and put Mean Green on the 50 as well as in the endzone.

Or of course, this.

I'll probably get flamed for this but....

For the same reasons Stebo articulated about Mean Green vs Eagles is the same reason we should avoid an NT logo.

Yes, the Eagle is still our mascot, Yes it's obvious NT stands for North Texas but what the Ath Dept is trying to do is to emphasize our uniqueness, that being said we are pushing just two identifiers NORTH TEXAS and/or MEAN GREEN

Therefore: "North Texas" or "MEAN GREEN" should be the only names people see on the field, on the uniform, on the side of the helmets etc. Not UNT, Not Eagles, and yes not even NT.


Fair enough Baby Arm. I don't want this thread to get hijacked.

That being said, I still say redundancy is the way to go and have "Mean Green" on the 50.


Fair enough Baby Arm.  I don't want this thread to get hijacked.

That being said, I still say redundancy is the way to go and have "Mean Green" on the 50.

I think having a very simple interlocking "NT" on the 50 would be the way to go. Everyone knows what NT is. We are not trying to change peoples perception or confuse them with yet another logo change. IF the the NT is not an option under our current leadership I am fine with leaving it blank. After all, who says there needs to be anything on the 50. We can be trend setters. We can be unique. It's not like we have blue turf.


How about a big blue star on the 50? I hear there will be a used one for sale in Irving soon. That way, when Patrick or Jamario score, they can run the ball out to the 50 and pose inthe center of the star.


It's going to look awfully bare, but whatever works.  Are there any other D-1A programs without a logo at the 50 yard line?

When Texas A&M switched there field from astortruf to natural grass a few years back they went with the no logo at midfield for several years. I believe they started putting a center logo down when Fran. came to town.


Honestly, who needs anything on the 50? Considering J-Mo, Patrick, Quinn and Muzzy will be in the endzone every other play those logo's should suffice.


I wouldn't mind a lighter green Texas Star in the center of the field with no words on it. Just keep it simple. No Eagle head, no eagle body - just North Texas (not UNT) in one end zone and Mean Green in the other.


I agree that we are the Mean Green and North Texas. Those should be the only words assoc. with our program. However I do beleive that a logo is needed and I think our new logo is a good representation of our Mean Green. I vote for the big new eagle on our 50. That image is what our program should be like the ponies and the longhorns.

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