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I wanted to talk about this as well. I have already gotten the plastic ware for it through work. I just added to our last order and paid for it myself - so that is one expense that we do not have to worry about. I have 200 10 inch plates and 200 7 inch plates all ready to go. The heavy duty kind. I also got a case of paper towells to go along with it and will try to budget for forks and knives by the time the BBQ rolls around. About $35.00 bucks worth of BBQ ready plasticware and towells from this Greenbacker, every little bit helps.

If we need ice then I can get as much as we need. There is an On the Border in Denton now and I will just call them up and tell them that I want to come raid their ice machine for the day. That will save us probably another $30-$40 bucks in itself. Just let me know.


Posted (edited)

The 2005 GoMeanGreen.com & Greenbackers Mean Green Kickoff BBQ is Saturday, August 20th. This is our chance to let our players and coaches know how much we appreciate their efforts. It will be approximately around 11:30 al.m. after that morning's scrimmage. The BBQ will take place at the Athletic Center, however the scrimmage may be in one of three places. Either at Fouts if the turf is complete, at the Denton High Complex or at the Athletic Center practice fields. We are planning on serving around 200 people for this.

Please list again what you can bring below so that we can keep track of who is bringing what?

We have the meat supplier lined up and the preparation for it. I'll also bring the pickles and onions etc...

Stebo is bringing the meat warmers and now states he has the placticware(plates, forks etc and napkins) covered. Steve, VeryGreen had volunteered to bring this but I'll let them know it's taken care of and see if they can bring something else.

I know y'all have posted this twice before. Hope and others(I apologize I cannot remember everyone who stepped up for this) have offered to bring desert. Please repost that here if you can.

We still need:

Baked Beans(P.M. on what kind your bringing as I have some ideas for this).

Tea and Water(P.M on this also, I have a tea server I think we can use).

Potato Salad(P.M. me on this as well)

Any other deserts you can offer to bring.

BBQ Sauce(KC Masterpiece is a favorite)

Bread for sandwiches etc...

Servers/General help to set up and cut brisket. I have recieved a lot of offers in this area but it will help us better if you sign up below so that we will know who is willing to do what

I think that is all? Any other ideas please let us know and please post below what you want to do.


Edited by FirefightnRick
Posted (edited)

This is a great idea by FireFight'nRick to have a Greenbackers pre-season BBQ to display our appreciation to our football coaches and the team. I think it's an outstanding idea, and long overdue.

The Greenbackers Cookout is to honor the Mean Green football coaches and the team, but everyone is welcome.

John over at North Texas Foods has quoted us a $1.25 per pound price for the Iowa Beef Packers Grade (Premium) Brisket. I think that's an outstanding price, especially for that grade of beef.

Since we'll be serving around 200 (coaches, players and their families, and fans), FFRick has concluded that we should probably be looking at smoking at least 200 lbs of brisket. 200 lbs at $1.25 per lb is $250.00.

I'm in for $50.00 and am looking for 4 other people to contribute $50.00 each toward this cost.

1) Adler

2) JohnDenver

3) GreenBat

4) PHS Coach

5) MedPilot

6) Posies-n-Ivy

Since we have 6 $50 donors, I'll raise the quantity to 240 lbs to insure that we have enough for everyone.

Thanks to Stebo for supplying the plates, plasticware, and napkins, as well as his valuable restaurant expertise, and thank you to Pierow and $2Pistols for supplying the Bush's baked beans.

The Athletic Department will be providing the seating and tables, and will probably have sufficient access to ice to be able to cover this event.

Firefight'n Rick will be prepping and smoking all this brisket. That's a whole lot of work and we all owe him a huge debt of gratitude.

A few people have listed other items that they would be able supply, but we're still needing Cokes, bottled water, and additional desert items. Please post replies on this thread if you'll be able to contribute.

Very important - We need people to help set up, serve, and to help in cleaning up in order to make this event a success. Please post a response if you'll be able to help.

Looking forward to an outstanding 2005 Mean Green Football Season, and this is a great way to get it started.


Edited by ADLER

I'm volunteering to cut meat, and I think as far as desserts go, I might bring either cookies or a fruity dessert or both. Let me know if there's anything else Ican do. Can't wait!

Go Mean Green!


Tentatively put me and my husband down. He's got a really crazy work schedule, so we're still trying to work things out with that. I will post if we can definitely attend. I'll be bringing a dessert.

Can't decide between keylime pie or some sort of green thing. Any suggestions?


  untgirl04 said:
Tentatively put me and my husband down. He's got a really crazy work schedule, so we're still trying to work things out with that. I will post if we can definitely attend. I'll be bringing a dessert.

Can't decide between keylime pie or some sort of green thing. Any suggestions?

How about keylime pie with lots of green food coloring. That's about my favorite dessert ever. rolleyes.gif


  untgirl04 said:
Tentatively put me and my husband down. He's got a really crazy work schedule, so we're still trying to work things out with that. I will post if we can definitely attend. I'll be bringing a dessert.

Can't decide between keylime pie or some sort of green thing. Any suggestions?

Forget about the extra food coloring, just make sure there's lots of lime in it. rolleyes.gif


Updated sign up list of food and supplies:

ADLER= Brisket

FFR= Pickles, Onions and Relish

Pierow & Twodollarpistols= 6 gallons of baked beans

Stebo= 200 10 inch plates, 200 7 inch plates, 1 case of paper towels, plasticware, ice, meat serving warmers.

MedPilot21= 10 gallons of ice tea

BeanCounterGrad'03= Desert, 4 cheescakes

Hope24= Desert

untgirl04= Desert

Baby Arm= Bread for 200+

SilverEagle= Barbecue Sauce(KC Masterpiece)

We still need:

Potato Salad

Bottled Water

Cups for the tea

Ice(check in with Stebo above on this) Also ADLER thinks the AD dept may be able to help out with this as well.

Let me know if I left anything off. The cookout is still on August 20th, Saturday morning around 11:30 a.m. at the AC center. If you have any questions don't hesitate to call me at 817-999-9335.



I can get the ice donated by one of our stores nearby but I will need someone to go pick it up as I am going to be very busy that morning as it is. I will make some calls at work tonight and try to line up which OTB will say yes (the Denton or Lewisville locations are the ones I am going to call). They can put it in bags for us or if possible, the person going to pick it up can bring some large coolers to fill up. Maybe we should all just meet at the BBQ location with our coolers and then send a couple of people to the On the Border to fill up the coolers with ice. This will save us the $50 or so that we normally spend on ice for these events.


If wanted i can bring one of the kiddie pools and just put that in the back of a truck to fill up :-)

  stebo said:
I can get the ice donated by one of our stores nearby but I will need someone to go pick it up as I am going to be very busy that morning as it is.  I will make some calls at work tonight and try to line up which OTB will say yes (the Denton or Lewisville locations are the ones I am going to call).  They can put it in bags for us or if possible, the person going to pick it up can bring some large coolers to fill up.  Maybe we should all just meet at the BBQ location with our coolers and then send a couple of people to the On the Border to fill up the coolers with ice.  This will save us the $50 or so that we normally spend on ice for these events.

Posted (edited)

Very Green and family have agreed to bring the potato salad. Also, I have a small pool for the ice if we need it. I will have an extremely large cooler with me that will hold a bunch of ice for reserve. It will be there if needed.

Also, SilverEagle is supplying the Heavy Duty Tin Foil as well as the sauce. I'll post another complete update soon.


Edited by FirefightnRick

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