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Posted (edited)

Of course, keep in mind there will be some who are registered on this board from other schools who just might vote in the negative on this poll. rolleyes.gif

Yes or No ( I left "maybe" out of this one).

<>*<> To join the Mean Green Club, make a donation to the New Stadium Bldg. Fund OR purchase 2005 Mean Green football season tickets, call 1 (800)-UNT-2366

****** You can make monthly payments toward your MG Club membership and Ms. Mandy McKinley or any associate of hers can easily help you set that up.

NOTE: In fact, right now the NT Ticket Office can help you set up your MG Club membership because once they do that for you, then they will know what seats and section your donation level allows and ALL of that can be done with just one 1-800 phone call. Even a $250 annual donation ($25 billed to you per month) can get you some very nice seating at Fouts Field plus a parking pass. cool.gif

Edited by PlummMeanGreen

Bought two season tickets.......and am in the MGC.

I'm not gonna send any money in to any stadium fund.......until they announce (publically) that there is such a fund.


Bought two season tickets.......and am in the MGC.

I'm not gonna send any money in to any stadium fund.......until they announce (publically) that there is such a fund.

John, if it will help, I'll go outside and yell to the top of my voice, publicly, that there is a stadium fund. I know for sure that the Frisco Fightin' Racoons have one! They're even installing a new pressbox elevator. We would do well to propell members of the media into the Fouts Field pressbox with our official new "Slingshot."


Assuming there is an "official" stadium fund, and I don't doubt there is one, it's going to take a whole heap more than season tickets and membership in the Mean Green Club to get that new stadium started. What we are all donating now is chump change compared to what they are really looking for. They will take anything anyone can give, but I'm sure they would like to have a level that approach the $5,000-$10,000 range over a five or ten year payout for the majority of us.


Assuming there is an "official" stadium fund, and I don't doubt there is one, it's going to take a whole heap more than season tickets and membership in the Mean Green Club to get that new stadium started.  What we are all donating now is chump change compared to what they are really looking for.  They will take anything anyone can give, but I'm sure they would like to have a level that approach the $5,000-$10,000 range over a five or ten year payout for the majority of us.

If we don't know if there is a real Stadium Fund or not, then I doubt Joe-Million-Dollar-Hidden-In-Shoebox-Fan knows about it either. sad.gif

Why keep it a secret?


Set up for 10 monthly payments of $100. Funny thing is, when I called to renew my season tickets the girl told me she would charge me for the tickets and the first installment of my MGC payments. She only took out the money for the tickets. Will they not take money even when you tell them to? unsure.gif


Set up for 10 monthly payments of $100. Funny thing is, when I called to renew my season tickets the girl told me she would charge me for the tickets and the first installment of my MGC payments. She only took out the money for the tickets. Will they not take money even when you tell them to? unsure.gif


Set up for 10 monthly payments of $100.  Funny thing is, when I called to renew my season tickets the girl told me she would charge me for the tickets and the first installment of my MGC payments.  She only took out the money for the tickets.  Will they not take money even when you tell them to?  unsure.gif

Since you signed up for 10 monthly payments.....and there are 12 months in the year......maybe she just decided to hit your credit card/checking account (whatever you used) for the tickets the first month.......and will take out for the MGC in months 2-11. That way you wouldn't get slammed with both tickets and MGC payment in one month.

Is that possible?


Since you signed up for 10 monthly payments.....and there are 12 months in the year......maybe she just decided to hit your credit card/checking account (whatever you used) for the tickets the first month.......and will take out for the MGC in months 2-11. That way you wouldn't get slammed with both tickets and MGC payment in one month.

Is that possible?

That's very possible except that I specifically told her to start the payments immediately.

Since I'm moving my seats she did mention that someone would be calling me to confirm my seating location...maybe they'd confirm the MGC payments then too?


That's very possible except that I specifically told her to start the payments immediately.

Since I'm moving my seats she did mention that someone would be calling me to confirm my seating location...maybe they'd confirm the MGC payments then too?

Where you moving to emmitt? Lower Section E too roudy for you? laugh.gif

Posted (edited)

Set up for 10 monthly payments of $100.  Funny thing is, when I called to renew my season tickets the girl told me she would charge me for the tickets and the first installment of my MGC payments.  She only took out the money for the tickets.  Will they not take money even when you tell them to?   unsure.gif

I KNOW, I POST WAY TOO MUCH, AM LONG-WINDED TO THE POINT OF AD NAUSEM, CORNY DAD JOKES AND I RAMBLE, RAMBLE, RAMBLE but.......if I only had one more post that I would be allowed to post and Harry then said, "this is your last one, Plumm," then this post and its message would be what I'd want to post as the last one.


To Emmitt or anyone wanting to make sure your MG Club donation and FB season tickets orders are just as you want, merely call NT Ticket Manager Gabe Kirkpatrick. He is very customer-service oriented and will take care of your personal business with NT. Since he's taken over the NT Ticket Dept, I've received my MG Club billing in due time and have "NEVER" received my season tickets late like many of us would back in the day.

** If any of you have any problems or foresee any, leave Mr. Kirkpatrick a voice mail and I'd guarantee you he will return your call.

One of you posted this old saying a few weeks ago: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step" and IMO before we build and move into our football palace at our Eagle Point Campus, lets take care of the smaller stuff that about 3,000 Mean Green Club members would more than do for this athletic program>>>>"our" athletic program. <>*<> It is my understanding from what I heard the last few days from another alum that building the Mean Green Club to a membership of 3,000 members is the goal of NT Athletics. I'll bet we all have some work to do to get there, eh?


Harry Mier's message board, ie, www.GoMeanGreen.com is closing in on 1,700 registered members. Wouldn't it be quite a statement for our dear ol' alma mater if we from this board could deliver 1,000 new Mean Green Club members instead of just 1,000 different opinions rolleyes.gif on everything from A to Z or how things should be run in Denton? (If you were in the shoes of any paid employee at NT starting with someone as high as a position as NT president Dr. Norval Pohl, which would you prefer to have from GMG.com members)?


Fellow Greenbackers, can we agree on this simple fact and one that I've pondered on very much of late, and that is how North Texas Athletics (moreso) really needs our monetary donations first, and, secondly, our butts in seats in record numbers; and that over all of our hot sports opinions and endless suggestions?

WOULDN'T IT BE NICE if Harry's board, ie, GMG.com could deliver 1,000 Mean Green Club members at all donor levels? I think once we could possibly deliver that from many of our almost 1,700 registered on GMG.com, that all the other things we all want (mass marketing, advertising-in-your-face, non-stop billboards everywhere you drive in DFW, T-shirt projects for students, etc, etc, etc); anyway, I think all these would all just fall in place if we helped NT athletics take care of busine$$.


Edited by PlummMeanGreen
Posted (edited)

Anyone know what the different donor levels of the Mean Green Club are?


The University of Memphis (a NO's Bowl foe of NT's 2 years ago) and their Tiger Scholarshp Fund (formerly the Tiger Club) is closing in on $5,000,000 raised for their school's athletic department.

Wonder what Souther Miss is raising this year?

Edited by PlummMeanGreen

The $1000 a year donation level not only gets you all the priveleges and gifts associated with the Mean Green Club, but it also gets you into North Texas' President's Council. The President's Council is pretty cool because it includes additional benefits that include Homecoming activities, concerts and performances, a Holiday formal, and other dinners throughout the year (including an athletics dinner).

The more "athletically minded" people that we have join the President's Council, the better.

Posted (edited)

The $1000 a year donation level not only gets you all the priveleges and gifts associated with the Mean Green Club, but it also gets you into North Texas' President's Council. The President's Council is pretty cool because it includes additional benefits that include Homecoming activities, concerts and performances, a Holiday formal, and other dinners throughout the year (including an athletics dinner).

The more "athletically minded" people that we have join the President's Council, the better.

Of course, this thread may have the same effect of a minister whose sermon is strongly focussed on tithing, giving to missions and/or to the church building program. All that being said from the pulpit while many of his/her parishioners are squirming about in their pews! laugh.gif

Anyone? What is the smallest Mean Green Club donor level as some on this message board have young families, bills (like we all have) and other finanicial obligations? I would think there is a donor level for any NT family's budget.

Don't know about the rest of yall, but I am duly impress with our NO's Bowl opponent of 2 years ago (U of Memphis) closing in on $5 million for their own version of the Mean Green Club, ie, the Tiger Club or now what they call, the Tiger Scholarship Fund. sad.gif

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
Posted (edited)


Just spoke with NT Ticket Manager Gabe Fitzpatrick and he told me that $250 is the smallest donor level available for the Mean Green Club. Of course, $250 has some pretty nice percs, too, and monthly payments toward that $250 are available.

Some on GMG.com who have never joined the MG Club but want to get this tradition started for themselves now may consider putting $50 down and then have (only) $20 monthly payments the next 10 months--NT will send out a monthly statement to you. Anyway, that will get you in the MG Club and listed in the 2005 Game Day football program if you act now (among other percs that I predict you will like). <>*<> How much can a young family or any family spend one night a month on pizza? Probably well over $20?


1-800-UNT-2366 to join--someone is at that phone number even now just ready to talk with you.


Can't we as GoMeanGreen.com members make a dramatic & significant difference for the MG Club as it tries to reach 3,000 in membership?

If we are some of the best fans/alums this school has and we don't take up this cause, who could we possibly expect out there that would?

1-800-UNT-2366 tongue.gifbiggrin.gifohmy.giflaugh.gifcool.gifrolleyes.gifblink.gifohmy.giftongue.giflaugh.gifcool.gifrolleyes.gifsmile.gifblink.gifbiggrin.gifcool.gifsmile.gifblink.gif

Edited by PlummMeanGreen

If we want this program to go anywhere....IT IS IMPERATIVE.....that we get more people in the Mean Green Club.

Schools like Tulsa and La. Tech have many more members in their respective clubs than we do, from what I understand.

It's time for UNT fans to either put up ($$$) or shut up.

I appreciate all the people who renewed and I especially APPRECIATE any new members in the MGC. We need many more.


Posted (edited)

If we want this program to go anywhere....IT IS IMPERATIVE.....that we get more people in the Mean Green Club.

Schools like Tulsa and La. Tech have many more members in their respective clubs than we do, from what I understand.

It's time for UNT fans to either put up ($$$) or shut up.

I appreciate all the people who renewed and I especially APPRECIATE any new members in the MGC. We need many more.


"Well, I don't won't to join the Mean Green Club because I simply don't like the janitor over in the NT Athletic Department who looked at me like Clarence the Cross-Eyed Lion just the other day." 'If they think they're getting any of "MY" money they have another thing coming!"sad.gif

Of course, I am being facetious with that silly example, but there have been many excuses we've all heard from others who chose not to join the MG Club in the past and maybe some even more ridiculous than Clarence the Cross-Eyed Lion.

This is not Lee's, Norval's, Bobby's, Rick's, Darrell's, Hank's, Jubb-Jubb's, Mandy's, Gabe's, Johnny's, Tina's University of North Texas. This is "OUR" University of North Texas.

One day many of our present NT athletic employees will all have their Big 10 or Big 12 jobs, but what kind of legacy they leave behind in Denton may not be completely on their shoulders, yet it will largely depend on what kind of monies we were able to contribute to NT while they were holding watch and leading the troops at our main campus' athletic department.

SUMG is right, other schools we'd like to think we're way ahead of in most every way have significantly more members in the scholarship fundraising arms of their respective athletic departments. U of Memphis (ex Missouri Valley league-mate of NT's) is closing in on $5 million for their Tiger Scholarship Fund (formerly the Tiger Club) this year. wink.gif Shall we even discuss what Universiy of Louisville (another "ex" Mo Valley league-mate of NT's) is bringing in each year? Anyone detecting a trend with all this "ex" Mo Valley league-mate of NT's" business? Money and what it did for UMemphis and ULouisville took both our ex conference foes out of their respective dark ages.

Again, if it's not us of www.GoMeanGreen.com making it happen at NORTH TEXAS and the Mean Green Club, then just who in heaven's name is it.


Edited by PlummMeanGreen

From what I understand little ole Tulsa (4,000 enrollment) has over 700 members in its' Hurricane Club.

UNT has less than 300 people in the Mean Green Club.

That is pathetic.

Just another reason why the Tulsas, Marshalls, South Floridas, Central Floridas, SMU, Rice and others pass up by when conference realignment occurs.

Which of these schools will be the next to pass UNT (and join a better league) because their fanbase is more committed than ours:

Troy? ULL? FAU? Others?


From what I understand little ole Tulsa (4,000 enrollment) has over 700 members in its' Hurricane Club.

UNT has less than 300 people in the Mean Green Club.

That is pathetic.

Just another reason why the Tulsas, Marshalls, South Floridas, Central Floridas, SMU, Rice and others pass up by when conference realignment occurs.

Which of these schools will be the next to pass UNT (and join a better league) because their fanbase is more committed than ours:

Troy? ULL? FAU? Others?

If NT's phantom Big Donor were to look at our athletic financial sheet and look at the small base of fans we have in our, uh, "booster club" we might be in Fouts Field when some of our young gun alums have their first grandchild. sad.gif

Posted (edited)

From what I understand little ole Tulsa (4,000 enrollment) has over 700 members in its' Hurricane Club.

UNT has less than 300 people in the Mean Green Club.

That is pathetic.

Just another reason why the Tulsas, Marshalls, South Floridas, Central Floridas, SMU, Rice and others pass up by when conference realignment occurs.

Which of these schools will be the next to pass UNT (and join a better league) because their fanbase is more committed than ours:

Troy? ULL? FAU? Others?

I wonder what it would take to really increase our MGC member numbers? People value different perks for membership. Some feel they owe the school, some do it for social reasons, some because their friends are members or peer pressure, and some like the cool membership shirts or member decals many programs offer. I originally joined to get up close stadium parking and because I wanted someday to see a new stadium on campus.

If we only have 300 members now at the $250 or higher level we are behind many programs. Is it communication that isn't getting the message out, or the use of the funds confusing people. Would more join/give if the money went to a specific designated fund, like a specific Stadium Fund? Should we have a $50 or $100 level of membership just to get people involved then try to get them to move up in level later?

I don't know but 300 members won't cut it. sad.gif

Edited by NT80

If we want this program to go anywhere....IT IS IMPERATIVE.....that we get more people in the Mean Green Club.

Schools like Tulsa and La. Tech have many more members in their respective clubs than we do, from what I understand.

It's time for UNT fans to either put up ($$$) or shut up.

I appreciate all the people who renewed and I especially APPRECIATE any new members in the MGC. We need many more.

Very well stated SUMG - We have to build our MGC numbers. It's time to raise the bar. The thing about it - it's a good deal. You get parking and access to the deck (cold beer) and other perks. I realize that not everyone is in a position to give but I encourage those that can to give it a try. You don't have to break the bank and it really makes a difference. They have several payment options and you can spread it out over a year and minimize the impact to your wallet.

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