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Snowflakes????- I think I'm going to be sick

Baby Arm!

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It may be premature for WAC teams to print "Vandals" on schedules for games with their new member school. Likewise pictures of Pistol Pete of NewMexico State with his sixguns.

The NCAA is investigating "symbols that offend" and "representation sensitivity". All part of the effort of the NCAA committee working to terminate Native American team names. It was seen as a great success to get Syracuse to drop "Orangeman" with its quasi-religious overtones.

One insider stated that the investigators see a responsibility "to form the social outlook of young students". "These labels have caused animosity and injury for decades, regardless of naive or innocent intentions".

Some committee members are veterans in forging Title IX victories over "reactionary" male thinking.

Specific to the University of Idaho, one of the more forthcoming professors stated, during a break, her concern with any team names that are divisive or conjure up hurtful images.

The original Vandals of the 3rd to 5th century were a Germanic tribe, who made war in Spain, France and sacked Rome. "Hardly a positive, as they had no vision of a humanistic world government back then." Plus, these days the word "vandal" is a perjorative and is thoughtlessly used to label acting-out, troubled youths." Investigators were most concerned because the real Vandals were all Caucasian and ignorant of diversity concerns.

The two invited experts joining the academic professionals where from Fund for MotherEarth (FFME) and the Animals Have Rights Assn. These advocates were pleased to offer a collection of Earth-affirming, non-threatening alternative names for consideration in University senates.

There will be no mandates to Universities but they will receive committee recommendations.

One professor offered "Snowflakes" as a type of natural, gender neutral symbol they could affirm.

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Was this article publised on April 1?

Snowflakes? Good thing they're in the same conference as the Rainbows. Might as well be called the Idaho Creampuffs.

Sounds to me like these people are discriminating against people of Vandal ancestry.

Non-rhetorical question: What is the quasi-religious overtone associated with the name Orangemen?

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Non-rhetorical question:  What is the quasi-religious overtone associated with the name Orangemen?

Orangemen, members of the Loyal Orange Institution, familiarly called the Orange Order, a Protestant Irish society founded and flourishing mainly in Ulster. It was established (1795) to maintain the Protestant ascendancy in Ireland in the face of the rising agitation for Catholic Emancipation. Its name is taken from the family name of King William III of England, who defeated King James II in the battle of the Boyne in 1690. July 12, the anniversary of this victory, is the principal holiday of the order, on which the members wear orange-colored flowers and orange sashes and march in parades; parades passing through Catholic sections of Northern Irish cities have been a source of interreligious friction. Branches of the society have been formed in many parts of the English-speaking world.

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One professor offered "Snowflakes" as a type of natural, gender neutral symbol they could affirm.

I feel sure this was an ironic jab at the overly-PC ncaa... If not the situation is out of control. But remember it was not long ago that a part of NT wanted to be called the Albino Squirrels.

Naming teams after modern day tribes... or using formerly derrogatory terms like Redskins is one thing... attacking a university for using the name of an unknown 3rd century tribe is a bit over the edge.

Anyone got any Vandal blood in them?


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The "best" one I ever heard was from a friend who came from Peoria and told me of the Pekin HS Chinks. Each year, the school elected a homecoming "Chink" and "Chinkette" and dressed as coolees. The school changed their mascot in the late 60's.

PC isn't always bad.

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The "best" one I ever heard was from a friend who came from Peoria and told me of the Pekin HS Chinks. Each year, the school elected a homecoming "Chink" and "Chinkette" and dressed as coolees. The school changed their mascot in the late 60's.

PC isn't always bad.

wow... thats way over the top...


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Pekin "Chinks"......WHAT????

Well this post is a sort of "fess up" message which also contains more truth than most would like...Particularly my liberal friends.

I am a graduate of Pekin Community High School.....Pekin, Illinois....proud Class of 1961!

The fun part is that Pekin High's sports teams and thus their students are today known as "Dragons", actually a rather natural name given the name "Pekin" which supposedly was short for "Peking", the Chinese city which was supposed to be half way round the Earth from Pekin.

In 1961....and for many years prior to that and until 1967 or so.....we were the Pekin Chinks.

No lie!......Our radio program broadcast by students, including Moi, five days weekly, was Inside Chinkland, and we wrote, produced and spoke the words of the 15 minute daily show on a local station. (eventually led to my 8 year radio-TV newsman stint!)

Each year we elected the Chink and Chinklette who appeared at sporting events and welcomed the other team.....in their Chinese costumes and coolie hats!

I look back today, in this time of "political correctness" and am amazed we did it.....

We interpreted Chink to be a term meaning "worker", and we were proud "workers" for Pekin High.

I still have the glasses, letter sweater, etc. proclaiming our heritage.

Know what?

Inspite of the renaming of the team, and the era of political correctness.....we are still

Pekin Chinks

and shall be forever........

In fact, in the right small shirt shop in Pekin, in a back room to which access is controlled, you can still purchase bright red tee shirts that proclaim Pekin Chinks; and, of course, I have one! Next year, 2006, I plan to attend our 45th year reunion in Pekin, and join my fellow Chinks as we enjoy our heritage.

At the Friday night social we'll all be wearing memorabilia from PCHS!

Duke of DeLand.......A Chink Forever!

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