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Sun Belt Unit Rankings


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Sun Belt unit rankings posted by Space Raider on the MUTS board.


So we always know who is most always going to be the sexy one in these paper polls.smile.gif Am I missing something on this one as to why we are still listed #1 with not as many comparative points against the entire board vs MT?

Wonder if some of these national magazine prognosticators need to check out just what all is going on down here in our Texas High School football programs (and its products thereof)? rolleyes.gif

Pre-season polls are fun for the alums and fans, but I don't think many college coaches and their players pay much attention to any of them.

I don't think it takes a rocket scientis to figure out that MT Coach Mac needs to probably beat NORTH TEXAS in the Boro' this September 10'th to keep his job.

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OK, offensive backfield thats easy. No research needed and you get that one right for us, but putting out WRs at #4 behind FIU? Obviously they never watched JQ play or even ever saw video of him. I think #3 may be a little high also considering we may have 1 returning starter and almost no experience. With OL in the same boat at DL why is it not ranked as bad? Also Since we only have the 3rd best Offense and the 6th best defense why would we finish #1 in the belt this year? Shouldn't MTSU with the best Offense and the second best defense win? Sounds like they have the best team...

Who ever did these rankings is a dumb ass that knows nothing about the Belt except what he reads in the papers. Jamario Thomas and Patrick Cobbs are on the Mean Green and they have won the belt the last 4 years so of course they will win again even though it looks like there are more dominant overall teams.

I wish sporting news would just stop covering us until they start paying someone to cover only the Belt.

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OK, offensive backfield thats easy. No research needed and you get that one right for us, but putting out WRs at #4 behind FIU?  Obviously they never watched JQ play or even ever saw video of him.  I think #3 may be a little high also considering we may have 1 returning starter and almost no experience.  With OL in the same boat at DL why is it not ranked as bad?  Also Since we only have the 3rd best Offense and the 6th best defense why would we finish #1 in the belt this year?  Shouldn't MTSU with the best Offense and the second best defense win?  Sounds like they have the best team...

Who ever did these rankings is a dumb ass that knows nothing about the Belt except what he reads in the papers.  Jamario Thomas and Patrick Cobbs are on the Mean Green and they have won the belt the last 4 years so of course they will win again even though it looks like there are more dominant overall teams. 

I wish sporting news would just stop covering us until they start paying someone to cover only the Belt.

It takes great coaching to lead a great team to victory. Middle Tennessee's coaching staff ranks 5th according to those unit rankings. Coaching has been the difference in many of our games over the past four seasons and coaching errors wound up costing several wins and at least two victories over North Texas since 2001.

So, no it doesn't matter if you do have the best players if you don't have experienced coaches. Most of the time, the players run plays called by the coaches and in alot of our cases those plays didn't work out.

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these rankings are stupid. we are number 1 across the board. our defense is number 1. I know that because we always end up with more points than the other team. our offense is number 1. I know that because the other team always scores less points than we do. our special teams and coaches are number 1 too. position by position, I say we are probably either.....number 1 or number 1, I cant decide. we get low rankings on our d-line and line-backing corp... really? than how come we always get 2-3 times as many rushing yards as they do? is it becuase we have the best runningback? yes. is it because those rankings are wrong? yes. I get that controversy is a great way to get publicity, but really? were not number 1? I doubt it.

Edited by bigrobdsp
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