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Seeing Green!


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I was in Corpus from Wed-Sat., and two guys approached me on different days when they saw my Mean Green hat and shirt.

One on Thursday was a guy who graduated with Mean Joe, and the other guy I ran into at the airport, he graduated in the early 80's. The first guy and I talked for a good 15-20 minutes.

Good to talk Mean Green in other cities, especially those cities that are a ways out from Denton.

Just wanted to pass the word.

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----I had a North Texas shirt on in San Fran last summer and while touring the Giant's stadium the guide who was really an Giant exec. commented on the shirt and stated he had gone to a New Orleans Bowl and watched NT defeat Cinn. A few people on the street commented on it and asked if I was from Dallas. (They knew where it was, near Dallas). We are not as unknown as some here think we are.

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