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If you were your chapter's director what would you suggest the chapter could do to improve or enlarge it's attendance? What activities would you like to see? What events(gatherings, socials etc) and how many times should the events occur(monthly, every two months). Maybe you would like to see a chapter started in your town?

I'm curious to know what other alumni and future alumni would like to see to help our alumni association grow.




At the conference championship game last night, I was handed a sign that said "Geaux Cajuns".

On the bottom it said it was provided by the Future Alumni Association. It was a quality sign, very durable, not cheap paper or cardboard.

I would like to see our Student Chapter do something like that. They would be used for all sports and may even make it to dorm room walls because they were good quality.


From a future alum... Suggestion... Is there or could there be someone in the nt exes be in charge of getting a list of graduates new and old and organizing it into calling or mailing people for a donations fund. Maye have a goal for each year and try to beat the past years goal every year? Just layin it out there.

Posted (edited)

Some type of reward system for getting NT alumni signed up with the Exes. Perhaps a point system where points can "buy" you things like coffee mugs and t-shirts. A leader board would be cool as well.

Also, the event planner online for individual chapters is kinda vague. Not sure what to do to fix it, but I think it could be better.

Edited by UNTFan23

Communication needs improvement. The main mail I get from the Exes is a Visa application every 2 months.

Visual presence at games. I see very little signage with NT Exes on it at games.

Visual presence on vehicles. Mail a decal to all alums and instruct where to place them on cars. Make it uniform like Ok.St.U's.

Loan their logo to Athletics. You can't have separate logos for each department at NT.

I would bet 8 of 10 NT alums don't know we even have an alumni association.


At my brother's graduation at A&M, the speaker welcomed them all the the Association of Former Students, and dedicated a few minutes of his speech to that subject.

It is taken for granted at A&M that all grads join.

Perhaps info about the Exes could be a University-wide standard part of applying for a degree plan. Hard to get around that.

Guest JohnDenver
Posted (edited)

I find that when I do go to the alumni ass gatherings, I am out aged by 30+ years ... EASILY.

I imagine it is because leadership of NT exes is older and plans older activities.

A cookout at Sandy Lake or something similar ... a whole Region gathering! Make it feel like we are part of a greater goal.

A tailgating area (for me)

Pool (for the woman)

Tennis Court (for my my friends)

Frisbee golf

Dog park (for my dog to hangout with other Mean Green dog fans)

A band (NT Alum group) that is playing ... Two bands in fact. One with Eagles era music. The other with today's music (bowling for soup)

Nice sunny day with a cooler of Texas's finest beers...

Edited by JohnDenver

what do the Exes do? I joined for the first year but never got a renewal and Ive never heard of anything they do. maybe that would be a good start since there isnt anyone who has been to more games than me in the last 3 years and I'm not even a member anymore. (I did miss one game but that was my wifes family not planning events correctly. seriously a wedding during football season?). anyways I would like to get more involved and I know plano has to have a chapter. the end.


Have professors @ the senior level hand out forms to join the NT exes.......

Not sure about other majors but for a BBA there is that final class every major had to take before graduating.

That would be perfect way to get the word out.


How about this. When seniors turn in their paperwork for graduation, one required form would be an NT Exes application, All graduating seniors then would be given one year's complimentary membership into NT Exes. These members would have all ther rights and privilleges of membership for one year. This would have benfits for both sides. First, the graduate who may or may not have a new job wouldn't have to worry about Alumni Association dues, second it would remove any excuse why they dont join, what do they have to lose?, Third- it could be promoted as a graduation 'gift' from the University to the student. Benifits for the exes...It would be an imediate boost to membership, It would be an encouragement for recent alumni to immediately become active alumni and significantly lower the median age of the group, and they can focus on retention rather than recruitment. Just before the membership expires, renewal forms could be sent out, and renewals could be made at the recent graduation rate. How many will renew is up to question, but I'd venture that you'd have more renewals than you currently have new enrollments in the status quo.

Posted (edited)

How about this.  When seniors turn in their paperwork for graduation,  one required form would be an NT Exes application,   All graduating seniors then would be given one year's complimentary membership into NT Exes.   These members would have all ther rights and privilleges of membership for one year.  This would have benfits for both sides.  First,  the graduate who may or may not have a new job wouldn't have to worry about Alumni Association dues,  second it would remove any excuse why they dont join, what do they have to lose?,  Third- it could be promoted as a graduation 'gift' from the University to the student.  Benifits for the exes...It would be an imediate boost to membership,  It would be an encouragement for recent alumni to immediately become active alumni and significantly lower the median age of the group, and they can focus on retention rather than recruitment.   Just before the membership expires,  renewal forms could be sent out,  and renewals could be made at the recent graduation rate.   How many will renew is up to question, but I'd venture that you'd have more renewals than you currently have new enrollments in the status quo.

These are good points although some are already in place. There is a GRADitude table at each graduation reception hosted by Dr. Pohl. New graduates are able to sign up for no cash outlay-- just the assignment of the $20. property damage deposit they put up when they first entered NT, and that they have long since forgotten and probably would not go through the extreme hassle it would be should they want it refunded. In return they get a full years membership ($40 value), an NT license plate holder, decal, access to all affinity programs, and discounts on exes msde. , etc.

At present plans are under way for a huge reception/ party at the Gaylord Center for St. Pat's day 2006. We hope to make this an annual event for all chapters to celebrate glory to the green on the greenest day on the calendar and of course when 3/17 doesn't fall on a weekend, the event will be the weekend preceeding. We hope to make this an annual event like aggie muster and Texas Independence Day that UT chapters celebrate.

We have a new director of chapter development--Barbara Sanders, former special assistant to Dr. Pohl, who would love to be contacted with any questions or suggestions for chapters. A student chapter has already been organized on campus and Barbara will provide any info. you might need on that. Just drop by the alumni center --right bottom floor of the Gateway arch, and you can become involved to whatever extent you desire. Contacts are bsanders@unt.edu; dlayton@unt.edu; sheiser@unt.edu; jkraus@unt.edu-- all would be happy to present any ideas you might have to the respective committees, chapter leaders, and the quarterly meetings of the board of directors. Jim Fincher, President-elect, North Texas Exes

Edited by DallasGreen
Posted (edited)

I like the idea of doing a BRICK, like ULL does. When you join the Exes for a lifteime membership, you get a brick to line the walkway of the new pedestrian mall - or to get more people involved with athletics, you could have those bricks go into the new stadium or into a pathway leading up to the athletic center. Bricks should be rewarded to all current lifetime members as well to get it off the ground.

Secondly, since the North Texan goes out to all alumni, paying or not - the Exes needs to have its own newsletter. And the newsletter needs to have VALUABLE coupons inside of it so that when people move they actively contact the Exes to let them know their new address. When the dues were raised, it was to pay for 5 district reps - that covered the $100K to pay for their salaries. Now that those positions have been eliminated - the dues need to either be lowered back to their original amount or the extra money raised should be used to put out the newsletter, not buy Plasma screen televisions for an alumni center that 1 in 100,000 (potential) members have actually seen or been able to use.

I would also let members know that the alumni center is their's for use of gatherings - watching parties, reunions, student group alumni association meetings (fraternitis, lettermen, sororities, Talons, etc...) - back on the newsletter - every year it should have a new window sticker for a person's car. People change cars like they change their underwear these days and stickers wear out. Members should get a new sticker every single year - whether they are year by year members or lifetime members. The mailing list that would be created would have a much greater use as well.

In addition to having an ANNUAL or Semi-Annual Exes newsletter - you could use this mailing list for promotions for the different activities on campus. For instance, last year we were in danger of missing the 15K mark for attendance so our athletic department sent out last minute letters to season ticket holders redeemable for two free tickets to bring some friends to the game. The problem with this was two fold, it was a limited mail-out - in addition to them being mailed out late they only went to those season ticket holders that had a correct address on file. In the end very few people actually got the vouchers. I would go ahead and send out these vouchers through the Exes newsletter for a pre-determined game every year (doesn't matter if we need to boost attendance for a rule or not).... in exchange for this service, ask the athletic department to donate 2 season tickets each year and raffle these tickets off to the new members from that year. The promotions that could be done are endless - remember the raffle for the ride in the Regal Eagle to Austin last year? - That could have been reinforced with a mail out with the Exes private newsletter and could have gotten more people involved/raised even more money. When the Sun Belt basketball tourney came to town - that could have been included in the newsletter, lord knows that the Exes should have been utilized to help market that distaster of attendance.

Next - take it to another level - you can have birthdays anounced - career advancements announced - pretty much everything that is submitted gets printed, just like my fraternity alumni magazine. And then add one more thing to this whole newsletter thing - an online edition - just like Dr. Pohl's Insider Newsletter. You could have volunteers write the articles or simply have each chapter President submit the calendar of events for their chapter for that month. The online newsletter should be done MONTHLY - it can be done for FREE - so you can buy more plasma screens that will never get used if you like or use the money to give back to members in terms of tickets to football games, concert tickets at the Murchidone, whatever - it could be e-mailed out for free and of course it should also be accesible online (just like the North Texan, the NT Daily, and the Insider are) - and like I said before - coupons - coupons - coupons. If the coupons get used enough - you might even be able to get people to **gasp** advertise in the newsletter so that it can turn a profit. Just make sure that there are valuable coupons included in each edition - whether it is mailed out or put online. A free video at Blockbuster. Put the Exes credit card in there. Have a buy one get one free for any North texas event (football, basketball, softball, conerts, etc...)

I think that every single member of the Exes should be offered a buy 1 get one free coupon for important events at North Texas - if they like athletics then it could be for the homecoming game. If they are interested in music then they should be able to attend an event at the Murchison. There are movie screenings all over the metroplex - randomly give out two free tickets to a movie; we have an alumnus that runs these screenings for a living. Little things like that - something to keep people updating their address. And make it easy to change it online if you move. Let people know that there is a UNT career center and how to get to it on the web. Then - use it as a sales avenue that will provide results - for instance you can write a nice article on the new Rec Center - put a link to some online pictures of it and then tell them about the membership rate to the Rec Center (maybe compare it to the other gyms in the area as far as faclities and rates to show that it is the best deal around) and then work something out with the Rec Center to cut Exes members a 20% discount. Basic, Simple, Old Fashioned - Bang for you Buck stuff. Not, thanks for your money - we will talk to you again next year when we want another $50 bucks and see ya later. That is basically the deal that yuo get now.

Edited by stebo

Lots of good suggestions. In May, I had to attend my graduation and then my girlfriend's next, so I didn't get to go to the reception and sign up. My girlfriend was in the same boat, but opposite. Just last month, I looked up the exes and found the recent graduate application and sent one if for both of us. I live in Fort Worth, she lives in Dallas. We got our stickers and calendars, but have not received a thing from either the Dallas chapter or Fort Worth chapter. Along with the other suggestions on how to improve sign ups, the respective chapters should get the addresses of new members, no matter when they join, and send info about the chapter and chapter events. I'm disappointed I have not received anything from the FW chapter. I know several of you guys are actively involved and live in FW.



If you were your chapter's director what would you suggest the chapter could do to improve or enlarge it's attendance?  What activities would you like to see?  What events(gatherings, socials etc) and how many times should the events occur(monthly, every two months).  Maybe you would like to see a chapter started in your town?

I'm curious to know what other alumni and future alumni would like to see to help our alumni association grow. 



I and my company worked for weeks on a big time solution for growing the membership of the NT Exes. A full color magazine called the Mean Green Pages. Though the President of Haggar slacks took a full page ad in color (same for Park Place Lexus) plus assorted other smaller ads... the fact remains that the Exes turned their back on this project, resulting in us refunding all the money paid in, and Jordan Case, President of Park Place Lexus could not understand why this project didn't work. He thought it was a super idea. Apparently the NT Exes brass had better ideas, I guess. No hard feelings here, but my money now goes to the Mean Green Club, not the Exes.


I signed up last year at an NT Exes booth at Arbor Days in Euless. The guy I talked to was an officer in the Tarrant County Chapter and said they had lots of plans for outings including a day at the Race Track in Grand Prairie. As far as I know, none of these plans came to pass. I know the Tarrant chapter used to have monthly meetings at different restaurants/bars in the area, but apparently those have completely stopped. I never could attend because they were always on the weeknight that I work. I did go to the NO Bowl watching party in 2002 in Grapevine and had a good time, but I was surprised at the light turnout. They are still doing the sign over whatever fee that was in return for first year membership. Had a table in the bookstore through today for May grads who were ordering their announcements, caps and gowns, etc. I would love to be more involved, but have not heard from anyone regarding upcoming activities.


I signed up last year at an NT Exes booth at Arbor Days in Euless.  The guy I talked to was an officer in the Tarrant County Chapter and said they had lots of plans for outings including a day at the Race Track in Grand Prairie.  As far as I know, none of these plans came to pass.  I know the Tarrant chapter used to have monthly meetings at different restaurants/bars in the area, but apparently those have completely stopped.  I never could attend because they were always on the weeknight that I work.  I did go to the NO Bowl watching party in 2002 in Grapevine and had a good time, but I was surprised at the light turnout.  They are still doing the sign over whatever fee that was in return for first year membership.  Had a table in the bookstore through today for May grads who were ordering their announcements, caps and gowns, etc.  I would love to be more involved, but have not heard from anyone regarding  upcoming activities.

Examples like this and GGII's are the reason the retention levels are so low. Just follow through on what you promise.


This is a fine thread with plenty of good suggestions.

I also joined the NT Exes and received one mailing from them in the entire year other than ads for credit cards. Sometimes, I think we are our own worst enemy at North Texas.

Here are a few suggestions:

Use the North Texan to full advantage. Why can't the Exes use pages in that publication to detail activities, membership drives, sell NT shirts, hats, etc.

Have some activities. My 80+ year old father who graduated from William and Mary many, many, years ago receives invitations very frequently for trips abroad, cruises, etc. sponsored by the W & M alumni accociation. These trips are to interesting places such as Egypt and are hosted by professors who provide information and background about the destination. These are quite popular and fill up quickly.

Start chapters outside of Texas. There are many alumni living all over the place. I recall in the mid seventies, we played the University of Richmond Spiders in Richmond. I bet there were almost 1,000 "East Coasters" at the game to root on Fry's boys. I sat next to a stock broker from NYC who drove all the way down for the game. Putting my money where my mouth is, I'll be happy to serve as the initial director of a chapter in the Raleigh-Durham area. I know of several alum here and as I posted on this board some years ago, have even seen a Mean Green t-shirt being worn by a student on the campus of Duke.

Get them while there are young. I am an adjunct professor at NC Wesleyan College. At graduation, the director of the alumni association officially welcomes them as members of the alumni association and starts sending them materials no matter if they pay dues or not. The theory is, sooner or later, they will come around and play active roles in the association.

Start an NT Exes band. The fact that we have thousands of former marching band members in the DFW area should make it easy to begin such a project. The band members bring their families to the games, increase attendence, build spirit, start scholarships, etc. etc.

Thats enough for now. I'm glad to see some interest here and hope the Exes Association can live up to their potential.


I like the idea of doing a BRICK, like ULL does.  When you join the Exes for a lifteime membership, you get a brick to line the walkway of the new pedestrian mall - or to get more people involved with athletics, you could have those bricks go into the new stadium or into a pathway leading up to the athletic center.  Bricks should be rewarded to all current lifetime members as well to get it off the ground.

Secondly, since the North Texan goes out to all alumni, paying or not - the Exes needs to have its own newsletter.  And the newsletter needs to have VALUABLE coupons inside of it so that when people move they actively contact the Exes to let them know their new address.  When the dues were raised, it was to pay for 5 district reps - that covered the $100K to pay for their salaries.  Now that those positions have been eliminated - the dues need to either be lowered back to their original amount or the extra money raised should be used to put out the newsletter, not buy Plasma screen televisions for an alumni center that 1 in 100,000 (potential) members have actually seen or been able to use. 

I would also let members know that the alumni center is their's for use of gatherings - watching parties, reunions, student group alumni association meetings (fraternitis, lettermen, sororities, Talons, etc...) - back on the newsletter - every year it should have a new window sticker for a person's car.  People change cars like they change their underwear these days and stickers wear out.  Members should get a new sticker every single year - whether they are year by year members or lifetime members.  The mailing list that would be created would have a much greater use as well. 

In addition to having an ANNUAL or Semi-Annual Exes newsletter - you could use this mailing list for promotions for the different activities on campus.  For instance, last year we were in danger of missing the 15K mark for attendance so our athletic department sent out last minute letters to season ticket holders redeemable for two free tickets to bring some friends to the game.  The problem with this was two fold, it was a limited mail-out - in addition to them being mailed out late they only went to those season ticket holders that had a correct address on file.  In the end very few people actually got the vouchers.  I would go ahead and send out these vouchers through the Exes newsletter for a pre-determined game every year (doesn't matter if we need to boost attendance for a rule or not).... in exchange for this service, ask the athletic department to donate 2 season tickets each year and raffle these tickets off to the new members from that year.  The promotions that could be done are endless - remember the raffle for the ride in the Regal Eagle to Austin last year? - That could have been reinforced with a mail out with the Exes private newsletter and could have gotten more people involved/raised even more money.  When the Sun Belt basketball tourney came to town - that could have been included in the newsletter, lord knows that the Exes should have been utilized to help market that distaster of attendance. 

Next - take it to another level - you can have birthdays anounced - career advancements announced - pretty much everything that is submitted gets printed, just like my fraternity alumni magazine.  And then add one more thing to this whole newsletter thing - an online edition - just like Dr. Pohl's Insider Newsletter.  You could have volunteers write the articles or simply have each chapter President submit the calendar of events for their chapter for that month.  The online newsletter should be done MONTHLY - it can be done for FREE - so you can buy more plasma screens that will never get used if you like or use the money to give back to members in terms of tickets to football games, concert tickets at the Murchidone, whatever - it could be e-mailed out for free and of course it should also be accesible online (just like the North Texan, the NT Daily, and the Insider are) - and like I said before - coupons - coupons - coupons.  If the coupons get used enough - you might even be able to get people to **gasp** advertise in the newsletter so that it can turn a profit.  Just make sure that there are valuable coupons included in each edition - whether it is mailed out or put online.  A free video at Blockbuster.  Put the Exes credit card in there.  Have a buy one get one free for any North texas event (football, basketball, softball, conerts, etc...) 

I think that every single member of the Exes should be offered a buy 1 get one free coupon for important events at North Texas - if they like athletics then it could be for the homecoming game.  If they are interested in music then they should be able to attend an event at the Murchison.  There are movie screenings all over the metroplex - randomly give out two free tickets to a movie; we have an alumnus that runs these screenings for a living.  Little things like that - something to keep people updating their address.  And make it easy to change it online if you move.  Let people know that there is a UNT career center and how to get to it on the web.  Then - use it as a sales avenue that will provide results - for instance you can write a nice article on the new Rec Center - put a link to some online pictures of it and then tell them about the membership rate to the Rec Center (maybe compare it to the other gyms in the area as far as faclities and rates to show that it is the best deal around) and then work something out with the Rec Center to cut Exes members a 20% discount.  Basic, Simple, Old Fashioned - Bang for you Buck stuff.  Not, thanks for your money - we will talk to you again next year when we want another $50 bucks and see ya later.  That is basically the deal that yuo get now.

Big correction here -There is no plasma tv in the Alumni Center That is totally false ! The big screen tv there was bought at cost from a dealer/alum at more than $1K less than retail. We also had a promise of donated funds for it from Belo, but when DMN circulation dipped they renigged. As for no one seeing it, there are pre and post game receptions at the Alumni Center as well as watching parties. If you choose not to come by then that's your choice. It seems many here are whinning and are part of the problem rather than taking the initiative to get involved. If $40. breaks your budget then your problems are much bigger than exes membership.

As for the comments by GGII, he was given literally thousands of leads plus a substantial fee for seed $ for this fiasco. His product was a publication not a web based product and would have been obsolete the day it was published with little ability to update. The advertising rates were astronomical. I would not mention this except GGII opened the door with his derogatory comments. Check his giving record with MGC or the Exes and you'll see that there's no great loss of funds in any of the many times he chooses to pull his monetary support. Sorry Rick but you were the one that opened the door, and GMG.com might as well have the truth.



Thank you for adressing the TV. That was really not the meat of the post, it was about two lines - but you have thoroughly adressed it now for us. If you had read the entire post - the suggestions part contained comments that said the Exes whould let all alumni know that it is THEIR center and that they can use it for various activities. What you did not address is this - we had a dues raise - from $25/30 a year to $45/50 a year in order to specifically pay for the 5 regional reps. Now that those reps have been done away with, what is the organization doing with this extra income in order to give the member "bang for their buck"... any talk of a newsletter? What about a simple e-mail? How about getting in touch with the members more than once a year when they want more money? I was a member of the Exes for about 5 years and then after I realized that I received absolutely NOTHING for it (unlike one of my best friends who went to Okie State and gets at like 5 things a month from his school) - I decided to spend my money on athletics. I even got the Exes credit card with the promise of getting a tailgate chair - got the card - used it plenty of times - no chair. I call MBNA, they say - talk to your alumni association. I call the Exes office and they have no idea why I haven't got it. The whole thing is a cluster blah blah. The people that are on the board are friends of mine and they all want to change it but they just can't seem to get through the bureacracy. I don't know what the problem is but I wish someone would just tell the truth.


Steve - We now have a director of chapter development who will be most receptive to any suggestions you may have. As I previously mentioned her name is Barbara Sanders and she was special assistant to Dr. Pohl for several years. Her sole job is revitalizing the chapters which will have their own volunteers, projects, budgets, etc. which Barbara will assist in facilitating. Regarding the chair and MBNA that must have been that company's promotion as I have heard nothing about this being offerred by the Exes.



We are friends - we both agree on 99% of all things North Texas. What I would like to see is an acknowledgment that there have been serious problems over the last 5 years (along with a few positives) - and that they need to be addressed. That is all, nothing less. As far as the chair - I have 10 tailgate chsirs, it isn't about the chair - it is about the principle of it.

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