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My complaint from lastnight

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No, I am not taking this time to complain about DD. He is ridiculously horrible at calling plays.. but that isn't what this point is about.

The cheerleaders are the worst I have EVER seen.

They stand facing the game and only start the "DEFENSE" chant after someone in the crowd gets it going first and then the cheerleaders turn around and join in.

The entire 4th quarter was 3rd and 4 type situations. We needed noise. We needed the defense to know we had their back. The cheerleaders only seem to cheer themselves.

I am thankful for the cones they handed out before the game. I actually was calling out the cheerleaders to do their job.




"Porkchops porkchops greasy greasy. Scoring on the Bulls is easy easy."

... anything to get the crowd and cheerleaders in to it.

When I yelled this, the curly haired love-handle cheerleader turned around and shot me a glare.. then they turned around and joined in. A male cheerleader pointed at me in a threatening way and squinted his eyes. I thought of the movie Bring it On.

Sparky Pollanski said, "Cheerleaders ... are dancers gone retarded."

I didn't care. I kept calling them out each time. What is the point of chanting defense between plays or while the play is going on?! I think they do it because then they are the only wons being heard.

I propose that FFR gets a megaphone and stands in the front row and gets the crowd going. I know he can do it...

He who is stunned by this loss,


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Geez, Willie, I thought that I was the only one who sensed that they weren't gearing their cheers, and the timing thereof, to the action on the field. I had a friend and his two sons (13 and 21) with me and THEY new what to holler and WHEN to do it.

I attribute some of the support problem to being stunned by USF. Their team kind' nailed us in the crotch on that first drive, and it took time to recover.

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Willie you said it, the cheerleaders are only cheering for themselves. They view the games as something they have to do. This is the off-season to them. They view their national championship stuff as the real season. They might come here on the board and defend themselves for a bit, but come 6 months from now they will be gone.

Give me a few good cheerleaders that can pump up the crowd and I will trade in ours.

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When I yelled this, the curly haired love-handle cheerleader turned around and shot me a glare.. then they turned around and joined in. A male cheerleader pointed at me in a threatening way and squinted his eyes. I thought of the movie Bring it On.

Sparky Pollanski said, "Cheerleaders ... are dancers gone retarded."


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This post is not intended as a slam, I am not trying to piss the cheerleaders off, and I am not trying to get the hand sign debate started again.

I have heard the same things about some of the cheerleaders. There seem to be some that really do care about the game and the school, but many of them could care less. I have heard from some cheerleaders that SOME cheerleaders are there only becuase they have to be.

About the glaring at you, one of the males did the same thing to me last bball season when I did the correct hand sign as he was doing the guns up. He glared at me several times and then did the guns up sign intentionally. Now thats school spirit

We really need the cheerleaders to help us in getting the stands full and getting people excited to be UNT fans.

On a side note, am I the only one who hates bouncing the arm side to side during the whole alma matter? I prefer the swaying followed by the side to side arm movement. Why was it changed? It really looks lame.

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SWB you are on about the cheerleaders, and I can't tell if they are tired of apathetic crowds or if they just don't care, but they definately do care about hiding pom-poms from scrappy (did anybody see how long that scenario lasted?), while we are at it...when a timeout is called at an intense moment of the football game why does the band play a mellow jazz piece? geez, talk about killing the mood...why can't we play the theme from "Conan: The Barbarian" or Marilyn Manson's "Beautiful people"?

wearing sackcloth and ashes,

the green rokemi

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Yeah, the guns up sign is lame, but at least they are there, mandated or not.

However I must once again comment on the band! KUDOS to your play and enthusiasm in the stands! I was pleased to see you came to eat at the tailgate and burned some of that energy in the stands!

HOWEVER, what the heck kind of halftime was that? The music was beautiful and well suited for the Myerson in downtown Dallas. I appreciate the hard work you guys and gals put into your performances week in and week out, but that halftime was tooooooo quiet. It fit the mood of the game that was for sure.

I love and appreciate the music, but it put what few were awake asleep.

Thanks again for your hard work.


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Sorry for all of you who love our band, but they are desparate and clueless as far as timing and music selection goes. (ok, so I should probably blame the band director or something). They are all probably wonderful musicians and put in a lot of work, but most of the time I'm left scratching my head trying to figure out what they are doing.

I know they got a lot of play time on PPV during the Texas game, but from one who actually watched it, it had the air of a car wreck or something that the camera crew/announcers just couldn't stop watching. Sorry, it was just bizzare.

Before you burn me at the stake, this is just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions......


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I know the music was lame. I don't think anyone in the Green Brigade likes this music selection on the field. Everyone wants to ditch this show so bad, but unfortunately our directors won't let the damn show die. All of us wanted to march our latin show again. Sorry you guys had to suffer through the music.

Bytheway, keep emailing me your music selections!! I have gotten some really awesome suggestions and thanks to all who have already submitted your ideas. PLEASE DON'T LET US PLAY CRAP MUSIC AGAIN NEXT YEAR LIKE WE DID ON SATURDAY!!!!!!! (The song is pretty, don't get me wrong. It just is not meant for marching bands)

Apologies again for such a bad music selection!


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Evidently woodwinds and flutes were pushed at the clinics this summer. Saw a HS band recently and the same thing took place. YOU CAN'T HEAR THE DAMN MUSIC. I dont care how artistic that kid plays the flute, it cant be heard in the stands. GO BACK TO ROCKING THE FANS OFF THEIR FEET.

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I know, I know. I want to play something different as well. But for right now, we have to do this stupid show. This is precisely why I have asked you guys to email me with your ideas. So keep those ideas coming.

We have another show planned for the season. It is going to be an Earth, Wind and Fire show. I hope that show is really cooking and blows the socks off people.

NOW is the time to step up and email your ideas. The complaints have been heard (and felt) by me and I am sure many band students think this show doesn't belong on the marching field. So email me at debs200@hotmail.com.


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Would it kill the cheerleaders to throw out a few toy footballs

into the crowd now and again? Or do anything to engage the

crowd? I did notice the lack of cheering support in the 3rd down

situations and it was pathetic. Last year at the MTSU game,

the crowd got into it on the 3rd downs. This team definetly needs all the support it can get.

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Would it kill the cheerleaders to throw out a few toy footballs

into the crowd now and again? Or do anything to engage the

crowd? I did notice the lack of cheering support in the 3rd down

situations and it was pathetic. Last year at the MTSU game,

the crowd got into it on the 3rd downs.  This team definetly needs all the support it can get.

What happened to the t-shirt shooting french fries from the NSU game? Now that is wheels off.

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I think that we should get more companies to sponser something like the $1,000 kick!! If we can get more of this type stuff then we can get more people in the stands. And maybe not charge 10 dollars to park! I could park at Lone Star Park cheaper than that!!! Maybe only charge like 5 dollars. I know a lot of communting students who don't park at Fouts on game day because it is so outrageousl to park.


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In the South Florida game, I don't think the cheerleaders ever moved from their original spot. They need to move around the crowd more. But like

another poster said, they might strain themselves. What good is it to win

those NCAA cheerleading "Bring It On" competitions when you are pathetic at the mission of the role of "cheerleader". Do we need a separate "pep squad"?

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