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Just now, UNTLifer said:

I didn't attack.  I basically asked three questions that you chose to call attacking.  Not sure how else to get you to clarify or share why you posted what you did.

I asked a question, "who is upset on the Republican side?"

I questioned when you said he wasn't a popular pick by saying "it wasn't".

And I asked why his selection was a head scratcher.


I will no longer respond to you because you clearly lack reason to debate. Please add me to your ignore list since you will not take the bare minimum of time to research.  I will add you to mine


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6 minutes ago, Coffee and TV said:

You said you didn't remember seeing articles from media you don't consume. So why would you remember it? 


lol please. Obama ran for 18 months and Vance was selected 2 days ago, so unless you have a time machine you're just making assumptions on your own mind. 


Because it's irrelevant. Biden didn't get many primary voters in 08 and dropped out after Iowa or soon thereafter. He was Obama's pick and served for 8 years and then got the majority of the primary votes in 20 and 24.  It's all politics. She probably saw the writing on the wall and traded early support for a cabinet pick. I'm just wondering with all the JD Vance talk what happened to Trump's first VP, maybe he has some interesting things to say about working for the guy in that position, eh? 


Ah, so you're just mad he hires minorities?  We can go ahead and compare cabinet members and how long they lasted, and what Trump had to say about them, and what they had to say about Trump, vs Biden's picks,  but I really have better things to do with my time and that will look pretty embarrassing for you. 

1.  Never said I didn't consume mainstream media, ever, so don't put words in my mouth.  You make the assumption that I only watch Fox, which is not correct.  During the coverage of the assassination attempt on Trump I watched Fox, CNN and MSNBC to see how each reported.  I do that  quit a bit.

2.  I have already heard the liberal pundits criticizing the pick stating he is not qualified.  I didn't hear that when Obama ran.  Actually, I did hear it from more conservative sources that stated he was absent quite a bit, but overall, he was the darling of the Democratic Party.

3.   Biden and Harris were both equally ineffective.  Obama was famously quoted as saying if Joe hadn't screwed something up, just give him time, or something to that effect.  Harris was picked for gender and being a minority, period.  She's worthless, talks in circles and has done a bunch of nothing.

4.  I'm not upset he hired minorities.  I'm upset he hired unqualified people that have been ineffective.  I don't care where a person comes from as long as they do their job and do it well.  See, when Trump appointed minorities such as Ben Carson, the left called him all sorts of names, but the man is brilliant and well qualified.  I have heard Carson speak in person.  Look at his background and tell me I'm mad someone hired a minority.

See, you and the progressive liberals are all for inclusion, acceptance, etc. until it doesn't follow your narrative.  You are far from embarrassing me.

To circle back around, to put it into words you would appreciate, you failed to answer the question I posed to you and instead went on your triggered assault and answered predictably by deflecting blame.

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23 minutes ago, Udomann said:

Solid hit on some of those points. The VPs are unknown variables at this point. I just wish you hadn't gone into absolutes to say there is clear lack of achievement. Every president has failures and wins. Not everything is binary. It's not black and white,  all or none. That's where our parties are destroying the country. You're either all evil or all good. Trump did good things. Biden did good things. Both failed in other ways (still waiting on that check from Mexico and still got a few bills on my student loans to pay it off).

We are a democratic republic. We debate. We learn. We grow. 

Right now, all we do is fight. I don't care which side you are on, this is anti-american

Talk and debate. Don't hate


Honestly, I don't hate Biden.  I don't think he is fit to serve and it disgusts me that his family keeps pushing him out there.  It is terrible, and in my opinion, borderline abuse.

20 minutes ago, Udomann said:

I will no longer respond to you because you clearly lack reason to debate. Please add me to your ignore list since you will not take the bare minimum of time to research.  I will add you to mine


Again, I just posed questions for clarification on your comments.  Your response tells me you don't want to answer.

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1 minute ago, UNTLifer said:

1.  Never said I didn't consume mainstream media, ever, so don't put words in my mouth.  You make the assumption that I only watch Fox, which is not correct.  During the coverage of the assassination attempt on Trump I watched Fox, CNN and MSNBC to see how each reported.  I do that  quit a bit.

Ah, so like I said. Just making up scenarios in your own head. 18 months and 12 of those being in the most intense Democratic primary in 40 years vs 2 days, but yet only Vance has the experience question come up. Good one. Nevermind that Obama literally did have that whole 8 years in the state Senate, and twice as long in the U.S. Senate as Vance, if you really think there's an experience issue to be made. I'm more focused on what they say and feel and do and selling out their values to appease the party cult leader. 


5 minutes ago, UNTLifer said:

I have already heard the liberal pundits criticizing the pick stating he is not qualified. 

He isn't. 


6 minutes ago, UNTLifer said:

I didn't hear that when Obama ran.

It was literally a running talking point of every Hillary pundit for a year, but sure. 

6 minutes ago, UNTLifer said:

 Biden and Harris were both equally ineffective.  Obama was famously quoted as saying if Joe hadn't screwed something up, just give him time, or something to that effect. 

Oh okay. Sure he did. What did Trump have to say about his first VP pick again? Why are they not friends? Was it because the mob he sent to try and delay certification tried to kill him? I think that's why Pence doesn't wanna be his VP anymore. 

9 minutes ago, UNTLifer said:

Harris was picked for gender and being a minority, period. 

It's racist for you to think this. I know deep down in your heart you probably believe it isn't, but until you have an email from Joe Biden to DNC that says "let's go with the black woman", this is nothing more than a racist theory. 


11 minutes ago, UNTLifer said:

See, when Trump appointed minorities such as Ben Carson, the left called him all sorts of names, but the man is brilliant and well qualified.  I have heard Carson speak in person.  Look at his background and tell me I'm mad someone hired a minority.

I have a black friend energy. Despite whatever Ben Carson sold himself as a surgeon. Hell, he might be the greatest one to ever live for all I know, he didn't know jack shit about governing and was nothing more than a useful pawn for Trump, like everyone he surrounds himself with. 


12 minutes ago, UNTLifer said:

You are far from embarrassing me.

No, what's embarrassing is you bringing up Biden's picks as being hired for nothing but their race and yet Trump went through probably more cabinet members in 4 years than most presidents do in 8. Literally half of them that ended up working for him would leave and say how much of a egomaniac and moron he was. If it's ineffectiveness that has you so up in arms about Biden's picks, why wouldn't you lead with that criticism and instead just go straight into a thought about them only having the job because of their skin color. You want ineffective? Trump appointees couldn't get appointments approved before they were already cleaning out their offices. What a madhouse. 


16 minutes ago, UNTLifer said:

To circle back around, to put it into words you would appreciate, you failed to answer the question I posed to you and instead went on your triggered assault and answered predictably by deflecting blame.

I have answered your question. You still have not answered mine. And you literally blamed me for not answering my question. I'm so happy we mostly outlawed leaded gasoline. 

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1 minute ago, ADLER said:

I don't think that extreme leftist liberals extracting Adrenochrome from children is anything for them to unify around. It really sounds pretty weird and perverse and not believable. 

P-Vamp Kamala Harris

Lol. You get an upvote on that Pic alone. As soon as I'm done devouring the essence of young children 

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38 minutes ago, Coffee and TV said:

He said "two wrongs don't make a right" about a ten year old that sought out an abortion in his state after she was raped. That's a start. 

Any thoughts on his reversal with trump? 



During his 2022 Senate bid, Vance said he believed in certain exceptions to abortion, citing the case of a 10-year-old Ohio rape victim who had to go to Indiana for an abortion, but then stopped short of endorsing an exception in all rape cases.

I found the above, so I am not seeing where he told a 10 year old that two wrongs don't make a right.

His reversal with Trump?  I found this as his reasons:

https://www.reuters.com/world/us/jd-vance-once-compared-trump-hitler-now-they-are-running-mates-2024-07-15/#:~:text=Republican Senator John Barrasso of,president brought to the country.”

Republican Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming, whom Vance has described as a mentor, told Reuters that Vance shifted his views on Trump because “he saw the successes that President Trump as president brought to the country.”

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4 hours ago, Coffee and TV said:

No, what's embarrassing is you bringing up Biden's picks as being hired for nothing but their race… instead just go straight into a thought about them only having the job because of their skin color. 


You’ve mastered the Left’s playbook by twisting what I’ve said and jumping all over race. Complete bullshit.  

And you support this guy:


  • From 1971 to 1974, Biden's legal residence had a deed barring ownership by African Americans.

  • In 1974, Biden made an analogy of himself as a 29 year old in the Senate to being a "token black."

  • In 1975, Biden asked if "the only way a black man or woman can learn is if they rub shoulders with my white child?"

  • In 1977, Biden said that busing would cause his children to grow up in "a racial jungle."

  • In 1977, Biden voted against Black Justice Department nominees specifically over his opposition to busing.

  • In 1977, Biden said he asked to join the Senate Judiciary Committee specifically to lead the charge against busing.

  • In 1979, Biden voted to allow racially segregated private schools to keep their tax exempt status.

  • In 1981, Biden said George Wallace was "right about some things."

  • In 1984, Biden used the word "boy" to refer to Jesse Jackson.

  • In 1985, Biden made a favorable comparison between segregationist Senator John Stennis and Confederate General Stonewall Jackson.

  • In 1987, Biden "sought to appeal to white voters" by touting an award he received from George Wallace in 1973 where he praised Biden as "one of the outstanding young politicians in America."

  • During his 1988 campaign, Biden falsely claimed he was part of the civil rights movement, saying he "marched" in his "youth."

  • In 2006, Biden said, "you cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent."

  • In his 2007 book, Promises To Keep, Biden admittedthat, as a young person, he had "no real relationships with Black people."

  • In 2007, Biden called then-Sen. Barack Obama "the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."

  • In 2010, Biden delivered a 22-minute eulogy, the longest speech, at Senator Robert Byrd's (D-WV) memorial service, calling the former KKK member a "friend," "mentor," and "guide."

  • In 2016, Biden praised segregationist Senator John Stennis as a "friend" and an "honorable" man.

  • In 2019, Biden recalled the era when "he was able to get along with segregationist senators."

  • In 2019, Biden boasted that segregationist Senator James Eastland called him son, not boy.

  • In 2019, Biden said the Obama administration went "into the hood" of Detroit to recruit minorities.

  • In 2019, Biden claimed a major problem Black communities face is illiteracy, saying Black "parents can't read or write themselves," leaving Black attendees "shocked and frustrated."

  • In 2019, Biden said that "poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids."

  • In 2020, Biden suggested some people were able to quarantine during Covid because "some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf."

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14 hours ago, UNTLifer said:

O’Brien’s speech was initially met with enthusiastic cheers as he talked about the criticism he’ll face from the left for addressing the RNC, but cheers and applause eventually slowed when he spoke of workers being fired for trying to join unions and “economic terrorism” by big corporates.

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from just one quick Google search...a feature of computers I believe that is available to everyone and a far more reliable source than one's memory of 17 years ago:

1/23/07 - Is Obama qualified? Don't ask Hillary (Salon)
7/31/08 - Is Barack Obama Qualified to Be President? (US News)
3/07/07 - Is Obama all style and little substance? (NBC)
12/9/07 - Barack Obama is Too Young to be President (NY Daily News)
4/30/08 - Obama’s Inexperience, McCain’s Age and Clinton’s Honesty (Roll Call)

not sure what Roll Call is, but I included the last one bc it made me chuckle that we were wondering if then 71/72 year old John McCain was too old to be president. it was a better time. 

this quick search also was a lovely reminder of the prevalence of the "is that black man with the funny name even American?!?!" question of Obama's eligibility. 

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3 minutes ago, Censored by Laurie said:

from just one quick Google search...a feature of computers I believe that is available to everyone and a far more reliable source than one's memory of 17 years ago:

1/23/07 - Is Obama qualified? Don't ask Hillary (Salon)
7/31/08 - Is Barack Obama Qualified to Be President? (US News)
3/07/07 - Is Obama all style and little substance? (NBC)
12/9/07 - Barack Obama is Too Young to be President (NY Daily News)
4/30/08 - Obama’s Inexperience, McCain’s Age and Clinton’s Honesty (Roll Call)

not sure what Roll Call is, but I included the last one bc it made me chuckle that we were wondering if then 71/72 year old John McCain was too old to be president. it was a better time. 

this quick search also was a lovely reminder of the prevalence of the "is that black man with the funny name even American?!?!" question of Obama's eligibility. 

I chuckled at Roll Call, also having never heard of it, when it said “and Clinton’s Honesty”.

Thanks for the links. 

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10 hours ago, UNTLifer said:

You’ve mastered the Left’s playbook by twisting what I’ve said and jumping all over race. Complete bullshit.  


I just called a spade a spade, your criticism of Biden's appointees amounted to "well they suck and they were only hired cause they're black". Don't have racist thoughts that you post and maybe I won't call it out.

All your bullshit about Biden is just copied and pasted from the nikki haley's website. You're clearly not actually speaking from knowledge or experience or research, you're just regurgitating crap off a candidates website with some broken links at that. The first allegation is especially hilarious given that if your house was built before 1970 in the south then the original deed probably says the same thing. I would even venture to say that you would probably find the same thing on a house Haley has owned since she's from South Carolina. It's called redlining, and you'd think someone who came from an era where they never went to school with black people would remember this.

Also, I don't support Biden, I support the other guy being locked up and nowhere near the presidency.

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15 hours ago, UNTLifer said:

but then stopped short of endorsing an exception in all rape cases.

Oh. Well that's disgusting and reason enough to never support a candidate. 


15 hours ago, UNTLifer said:

Republican Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming, whom Vance has described as a mentor, told Reuters that Vance shifted his views on Trump because “he saw the successes that President Trump as president brought to the country.”

Ah right, so you're just echoing what this other cult member said about Vance. Must have been those successes in quadrupling the deficit, making the middle class tax cuts have an expiration while the rich don't, looking directly into the sun during an eclipse, saying covid will magically disappear in a month or two. Yeah that incredible leadership must have really wooed him. I'm sure it wasn't just an insatiable thirst for power and money that lead him to backtrack and kiss the ring. 


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3 hours ago, Censored by Laurie said:

this quick search also was a lovely reminder of the prevalence of the "is that black man with the funny name even American?!?!" question of Obama's eligibility. 

Still waiting for Trump's proof that he's Kenyan. Any day now. 

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24 minutes ago, Coffee and TV said:

Still waiting for Trump's proof that he's Kenyan. Any day now. 

Still waiting on Adam Schiff to produce the mountains of evidence showing Trump colluded with Russia.  Any day now.

Still waiting on evidence that Hunter's laptop was just made up.  Oh wait, that's been proven true and also uncovered that the media kept it quiet to influence an election.  Oh my, wasn't Trump indicted for that exact same thing?



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4 minutes ago, UNTLifer said:

Still waiting on Adam Schiff to produce the mountains of evidence showing Trump colluded with Russia.  Any day now.

You can read the book from Mueller soon that shows every which way in which the trump admin and bill barr kept him from doing his job and properly investigating it. His report literally says you can't charge the president with a crime but you certainly could in this instance after he's out of office. But I'm sure you just heard trump say "it shows  I'm innocent!" and just lapped it up. 

6 minutes ago, UNTLifer said:

Still waiting on evidence that Hunter's laptop was just made up. 

Still waiting on anything of merit to show up from it other than the dick pics that marjorie three toes loves tossing around. Nevermind that even if they did have actual evidence of wrongdoing beyond meth and sex they pissed that away the moment they lost any chain of custody on the contents. Tell me again what office Hunter is running for? Tell me again how anything that was supposedly using his influence was any different than what Ivanka and Jared did, while they were in the white house no less? 

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37 minutes ago, Coffee and TV said:

Oh. Well that's disgusting and reason enough to never support a candidate. 


Ah right, so you're just echoing what this other cult member said about Vance. Must have been those successes in quadrupling the deficit, making the middle class tax cuts have an expiration while the rich don't, looking directly into the sun during an eclipse, saying covid will magically disappear in a month or two. Yeah that incredible leadership must have really wooed him. I'm sure it wasn't just an insatiable thirst for power and money that lead him to backtrack and kiss the ring. 


I'm shocked the Left isn't more pro-life so as to increase the audience for story time with drag queens and cross dressers.  Funny how those folks don't want to go volunteer to lead stories in senior living centers or for adults yet only target kids.

BTW, I'm not echoing anything.  I posted links to articles and excerpts from those articles.  Not my words.  Again, you seem to have an issue with putting words in my mouth.

It is just amazing to me that your comments and comments from others on the Left are so hyperbolic in attacking Trump when you are afraid he is going to win, to the degree that some 20 year old nut job has supposedly been brainwashed to believe he was taking out a modern day Hitler although there is nothing to prove that point other than the violent false rhetoric of the Left. 

You still are making comments that Trump told his people to violent attack the Capital even though transcripts prove this to be entirely false.   

You call me racist for stating a fact about Kamala Harris which I backed up with articles proving those are the exact reasons he picked her. 

You are so triggered by potential racism yet you support Biden and his laundry list of racists comments over the past 50+ years, by mistruths and alleged lies yet Biden has been proven to lie about everything from his school grades to his uncle being eaten by cannibals, and by sending the decision on abortions back to the states where it belongs.  

Must have been record inflation, insecure borders leading to record illegal immigration, criminals entering our country that have raped and murdered numerous women, attacked our police, led to record fentanyl overdoses, allowed people from enemy states to enter unvetted, such leadership that he botched the withdrawal from Afghanistan leading to the deaths of military personnel that Biden never acknowledged, American hostages that are still there, Russia invading Ukraine leading to us wasting billions propping them up, Chinese spy balloons flying all over our country without reprisal, same for Russian subs around Cuba, etc... Biden is the useful idiot.

You bringing up Covid?  The same covid Joe has now although he is triple vaxxed, boosted, etc...

Now we want the FBI to lead the investigation into the assassination attempt while they never could determine who brought cocaine into the White House.

Yep, the last four years have been just peachy.  You should go jump on a Leftist fan page.  You provide nothing of substance about North Texas and just wait around to attack someone that doesn't share your political views.

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4 minutes ago, Coffee and TV said:

You can read the book from Mueller soon that shows every which way in which the trump admin and bill barr kept him from doing his job and properly investigating it. His report literally says you can't charge the president with a crime but you certainly could in this instance after he's out of office. But I'm sure you just heard trump say "it shows  I'm innocent!" and just lapped it up. 

Still waiting on anything of merit to show up from it other than the dick pics that marjorie three toes loves tossing around. Nevermind that even if they did have actual evidence of wrongdoing beyond meth and sex they pissed that away the moment they lost any chain of custody on the contents. Tell me again what office Hunter is running for? Tell me again how anything that was supposedly using his influence was any different than what Ivanka and Jared did, while they were in the white house no less? 

Yep, Mueller.   The same guy that tooks years wasting our money investigating that ridiculousness.  You just lapped up what he wrote.

Hunter isn't running for office but he was selling access to "The Big Guy", and served on the board of a company that Joe got the prosecutor fired in exchange for billions.  Don't have to read a book for that, Joe says it to reporters.  The media stayed silent so as not to tarnish Joes "sterling" reputation.  Doc Holiday would fit right in with you and the Left since he stated, "My hypocrisy knows no bounds."

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2 minutes ago, UNTLifer said:

Yep, Mueller.   The same guy that tooks years wasting our money investigating that ridiculousness.  You just lapped up what he wrote.

He's a lifelong Republican, why would he make anything up? See, you just make these assertations and don't put any thought behind them. 

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31 minutes ago, Coffee and TV said:

This is what always happens when Lifer gets backed into a corner. He just strikes out with personal jabs like an injured dog. 

That is hilarious.  Far from backed into a corner. 

Better refuel so you can keep gaslighting.

Truth must be hurting you.

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2 hours ago, UNTLifer said:

That is hilarious.  Far from backed into a corner. 

Better refuel so you can keep gaslighting.

Truth must be hurting you.

The truth is that you immediately made a joke that I should be more pro life so I could feed kids to pedophiles. (and no, I didn't call them pedophiles, you avoided saying it directly as a shitty debate tactic).  This is who conservatives are at the core, they are incapable of having real discussions when it comes to these things because they have been so programmed to believe any dogshit they read. I was having a decent debate with you but after that post it's clear you need a break from whatever garbage media you consume and maybe an ice cold beer. Back on ignore with you. 

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30 minutes ago, Coffee and TV said:

The truth is that you immediately made a joke that I should be more pro life so I could feed kids to pedophiles. (and no, I didn't call them pedophiles, you avoided saying it directly as a shitty debate tactic).  This is who conservatives are at the core, they are incapable of having real discussions when it comes to these things because they have been so programmed to believe any dogshit they read. I was having a decent debate with you but after that post it's clear you need a break from whatever garbage media you consume and maybe an ice cold beer. Back on ignore with you. 

Playing that Left card.  You are good to go until someone posts something you don't agree with.  Keep reading Axios, DailyKos and watching msnbc.  So predictable. 

Oh, and it wasn't a joke.  I thought the Left support story time with drag queens.  I never said they were pedophiles.  You ran with it in that direction and the blame me.  Stop projecting and take my words as written, because your shitty debate tactic is putting words in my mouth that I didn't say.

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25 minutes ago, UNTLifer said:

Oh, and it wasn't a joke.  I thought the Left support story time with drag queens.  I never said they were pedophiles.  You ran with it in that direction and the blame me.  Stop projecting and take my words as written, because your shitty debate tactic is putting words in my mouth that I didn't say.

Proving my point. You insinuated out of your asshole they were pedophiles and when I call you out for it you immediately deflect and point the blame back at me. Don't be a coward, call them what you want to call them and stop playing coy. 

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1 hour ago, Coffee and TV said:

Proving my point. You insinuated out of your asshole they were pedophiles and when I call you out for it you immediately deflect and point the blame back at me. Don't be a coward, call them what you want to call them and stop playing coy. 

If over half of the American voter base are pedophile, anarchists, or drag queens we really have much bigger things to worry about.

I also don't think just under half are all fascist, saluting a dictator. 

But when everything is all or none, apparently this is what our country looks like. We should all be ashamed

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