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Doug Burgum didn't wind up being President Trump's choice.

Trump's selection for Vice President wound up being JD Vance. I knew very little about Vance other than him being the junior Senator from Ohio and his 2022 election victory over Senator Ryan. Where the hell did this guy suddenly come from?

Watch the following video to get insight into his unusual upbringing. It's an inspiring story that became a bestselling book and later a movie. 

Ron Howard later produced an Oscar nominated film starring Glenn Close and Amy Adams about JD's life.

I can see how his humility would be a contrast to the often brash President Trump.

Please keep it civil. What are your opinions of the young man?

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From the little I know, I like him.  I do find it funny that the likes of CNN, MSNBC, etc. are claiming he doesn't have the experience yet they didn't have the same concerns when Obama became President or Kamala Harris was selected as Biden's VP when she was so disliked in her own party that she was the first one to drop out of the Dem. primary in 2020.

Vance seems like a solid pick.

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Some of his historical comments regarding Trump definitely make you blink a few times. Aside from that, very much an unknown. Hopefully he debates well so we can find some clarity of direction from someone.

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9 hours ago, ADLER said:

Don't worry CBL, no reasonable American would be naive enough to believe in the hate based diatribe of Mr. Calcaterra.

JD Vance wrote the book. You can buy it and read it for yourself. I have and it's shit. 

I just think it's hilarious that the q-nutters have all these conspiracies about Dems raping and killing children for adrenochrome and then Trump goes and selects a Peter Thiel blood boy to be VP.  

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4 minutes ago, Coffee and TV said:

JD Vance wrote the book. You can buy it and read it for yourself. I have and it's shit. 

I just think it's hilarious that the q-nutters have all these conspiracies about Dems raping and killing children for adrenochrome and then Trump goes and selects a Peter Thiel blood boy to be VP.  

This pick isn't exactly popular on the Repub side either. It was a real head scratcher for everyone.

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17 hours ago, UNTLifer said:

I do find it funny that the likes of CNN, MSNBC, etc. are claiming he doesn't have the experience yet they didn't have the same concerns when Obama

Weird how the mainstream media is so corrupt and unwatchable and you yet remember everything they supposedly didn't say about Obama in 2007/2008. I guarantee you they had plenty of articles and stories run questioning his experience, I remember vividly. 

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1 hour ago, Udomann said:

This pick isn't exactly popular on the Repub side either. It was a real head scratcher for everyone.

You mean everyone's surprised trump went with the  midwestern white guy venture capitalist rather than any of the many experienced available minority candidates who wanted the job? 

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26 minutes ago, ADLER said:

I have to agree.

LMAO. You agree that he's just as much a phony as his goldbricking cult leader? https://newrepublic.com/post/183892/audio-jd-vance-hated-trump


“I don’t think he actually cares about folks,” said Vance on The Matt Jones Podcast in August 2016. “I think I’m going to vote third party because I can’t stomach Trump. I think that he’s noxious and is leading the white working class to a very dark place,” he told NPR that same month.

Vance criticized Trump throughout his press tours at the time. “I’m definitely not gonna vote for Trump because I think that he’s projecting very complex problems onto simple villains,” Vance told CNN’s Jake Tapper before the 2016 election. “Trump makes people I care about afraid. Immigrants, Muslims, etc. Because of this I find him reprehensible. God wants better of us,” he wrote in October 2016.

Vance built his early political brand on being a “Never Trump” Republican, and the receipts show it. He called Trump a total fraud in public and asked if Trump may be “America’s Hitler” in private. Before the election, in a since-deleted tweet, Vance claimed he would be writing in Evan McMullin, a former CIA officer who ran as an independent. In 2018, he revealed that he did in fact vote for a third-party candidate in 2016.

Since winning his Senate seat in 2022 with Trump’s backing, Vance has changed his tune, deleted tweets, and retracted his negative statements about the former president.


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Donald Trump’s vice president candidate JD Vance is 39-year-old married to PIO

For those of you that actually like to learn and make informed statements J.D. Vance will be speaking tonight at the Republican National Convention.



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7 hours ago, Coffee and TV said:

LMAO. You agree that he's just as much a phony as his goldbricking cult leader? https://newrepublic.com/post/183892/audio-jd-vance-hated-trump


The New Republic?  Could you not find a more liberal rag?

It is so predictable who will rant and rave over anything the Left does.  What specifically scares you about Vance?

Edit:  BTW, I clicked on the link and read headlines.  One was blatantly racist.  Does that mean your racist?  

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7 hours ago, Udomann said:

This pick isn't exactly popular on the Repub side either. It was a real head scratcher for everyone.

It wasn't?  Who's upset on the Republican side?  Why was it a "real head scratcher" for everyone?

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14 minutes ago, UNTLifer said:

The New Republic?  Could you not find a more liberal rag?

It is so predictable who will rant and rave over anything the Left does.  What specifically scares you about Vance?


Would you like to comment on Vance's own words and texts and tweets, or is it just plug your ears because you don't like the source? 

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1 hour ago, ADLER said:

I have never heard of this theory of yours and I think you're either making it up or are on the really extreme fringe of some movement.

Oh that's crazy, because that's exactly how I described it: q nutter fringe shit. Unless you're someone like me that pays attention to that kind of stuff as an observer, you probably haven't heard much about it. 

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1 hour ago, ADLER said:

I have never heard of this theory of yours and I think you're either making it up or are on the really extreme fringe of some movement.

According to Wikipedia, "adrenochrome triggers psychotic reactions such as thought disorder and derealization. Adrenochrome is a neurotoxic, psychotomimetic substance and may play a role in schizophrenia and other mental illnesses."

Although derangement has been rampant in the liberal segment of the population, I find it hard to believe that it is due to a substance that that they are violently obtaining through actions like grooming, raping, and transitioning innocent children.

That's really strange, and clearly not the basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical liberal ideology of extracting strange substances from children.

While it is accurate to state that every adult that has some weird vice that you wouldn't want children exposed to supports that party, I find the assertion that they are all some kind of predatory adrenochrome sucking vampires to be absurd. More likely they have systematically manipulated and exploited their victims through toxic social media networks like tiktok and Instagram.

Please contact our esteemed UNT alum Dr Phil if these manifestation continue. He may be able to help deprogram those victims.


I think the only one that needs psychiatric help is yourself. 

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50 minutes ago, UNTLifer said:

It wasn't?  Who's upset on the Republican side?  Why was it a "real head scratcher" for everyone?

Take 5 minutes to look at any discussion board before just attacking.  

The guy literally called trump Hitler. And you don't think that would raise a few eyebrows?

Anyways,  this will be locked soon. See you on the football board

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1 hour ago, ADLER said:


For those of you opposed to watching for political reasons, please don't ogle his pictured children as a source of adrenochrome.


I love the part where if someone disagrees with trumps pick they are pedo. That does not sound like the unity party 

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6 hours ago, Coffee and TV said:

Weird how the mainstream media is so corrupt and unwatchable and you yet remember everything they supposedly didn't say about Obama in 2007/2008. I guarantee you they had plenty of articles and stories run questioning his experience, I remember vividly. 

Not sure what the point of the first sentence is.  I remember Obama being lauded as the up and coming face of the Democratic Party.  While there was mention of his lack of experience, it wasn't too the degree that some have heaped on Vance as the VP candidate.  To top it off, Harris, as noted in another post, was so unpopular in her own party that she was the first one out of the primaries, yet people loved it when Biden picked her.  A review of Biden's appointments show a clear lack of achievement and experience in the areas with which they were appointed, but reveal a pattern of making sure that matched DEI requirements. 


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56 minutes ago, Coffee and TV said:

Would you like to comment on Vance's own words and texts and tweets, or is it just plug your ears because you don't like the source? 

Would you like to answer my question?

BTW, just answering your post and the publication you chose to site, because you do the same when you disagree with linked publications.

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8 minutes ago, UNTLifer said:

Not sure what the point of the first sentence is

You said you didn't remember seeing articles from media you don't consume. So why would you remember it? 


9 minutes ago, UNTLifer said:

While there was mention of his lack of experience, it wasn't too the degree that some have heaped on Vance as the VP candidate. 

lol please. Obama ran for 18 months and Vance was selected 2 days ago, so unless you have a time machine you're just making assumptions on your own mind. 


11 minutes ago, UNTLifer said:

To top it off, Harris, as noted in another post, was so unpopular in her own party that she was the first one out of the primaries, yet people loved it when Biden picked her. 

Because it's irrelevant. Biden didn't get many primary voters in 08 and dropped out after Iowa or soon thereafter. He was Obama's pick and served for 8 years and then got the majority of the primary votes in 20 and 24.  It's all politics. She probably saw the writing on the wall and traded early support for a cabinet pick. I'm just wondering with all the JD Vance talk what happened to Trump's first VP, maybe he has some interesting things to say about working for the guy in that position, eh? 


13 minutes ago, UNTLifer said:

A review of Biden's appointments show a clear lack of achievement and experience in the areas with which they were appointed, but reveal a pattern of making sure that matched DEI requirements. 

Ah, so you're just mad he hires minorities?  We can go ahead and compare cabinet members and how long they lasted, and what Trump had to say about them, and what they had to say about Trump, vs Biden's picks,  but I really have better things to do with my time and that will look pretty embarrassing for you. 

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18 minutes ago, UNTLifer said:

Not sure what the point of the first sentence is.  I remember Obama being lauded as the up and coming face of the Democratic Party.  While there was mention of his lack of experience, it wasn't too the degree that some have heaped on Vance as the VP candidate.  To top it off, Harris, as noted in another post, was so unpopular in her own party that she was the first one out of the primaries, yet people loved it when Biden picked her.  A review of Biden's appointments show a clear lack of achievement and experience in the areas with which they were appointed, but reveal a pattern of making sure that matched DEI requirements. 


Solid hit on some of those points. The VPs are unknown variables at this point. I just wish you hadn't gone into absolutes to say there is clear lack of achievement. Every president has failures and wins. Not everything is binary. It's not black and white,  all or none. That's where our parties are destroying the country. You're either all evil or all good. Trump did good things. Biden did good things. Both failed in other ways (still waiting on that check from Mexico and still got a few bills on my student loans to pay it off).

We are a democratic republic. We debate. We learn. We grow. 

Right now, all we do is fight. I don't care which side you are on, this is anti-american

Talk and debate. Don't hate


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19 minutes ago, UNTLifer said:

Would you like to answer my question?


BTW, just answering your post and the publication you chose to site, because you do the same when you disagree with linked publications.

He said "two wrongs don't make a right" about a ten year old that sought out an abortion in his state after she was raped. That's a start. 

Any thoughts on his reversal with trump? 

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34 minutes ago, Udomann said:

Take 5 minutes to look at any discussion board before just attacking.  

The guy literally called trump Hitler. And you don't think that would raise a few eyebrows?

Anyways,  this will be locked soon. See you on the football board

I didn't attack.  I basically asked three questions that you chose to call attacking.  Not sure how else to get you to clarify or share why you posted what you did.

I asked a question, "who is upset on the Republican side?"

I questioned when you said he wasn't a popular pick by saying "it wasn't".

And I asked why his selection was a head scratcher.


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