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FAU (1/28/24)

Big Z

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27 minutes ago, HoosMeanGreen said:

Mumbling in my dad’s voice … “Just allow her to have the last word and maybe she’ll move on.”  Thought I would need a Mrs. first. 

The old “write it - delete it - don’t press send” bit didn’t work either. 🤔🤔🤔🤔

Oh, here’s one. Tell them they won. That should do the trick. 

Hey guys/gals - You win!!! 🥇

I now declare all message board warriors that haven’t been to one road game- EVER (and home games too) as TRUE MEAN GREEN FANS! So let it be said, so let it be done.

Hopefully we can discuss UAB. If not, cue up the ECU stolen win or uniforms. Haven’t discussed the UNT God in 5 minutes. I wonder how the weather is in Kansas.🤔 That’s always a good one. 

I think the vast majority of us have been to road and home games in our lifetime (especially when we were students at North Texas - or before like myself given both my parents went to NT and I grew up in Denton, I attended many games as a kid).  🙂 On the rare occasion we play relatively close to here, I go (like say the NIT Final - Vegas is a 6 hour drive).  

If people move away from DFW, it doesn't suddenly make us less of fans that we rarely attend games.  

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10 hours ago, HoosMeanGreen said:

I would think a loyal, and in person supporter would make me more important than a keyboard only “supporter”. CRH said as much! 

When did CRH say that some fans are less important than others?

That would be an awful statement from our leadership.

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5 minutes ago, CMJ said:

I think the vast majority of us have been to road and home games in our lifetime (especially when we were students at North Texas - or before like myself given both my parents went to NT and I grew up in Denton, I attended many games as a kid).  🙂 On the rare occasion we play relatively close to here, I go (like say the NIT Final - Vegas is a 6 hour drive).  

If people move away from DFW, it doesn't suddenly make us less of fans that we rarely attend games.  

I get it. I’d have to go back and find where the discussion went off the rails (not doing that), but as someone who attends games and frequents this message board, the message read and message seen are vastly different. Maybe this is the place that those who can no longer attend games gather.  I’ve stated more than once that I am new here. I wasn’t aware that those most vocal are those that don’t support the team in person. I’m likely projecting my definition of fan support on those with a different definition. 

I stand on my take that not supporting a team in person equates to no support. One can follow a team without actually supporting the team. The only exception to the rule would be if you are writing a check. I currently follow the Dodgers. I don’t support them because I don’t attend games nor do I make any donations. I simply follow the team.  I support the Dallas Cowboys because I attend games. I tailgate. I go to meet-n-greets. I am a fan. 

Really would like to move on to Cincinnati… I mean UAB. 

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18 minutes ago, greenminer said:

Also doesn't make your views on Mean Green sports wrong, or less important.

Doers & talkers. I disagree. 

When you don’t pay for groceries, you don’t decide the meal. Or as Bill once said, if I’m making dinner, then I better be included in picking out the groceries (close enough).

You can always have an opinion, it just falls on deaf ears.  You haven’t done anything required to make “the product” a success. All you can give is your opinion. And perfectly timed excuses as to why all you have to give is your voice. 

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29 minutes ago, greenminer said:

When did CRH say that some fans are less important than others?

That would be an awful statement from our leadership.

I never said the exact statement you wrote. Grow up. But in his post game he asked for more fan support in the stands. He felt it was important to SAY that. He could have just said thanks for coming out & left it at that. But he didn’t. So whether you want to admit it or not, he was asking the message board guys/the TV only guys/the I don’t go to games guys, to ATTEND IN PERSON.

And no shoutout to the guys that support from the message board. What did you expect him to say. Thanks for coming out, now stay home for the remainder of the season in the same numbers as before the SMU game. Or was that just coach speak? 

A blind man can see that in person support is … ahhh….well….could be a lot better. A whole lot better.  Some of you have mentioned how the program has had unheard of success (for North Texas) and yet attendance numbers haven’t supported the rise in value of the product. Hell, one poster has a friggin’ attendance tracker. WHAT!!!! Why???? Because you ALL know. You have a very special, loyal group of fans that don’t attend games. Empty stands is a show of No SUPPORT.

Full circle - fans that support from home. 🫤 I get it.

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12 minutes ago, HoosMeanGreen said:

Doers & talkers. I disagree. 

When you don’t pay for groceries, you don’t decide the meal. Or as Bill once said, if I’m making dinner, then I better be included in picking out the groceries (close enough).

You can always have an opinion, it just falls on deaf ears.  You haven’t done anything required to make “the product” a success. All you can give is your opinion. And perfectly timed excuses as to why all you have to give is your voice. 


4 minutes ago, HoosMeanGreen said:

His post game. He said (paraphrase) come out to the games. Not just the one. 

And no shoutout to the guys that support from the message board. What did you expect him to say. Thanks for coming out, now stay home for the remainder of the season in the same numbers as before the SMU game. Or was that just coach speak? 

A blind man can see that in person support is … ahhh….well….could be a lot better. A whole lot better.  Some of you have mentioned how the program has had unheard of success (for North Texas) and yet attendance numbers haven’t supported the rise in value of the product. Hell, one poster has a friggin’ attendance tracker. WHAT!!!! Why???? Full circle - fans that support from home. 🫤 

Trying to tell people that attending in-person is needed and important is one thing, and we'd all agree  But that is NOT AT ALL what you have been posting in this thread about.

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6 minutes ago, greenminer said:


Trying to tell people that attending in-person is needed and important is one thing, and we'd all agree  But that is NOT AT ALL what you have been posting in this thread about.

That you call yourselves fans but don’t go support the team? 🤔🤔

That watching from home & arguing in an internet chat is not support? 🤔🤔

Nice try - my replies have been to multiple retorts. What do tell was the theme of my posts? 

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16 minutes ago, HoosMeanGreen said:

That you call yourselves fans but don’t go support the team? 🤔🤔

Man, you are really struggling with some of this.  Is this what you're doubling down on, that you cannot call yourself a fan unless you attend?


32 minutes ago, HoosMeanGreen said:

When you don’t pay for groceries, you don’t decide the meal.

When you WANT people to join you for supper, you make sure everyone knows their tastes are important to you.  I may not have a seat at the high dollar table, but I like to think that if I gave Jared a call and expressed a concern, he would try and make time to hear me out.  And if I asked for it, he'd do it in person!  Because my views are just as important as the high dollar donors.

We want more people at games! Telling sub groups that they aren't important, that their sports views are wrong, or frowning on certain folks when they cannot attend (but clearly love the Mean Green) is not how you build a base.  It's not how you lead.

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The team does need more fans in stands.  There are hundreds of thousands of alums and 40K students that all live close by that don't give a crap.  Telling folks that might live hundreds or thousands of miles away but follow UNT religiously that they aren't fans is counter productive.  Especially when many of those same people send in checks to the school.

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24 minutes ago, HoosMeanGreen said:

I never said the exact statement you wrote. Grow up.

You're exact statement was "I would think a loyal, and in person supporter would make me more important than a keyboard only “supporter”. And that CRH said as much.

Is that exactly what that implies, that if one group is more important, than the other is less important?

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7 minutes ago, greenminer said:

Man, you are really struggling with some of this.  Is this what you're doubling down on, that you cannot call yourself a fan unless you attend?


When you WANT people to join you for supper, you make sure everyone knows their tastes are important to you.  I may not have a seat at the high dollar table, but I like to think that if I gave Jared a call and expressed a concern, he would try and make time to hear me out.  And if I asked for it, he'd do it in person!  Because my views are just as important as the high dollar donors.

Since you seem to be struggling with this, and I foresee more doubling down, this is my last post on this.

We want more people at games! Telling sub groups that they aren't important, that their sports views are wrong, or frowning on certain folks when they cannot attend (but clearly love the Mean Green) is not how you build a base.  It's not how you lead.

You keep telling yourself that your views are just as important as a high dollar donor if that makes you sleep at night. In my short life I have seen 1,000s call for the head of a coach and nothing. When the high dollar donor said it was time for coach to go - Coach was gone. I’d love to see Jared take meetings with both of us and see which of us he would pay heed to. The answer is neither. The sit down ain’t happening either.

Your “dinner” take is very 2024. Five people at a dinner party and five differently meals. Soon we’ll all be in hand baskets wondering why it’s so warm. 

In closing, you can call yourself whatever you want if you attend games or not. You can call yourself a fan or a jellyfish. But don’t call yourself a SUPPORTER of the team. Because you don’t support the team. You follow the team. Why is that so hard for you to comprehend? You either write checks or stand in their presence to support. But yelling at the TV screen is not supporting Aaron Scott. It’s not! You follow the team. Nothing shameful in that. You are as butt hurt over that FACT as many are over downvotes. I find it comical & concerning simultaneously. You are a fan that follows and not a fan that supports - is that better? 😒 

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45 minutes ago, HoosMeanGreen said:

I never said the exact statement you wrote. Grow up. But in his post game he asked for more fan support in the stands. He felt it was important to SAY that. He could have just said thanks for coming out & left it at that. But he didn’t. So whether you want to admit it or not, he was asking the message board guys/the TV only guys/the I don’t go to games guys, to ATTEND IN PERSON.

And no shoutout to the guys that support from the message board. What did you expect him to say. Thanks for coming out, now stay home for the remainder of the season in the same numbers as before the SMU game. Or was that just coach speak? 

A blind man can see that in person support is … 

23 minutes ago, greenminer said:

You're exact statement was "I would think a loyal, and in person supporter would make me more important than a keyboard only “supporter”. And that CRH said as much.

Is that exactly what that implies, that if one group is more important, than the other is less important?


Not sure who gave you the downvote but they saw what you did. 

You made it seem as though I attributed that “quote” to CRH. Then you backpedaled with an 80’s breakdancer precision into “And that CRH said as much”. 🤣🤣

Which was it? Quoted or paraphrased?

And you call yourself a fan 🤣🤣🤣 A fan of lies & deceit. You should be ashamed of yourself but we all know you aren’t. But still BUSTED! 🤣🤣🤣

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12 hours ago, HoosMeanGreen said:

I would think a loyal, and in person supporter would make me more important than a keyboard only “supporter”. CRH said as much!

Here was the original statement I was thinking of.

you said it, then said CRH said as much.  Quote or paraphrase? Call it whatever you want.

hoos, years ago I created a website for the Mean Green Moniker, because I felt

1) strongly about the correct information for our history be out there
2) it could be a platform to help rid us of some "Old Denton" hurdles.

I had an exchange with Randy Galloway (he was wonderful) and he gave me approval to put one of his articles online.  As to objective 2, I also use the Twitter/X platform to try and build our brand, with extra effort and focus on our high school relationships/recruiting.

A lot of it is, in a way, trying to amplify Coach O's efforts.  It may not be in line with your idea of support, but man! I think this is important for our teams and our future.  I have this wild belief that it is actually helping.  But it's just minuscule changes right now.  I think the benefits could be more obvious down the line.

I also felt like, to a lesser degree, there was a need for live in-game chat for those of us that are not able to make games.  The GMG.com mods won't let me link it here, but there is a Discord server available for anyone who wants real-time chat about any and all Mean Green Sports.  This wasn't around when I was your age, but gosh! I think it could reach at least some 20-somethings in today's video game era.  Anyone is welcome, not just the folks that are out of town.

Anything to build this base up and amplify the Mean Green brand, ya know?  It's not much, I wish I had help making the website better, but it's a start!  You are welcome to swing by the website, the Twitter, or the Discord (link on Twitter profile) server and hang out.  Let me know what you think.

I get that you are trying to call people out for being keyboard warriors and not actually (per your definition) supporting the teams, but I think you have wrongly jumped on several posters here who ARE supporting the team in every way they can.  And you are alienating people.  That's not helpful, IMO.  Your efforts seem less about building our base, and more about making you feel like you have the highest horse.  Leave that approach to the political realm.  I don't think it works in our sports case.

(I am not the one giving downvotes to you, FYI)

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To play devil's advocate I don't believe anyone's "fandom" is being challenged as much as their "support" either in person or financial. Which is not the same as following a team. This point was made many times so we should stop conflating said fandom and support. 

I've said as much before and received the same reaction. 

I'm not taking any sides but the point is well taken when referenced correctly - to keyboard coaches that know it all but do not financial support or attend in person. If you don't fit that then this is not about you. 

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6 minutes ago, UNTethered Eagle said:

I'm not taking any sides but the point is well taken when referenced correctly - to keyboard coaches that know it all but do not financial support or attend in person. If you don't fit that then this is not about you. 

I mean, we're all gonna be fine, but does it really help your position when you are saying things like

Let me help you out Grandpa
75% of your assumptions are 100% wrong
Pitiful if you asked me
Nothing like the lazy, loud mouth, never attend a road game, no it all while knowing nothing message board fan! 
back to your shuffleboard game.
Hopefully I get a ribbon or participation trophy at season’s end
I knew your support was limited to your WiFi range
in the bunch of sillies, lunatics, and geriatrics.
Grow up

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1 hour ago, greenminer said:

I mean, we're all gonna be fine, but does it really help your position when you are saying things like

Let me help you out Grandpa
75% of your assumptions are 100% wrong
Pitiful if you asked me
Nothing like the lazy, loud mouth, never attend a road game, no it all while knowing nothing message board fan! 
back to your shuffleboard game.
Hopefully I get a ribbon or participation trophy at season’s end
I knew your support was limited to your WiFi range
in the bunch of sillies, lunatics, and geriatrics.
Grow up


@HoosMeanGreen her are my questions for you. 

1.  Are you a current student?

2. Do you have a family, married and kids?

3.  Traveling to a lot of road games is not cheap. How do you fund these multiple trips?

4. Do you live in Denton/DFW area?

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4 hours ago, CMJ said:

The team does need more fans in stands.  There are hundreds of thousands of alums and 40K students that all live close by that don't give a crap.  Telling folks that might live hundreds or thousands of miles away but follow UNT religiously that they aren't fans is counter productive.  Especially when many of those same people send in checks to the school.

Appreciate the sentiment but I need to push back just a tad and say me and my girlfriend get to every game we can.  Her mom has not been well and so we have had to spend a lot of time on the road as she resides in Stephenville and we share a car.

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7 minutes ago, Tom McKrackin said:

Appreciate the sentiment but I need to push back just a tad and say me and my girlfriend get to every game we can.  Her mom has not been well and so we have had to spend a lot of time on the road as she resides in Stephenville and we share a car.

I wouldn't even consider than DFW.  It's good if you can make many games.

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