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DRC: An offensive lineman named Jett? UNT's Duncan sees irony as he emerges as key player for Mean Green

Brett Vito

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“Jett played really well and did his job,” UNT coach Seth Littrell said. “Tackle is a position, especially with the front we played, that is not easy. A lot of times you are on island on your own.

“I felt really good about Jett going into the game because he’s going to do exactly what he’s supposed to do. He’s very smart and works extremely hard.”


It could have / should have been so much more encouraging.  
Instead, remove “Jett” from this quote & you could replace it with just about any player’s name.  
Do you really not have anything expansive to say about a first-time starter’s play against a salty DLine?

C’mon man, you know this article is coming… build up your guys!

Edited by MeanGreenTexan
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