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I remember that damn show. I stood in line all day long only to be told that all the tickets had been sold out. I think the school was alloted like 2,000 tickets, while Ticketmaster got the rest of them. What a whip!


I remember that damn show. I stood in line all day long only to be told that all the tickets had been sold out. I think the school was alloted like 2,000 tickets, while Ticketmaster got the rest of them. What a whip!

Doesn't surprise me in the least. No one at the school probably wanted to deal with it and turned it over to an outside program, for a fee.


Posted (edited)


I remember that damn show. I stood in line all day long only to be told that all the tickets had been sold out. I think the school was alloted like 2,000 tickets, while Ticketmaster got the rest of them. What a whip! 

Doesn't surprise me in the least. No one at the school probably wanted to deal with it and turned it over to an outside program, for a fee.

That is just not true. Pearl Jam got sued by their recrod company for their colllege tour. They also played SMU. All tickets were sold through UNT and you had to wait out all night long to get them at the pit. You could only get a ticket with a student ID and were limited to 2 per person. I just have to say, thank god for pledges.... they would only let you get 2 per student ID. I think Wes (Greenballer) might have been my thump to freeze all night for me. As for why NT doesn't have any more concerts at the pit.. uhhhhh... beer? It is wat actually wahst makes the money at ALL venue events, no beer, no profit. Simple enough.

Little tidbit.... the drummer (have no idea who his name is) went to NT for a semester and they announced it at the show. Later that night he showed up at a Sigma Nu party and actually passed out on one of the couches there after sampling some of Denton's homegrown.

Pearl Jam is infamous for going against "the man"... they were the first to refuse to play any Clear Channel venues (years and years before the Janet Jackson/FCC/Chris Rock/Stern situation) and have ben trying to get other artists to join in with them since that time. They were very unsuccesful and eventually caved (ever notice how Pearl Jam went from being played every other song on the radio to not being played at all?).. Their fight is being picked up by plenty this time and Pearl Jam is at the front of it again, this time not alone. Recently Chris Rock had a tour where his stipulation was that the tickets be not more than $100 each. Since Clear Channel couldn't hardball him with radio airplay like they do all of their artists, they simply sold all their good seats to their own ticket "brokers" (scalpers) for that $100 price and then those same "brokers" - scalpers - turned around and sold them for up to four times that for a kickback to Clear Channel for the rights to get the tickets; making even the worst seat $400.00 bucks at some locations. Who got screwed? the customer.... they paid a 400% increase. Who else? Chris Rock and everyone that worked on his tour; they got a percentage of ticket sales... the $100 a ticket percentage, not the "real" tickets' price. And Clear Channel can't be touched because they are in bed withthe FCC and George W.

I am a staunch Republican but while we are fighting (and dying) for freedom of speech and the right to show freedom of expression for the Iraquis overseas; back at home we are putting down the iron fist on censorship all because of a 1/4 exposed nipple for less then one second that most people didn't even see because it was so fast. We have taken this too far. I have lived overseas and nudity is nothing, they even have nude newscasters to get people interested in the news right on regular TV. So we comdemn harmless nudity or jokes about sex yet we allow a a monopoly like Clear Channel to go along untouched. Just makes no sense.

MGW is going to freak at ths one but if George W. doesn't call off his religious FCC chairperson - who just happens to be Powell's son (what has this guy ever done tp deserve this position anyways?) than my vote might not get cast this year or even worse.... if Edwards runs with Kerry I might be forced to vote Democrat. I understand wanting to clean up the airwaves; but it is hypocritcal for us to fight for free airwaves in Iraq; complaining about anti-US propaganda by Al Jazeera; while at the same time performing our own witch hunt and censorship right at home. Shock Jocks like Stern walk the line but rarely cross it without being bleeped and he being persecuted by the FCC and Clear Channel because he is backing anyone against Bush; Clear Channel has every employee donating to the W campaign because they want to be protected from an obvious anti-trust/monopoly lawsuit... that is dirty politics.

For those of you that don't know, Clear Channel has slowly built up their conglomerate to be untouchable. They own the rights to almost every major concert venue in the country. They also own the most pupular radio stations and do the bookings for the the majr venues as well as the small clubs all the way to the smallers clubs like Trees in Dallas. It is nearly impossible to perform any type of tour and make money without going through them and if you don't go through them you are mysteriously taken off their playlist for the entire country. If you aren't that big yet, they make you sign a deal that if you don't play a place like "Trees" then you cannot play the Granada (or any of their other venues)... you are just screwed as a bad trying to get heard.

BACK TO THE SUBJECT, this is nothing new; Pearl Jam fought this once before; that is the REAL reason that they did the college tour. They barely broke even; only playing college campuses for a steal (I think my ticket that the thump stood in line for me was less then $20 bucks)... they had to play college venues beause they were literally the only venues not controlled by Clear Channel even way back in 1993.

As for the other question... it isn't a matter of being lazy. Ever wonder why we don't have better bands come through the Pit anymore? Two things, no beer seals and no smoking is one part but the most important reason is the evil of Clear Channel. I encourage you to write your congrssman and voice your displeasure on this travesty and hypocrisy. Save guys like Stern and Pearl Jam; you may not agree with what they say or "how" they say it; but I am willing to bet that 100% of us would fight for their right for free speech and anti-monopolies. It even trickled down to my little bar way back in 1994. Deep Blue Something loved my bar and wanted to play an "unannounced" jam session one Sunday night back when "Breakfast at Tiffanies" was really hot; Clear Channel caught wind of it and threatened to pull the whole tour... after about 4 more of these occasions Deep Blue tried to call their bluff on it; their next CD (the follow up to Breakfast at Tiffany's) was finally released in the US 7 years later after being tied up in court by Clear Channel overseas. They turned what could have been the next big NT band into a one hit wonder. Bastards.

They did the same thing to Tripping Daisy, Daisy told them to go screw themselves and they were dropped from their Jay Leno gig after a succesful Conan gig. They are doing it right this time with Polyphonic Spree but are forced to play overseas for half their dates and free concerts all over the US at wierd venues because of CC... ever hear Polyphonic on the radio? Wonder why? Their independant debut album made it up to #1 for 3 weeks straight but the best they could get was a clip in a commercial about the iPod and a clip about the 4 show Fox Flop "Wonderfalls"... they stuck to their guns and are headlining a watered down LalaPalooza now after a succesful run opening up for David Bowie.. By the way, they finally are getting to play Leno, this time on their own terms.


Edited by stebo

clear channel is the devil..they have destroyed music and that is why you only here the crap bubble gum garbage on the radio. Anyone that wants to do it their own way gets crapped on. Pearl Jam just finished their deal w/ sony...they may resign or just sell cd's over the internet. They have sold over 4 million live cd's off their website...That's alot of coin to not have to split.


They played a lot longer than 20 minutes. It was a great show. This cd has 20 songs on it which would have taken longer than 20 minutes to play. I read that post also and wasn't sure what that person was talking about.


Freedom of speech is the right to speak out politically against the government or any other institution without fear of legal repremand. It does not apply to vulgarity. I'm not saying I agree with the FCC, but a community (represented by the US governement) does have the right to determine what is appropriate for that community. If you think that the Democrats in office would make any difference, I beleive you are living in a dreamworld. All the major legislation attempting to restrict porn/language have had some pretty major Democratic sponsorship.

I'm not saying your wrong or that I disagree with you. I'm just saying that your action isn't going to solicit the response you expect. This whole "limiting of civil liberties" thing as it relates to the Bush whitehouse is a big red herring as far as I'm concerned. If you vote, base it on things like your opinion on taxes, welfare, the war, the economy. DOn't base it on the stupid FCC.

Oh yeah, um Pearl Jam is wicked cool....


"If there is a bedrock principal of the First Amendment, it is that the Govenrment may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because Society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable." -- Justice William J. Brennan (1906 - 1997) US Supreme Court Justice, Texas vs. Johnson, 1989.


"There ought to be limits to freedom"

-George W. Bush

Stebo, I'm stunned we agree on something. Just a reminder that no matter what your political affiliation please register to vote and then do so. And don't just focus on the presidential race, study your local issues and choose candidates that meet your ideals. If no one meets your criteria consider running for office yourself. Our government only works with your help.

That being said...Isn't this a football board?


Speaking of voting everybody in Denton County make sure you vote tomorrow.

Go to elections.denton.com and you'll find pollsite info. biggrin.gif


I am offended EXTREMELY by religious television but they have every right to broadcast it. I am much more offended by scamming preachers that flat out lie to little old ladies over what others consider to be vulgar (and I consider to be just funny and innocent)... Point of view is a state of mind and nobody in this country should have the right to decide what is vulgar for someone else. The old rules kept things in line. They are taking it to Nazi extreme now. I voted for Bush and have fought for him for 3.5 years, he has let me down on one thing (no, not the war) - the restriction of the 1st Amendment. Reminds me of the Political Witchhunts and the Hollywood Blacklist days. Just sickens me, sickens me to death. Lenny Bruce was a brilliant man, we see that in retrospect. People like Stern will be dismembered by our government and will be martyres just like Bruce was/is.

Eagle D, I have always told you - I am a social minded Democrat and an Economic minded Republican, when you own your own business you can't help but see both sides. But Bush ran on COMPASSIONATE Conservatism, he has gone back on his word. Howard Stern will win this vote for John Kerry, you think I am crazy but with 30 million listeners that get to listen to him talk about it every day for up to 5 hours a day (and don't want to see it go anywhere), they will do exactly what Stern says and vote Democrat. Stern has been the biggest supporter of Bush and the war that there is. That is not the point... this is the 1st Amendment, and you don't mess with my rights.


I bought this CD 2 weeks ago off of E-Bay. It's pretty good. The quality is so-so but it's a live recording at the super pit, so I wan't dissapointed.

Stebo.....you're right having pledges to sleep out for your tickets was a nice deal. Unfortunately Hallgren / Bubbles / Junior / Shannon.....myself and others were the one's doing the sleeping.

Best concert of my life. Glad to own a piece of NT history!



One other thing - you don't like something you hear on the radio, turn it off. Change the channel. Don't rely on the government to police the airwaves and teach American children what is right or wrong. You don't want your kids to hear something? Turn the channel. Let them listen to Ryan Seacrest and watch American Idol and Survivor. That would be alot more educational and "safe" for 'em.

Millions of Americans listen to what they want to on the radio each and every day, and if we're not careful, that choice will be lost.

I apologize for the degression, but it's something worth saying. Let's get back to what is really important - football.

Go Mean Green.


This is no place for a political discussion. But I'll jump in anyway to get a word in before this thread is deleted.

Clear Channel is one of the owners of the Bush Administration. I remember about a year ago, the white house pushed a bill through Congress that deregulated radio ownership, just so Clear Channel could buy more stations. The scary part is what a white house spokesperson said, and this is close to exact words, "This will make it easier for the American people to hear ONE VOICE and not get confused by conflicting viewpoints." I don't have a link to that or anything, so take my word for it or ignore me.

As for the FCC, where do they get off trying to censor content of programming? I don't know what their "mission statement" or "charter" is, but it seems like they should be regulating the technical aspects of broadcasting. Content should be off limits.

Say what you will about the war or terrorism; they're separate issues. But if you value your personal freedom, you need to think twice about voting for another 4 years of Bush.


Bleeding Heart Liberal

P.S. I think Dickey needs to pass more and stop running on 3rd and long.


Completely agree,


Staunch Republican... hoping for Edwards as a running mate for Hairy Kerry or no vote from me for either one.


Okay, so the pubbies don't want filth on public airwaves. Let me think of what the Dems support:

1. No smoking in restaurants, bars, places of work, personal vehicles if child present. If you open a bar, the Dems don't want you to be able to allow your patrons to smoke in it.

2. Equal time. If your station allows a conservative on the air the Dems want to force that station to give equal time for a lib as well. If you own a radio station the Dems want to say who you must allow on it.

3. Dems support laws that force union membership. Gephart was strongly against "right to work" during his campaign and it is a popular sentiment among Dems.

Just a few, but let's see who busting who's right's more.

Pubbies: We don't want filth on the airwaves.

Dems: No smoking in bars/restaurants, you can't choose to be a liberal or conservative radio station, and you aren't allowed to get a job unless you join a union first and pay their dues.

Just a few examples (poorly worded I admit) that show that trampling on rights is going on with both parties.


I have to totally agree with MGT. If you have kids, please respond to this......Do you want your kids to listen to Howard Stern? Do you want your kids to watch some of the things that come on MTV or late night on 'E'? I think the answer is no. It is easy to say well turn the channel but that is a simplistic thought for a complex problem. Do you really think that it is that easy? Should parents have to worry that when there kids are listening to the radio that they will stumble across someone like Howard Stern using the 'F' word every other sentence and talking about women the way that he does? There should be limits to freedom and there always has been! Some of you act like this is a new concept. If you go to a game at Fouts Field and there is someone in front of you that is drunk and using a cuss word for every other phrase and you have your little boy or girl with you and ask him to stop and they turn around and tell you that YOU should cover their ears or not bring them there, I believe you would be pissed. It is a family enviroment, they don't check i.d.'s at the gate. The same as when I am a dad and I am watching the Super Bowl with my kid, I don't want him to see Janet Jackson's breast on the t.v. and when I go to bed I don't want them seeing Howard Stern and you are trying to tell me that is my fault because I should turn it off or I should have more control over my kid? Let's be real about this. HOWEVER I do agree with you about ClearChannel. It is a monopoly and it is not right. I am a Republican and I will vote for GW again because I believe in what he is trying to do. Democrats and Republicans BOTH limit of freedom, it just depends which one pisses you off more.


Howard Stern will win this vote for John Kerry, you think I am crazy but with 30 million listeners that get to listen to him talk about it every day for up to 5 hours a day (and don't want to see it go anywhere), they will do exactly what Stern says and vote Democrat.  Stern has been the biggest supporter of Bush and the war that there is.  That is not the point... this is the 1st Amendment, and you don't mess with my rights.

this was true untill the video of the execution in Iraq came out. that tape will win this election for bush. BTW If you havent seen it... dont.


Basically, the FCC and the Democrats are telling us what is best for us. Are we too stupid to figure it out ourselves? I know what is offensive to me. Why can't I be the one to decide what I listen too! Sorry about the rant.

ps. sometimes running on 3rd and long surprises the defense and it results in another MEAN GREEN FIRST DOWN!!!!


Okay, so the pubbies don't want filth on public airwaves.  Let me think of what the Dems support:

1. No smoking in restaurants, bars, places of work, personal vehicles if child present.  If you open a bar, the Dems don't want you to be able to allow your patrons to smoke in it.

2. Equal time.  If your station allows a conservative on the air the Dems want to force that station to give equal time  for a lib as well.  If you own a radio station the Dems want to say who you must allow on it.

3.  Dems support laws that force union membership.  Gephart was strongly against "right to work" during his campaign and it is a popular sentiment among Dems.

Just a few, but let's see who busting who's right's more.

Pubbies:  We don't want filth on the airwaves.

Dems:  No smoking in bars/restaurants, you can't choose to be a liberal or conservative radio station, and you aren't allowed to get a job unless you join a union first and pay their dues.

Just a few examples (poorly worded I admit) that show that trampling on rights is going on with both parties.

Hehe, no mystery as to which side you're on. cool.gif Not poorly worded at all.

1. Smoking. I'm a non-smoker, so I'd certainly be more comfortable in a non-smoking bar. I'm also a drinker, so a little smoke isn't going to keep me away. This one's a wash.

2. This policy is already in place on TV, and I believe it has been for a long time. (Although it doesn't seem to apply to Fox News...) Seems like it's only fair for radio to be the same way. If you're wondering why Democrats want this, it's probably because of the strange phenomenon of the 90's, when virtually all AM radio was suddenly right-wing. I'm sure if the tables were turned, the GOP would ask for the same thing.

3. No big historical change here. The left has always been in favor of labor rights vs. corporate $$. I generally am not in favor of unions. It's ridiculous that people in Detroit get paid $35/hr to drop bolts in holes (and don't even have to tighten them down!).

I think public smoking rights and equal political airtime on radio pale in comparison to free speech, reproductive rights and marriage rights.

Thanks to Eagle D for reminding us of this quote:

"There ought to be limits to freedom"

-George W. Bush

If you give him 4 more years, there will be no limiting the limits.

Didn't this have something to do with Pearl Jam?


Thanks to Eagle D for reminding us of this quote:

"There ought to be limits to freedom"

-George W. Bush

If you give him 4 more years, there will be no limiting the limits.

While we are posting quotes probably taken out of context as if they prove anything, let's have a little of that "equal time":

"No controlling legal authority" - Al Gore


While we're on the subject of manipulating our freedoms let's discuss the manipulation of what the American people think. Why were images of a plane flying into the world trade center shown over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over while images of American attrocities against Iraqi detainees were originally suppressed? Could it be that only our American feeling of blind patriotism could sustain four more years of a dishonest President? Why has the "war on terrorism" essentially meant that Mr. Bush has had unlimited license to attack anyone Arab and scary that he sees fit...all the while never establishing ANY kind of link between the different groups we've attacked and the ones who attacked New York? Which is more damaging, a society where we see a breast for half a second or one where our leaders lie blatantly for hours on end.

If you ask me to vote for Bush or anyone but...I'll take anyone but.

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