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On 5/26/2020 at 2:12 PM, aztecskin said:

Achtung NT Main! -- Doubles as a warning to the NT main campus. We should all be vigilant in these troublesome times. 
UNT Chat Naming -- Well, that is what this thread is about, isn't it? 
Ma UNT Thing Can -- Well, this one is a tad bit tawdry. I am blushing. 
A UNT Can Thing, M -- A nod to all our 007 fans! Also, The Tatum can totes play the role! 
An UNT Might Can -- A fun way to use the kid slang. Let's get the kids in here to see what all the fun is about! 
I'm "UNT CAN" Thang -- RU? 
GIANT UNT Can!, TM -- Strength in numbers! We'll get it trademarked! Woo! Or maybe we get a giant can for realz? No bad ideas! This is brainstorming!
Ma, Can't. UNT nigh  -- Let your mom know you can't even right now, you know? Because totes UNT! 

So what about some 


"(I Wanna) Chat UNT over my Naming" --Not sure what for.  See video below. 


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