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Green Flags for the Flag Corp Campaign


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"I think that it all goes back to many people's unwillingness to accept anything different than what they think. You think that the flag corp should use YOUR flag and thats it. "

You know Shaneb, this isn't about you and the occasional attack on the NTD. I explained this long ago in the beginning of the thread. It's about school spirit and having pride in your school. It's really a basic issue.

North Texas is perceived by the general public as having no school spirit. One of the ways that you show your school spirit is "proudly display the colors". When you do that you clearly convey that you have pride in your school. Our colors happen to be green and white. When any spirit organization (face it, the Green Brigade is a spirit organization FIRST and a band second) displays a hodge podge of colors in it's public performance, it sends a message that spirit is not important.

This is also not about the amount of hours that the band puts in for the game. There are lots of people that put in a lot of hours for this school, including the various teams.

I'm wondering how you would feel if the football team showed up with green helmets and jerseys and orange or purple pants?

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I said nothing about the Daily and this has nothing to do with an attack on me or the Daily. That entire paragraph makes no sense.

I am sorry that you and the "general public" can't see past the color of some flags. Thats really sad.

If you succeed in buying the flags make sure that they are the flags that the school needs otherwise they won't get used. I would suggest a white flag with green letters or trim. That would stand out on the field and meet your requirements.

I don't have the money to give, but if I did, I am sure I could find something more important to buy than flags for a flag corp that already has flags!



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Deep, I have to admit it bothers me, though I am not as emotional about it as some. Our colors are green and white. If we use colors other than that then we are saying we have no pride in our school. I have heard a lot of fans voicing their displeasure with this long before this thread originated. If the flag corps wants to use different color flags for certain themes that is fine, but I think beautiful green or green & white flags should be used.

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I'mn sure I'll take a beating on this, but here goes....

Do the flags really add that much to the half time show? Every flag group I've have watched have been out of sync, off beat, etc.... I am not trying to criticize the students that volunteer their time to be on this squad, but wouldn't their energy be better used in some other capacity? ph34r.gif

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NT75 got it right. I have corresponded with FireFightinRick and will write my check when given the mean green light. I am a football fan first and a band fan second. I have no ties to the band other than I respect and admire their excellence. They stir up a lot of pride and emotion in me with their presentations and they demonstrate what school spirit is all about. Let's add the final little touch and give that flag corps some flags in school colors with which to do their good work.

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I'm in the colorguard. We performed with green flags during our pregrame performance at the nicholls state game. Not many people were aware of this b/c not very many people entered the stadium from tailgating to enjoy the performance. The green flag was used ... appropriately.. for the traditional repertoire of the school fight song and alma mater.. and a few other patriotic and school related peices. At halftime we used purple flags, this was the opening number of a set of two performances. Often times bands, this early in the season do not perform their entire repertoire simply b/c of time restraints and not enough reherasal time. For the second song which will be added to the performance at TCU we will use our green flags again. THe colorguard's job is to provide the visual stimulation for the marching band. The band has selected latin numbers for this season's first couple of performances. Outside hired professionals whose expertise is colorguard selected the vibrant purple flag for one of the songs. So for the opening peice we will be using a purple flag... and for the second number we will be using a green flag. I am not only a member of the colorguard but of TALONS. I understand your arguement and appreciate your point of view. If you would like to persue getting more green flags so that we have more variety to chose from.. so that we can have green for more than one number you are more than welcome to. My big crusade when joining the colorguard was to try and incorporate green uniforms. This right now is a major concern. The uniforms designed for us... are pretty horrible... hince why they have yet to be debuted in full. The colorguard is made up some very beautiful young women dedicated to their university... and as of right now... they would look like GUMBY, adorned in four shades of green.. none of which match or are flattering or fitting, which would open them for open ridicule by onlookers including UNT fanatics who love green... in fact Emmitt even laughed at me when he saw it, oh yeah even some football players were around for our initial fitting and wanted to know the hell we were wearing? So if you would REALLY like to help the colorguard and support our organization perhaps your money would be more well spent by helping us with uniforms. We will continue to work to incorporate green as much as possible into our performances. We have already taken huge leaps from last years all black uniform with pale blue flags. For some reason this thread has turned into a WHY do those girls even bother going out there ...bashing session. Often times people tend to criticise what they do not understand and it would be most helpful if we had some supporters like you guys in the stands cheering us on. We are out there b/c we are dedicated to our passion of performance ...many of the young ladys.. and gentleman... are accomplished in their sport and have competed and have been very successful, but when it comes down to it.. its the thrill of the crowd that pushes us through long rehearsals. Colorguard is rooted in a millitary history but the use of flags is the only thing that is traditional anymore. Always challenging the performer and spectator alike, colorguard is constantly redefining itself as the sport of the arts. Many collegiate colorguards get a bad reputation b/c they often fall lacking. (such as the less than artistic display put on by some units we've seen this season...it seems even the biggest of universities don't do much in the way of supporting their arts and driving them to excellence.. or in some case perhaps stifle creativity) It is my firm belief that this is b/c colorguard is an interactional activity, if they do not have crowd support they do not acheive their highest potential. It is also my firm belief that in order to build our program up to what it SHOULD be.. we need support from our spectators like all of you. So we will do our best to find a comprimise between artistic influence and tradition. For more information about Colorguard: The sport of the Arts check out these websites of some national vendors....




and here is a nice one who make flags and uniforms... www.fjminc.com

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Crayongirl, thanks for this information. This is what fans needed to hear...that there is a reason for the different colors, and green flags DO exist. Many potential problems are simply the lack of information or communication.

The color of the flags, and the flagcorp in general, are not the problem. The fans want other schools to see our football program as fully 1-A and likewise the supporting groups too. If Green is our school color and Mean Green is our nickname, then we should flood the place with Green. Go to the TCU game and see if you can find any other color besides purple in anything officially TCU...you won't.

Keep up the good performances!! rolleyes.gif

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Thanks for the information crayongirl21. Anyone who reviews MY posts will not find anything critical of ANY of the students / performers. People like me are just damned proud of our university and want to make it even better if we can. I am long gone from the campus but take every opportunity to come back...and I wouldn't bother if I didn't care.

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In regards to whether or not you will see other colors at other schools... Ask yourself this... Are those other school bands as renound as UNT? are they getting recognition on a national level like UNT?? sometimes while we are hanging out in Fout's Field its hard to see beyond those alumnimum bleachers and recogonize that people all over the country know north texas as one of the best bands in the country. They got that way b/c they continue to push the envelope artistically. So when you go to TCU... be PROUD that your school has one of the most innovative bands in the country, and stop worrying about flag colors. Thats real school spirt and real school pride.

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This whole agrument has gotten crazy. I see both sides. I was in colorguard in highschool and yes, using flags of colors other than school colors is important artisticaly and to enhance the band's music...but COME ON....yes, North Texas is known for music and the arts and always being a little different but because of this we still have to use flags that clash or even detract from the band?!?!?!?!? blink.gif Tech and Texas may not have as complicated drills or music or flag routines but geeez their overall look is 500 times better. I don't mean to offend anyone, I know what it feels like to march in 100 degree heat, to practice day and night and to feel underappreciated for all the hard work, but using school colors on the colliegate level should just be a given. huh.gif

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This is unbelievable. There's a problem with any group who represents NT of the GB's magnitude using any other color but Green and White. I don't care what the excuse is, there is NO excuse in my oppinion. But I do know that every time there's something that needs addressed, or done, or volunteered that many of us here on this board have stepped up to the plate and done so. We have done that with the flags. We have been told there's a budget crunch so several Alumni have offered up their own money to help get the flag corp to look like they belong to NT, the home of the Mean Green. I and many many of the others, many who I am in contact with who never post here, have seen hundreds of games, hundreds of bands perform and it's the consensus that schools fly their OWN colors. It's not up to interpretation, or a democratic vote. It's your school alma mater. Your school's colors represent your school. If you are an official represenative of that school, performing in front of thousands from another school, it's your responsibility to sport that schools colors and do so an much as you can.

As several hundred of us met after the tU game, this very thing was brought up several times as it has in the past at other games. It's a itty bitty thing, but it was noticed and brought up in the type of manner of, "...why in hell can't our band use our school's colors on the field...". We had school officials who were also scratching their heads about it. It pisses people off. Is that what the flag corp wants to do, piss people off? Is that the intention of the band? They won't play music that people want to hear, so maybe this is the idea. To piss off the donors of this program and thumb their noses at them to prove they can do whatever they want and to hell with the rest. This more than likely isn't the case, but the perception is speaking loudly here.

I dont know about the rest of you, I speak for myself, although I share the same thoughts of most of the alumni I know. But this type of stuff makes me want to get up and go get some refreshments at halftime because I don't like having someone who represents my school thumbing their nose at me. I don't leave of course. I sit there and get pissed, but I clap anyhow. But it's getting real old and I'm tired of trying to make a difference.


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Putting the rest of this marching season aside (the music has already been selected), I urge all of you on this board to email me with your opinions and requests for music next year. I will recommend them to Mr. Velez. I might even schedule an appointment after this season is over and talk with him about the music selections. The music much more interesting to listen to than playin them. And I will also mention to him that we need to use green flags at all times. Even if we have half of the corp use green and the other half use white. Whatever it takes to use only green and white flags.

So email me (debs200@hotmail.com) or post your music selections on here and I will talk these over with Mr. Velez for next year so we can hopefully get these selections on the program. Sorry it can't be any sooner than next season, but it appears that the music for this year has been set.


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