Yes. To me, 2 positive outcomes come to mind with Mosley. The women's basketball hire* and the singular 7 figure donation I am aware of.
We can give him a sliver of credit for pulling the trigger to promote Ross after Grant left, but a monkey in a sweatsuit would've made that move.
To me, the football hire is proving to be a huge problem. Complete lack of facility upgrades, lack of major donations (outside of the one that they publicly paraded), miniscule marketing efforts outside of the Wyoming at UNT football game are all hard to ignore. Those are fundamental, top bullet point job requirements of being an athletic director. I mean, c'mon, there are legitimately high school basketball games that draw more than 2.5k while we are sitting here as a top 60 NET D1 basketball program with almost a decade of sustained success trying to compete with that number.
*Maybe taboo to touch on this, but women's basketball hires ain't saving jobs.
That is actually a pretty fun idea. Both Wren and RV were more of a “sales” guy than Jared, who seems like an “operations” guy. That is fine, but you need to hire someone else to be that sales person who promotes the program and builds excitement for the program. Jared has made some homerun hires in basketball, but is it still a homerun if no one is there to see it?
I’m not making excuses. I’m disgusted by it. It is a hell of a product and I can’t believe people aren’t showing up to see it. They are missing out.
There are a lot of creative ideas you could try to fill that place up. I’ve been pretty pro-Jared since his hire, but this is a pretty embarrassing flaw and ultimately he is the one getting paid the most to make the athletic program succeed. And good attendance is part of that success.
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