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 we have rules here at GoMeanGreen.com, and you agreed to follow them when you signed up for an account.   Let's take a look at some of them:

  • While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. Our decision is final in these matters.

Just be civil with one another.  I can't believe I have to point this out to a group of college educated adults.  Civil conversation is all we ask for.  Yes, it might make you feel good inside to score points by slipping in some snide insults, but it doesn't help the conversation or build the sense of community this site was built to inspire.

Disagreeing with someone is fine, just do it in a civil matter.

  • Do not argue with the Admins about proper use and policy. 

For clarification this includes mods.  If a mod/admin asks people in a thread or via PM to knock off certain behavior, then do so.  If you insist on carrying on, don't be surprised to receive a ban.

If you feel a mod or admin is behaving badly, then PM me.  If you feel *I* am behaving badly, then PM Harry.  If you disagree with Harry... well it's his board.  

  • We reserve the right to ban anyone who willfully violates the forum rules.

Let me be blunt here.  The end of the RV era was a mess.  A lot of people where frustrated, including the admins.  Discussion on the board got very heated and confrontational, and frankly the admins should have been more active in policing it.  However, we are human, and we were just as frustrated as any other fan.  A tone was allow on here that in retrospect we shouldn't have allowed.  That tone is no longer tolerated.

Do not be uncivil towards one anther.  Do not name call.  Don't even try to surreptitiously name call.  Don't slyly try to score points against someone you are arguing with.  CIVIL.  BE CIVIL IN TONE AND CONVERSATION.

We are all Mean Green fans, there aren't that many of us.  This site was started to foster and grow that community.  You don't attract new fans with a bunch of name calling.  You don't attract a bunch of new fans by being jerks to one another.  

You can have discussions with one another, and do it in such a way that it doesn't lead to animosity.  Leave that animosity to those that deserve it, like UT-KFC.  






I wanted to add a couple of things.


First, the vast majority of posters have never caused any issues.  We are really grateful for you.  Please keep doign what you're doing.   It's always the good child that gets ignored.  

Second, the major problems we have been seeing lately are:

  • Calling out "that poster"* in totally unrelated threads.   This leads to other posters either defending "that poster"or dog piling on.  
  • Endless back and forths between people who don't like each other and will never agree.
  • Posters with a very confrontational demeanor. 

*That poster is a different poster for different groups of people.  A good rule of thumb is if you don't like someone, keep their name out of your mouth.  Calling people out either specifically or in a snide manner is needlessly inflammatory. 

The endless back and forths just gum up threads.  People don't want to participate in that, they don't even want to read it.   Sometimes, you have to agree to disagree.  

There is no need to be confrontational with your fellow Mean Green fans.  You can make your point without insulting those who do not agree with you.  Or maybe you can't, but if so just don't make that post.  Go outside, hug a puppy, think about your favorite song... whatever works for you.    To paraphrase the wordsmith Lil' Jon:  Don't start no stuff, won't be no stuff.  

1 hour ago, Cerebus said:

Let me be blunt here.  The end of the RV era was a mess.  A lot of people where frustrated, 

If this isn't he place for it I'll understand, but I think it's fair to ask if the way things went over the last few years of RV's tenure (and especially the last year of it) just caused too much damage.

How long will it take to heal the fanbase? A year? Five years? 10? Will winning cure what ails Mean Green Nation?


On a completely unrelated note I just figured out that if you highlight only a portion of a post on your phone there's an option to 'quote this'. Super handy if you only want to address a small portion of a long post.

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1 minute ago, Army of Dad said:

If this isn't he place for it I'll understand, but I think it's fair to ask if the way things went over the last few years of RV's tenure (and especially the last year of it) just caused too much damage.

Well we shot the British in the face and then dumped all their tea in a harbor (the real outrage) and now we're best buds.  If people can get over that then a little internet snark isn't going to permanently rend us apart. 


3 minutes ago, Army of Dad said:

How long will it take to heal the fanbase? A year? Five years? 10? Will winning cure what ails Mean Green Nation?

For some people, when they die.  They are taking that salt to the grave.  However, for most reasonable people time heals all wounds.  Winning will just expedite it.  

4 minutes ago, Army of Dad said:

On a completely unrelated note I just figured out that if you highlight only a portion of a post on your phone there's an option to 'quote this'. Super handy if you only want to address a small portion of a long post.

Thanks for the most excellent tip, fine sir. This also works on a computer.

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I learned my lesson the hard way with one drunken post earlier in the season. Since it is the season for giving, I am giving my most sincere apology for such a harsh post.


That being said, What is considered "Profanity"? I know the F bomb is a no no but is Shiitake?

1 hour ago, Cerebus said:

*That poster is a different poster for different groups of people.  A good rule of thumb is if you don't like someone, keep their name out of your mouth.  Calling people out either specifically or in a snide manner is needlessly inflammatory.

Hypothetical question... If I'm a guy who basically only follows North Texas news and sports out of bitterness and spite, finding little joy in either and largely using this forum as an outlet for maintaining grudges with people who I feel slighted or disrespected me years ago... Are you suggesting I reevaluate my life choices?

And, an aside to many of you that are probably wondering where your responses went... You are all hilarious, but I decided to be *The Bigger Man.

* - As confirmed by a certain lascivious maternal figure. 

Just now, Withers940 said:

That being said, What is considered "Profanity"? I know the F bomb is a no no but is Shiitake?

 I don't think we have an official profanity policy.  I usually draw the line on the F Bomb, but to be fair I dropped it for like 5 minutes straight in the chat room when we lost to UTEP.  I don't mean I kept using it.  I just kept typing it.  Continuously.  

To be honest I think most mods overlook most infrequent uses of curse words, unless you directly use it against another user in anger.  Then it's time out.    To be honest I have always been pleasantly surprised how rare people have used it.  

Maybe the mods should hold a grand conclave of the high elders meeting at the HoD bowl and come with an official list?  For example, poopy is allowed, but poopy pants is right out.  

1 minute ago, TheTastyGreek said:

You are all hilarious, but I decided to be *The Bigger Man.

* - As confirmed by a certain lascivious maternal figure. 


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14 minutes ago, TheTastyGreek said:

You are all hilarious, but I decided to be *The Bigger Man.

* - As confirmed by a certain lascivious maternal figure.

This seems to be a snide insult towards me. Hope that makes you feel good inside, poopy pants.

  • Upvote 4
26 minutes ago, Cerebus said:

 I don't think we have an official profanity policy.  I usually draw the line on the F Bomb, but to be fair I dropped it for like 5 minutes straight in the chat room when we lost to UTEP.  I don't mean I kept using it.  I just kept typing it.  Continuously.  

To be honest I think most mods overlook most infrequent uses of curse words, unless you directly use it against another user in anger.  Then it's time out.    To be honest I have always been pleasantly surprised how rare people have used it.  

Maybe the mods should hold a grand conclave of the high elders meeting at the HoD bowl and come with an official list?  For example, poopy is allowed, but poopy pants is right out.  

So could I call someone a Scallywag with out being marked for termination? Or should I just not direct any name calling towards any users just to be safe?

35 minutes ago, Withers940 said:

So could I call someone a Scallywag with out being marked for termination? Or should I just not direct any name calling towards any users just to be safe?

I once called @oldguystudent a carpetbagger and he challenged me to a duel.  Luckily I had lost some weight and he only winged me.  So maybe name calling is not the best way to handle things.  

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