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North Texas now plays basketball too!


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We do have a hockey team that plays as North Texas. While they aren't an NCAA team they play other college teams around here. I just went to the UNT vs SMU game (which is the rivalry) this season and it was great. And it's free. I would have gone to more but I don't have a car. I am sure with the way the metroplex hockey has grown and with rinks opening all over we could have a hockey team sometime soon.

We have great high school hockey players in the area along with a Junior hockey team which is a league where most NHLers come from. In the not too distant future, they could make it happen if they wanted to.

Edited by eleazar
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We do have a hockey team that plays as North Texas.  While they aren't an NCAA team they play other college teams around here.  I just went to the UNT vs SMU game (which is the rivalry) this season and it was great.  And it's free.  I would have gone to more but I don't have a car.  I am sure with the way the metroplex hockey has grown and with rinks opening all over we could have a hockey team sometime soon.

We have great high school hockey players in the area along with a Junior hockey team which is a league where most NHLers come from.  In the not too distant future, they could make it happen if they wanted to.

WOW I had no idea. I love hockey and I even play in an I-league in Bedford!!

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Attendance last night was extremely disappointing. 800 people showed up according to ESPN. There are 850 people registered on this board alone.

I realize we don't have the best basketball team in Div 1, but damn...no one showing up?

It's embarassing. sleep.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's about popularity man, basketball just is not as popular. look at arenas pro and college level, they are WAY smaller than football stadiums. The intrest for basketball in general is just not as high so why expect a large crowd at a commuter school? granted as teh school grows this will change and hopefull attendance will too, but for now face it people just don't like basketball, myself included. I go because I photograph the game. I did go to a few last year though before I was photographing because I support the mean green. Some people just don't have basketball in their blood and that is fine.

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Well, I don't get into games for free like the two of you... and secondly, it would take me two hours to get there for a game. I don't mind doing that if I am assured that they have a chance at winning but they suck. The only bright spot is Shawnson Johnson and he is ineligible after this semester.

And for you youngsters... the winning comes FIRST, then the attendance at NT. That is how it happened in football and that is how it will happen in basketball (if it ever does). Maybe other schools are different, but not NT. Get the students there and it will be ok but I would guess that no more than 500 show up to any games.

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The intrest for basketball in general is just not as high so why expect a large crowd at a commuter school?

Now one of our own is calling us a commuter school. ph34r.gif

Look, we used to fill up the Super Pit back during the Blakely years, because we won and played a style that was fun to watch. Let JJ, if he is the man to do it, rebuild the program and the fans will return. You would be surprised how much Denton and the surrounding communities like basketball.

They used to have youth league "mini-games" at halftime that showcased some of the better local teams. These games were between elementary aged kids and the fans loved it. They would bring in teams from Denton, Krum, Ponder, Lewisville, Gainesville, etc... Not only did you get 10-12 kids per team in the stands, but you also got their parents and friends from their community to come. True, they came to watch their kids play, but they were also exposed to some great North Texas teams and they became fans.

I always went to games during this time when I was in Jr. High. It was the place to meet all of your friends, and due to the crowds, we always had to sit in the upper deck.

I don't know how they recapture this atmosphere, but we never missed games, always met our friends up there, thought the North Texas players were the best ever, imitated them in our neighborhood games and always saw good basketball. This is where this program needs to go. Play good ball, win and the fans will return.

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Uh, if you looked at the schedule of the pro teams also, you would notice a pro FB team has about 8 home games, and a pro BB team has about 40, you have less chances to go a home FB game, so more people go.

Exactly. I thought that was obvious but it seems that at least some people don't seem to have common sense enough to realize that.

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It's about popularity man, basketball just is not as popular. look at arenas pro and college level, they are WAY smaller than football stadiums. The intrest for basketball in general is just not as high so why expect a large crowd at a commuter school? granted as teh school grows this will change and hopefull attendance will too, but for now face it people just don't like basketball, myself included. I go because I photograph the game. I did go to a few last year though before I was photographing because I support the mean green. Some people just don't have basketball in their blood and that is fine.

Uhhh the size of the stadiums showing the relative popularity of the sport is the most asinne thing I've read in a good while. Football stadiums are bigger because the field of play is about 5 times as big - so naturally you can fit way more people around it.

Texas has never been a huge basketball state. It sorta sucks, but it's fine. Other states sports other than football are number one, or they at least rival it in popularity. Take CA for instance. Los Angeles couldn't support either of 2 teams they had. Folks around here aren't particularly interested in attracting a new team either.

Texas has never been that way. The few of us who have basketball as our #1 passion are few and far between(or we don't even live there anymore like yours truly).

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