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The Dude Does Not Abide

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When did we get away from thinking winning would solve everything, into thinking other things would bring winning...and why?


I look at all the programs that are perennially top15-ish.  Without doing any research, my totally factual statement guess is that they all had 10+ years of consistent winning followed by everything else (increased alumni engagement, facilities, donor-ship).

If there are cases where programs had winning because of other things, are they are the exception and not a model to build on?

On a grander scale, you expect everyone from AD to fans to show a commitment to build a good program.  Somehow, someway, we have increased commitment in every area but it has not translated info results on the field.  In that regard, and without knowing any insider information, I can't dodge the possibility that it is all due to terrible hiring decisions (specific to coaches) made by our AD.

I hope Littrell is not a terrible hire.  I like the guy so far.

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Green miner I agree with you. I have always thought (based on experience as a recruited player) that a huge part of the acceptability of the offer was perception of the program being a winner/prestigious. I never thought about the facilities and quality of education played a small role as long as the school had my major. The players that seriously consider education will probably go to an Academy or Ivy League school. I think it all comes down to winning. Kids who think of themselves as a winner want to be seen as and associate with programs and people they perceive as winners. See bandwagon.

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RV continued employment at UNT is elephant in the room pooping on all positive vibes.  I think the few who voice continue support for RV or patience can't separate loyalty to the program from supporting the person leading it.  Every leader deserves some leeway and time to get thing moving in the right direction.  He has exhausted all that leeway and time in the opinion of most.  So not only are people bitter about losing they are bitter about elephant pooping on them and telling them the stench of the room will subside soon.  So this elephant has been pooping in this room(program) for at least half of the last 15 years.  You know what you have after 7 years of an elephant pooping in a room?  A room full of shit.

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16 minutes ago, Mike Jackson said:

RV continued employment at UNT is elephant in the room pooping on all positive vibes.  I think the few who voice continue support for RV or patience can't separate loyalty to the program from supporting the person leading it.  Every leader deserves some leeway and time to get thing moving in the right direction.  He has exhausted all that leeway and time in the opinion of most.  So not only are people bitter about losing they are bitter about elephant pooping on them and telling them the stench of the room will subside soon.  So this elephant has been pooping in this room(program) for at least half of the last 15 years.  You know what you have after 7 years of an elephant pooping in a room?  A room full of shit.

The room hasn't filled up yet because his buddies clean up after him...


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Usually the only time I get hostile on here is when people come on here and actually defend our excuse of an athletic director. It actually does infuriate me because it shows there are actually real people with real brains that believe in what is going on inside the AD and I'm dumbfounded by it. 

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On 3/4/2016 at 3:24 PM, Tyler Maryak said:

I wanted to bring this up a couple weeks ago, but figured it would pass after 24 hours and decided against it.  My thoughts and feelings on the matter have not changed and now I just have to ask:

Has this board always been so uncivilized?  

Yes, I see the comments of people saying, "Don't get your panties in a bunch over internet comments" and the like, but I just can't understand the direct personal insults and snide retorts to seemingly neutral comments.  Being rude does not make you more of a man or a winner.  Getting a hold of your emotions and responding like an adult does.  I get that we're all sports fans and our teams did terribly last/this year, but I would hate to live in a post-apocalyptic world with this lot where everyone is at one another's throats at the mildest inclination.  

I know I can't chide y'all into being more civil toward one another (and truth be told, it's not many of us who are repeat offenders), but I just have to know.  When did it get to be like this?  I thought we were all on the same team.  Did I just simply not notice because I didn't visit this board before as much as I do now?  Why can't we have some decency and give each other the benefit of the doubt.  I don't understand why it is deemed acceptable to speak to one another here in a way that we never almost never would in a face-to-face discussion.

For the hell of it allow me to issue a challenge based on the one benefit of electronic communication:  If you read something that pisses you off, don't respond.  Do something else, wait an hour, and if you couldn't get it off your mind in that hour and you still think it's worth your energy to be pissed off and ensure that you'll remain pissed off, THEN respond.  You know that when you respond rudely, you will receive a rude response.  So allow yourself one hour to decide if it really benefits anyone in the universe before commenting.  Maybe it will help some of our blood pressures and we might then live to see UNT in another conference championship game.

For a dose of relevant funny, here is a video:  http://www.cracked.com/video_19810_why-outrage-culture-ruining-internet.html.

EDIT:  I couldn't decide where to post this and chose to go with the forum where this epidemic is most prevalent.

Found a new school for you to support:


Not sure what their mascot is. Rick Villarreal isn't the Athletic Director; so, their message boards are probably pretty friendly...like your mom. 

Edited by PeterPaulOrMary
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43 minutes ago, PeterPaulOrMary said:

Found a new school for you to support:

Not sure what their mascot is. Rick Villarreal isn't the Athletic Director; so, their message boards are probably pretty friendly...like your mom. 

oh good. a new one. 

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On 3/5/2016 at 7:14 AM, MeanGreenHoops said:

I believe it is a lot more hostile around here now. And it's sort of a good thing, and it's RV's fault but maybe not in the way you think initially.

During his tenure, especially the last 6 years a lot of things got in place that most of us thought were needed to actually make this thing a success. New stadium, new conference, actually having big money donors (the 17). Remember when if someone gave a million dollars it was shocking and a rarity? Basketball tourney appearances, FB in 2013.

Well all of that raised expectations. The excuses have been removed. The fact we are terrible at all 3 big sports right now has people freaking out. We thought it was going to be different because everything is there now. You can't blame it on any of those convenient excuses ewe always had. Yet we are probably worse than ever before combined.

So everyone's patience level has changed. Expectations are the difference.

Exactly ^

And when we get treated like we are getting on the athletic department's nerves, it just adds to the issues as stated above. What fans UNT does have, they find it hard to give money to the university, just adds to the hostility.

Honestly, most of the time I enjoy coming on here to discuss these issues as well as discuss fandom because It is difficult to have a well knowledgeable convo about UNT football outside of this forum. I'm tired of getting the, "UNT football? Isn't the team really bad?" from the average Joe that vaguely pays attention to the university 's athletic program or all around NCAA FB. Granted we have been bad, but our way of staying true to this program is something that is hard to find because of the history. For a lot of us, this is our therapy here on gmg.com, we can't vent to ourselves or those average joes... So we come on here and express ourselves. Which there is a lot of overboard hostility. I think we all need that light at the end of the tunnel and that light starts with the departure of RV.

Edited by GreenTexan13
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